577 NE 96 St (11)GENERAL OFFICES AND PLANT - WHEN YOU THINK OF CONCRETE IT WILL PAY YOU TO THINK . . . IFFICINS, — SINCE 1922 PEMBROKE ROAD — HOLLYWOOD i „• 1 .. r. ,i v' , , k ...,.: •.,..,_ :7 .e ,,..,2: , I . • ' <- t , . [ ' 1. C r • !,\ Mrs, Vaughn Camp 577 N._B. 96th Miainf Shores, Fla. Dear C' Vaughn Camps Recent damage to your water service line in the alley behind your resience ''has caused the Village to become aware of your encroachment on alley property. There are two 3/4 inch water lines and a 4 inch sewer line behind your garage on Village property. The water lines with their cut —off valves are above grade and a definite hazzard to traffic in the alley. If the valves and water lines are not relocated they could cause future inconvenience to you and possible damage to a passing vehicle. The resporsibility for any damage caused by the encroachments will bcr yours solely. Your cooperation in making necessary arrange— ments to have the situat+cfn corrected would be appreciated. WB: ce /°-"" A July 11, 1969 Vory truly yours, W.R. Bradford Building Department After a discussion, the Board directed Mr. Dyer (Tenant) to have Mr. Mllltana (owner) of the property to attend the next meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board to resolve the problem of the placement of the sign. Mr. Mllltana Is responsible for liability and should be at the meeting. Mr. Dyer withdrew his application for a pole sign and will request Mr. Mllltana to be at the next meeting. 4. Request for approval of variance for driveway Cart Fabian 577 NE 96 Street Ms. Deborah Fabian represented the owners In a discussion with the Board for the variance to the driveway. The home Is a designated historical site and Mr. Lubien Informed the Board that the Historical Preservation Board had dis- cussed the variance with him and they had no problem with the variance. After further discussion, Mr. Forney made a motion to approve the variance and the motion was seconded by Mr. Chambers and passed unanimously. 5. Comprehensive Review Dr. Jay Stein represented the Downtown Miami Shores Property Owners Association. Dr. Stein stated that the Association is pleased with the effort being made by the Village to Improve the Downtown area. He also stated that the Planning & Zoning Board should broaden their usage of the interpretation of the Codes and Ordinances to encourage businesses to NE 2 Avenue and Biscayne Blvd. Dr. Stein also suggested advertising to encourage development In the area. Mr. Patrick Duffy represented the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Duffy expressed a similar attitude as Dr. Stein. But, also stated, that the property owners should be encouraged to develop their properties and that the Board should relax certain restraints to encourage property development. The supply will create Its own demand. Mr. Owen Henderson spoke to the Board with same concerns expressed by Dr. Stein and Mr. Duffy. Mr. Henderson explained that other rental properties on Biscayne Blvd. made themselves attractive to the businesses that needed rental space and that Downtown should get encouragement from the Board and the Village to do similar development. Mr. Sheldon Smith a businessman In the Downtown area In- quired about the revised B1 zoning. Mr. Smith was informed by the Board that the revision of usage of the B1 zoning Is not yet official but Is being worked on. Ms. Nancy Ancrum of 103 NE 99 Street stated that she totally supports the comments of Mr. Duffy and Dr. Stein for development of a professional district In the Downtown area. She also stated that with relaxed rules, X77 c(o 1ul,LAM1 Stia6W.. 1 �- 33d3g fy 760- L 75°�• Z �3 ' / (q .r3oe Families Optimistic Concerned & United for the Shores PLEASE JOIN US MONDAY, JULY 15 7 TO 9 P.M. MIAMI SHORES COMMUNITY CENTER GUEST SPEAKER GAIL MACDONALD MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE MANAGER FOCUS is an advocacy group acting on behalf of the families in Miami Shores which * Supports a strong sense of community * Advocates issues affecting children: - schools -pool -parks - recreation programs * Supports progress for Downtown Miami Shores: - specialty shops - theater - eating establishments - streetscape * Supports improved Code Enforcement procedures