12498UII.DING UCTRICAL LUI(BING ;DOPING )wner.of . ulding MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE. FLORIDA 'h° 4 t 95 J : PERMIT ' '? 12498 xchitect .ontractdr r Build. egal )escription Worst to be performed under this Permit t , s. t Subdi- vision 13x Contractor's License rto. } ,ddress of p.." -. ,fr- i I .. , .a r Value of f Amt of , tilldin l ,.P t >-A Project $ . d Permit $ 1 ) ° t: This permit is ted to the contractor or builder maned above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device desctiibed in the app icat€on: erefor in strict comp liance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in com 'bance . with any; ;plans ravings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit niay be revoked ;at.aity me if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without .authorization. A further condition u " which this permit its ranted Luke understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the or ances and regulations $if, t the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in: th ements,oi specifications.aid that he assumesiFesponsibility for work on ee by his agents, servants or employees. µe . .. ,, ..rtr BY ` . INSPECIOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to orm the work covered hereunder in compl4nce ..with all ordinance and regulations ertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings,: statements or .specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. .i accepting this permit I assume responsibility .:for all. work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. N x. 1/- cOkniXcroR eitikintes tf J. CALVIN ROSE PASTOR J■1' mini *pus Fresixgterian GRIM! Planning Board Miami Shores Village Miami Shores, Florida Gentlemen: • DWS pt 002 NORTHEAST NINETY -SIXTH STREET MIAMI SHORES. MIAMI 38. FLORIDA February 28, 1957 I respectfully request your consideration and approval of the attached site plans and elevation of the proposed new construction at the Miami Shores Presbyterian. Church.. We also ask your consideration .in allowing a variance regarding the required ten -foot set- back on. Railroad Avenue . As. you will note the proposed building does not ruin parallel to Railroad Avenue. It is our desire to erect these buildings_ :directly : On the property line as this would enlarge our existing court and patio- areas.. We would not be sacrificing any future parking area . if allowed touts variance, as we own thl large plot of ground directly northh of the cht rch between .Sixth Avenue and Railroad venue which provides us with ample parking facilities.. Donald W. Stobs, Secret-an" Long Range.Planning Committee * r' i A . s: -a.4 BIDDER: ADDRESS: Dear Sirs 12-.247 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Complete bidding documents, including Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Forms, Drawings and Specifications as prepared by Harold E. Wagoner, Architect, Architects Bu ilding, Philadelphia 3, pa. for the construction of the New Education Building for the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, Maui Shares, Florida, located on the West side of Railroad Avenue, between N.E • 95th Street and N.E. 96th Street, Miami Shores, Florida, are available for bidding at the office of the Church. You are hereby invited to bid in accordance therewith. Pr 6a = are due in the Office of the Church at p .M. on cc before . z. t a 7 �195ft and will be opened at the conve of the .c . . :, Tow attention is called particularly to the Alternate and Unit Prices requested, in addition to the separate lump sum Base Bid for the entire lark. Please check so that the items listed under Work Omitted" in the "General Scope of Hark," are excluded from your estimate, Documents are to be retuned with your Proposal In the event that you do not desire to submit a Propose., please notify the Church office immediately., New Education Building, Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida. DIStRUCTIONS TO B 1. Bete ate qpetpritrim Pr9Deefalsi. Pursuant to the "Invitation to Bidders", sealed Proposals fte'performiaN the work wild. be "received by the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church, M .amt Shores, Florida, at the time ate place set forte in said invitation. Action will be taken by the Owner as soon thereafter as practicable. 2. Fob of. o , AU Proposals ituat be made upon the biank proposal 'forms attached hereto, in duplicate; and sb u d give the lug sum price, the alternate and unit prices for tbe'work; and oust be sited and executed by the Bidder in aoeardan ce with directions is the form of Proposal. _ In order td ire pr • . - `ootni .deration, theiropOsal should be enclosed in a sealed ; !narked } coal", and addressed to the Owner as required in the ":station to Bidders". 3. Omissions end Biseirturiee. Should a Bidder find di lies in or Omissions fron the mss ar other dints, or should he be in doubt as to their - , he should at tie notify , who may send written instructions to all bidders. Requests for interpretations, a ., shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded to the, r, whose reply vi.0 be in vritten form addressed to all Bidders.. Ao The Owner reservee the right to reject any or all. P esa1e any totnconsal which is ineo plete, "obsonre or irregular may be rejected; any Proposal. having erasures or corrections may be rejected; any Proposal which omits a bid on any one or more items my be rejected. Mtion Tin be taken en not over thirty (30) d� €fitter the opening of the Proposals. The acceptance a Propose .3. will in meting signed by a dim' authorized presentative of `the Amer. The aceeptanae of a Proposal shall bind the successful Bidder to execute the Contract in its entirety. 1- Irving E. Horsey Architect 12.24? 4 m_ Ediicationjtuilding Ores Presbyterian Church Page 1 of 2 liam . or'es, Florida. 12.2.57 • 411 6. Time for Exeeutir* the Contract. Any Bidder whose Proposal is accepted may be required to appear at the Office of the Owner in person, or, if a firm or corporation, a duly authorized representative, ami to execute the Contract within five (5) days after notice that the Contract been awarded to him, The Contract Form Al for "stipulated sum" of the American Institute of Architects will be used. Failure or refusal to execute the Contract as hereinbefore provided shall be sufficient grounds fbr the Owner, at his option, - to assume that the Bidder has abandoned the Contract, and thereupon his Proposal and the acceptance thereof by the Owner shall become null and void. L. Determination of Lost Bidder, Except the Owner exercises the right reserved herein to reject any or all Proposals, the will be awarded by the Owner to the Bidder who has submitted the lowest bid determined by the sum of the followings Bass Bid "plus the algebraic sum of alternates accepted by the Owner after the opening of the bids. 8. Time for Bela and Comolotinthe Work. The Contractor shall commence the within ten (10) calendar days after the date of execution of the Contract, - and"shall complete the work within the time limit stated in his Proposal and/or Contract. 9. ,, Exat Lnatisn of Sits,. Dry.. Each Bidder shall visit the site of the proposed work and fully acquaint himself with conditions relating to construction and labor. Bidders shall thoroughly examine and be familiar with the Contract Doonmments. Failuure or omission of - arty Bidder to receive or examine any form, inetrunent, addendtm or other document, or to visit the site and acquaint himself with con. ditions there existing, shall in nowise relieve any Bidder from any obligation with respect to his or to the Contract, The submission of a. Bid will be accepted as prima facie evidence of compliance with this section. 'Uwe very truly, NUM SHORES PBESITYTERIAN CHURCH MAX SSO tES, FLORIDA. Page2of2 fi 1 cous co.l Ple tic A Mo isti cctll P1 ster Ar io drop r . unlihuirt ;estos ,, p tp1t B* ':Reich fn r: Battbtaa, of footin i aseniectt Btue stoth * CiimeNt 1:Cei txg efl hei r C enter Li , art i Cost iro& t it'on p e shcie onorefe cuor f'o-ht -Cut Stone, i ... ##Ceramic T i :.. . :ctrl ,`petoi . Dri41n For�tmin ¢D` irter3ic r. Dirii te'ter a I£', wr1 ocrete 1 T tin • ,ExTpc tided i Drain foi rFirish) }} . astorte I�1# Scule in Galvant 1. !Grease Pro At t a�easd (brick catc t.. Rod. jR. Rainf l.Re d R.W.C. Sh , Secs. 1 Sp. IN $$vsp T,'r T0.5* T. T$G 1 1 . U. "^F. V Y . , „J..; , i • le Jmtt`1 .Vk vn�tl:t %kD S4' Tweiev _v g ,rt t v • X0,0 � iA9* it.E #NFeCL(.EP SkFtt. 4.tt PLASTO AtVI cHQ a` . -. .14► . t-s► near °tom 4 t Y Y:?�{. M W 00 &itsv /; P tt A F Mot_.DEO ST o P - 2 4" tfNt itc>u4ti P&A •ME PLAS. . co tLO U!-'D 7 TRr ' /8' FRAM -- i o4.oet) sTo P TYPE' :Mt 4 +:''t. ,17,5,10 NOTE. .1 . 141% Rerovit- as Nor APPeAR. OP ELOvATtox■ siIJc.E IT %S Ili NoT : use *id Iroia oo ur s uPP9e.r Fte O. • I a" staeLP o.goiPe f.• €'r. General Conditions (Printed Form) 1 «. 10 Supplementary General Conditions 11 • 17 General Scope of Work 18 - Demo! itton Al - 2 Earthwork 81 - 3 Concrete Work Ci-.a 5 Structural Steel DI - 2 Open Truss Steel Joist El - 2 Recast Concrete Plank Fl Block Masonry GI -':3 Stone Masonry H1 • 2 Flagstone II • 2 Waterproof ing and Caulking J1 Aluminum Awning Windows K1 - 3 Miscellaneous Iron & Other Metal Work L1 • 6 Lumber, Carpentry & Mi l iwork MI y 8 Roof ing & Sheet Metal Work NI - 3 Lath, Plaster & Stucco 01 • 8 Ceramic Tile Work & Terrazzo PI -:•-3 Asphalt Tile Work QI - 2 Finishing Hardware RI » 2 Painting SI - 5 Glazing TI Quarry' Ti le U1 Section Letters V & W - Not used Plumbing XI - 11 Ventilating and Air Conditioning VI - 16 Electrical Work ZI • 10 12 -2 -57 INDEX pages New Education Building Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida 13S7 zwiTiiiactitotty r was 4. oi the 4i.t14' Ztte AAA* and 4 114PN Vtlithe IA- el* Ut . .Protitytet would mit be 4iLvortito 44'w sa.. agt lkit votscults wo. with e 46'4 Yoka Oz141.6 trt * vi-r-rtewm Iwti.,„k *A tAt ed i'udatdina .At. pwoltei i mie. it to ow ttwiw It, date 014 It* 0144 VA404214 4tt: •;, ettng to exotic. tt v pork tr" t .1 i;Witis# Note: This form shal 1 be used for submitting proposals and shal 1 be forwarded In duplicate to arrive at the designated time, To: Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida hereby propose to furnish and deliver all materials and to do and perform sail work-and services in accordance with the requirements of the specifications, drawings and other documents prepared by Harold E. Wagoner, Architect, 1100 Architects Building, Philadelphia 3, Pa., for the construction of the New Education Building for the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church located on the west side of Railroad Avenue between N.E. 95th St., and N,E, 96th St., Miami Shores, Florida, within 23 calendar days after execution of agreement for the following sums: BASE BID - Base Bid shall cover the entire project Including General Construction, Plumbing, Ventilating, Air Conditioning'and Electrical ALTERNATE NO, 1 If homogeneous Vinyl Tile (with rubber base) Is accepted In place of Asphalt Tile Add $ 12.2 - 57 PROPOSAL F BM Page I of 2 FIRM NAME SIGNATURE 1958 UNIT RR ICES: Additional Work Less Work (1) Machine Excavation per cubic yard (2) Hand Excavation per cubic yard (3) Rock Excavation per cubic yard, with allowance therein for equal amount of earth excavation (4) Concrete specified in place per cubic ya (5) Forms •• contact area . In place per square foot., (6) Reinforcing steel in place per pound. (7) Additional fill In place per cubic yard 12..2..57 Page 2 of 2 Firm Name Signature To: Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida PROPOSAL FORM Note: This form shall be used for submitting proposals and shal 1 be forwarded In duplicate to arrive at the designated time. 1958 hereby propose to furnish and deliver all materials and to do and perform call work and services in accordance with the requirements of the specifications, drawings and other documents prepared by Harold E. Wagoner, Architect, II00 Architects Building, Philadelphia 3, Pa., for the construction of the New Education Building for the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church bated on the west side of Railroad Avenue between N.E. 95th St., and N,E. 96th St., Miami Shores, Florida, within 7-3 -) calendar days after execution of agreement for the following sums: BASE BID - Base Bid shall cover the entire project including General Construction, Plumbing, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Electrical work.....,...... ALTERNATE NO. 1 If homogeneous Vinyl Tile (with rubber base) is accepted in place of Asphalt Tile Add $ 12..2..57 Page 1 of 2 FIRM NAME SIGNATURE • UNIT PRICES: Additional Work (t) Machine Excavation per cubic yard 3 (2) Hand Excavation per cubic yard 3 (3) Rock Excavation per cubic yard, with allowance therein for equal amount of earth excavation CO Concrete specified in place per cubic yard (5) Forms . contact area .. In place per square foot. (6) Reinforcing steel In place per pound. (7) Additional fill in place per cubic yard 12- 2.57 Page 2 of 2 Firm Name Signature To: Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Miami Shores, Florida 12.2.57 • • PROPOSAL FORM Note: This form shall be used for submitting proposals and shal 1 be forwarded in duplicate to arrive at the designated time. FIRM NAME SIGNATURE Page 1 of 2 1958 hereby propose to furnish and deliver all materials and to do and perform pall work and services in accordance with the requirements of the specifications, drawings and other documents prepared by Harold E. Wagoner, Architect, 1100 Architects Building, Philadelphia 3, Pa., for the construction of the New Education Building for the Miami Shores. Presbyterian Church located on the west side of Railroad Avenue between N.E. 95th St., and N.,E., 96th St., Miami Shores, Florida, within 2V1 calendar days after execution of agreement for the following sums: BASE BID - Base Bid shall cover the entire project Including General Construction, Plumbing, Ventilating, Alr Conditioning and Electrical work ALTERNATE NO, 1 If homogeneous Vinyl Tile (with rubber base) Is accepted in place of Asphalt Tile Add, • • UNIT R2 ICES: (L) Machine Excavation per cubic yard (2) Hand Excavation per cubic yard 3 (3) Rock Excavation per cubic yard, with allowance therein for equal amount of earth excavation (!a.) Concrete specified in place per cubic yard (5) Forms K. contact area In place per square foot (6) Reinforcing steel . In place per pound. (7) Additional fill In place per cubic yard $ 12-.2.57 Page 2 of 2 Additional Work Lest k Firm Name Signature 3