49243Date Type Insp'n Permit No. Address Approved MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request ° L Time 1 / Name 0 %VW i Re- Insp'n Fee ❑ 9t Company Phone # D S For Inspector:) 12)001_,S Correction ❑ ) � Name to I (17224-v c•i•v•1.1 EN•GI•N•EER LG ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Consulting Engineers 2020 Northwest 7th Street Miami, Florida 33125 Tel: (305) 649 -6454 Fax: (305) 541 -3298 Hank Deluca Contracting Incorporated 2013 Lee Street Hollywood, Florida 33020 RE: Limited Asbestos Roof Survey Existing Building 602 Northeast 96 Street Miami Shores, Florida Dear Sirs: Project Number: LG02 -1511 September 26, 2002 On September 24, 2002, a representative of LG Engineering Services, Inc. performed a limited asbestos survey on the roof of the above referenced project. The survey entailed sampling the roofing materials which will be disturbed at the time of the proposed re- roofing activity. The proposed re- roofmg includes the flat gravel roof area surrounding the courtyard with approximate dimensions of 72' X 62'. No other roof areas were sampled or surveyed for asbestos. Please refer to the drawing contained within this report for the area being re- roofed. A total of six (6) samples were collected from the roof of the referenced structure; three (3) from the roof field membrane, two (2) from the roof perimeter flashing, and one (1) from the roof opening flashing /pitch pan material. Based on the laboratory analysis, the following samples of roofing materials which were obtained from the area to be re- roofed at 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida on September 24, 2002 wer found to be asbestos - containing: membrane and black /gray this material is 400 square 4 and 5 in the: Laboratory on Section. and bof Perimeter Flashing s is a category l non friable znateriat, It is coin id bituminous roof cement The approximate quanti eel and it is in fair condition Please: re to :saw esults Section, photos # 4 a 5 'lathe Photographic Do cementati • the drawing contained within this report for iden4ficati.On NOTE: Quantities are estimated only and are not to be used for bidding purposes. In the event that removal of the Asbestos - Containing Roofing Material is deemed necessary as part of this project, removal should be performed by a State of Florida Licensed Roofmg Contractor fully certified for working with asbestos - containing roofing materials, with an on -site Asbestos Roofing Supervisor utilizing wet methods. Also a competent person should be on the project site for air monitoring during removal of the Asbestos - Containing Roofmg Material. Attached is our full report for your review. LG Engineering Services, Inc. appreciates the opportunity of assisting you in this project. If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted; LG Engineering Services, Inc. opt -1G0 2 157( Leo Garcia, P.E. Asbestos Consultant License Number EA 0000077 Asbestos Business Organization License Number ZA 0000091 RE: Limited Asbestos Roof Survey Existing Building 602 Northeast 96 Street Miami Shores, Florida Project Number. LG02 -1511 LG Engineering Services, Inc.— Limited Asbestos Roof Survey — 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida — Page I INTRODUCTION Report of Limited Asbestos Roof Survey for Existing Building 602 Northeast 96 Street Miami Shores, Florida Project Number: LG02 -1511 This report presents the results of a limited asbestos roof survey performed for the proposed re- roofing project located at 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida. This inspection was performed on September 24, 2002. AUTHORIZATION This inspection was authorized verbally on September 20, 2002 by a representative of Hank Deluca Contracting Incorporated SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services for this project were the following: 1. Sampling of Roofing Materials 2. Laboratory Analysis 3. Report Preparation LG Engineering Services, Inc.— Limited Asbestos Roof Survey - 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida ride — Page 2 BULK SAMPLING PROCEDURES The bulk sampling procedures used for the collection of suspect materials first required the establishment of homogeneous sampling areas, which are defined as areas of materials of the same type and applied during the same general time period. The homogeneous sampling areas were then examined and representative samples of materials were obtained. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published guidelines and recommendations for obtaining samples of asbestos - containing materials. These guidelines were followed during our survey, where appropriate. Additionally, samples of these materials are obtained at our discretion based on past experience. All of the roofing materials sampled at the time of our inspection were placed in individual plastic container prior to transporting them to the laboratory. These samples were clearly identified, both on the container and the field data sheet for future reference. The client is made aware that although the areas from which the samples were obtained were patched with a temporary patch only, there is always a chance that the roof may leak. LG Engineering Services, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any leaks as a result of this survey. If the re-roofmg does not occur immediately after sampling, permanent patches must be installed by a licensed roofing contractor. LIMITATIONS The analysis of bituminous roofing material by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) in conjunction with Dispersion Staining is accurate only on a qualitative basis and only when the laboratory reports that asbestos was detected in the samples analyzed. A laboratory analysis report which states that no asbestos was detected in the sample does not necessarily exclude the possibility that asbestos may be present in the homogeneous area represented by the sample analyzed. Furthermore, a quantitative appraisal of asbestos content in a bituminous roofmg sample is extremely subjective and a high interlaboratory standard deviation of analysis results on side -by -side samples is common. It is the material composition and production processes used in the manufacture of some bituminous roofmg material which create problems for analysis using Polarized Light Microscopy for asbestos identification and quantification. We have endeavored to observe the existing conditions within the area surveyed using LG Engineering Services, Inc. — Limited Asbestos Roof Survey — 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida — Page 3 generally accepted procedures. Regardless of the thoroughness of a survey, there is always the possibility that some areas containing asbestos were overlooked, inaccessible, or different from those at specific sample locations. Therefore, conditions at every location may not be as anticipated and as summarized in the report. In addition, renovation or demolition may uncover altered or differing conditions. We recommend that you notify us if any changed conditions are encountered so that we can assess the situation and its impact on the original recommendations. This is a limited asbestos survey limited to the accessible areas of the roof covering. The survey entailed sampling the roofing materials which will be disturbed at the time of the proposed re- roofing activity. The proposed re- roofing includes the flat gravel roof area surrounding the courtyard with approximate dimensions of 72' X 62'. No other roof areas were sampled or surveyed for asbestos. Please refer to the drawing contained within this report for the area being re- roofed. No other areas of this building were sampled or surveyed for asbestos - containing building-materials. The results and conclusions contained in this report pertain to conditions which were observed at the time of the survey. No representations or assumptions are made as to the nature of past conditions or future occurrences from this report. The survey was designed to assist the roofing contractor and his representatives in locating asbestos containing materials (ACM). Under no circumstances is this survey and the quantities found in the survey to be used for bid purposes. This report is intended for the exclusive use of Hank Deluca Contracting Incorporated Use of this report or reliance upon information contained in this report by any other party acts as an agreement by that party to the same terms and conditions under which our services were provided. Furthermore, any use of this report by a party for purposes beyond those intended by ourselves and Hank Deluca Contracting Incorporated will be at the risk of that party. RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFICATION: The E.P.A. places responsibility of notification and warning to the individuals possibly affected by the presence of the Asbestos- Containing Materials on the building owner. These individuals can be divided into two groups: 1. Building Occupants and workers - These individuals must be informed about inspections conducted on the facility, response actions, and post - response actions which include re- inspections, periodic surveillances of the facility, and any planned asbestos abatements. New employees must be informed within 60 days of employment. LG Engineering Services, Inc. — Limited Asbestos Roof Survey — 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida — Page 4 SUMMARY: 2. Workers who enter the facility to perform some service must be notified and given information regarding the asbestos- Containing Material. These workers include electricians, HVAC workers, utility personnel, etc.. The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes the following five(5) methods of dealing with Asbestos - Containing Materials: REPAIR - The returning of asbestos- containing materials to its undamaged condition in order to prevent the release of fibers. REMOVAL - The abatement (taking out, stripping, or substantially removing) of Asbestos - Containing Materials by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor. ENCAPSULATION - Treating Asbestos - Containing Material with a material that surrounds or embeds the asbestos fibers in an adhesive matrix which prevents the release of fibers. ENCLOSURE - The construction of airtight, impermeable, permanent barriers around the Asbestos - Containing Material to prevent the release of fibers. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN - The implementation of a program of work practices to maintain asbestos- containing materials in good condition, ensure clean -up of debris previously released, and prevent further fiber release. An operations and maintenance plan should be implemented for each facility where asbestos - containing materials are found. Several steps should be taken prior to its implementation to insure the effectiveness of the plan. The Operations and Maintenance Plan should deal with all asbestos- containing materials found within the facility and should state how to address an emergency situations involving a fiber release episode. The Operations and Maintenance Plan should remain in effect until all Asbestos - Containing Materials are removed from the facility. In the event that removal of the Asbestos - Containing Roofing Material is deemed necessary as part of this project, removal should be performed by a State of Florida Licensed Roofing Contractor fully certified for working with asbestos - containing roofing materials, with an on- site Asbestos Roofmg Supervisor utilizing wet methods. Also a competent person should be on the project site for air monitoring during removal of the Asbestos- Containing Roofing Material. LG Engineering Services, Inc.— Limited Asbestos Roof Survey — 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida — Page 5 RESULTS OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Based on the laboratory analysis, the following samples of roofing materials which were obtained from the area to be re- roofed at 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida on September 24, 2002 were found to be asbestos - containing: 1) Roof Perimeter Flashing This is a category I non- friable material. It is composed of membrane and black/gray and bituminous roof cement. The approximate quantity of this material is 400 square feet and it is in fair condition. Please refer to samples # 4 and 5 in the Laboratory Results Section, photos # 4 and 5 in the Photographic Documentation Section, and the drawing contained within this report for identification. NOTE: Quantities are estimated only and are not to be used for bidding purposes. LG Engineering Services, Inc. — Limited Asbestos Roo Survey — 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida — Page 6 Asbestos- containing Roofing Material .' o o F PEit iW F_ T,E11 A if 5, / 4- e LG Engineering Services, Inc. — Photographic Documentation -- 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Roof Field Membrane LG Engineering Services, Inc. -- Photographic Documentation -- 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida Roof Field Membrane Roof Field Membrane LG Engineering Services, Inc. -- Photographic Documentation -- 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida Roof Perimeter Flashing Roof Perimeter Flashing LG Engineering Services, Inc. — Photographic Documentation -- 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida Roof Opening Flashing/Pitch Pan Material LG Engineering Services, Inc. -- Photographic Documentation -- 602 Northeast 96 Street, Miami Shores, Florida Qualifications Existing Building 602 Northeast 96 Street Miami, Florida ' I IN L • - MOM - - - - - - - - - - i - MN Laboratory Analysis Existing Building 602 Northeast 96 Street Miami Shores, Florida SAMPLE I.D. # Binders Not Analyzed 2002 -10441 Binders Not Analyzed 2002- 1044 -2 2002 -1044-3 ADDITIONAL LD. DATA II Roof Material Roof Material Roof Materiel BULK SAMPLE Reid Membrane Field Membrane Field Membrane SAMPLE COLOR Black ; , , Black Black IS MAT'L HOMOGENEOUS I No No No I0 SAMPLE LAYERED Yes Yes Yes IS SAMPLE FRIABLE No No No MAJOR COMPONENT Binders Not Analyzed 3inders Not Analyzed Binders Not Analyzed % OF TOTAL SAMPLE 35-45 35-45 35-45 SYNTHETICS % FIBROUS GLASS % 10-15 10-15 10-15 CELLULOSE % 35-45 35-45 35-45 SYNTHETICS % EITHER _ CIPIOCIrf 96 ARS INC. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Asbestos Consulting • Radon Measurements • Lead Assessments • lndoor Air Quality • Laboratory Servlees • Air Monitoring dc Analysis REPORT OF BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS FOR ASBESTOS DATE: September 25, 2002 CLIENT NAME LG ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME: LGO2 -1511 IS ASBESTOS PRESENT CHRYSOTIILE % AMOSITE % CHROCIDOLITE % Analyzed by: Alexander Front, I.H. ASBESTOS CONTENT None Detected OTHER NON - FIBROUS MATERIALS PRESE EnVirontnentaf Consulting Services Asbestos Business License #7A- 0000164 CLIENT SUBMITTED SAMPLE PROJECT #: 200E -1045 None Detected None Detected The sample components ere identified by polarized light mi roscopy coupled with dispersion staining methods. Percentages are estimated by '4'. , =1 means. $AMPLE I.D. # 2002-1044-4 2002- 1044 -5 2002 -1044-8 ADDITIONAL I.D. DATA Roof Materiel Roof Material Roof Material BULK SAMPLE Perimeter Perimeter Opening SAMPLE COLOR Black Bleak Black IS MAT'L HOMOGENEOUS No No No IS SAMPLE LAYERED • Yes Yes Yes IS SAMPLE FRIABLE No No No FIBROUS GLASS % 10-15 10-15 10-15 CELLULOSE % 25-35 25-35 25-35 SYNTHETICS % f , MAJOR COMPONENT :finders Not Ana : d 1 :1 • • ers Not Ana ad b Binders Not Ana ecl % OF TOTAL SAMPLE f BEMAOKS• 1 RSFNUIRON/Nf_1UTAL, INC. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Asbestos Consulting • Radon Measurements • Lead Assessments • Indoor Air Qaalltg • Laboratory Services • Air Monitoring 1 Analysis REPORT OF BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS FOR ASBESTOS DATE: September 25, 2002 CLIENT NAME: LG ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME: LGO2 -1511 IS ASBESTOS PRESENT CHRYBOTILE % AMOSITE % CHROCIDOLITE % nI MS . SPECIFY % Yes 7 -9 Yes 7 -9 None Detected The sample components are identified by polarized light mi roscopy coupled with dispersion staining methods. Percentages are estimated by '�,- means. Analyzed by: Alexander Front. I.H. ASBESTOS CONTENT OTHER FIBROUS MATERIAL PRESENT OTHER NON - FIBROUS MATERIALS PRESENT Environmental Consulting Services Asbestos Business License #ZA- 0000154 CLIENT SUBMITTED SAMPLE PROJECT #: 800E - 1045