2256ADDENDUM N0 3. Harold E. Wagoner, Architect 1100 Architects Building Philadelphia 3, Pa, 2.27..58 February 27, 1958 Commission No, 2256. This Addendum, modifying the specifications and accompanying crags dated December 2, 1957, for the New Education Building for Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, Miami Shores, Florida is hereby made part and parcel thereof. ITEM NO, 1. Form Add to the Proposal Farm the f ollcssings Alternate No,,. 2. If Bolta.Flcor Tuflex (with rubber base) is accepted in place of Asphalt Tile Add Deduct _ Alternate No. 2 shall be based on BoltawFloor Tuflex Tile, 9a x 9" x 3/16" thick, as manufactured by The General Tire and Rubber Co. Installation shall be in strict oonformance with manufacturer's recommendations.. Rubber base, edging lawles etc.,, as specified. ITEM N0, 2. i t lame General Co itions. e 13. Art. 9 » Sub - Contracts. Add the follang paragraphs sA list of acceptable Sub.Contractors far Ventilating and Air Conditioning is available and should be obtained from Hr. Irving E. Horsey, Associate Architect.* N0 Concrec, e catione.& Drawings. A, Ref , s Item No. 1, Addendum Now 1. The change in reinforcing in floor slabs on ground to 10 welded wire fabric is applicable to both specifications and .structural drags.. Page 1 of 4 New Education Building Miami. Shores Presbyterian Chm •ch Miami Shores, Florida B. t c. par c.a.. Art, 6. Change Portland Cement tos "Domestic white cement made in II.8,A., conforming to ASTM 0150. C. C., =s affect Struc & Arch. Dr 8 ` �' �... +t1 =8, •• IDee be included in the Base Bids y,}� -K a_ Y1l l�■ (3) (4) (5) 2.•27» 58 Page 2 of it ode Requirements, shall (1) Add 8 x 8 concrete rake beams at top of all gables (6). Reinforce these beams with 2 «. #5 continuous (lap 2t «0" mgt all splices). (2) Increase ail 10x12 columns to 10x13 um, same re— inforcement. In general, the increase is to be centered on the present columns. Where this is not favorable erchi- " tecturany, the increase is to be added to one side lay. Increase all 8 x 12 posts to 8 x 16 in the manner mentioned above. These increases are intended for co n Hance with local building code only. No change in rein?. Add two 8 x 16 wall columns at Stair "C ". Reinforce with it -� #5 vertically and with #3 ties at 12 ". Locate at ends of free wan adjacent to opening. Add 8 x 16 wall columns and corner coluians around the exterior wall of Rooms 121, 122,13, 124 and 113. Reinforce with 14 — #5 vertically and #3 ties at 12 ",, Locate at all corners and spaoe not more than 16?Y.0" o.c, on the long runs of these walls. (• s .Add 8 x 16 concrete tie beams along the top of these wxteriicr wane. Reinforce with it w #5 continuous and #3 ties at 12 ". Lap these bars 2i «0" at all splices, FEM NE}.. ! Block Masonry, Spec. Fade C.2, Art. 3 0, (t, Change mortar for concrete masonry tot "Florida mortar mix of type approved by Architect." ITEM NO, 5. L tuber, Carpeatr r and Millwork. A. Refs Specifications; Page IS:2, Article 6 Treatnent„ and Item No 14, Addendum No. 1. New Education Building Miami Shares•Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida. ITEM NO. 6 ri AO.. 7, 2+.214 (l) The general requirements df Article 6 - Treatment, shall app y to all lumber and millwork including wood doors (and trim) throughout the building. (2) Item No. Lt, Addendum No, 11 Change second sentence to read "Ail exterior and interior wood doors and trim shah. be dipped . Drawin No. 21 Provide one pair of interior wood doors, Type 8, x .. sx 1-3/4" with Type l frame, between Corridor 120 and Room 116. The stone masonry, flagstone, ceramic tile (including marble thresholds) and quarry tile specified in Sections of Speoificaw tions as noted below will be furnished and delivered to )ob site at no cost to the accepted contractors. Other materials, labor, appliances, equipment and incidentals required to complete the installation of the above wok shall be furnished by the accepted contractors. Plumbing «$mac. " Sec tion ems . A, Delete all reference to gas piping in specifications. B. Precast septic tanks and grease trap with traffic lids to comply with Dada County Plumbing Code will be acceptable. Omit bubbler in Corridor 120 backed up to Lavatory 17.9 on Drawing P«.2. Provide "Phillips" or equal, automatic trap Seal valve below lavatory to waste into floor drains 3:' NO 8,. Veutilat , _ and Air Conditi. • r -c Sects y and T -8 A. se. _ .; e3 Doable CM»I, ma ts Article 171 Omit the word double in over shall be similar to Lilie..Hofftsan B. Dry AC• Door Grille Schedule: Change quantity of 25" x 20" from 18 to 19, and quantity of 21" x24" from 3 to 2. Page 3 of 14 New Education Building Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida., C. Drawing AC..3s In Design Data Table; Change Cooling Tower Fan from 7 -1/2 to 3 H, P. D. Drawings 3 and S .» 2: Provide 13" square opening in floor of mom 2304 for outeide air intake for A/C Unit No. 2. Exact location to be determined by A/C Contractor. ITEM NO, 9. Electrical -Spec. Section Z & Dr a�r3nga. A. • ec. Pa _e Z.-.2 Article So +•e of Work. A e a k pe p `• (h) The electrical contractor shall provide continuous 3 phase temporary service to existing church buildings except that three days will be allowed for cutting in temporary service. This shall be arranged at a time agreed with by the Owner. B. Spec. Page 7 Article 3.4. ping paragraphs Disttibrtion panel breaker frames up to 100 amps may be "En frame. f 2-2748 (d) Page of it 0. Spec. Page 7.-7, .Article 17. Add the followings "Finish on all wall and convenience outlet plates shall. be Ivory.n D. Dra E..1 & E••2 Notes �ox in loom 102 is to be used for pulling feeder to Panel G. Drawing E..3, Panel Board /Schedule) Change Panels E, F & Ex to Type NTP..3. New Education Building Maori Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida. 2 DD!!DU1Z'_.111J Harold E. Wagoner, Architect 1100 Architects Building Philadelphia 3* Penne. Co mission No. 2256 February 21, 1958 This Addendum, modifying the specifications and accompanying drawings dated December 2, 1957, for the New Education Building for Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, Miami Shores, Florida is hereby made part and parcel thereof. ITEM N0, 1. Glazing: Provide ° thick, clear polished plate glass it "Arcadia" fixed and sliding doors, and in "Tubelitee doors including two fixed Lights adjacent to Door No. 107. Ref: Par, 22 & 23, Pages M.6 & M•.7„ 24.2i$8 Page lof1 New Education Building Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida. ADDEND U4 NO. 1, February 17, 195$ Harold E. Wagoner, Architect 1100 Architects Building Philadelphia 3, Penna. Commission No. 2256 This Addendum, modifying the specifications and accompanying drawings dated December 22 1957, for the New Education Building for Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, Miami Shores, Florida, is hereby made part and peel thereof. ITEM NO. 1 .. Concrete Works Pages C.14. & 005 Floor Slabs on Grounds As Change reinforcing to 6x6xi0/lO welded wire' fabric. B. Change fill to 4* compacted thickness of pit rock or white sand. C. Change covering of f111 from Sisalkraft to 151b. tarred felt. ITEM N0. 2 Lath, Plaster, and Stuccos Pages 10. Grounds (stucco) Change grounds to 5 /11 thick. f 12. Proportions stucco) Change to two coats as fotiowss al First Coati One part approved Masartry cement, one pert Por t i and cement and two parts sandl, 8 P Finish Coats Same as first goat, texture and finish to match that of existing buildings. See ° Painting" specificam t ions for painting of stucco. : 13. APiicatton (stucco) o .. W rk.manshi Is Change thickness in last paragraph from 3/h4,' o a b .« Scratch Coats Revise as followoi Shall be approximately 3/8" thick applied under sufficient pressure to key. Before this coat has set. it shall be heavily cross Scratched In both directions to provide a strong key for finish coat. When scratch coat Is applied over metal lath, mortar shell completely imbed lath. This coat shall be cured for 5 days with controlled spray ing• 2.17.56 r ving E. Horsey chitect q!t •• Brown Coats Omitted d » Finish.Coats Revise as fol less Shal i i be approxi mate ty ir to make up 5/3 full thickness of stucco. Nb w Education Building Miami Shores PresbyteriarChurch Page 1 of 2 Miami Shores, Florida Float finish to match that of existing building,*. Cure for 7 days with controlled spraying, . ITEM NO. 3, Waterproofing and Caulkings Page J.»4 14. Surface Protection .. Stone Change protect t ve coating from "Color less. Minwaz" to two coats of an approved colorless local waterproofing applied In confcrmance with manufacturer's recommendations. ITEM NO. 14 Lumber, Carpentry and Millwork: 6, Tre aliment. (Page 11 2) All rough lumber throughout the building shall be pressure treated. Ail exterior wood doors and trim shall be dipped. Treatment shall conform to recommendations of manufacturer of "Wood 1 tfe 8. Strapping and_Blocking, (Page M..3). Change stripping from rx3re to t ITEM NO. Drawings Base In Fellowship Hall shall be Terrazzo as scheduled contrary to any other indication. ITEM NO, 6 General Contractor fl provide telephone terminat cabinet noted on drawing No. E 4, ITEM N0. 7 Block Masonry . Provide "DurmOmWal or approved equal, horizontal joint reinforcement every 16" in height of exterior walls and interior loadr.bearing walls constructed of hollow concrete masocry, ITEM NO. 8 P) umb i rq Page Xm9 Room 123 m FIot water heaters shall be DOD gal, capacity.. ITEM NO. 9 Drawings Kitchen Hood Contrary to note on drawing No. 9 section 28/9 *he materials to be used on kitchen hood shall be In accordance wi tip dr aw i ng AC• 1, for and ITEM NO a 10 1 111. a the mechanical specifications. therefor:;. Charrge to 5 P.M. Mar. 1958 New Education_ Buttdidp Miami Shores Presbyte 4,1an Church 2-,1 .58 Page 2 of 2 Miami Shores,rFiorida CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THE 110iiiR IMMUNITY COMPANY This is to Certify, that policies in' the name of MIAMI FOR ► S PRESBYTIMAN CHURCH U.S., MIAMI, FLORIDA (A Florida Corporation not P er profit) (Name of insured) 9501 -99 N.E• 6th Avenue, Miami Shi'ea Village (City or Town) (Street and Number) are in force at the date hereof, as follows:_ Florida (State) POLICY NO., 0Gis=011.0228 POLICY PERIOD Eff. Eff. Eft 4 -1 -58 E 4 -1 -6© Eff. Exp. Eff. - Exp. Eff. Exp. Eff. Exp. Eff. Exp. LIMITS OF Bodily Injury Provided by Workmen's Compensation Law State of Each person $ Each accident - $ Each person $ 100000. Each accident $ 100, 000,. Each person $ Each accident $ Each person $ Each accident- $ Each person -$ Each accident $ Each person $ Each accident $ Aggregate $ Each person ' $ Each accident_ $ Aggregate $ KIND OF POLICY A--Workmen's Compensation B— Manufacturers' or Contractors' Liability C--- Owners', Landlords' and Tenants' Liability D— Owners' or Contractors' Protective Liability E— Scheduled General Liability F--Automobile Liability (1) Owned Vehicles (2) Hired, Vehicles (3) Other Non - owned Vehicles G-- Comprehensive Liability (1) Automobile (2) General (3) General- Automobile Certificate issued to LIABILITY Property Damage Each accident $ Aggregate $ E ach accident $ 5 , 0 00. a 5, 000. A g g reg a® Each accident $ Aggregate $ Each accident j$ Aggregate •;$ Each accident i$ and cover, in accordance with the policy terms, 9617. Park Drive Miami Shores Village, Florida MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE - Ci ty Ha1.3. (Attn: Mr. McIntire) 10050 N.B. Second Avenue, Miami Shores ,Vlllaga, Fla. any material change in or canceiation of said policies the undersigned company will notify,the party to Whom this certificate ange or cancelatio —FRL C OM P A�IY"_'_ 33,7 •E• let Avenue M..2, Florida ..Dated 4_148 - IGU6469a (Ed.- -54) - - UNIFORM PRINTING & 6UPPLY DIV.