501 NE 96 St (5)A BOUND suRvEy hereby certify that the survey repre- sented hereon meets the minimum Ctechnical standards set • forth by the ,Ooard of land Surveyors pursuant to • Section 47 .027, fl a. Statutes. There are 1nodarrao hinents pVeilaps, easements app firicl 0' thelPlat othei than as Fla: Reg, Land No LANNES and GARCIA, INC. ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - LAND PLANNERS Office address: 359 Alcazar Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 3314 Mailing address: P.O. Box 561131, Miami, Florida-33156 • This property described as.: Lots 11 and 12, Block 99, AMENDED PLAT OF MIAMI SHORES SECTION NO. 4, 4PcprAing,to the piat . thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 14 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. FLOOD ZONE: X Certified To: M and M Title Services, Inc., Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company and Vavylgederal Credit Union, its successors :Alioassigns; and Ross, Ralph M. and Gertru Y Wote: Underground encroachments . ancilltilities, if any, not located. t ' - ra7:44,e/v.) s .. I i • /W(0 /' Ca. o 6 . 0 ' .4Z. Z- ;/cl,pro-3/4e° 96'.e00 /1) 747j_1/.11 ' "Pe rO:fied To revised. "1# Wames" added. --. • • 96 60 C A aRbd,fti?diF '124 M' :1 4 501 N.E. 96th Street, 411RilOr .00 Obri 0 4 AP-OA PLAN 6 GA 1.5 A _„ 1Ir iTL . ::E.Jl1) .4 AcN " 5 0 1 . /0 ci I / 3 1 ' /4„ / sl") /V 6. 5 Zoce2// At4p // v , ) Aizt A or tigiA) 41 t.V.1 r '.41 rr/ai (1-0 , Miami, Florida. pag 1 / co" •11 ty4 lietA AGa/. r M M pap 4 tiqu1/4.1PatAl oroi‘12 CT V i tigyi v t-t2 !NO PAW. 4q • st4r4 eiresAp iteskor.toormassa~mosime wsx, 4•1epre. iq to. t41 RAV,0 ArAe., Rerc-A6e, IN 1\10kq rArrEg-N1 AT et2.• ot4 P110 eor KiAMP axwr4 vleetieff )0-441 12A,11.* tgaVir.0, -- nil •4 J .• 1 ee4hitietyp) Ict14,1•Val\laer rentie eotii; r n') 19-At■) e 1\1-N AG*4 1t/t1=' ; I / 2 e a l z 4ALg 1/1." 1 • a - r4 ai • 0.1/2 AP-0-A - 01.1441.910 - -r44161e-W • OPelg. 4 • - - ‘01 .031. • aK 1,11, VI j g O rpi -004 e4mPletdro el-gVATiot■) t150 RAMP 4_ • v ALLimirium p-Am? tih,11 PiAtv), Typ) ......•••■•••■•■•••••■• 14 0 4 1 xi4'T 4 61ki PAitATOR 41 c ealb;Pil YAM refirl 1'/ .fiz • .r* aitti it Am /.. roan . re; , Po4J 0.01 te•te,L.L. oafripAorev 49 IL- Aft V11104 gallhe IOLA? M 4-1-1=0 oge3aap 4t eetlegew 4AP PI/0160014 710 / Vb41,41 ,114 ...•■■■■■■••■•■M - A• LAHvi. 6 0 r1/411.y ArrgoV012 pfl mraiolleAwr (TV) /- oxol L..PLI.G) p1/41 ARcifirscrs PLANNERS P.A. 1•45 XV. MI. W1411. FIOA1DA 11141 Woe: (ill) Si, • 1$17 fu: (JO) Ill • (477 L.I.C. 14C 5052474 DERRICK WENDELL SMITH ARCHITECT Scale Date : Dr Checked CADD File Drawing Title & Project Name --71 _ 1 4411? - .E.1 - tol 4 MIAMI:61-Ml FL. PH -7515z11 Project No.: o w. ga 2/1101 _ DAT e, Alv1P PLAN 4 ..1414‘.7 N4. ).. • Sheet No.: 3 t ttlg,� V tst€ t. nlg tr j . t�k. dI 24JCO�, �C9s 3 Y;, . �tGi�tt.tt•t+Cc.� c7tll�c�dY ACQEp:. r EKaJC.�trc�i1i rvft 2 ArY �� �iio G 3 t j ii,!i1 n,;i5ttid�rrlrl tt(� n for • .I1i. tl z s fri, tECtrc• r'• : air y fi g :aL'.$41.C9fc rj b3iQi2.' Irl3pil'.1l1t 4.A - 4 UAt f �rt8s qi s.A uv t uw trU►T*RIAk ' ► YJ1 1 As P(4AL T xa$ nc t ! 40. MtTU¢: Aie. il9T A FI0*,.L G9 4ti.Ai4 0U0* WirN4 r 6),cit Cash; necT ` xuRn `$t �y z f t A rr ° °° pop Mu# cOP4O *Yw t 8' G S4T • t. �, ... } .a p 1 -."4 1)N t' 1 0 '2_ 4 t I J ® tL T 01 q'' t -- (n `A-V:1 " Lo,Ofi'b t4 I • '14 SA' 2 -- `/ .S 21 . !t . -I ( I i C��v DI « • v1 :3 t , '` c� _ f.? 13 d Q C: c) h tl • five � &,1)� _ �t 1 SKETCH OF SURVEY Lots 11 and 12, Blook 99, AMENDED PLAT OF MIAMI SHORES SECT /ONE -N0 , 4, according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Hook 15, at page 14 , of the Publio Records of Dade County, Florida. Order 47548' Oot, 10, 1952 F.B. #158 -29 Scales shown I HEREBY 9ERTIFYr That the attach - ed "SKETCH 01? SURVEY" of the above described property 18 ,true and cor- rect to the best. of..my,.knowledge and belief, a s eoe lly surveyed • and platted )a ry d, 'eotion. 4 w i 3ChwQb E, ? . Registere =t rtt_ Surveyor , State pf P orlda.. N. ire ail he wor SIT . eCIFIC/4Tiok)E) I le- t IOW'r A(puit..1U/x __.,._�... ,.;._.�.....- _..:.- _.�:..�. tom. ,...:�.��......�.: ;The general conditions ggoverning each speoifidation shall be those adopted by the American*Inetitute . o Architects, a copy of hi s on file in the Architect's office. which ch i Each contractor shall compute in his estimate and properly pay and discharge any, obligation due the State • Florida under provision of Chapter 15,787, Laws of Florida, Act of 1931, known as the Docuunentar Tax aot Each contractor shall' compute in his estimate and properly pay and discharge any obligation due the Unit States of America or the State of Florida under the provision . of the Federal Social, Security Act (11$.7260 enacted by, the Seventy - fourth: Congress. Each contractor or sub - contractor or supply dealer shall compute in'hia cost and properly pay and discharge any obligations. due the State of Florida under the provision of Chapter 12,848,. o Florida, enacted 1935,' known as the Retail. Sales Act or the Chain Store Act. ContrAotorIs Liability Insurance •. The contractor shall maintain such insurance as 'Will protect him or_the owner from claims under the workmen's Compensation Act, and from any other claims: for damage :'for:perso injury, "including death, which may arise from operation under this c whether, such.o eration be by himself or any any ,other or any one directly or indirectly employed by either of p by • ,them.' ; ertifica of such insurance, shall be filed with the - owner, with a olause in such certificate requiring At least five days: written,natioe in the 'event of cancellation, and shall be subject to the Owner's ,a oval` for ad ua or protection. The above a 1.ti p ugments ,and otherwise revises Artigle 2� of the' Conditiori+a r Tornado Insurance The owner will provide and maintain -such insurance in proportionate`amounta r ae progrea ee. . • The General" Contractor shall caution all sub- contraotore bidding on thie that where the'terms Ma� royeds or *approved equal " appear in this speoificattion, the sub - contractor MOST submit tie proposed sub$ to ; the, Architect before purchasing same, and that the Architect reserves the right'to demand • the restova1'froia ` the Job of any mil bale not so approved. All materials shall be exactly as Specified Unless.specified approved* or +approved equal K. The General Contractor shall procure and pay for general building ht,' Speoial:permits shall be take% out and paid for by the contractor for that work. The several contractors, both general. and sub- contractors MIDST proposed wildin and VISIT THE SITE of the familiarise themselves with the location and conditions affecting? the proposed work. If conditions such aa� 5 ;. sub - surface rook or pot holes are anticipated but are not discernable � by' sight' or reasonable teete then unit per,aubio yei,.4 estimates for this work must be submitted with the general bid, The: site`. of the proposed building is Lots 11 and 32, Block 99, Miami Shores Village All requirements ± of local and state, ordiaaz�ces and regulations relating to building and'the preservations public health and safety shall be observed by all contractors. "' SECTION 1 .. INTENT & GENE CONDITIONS, IT SHALE: BE CLEARLY- UNDER3'I'OOO that the speoif ications herein contained for each part of the yi rk shall be fully carried Out and1,any contractor or workman attempting to install' nater1aja other' than those Specif ny` other. -manner than that described herein, will -be removed from` the job, and the General Gontrao will be hold responsible for the completion of. his work with the materials" and in the manner apeotied. i is the intent these 'speoitications that the Owner shall receive a lock' and,key job, b,, ,i-1�; and first -alas , ` in every reapkak,' n o . :work will be accepted until the Architect has'made close inspection of same The General Contractor is hereby charged with complete responsibility of the .o and O written or or inatrinotion given, hi by . a the. Arahttec tt . shall be executed through the General Conn tractor; or; his Agent. General, Contraotor�.shall do all work necessary to-insure +aFIRST CLA83`job,. though ` auch ' work:da nots o fically mentioned, but implied by the Drawings and. Sp : eoificatfens _ The General Contractor shall furnish the Owner a written grtntee� undondi tional, n a insuring the buildi ains defeats in vorkzeinshi or materials for a g period of one aYtBr completion datej Which' gttarant�e shall stat that', he correc arm•. such defeote should they occur ur ng: that time. 3.' • e General,Soptraotor shall note the following written, guaranteed required,ot the'sub•eontrictor . ' � No �_ ent` shall be made to any sub - contractor until approved. by. the Owie ; e{ • Wh any contractor is in doub Arc _ prpper •irietruction$ from the hitect beforeproceedipg the work. • 'fr om roofer and guarantee front plumber. s� gnari he must procure e • general Conditions - ' area e. part' of ; thin heading. SEGTIOLt 2> SPECIAL WORK tr CQI1TRACT0 . Ylerida. Th e'(General Oontrattor.MUS furnish - with the General contract bid aCOM LIST; 3 propose to , use.. NO GENERAL HIDE wiIt1 BE ACCEPTELQ UNLESS THIS ULF CONDITION l3 FILL UDC b y • QNTRAGrpR3 t C ompletion date, shall be arranged upon signing of the contract between Owner and Amp10 time wil be allowed .for Completion' of this contraot. No completion bond will be required. • The General; Contraotor: shall par for' temporary eleotrio service, should:thi be necess all eleo water and all;.other such bills accruing during the oonatructioif of the w The G ray'Cott; tractor•shall it neaeB cry, erect a protection for all trees which do not•interfere with the aotual bu#J,diiag and see -that a,17.euch protection continues until completion of the work ♦: He shall remov e all rubbish and } debris and leave004 neat and oleany inside • • P and .,on�t, r at ' time , The General.: Contractor shall provide sanitary conveniences for the workmen our`; the - fn Sanitary' and orderly conditions. • = the General Contractor "shall caulk all. e?cterio » . I ; y r openings with approved grade ofd caulking, com pound » grade`` ne an i inn Quids . • , � ,� ,,,recessed type, as manufactured Venetian c t by Southern or S by this' on raetora mpany shall- f! 'nieh » s • SECTION' 3' EXCAYATIO 1 t x J7' 0 ob and keep such co *enienCe The work inoludee the excavation- for all 'footi S Ste .`' ng i Q but sot trenches for • pplumbin , �11 >e`oot $ha ll`'' • excavated to :rook• where; thia practical, bu in any ,case thin wo rm, is s ubjec t - to the'a p . p - f . , approval or: the Arch► : : �• • iteatt` or the local ins otion authorities. ; In all Cases the tope of 'footings th all; not. finish above th surface, of the n :. � n a�tural.'grad e. ' 1fo backfilli of trenches will; be permitted. All material remoVed,'from trenches shall, be. kept' on. the`..site.` for rough grading'. around the build as; directed 6 the.Architeot done by this cont ractor < . : general conditions are a part of this' heading.. Th e wor inoludea setting. in place footings, - foundation the' drawings.- All sand to used in this work $ha11" be glean deleterious. matter., E. COarti sharp, knell we § IOW 4 • FOUIDATION & oft` CONCR WOR1 Et beams , alabs, eolu :et p f s i sa N 0 R T 1- • r; sand, free fro b arty - foreign' or E ,sT D :ix uA M 1 : e 1 t 1 • ,.CAT lows• opt; yabionly.111, rR nt .. All Portland cement shall be f an approved pp�� � a►�1 �j brand, must stand the tests required by the American So ,it for Teati Materiels and shall have manufaotured at least 30 Jaye prior shipment* a e y ng b @ez manu Florida Gray Portland,; or. Atlas Portland, aro,acceptable. Other'. brands, subject to the approvaa. of the Arohiteot, may be used. Bock All rock for concrete shall ; be pit rock or better . :Rock shall be hard durable and free from shale strata. 'Rock `must be Olean, in no case containing over one percent (1%)' of clay or other foreign matter* The maximum size of rock shall not exceed 1-111 diameter and the proportion of large aggregate shall not be such that a coarse mix results. Sofa" » Water need in mixing concrete shall be clean, and free from deleterious amounts of aside, alkalies, o organic materials` Stee Reinforcing steel shall be free of rust and scale, new and or the sizes shown on the drawings. Steel shall be placed not less than 2" from inside of wood forms or earth beds. All steel must be hung in place and shall not rest on rocks for support while` concrete; is placed. In tie beams and lintels, steel reinforcing must be securely wired in place, and•in suspended slabs, steel shall rest on seats` while concrete is placed. Condrete 141A shall be 1:2} :33/4 and of consistency to be approved the`Architect. All concrete shall be .. machine mixed. All concrete $hall be thoroughly rodded, and all air pockets eliminated. Caution should be exeroi3edaim the Use vibrating machines so that undue laitance and segregating do not take place. Concrete in y into and securely bond with top rev of wall blocks for at leaat 3N in each cell. Placing of Concrete in forms ors footings shall be a continuous operation if possible, but °if cut-offs areneceseary, they shall be done as directed by,the Architect. No concret shall be poured until, the Inspector has inspected forms and placing of reinforcing Steel. DM, Forms shall, be of wood, reasonably waterti ht, straight and true, and sot in such a manner that the resulting pour will be of the sizes' and "shapes indicated on the plane. Unless absolutely impoeeible,.all, forms must be removed after concrete has set.' Under slabs,` and under lintels, soffit or bottom Corms and shores must remain in place for at "least ('7) seven days* All side forms !Gust remain in. place not less than 24 hours. , Lintels shall' extend. in depth from window or door heads to underside of joists. "Lintel' shall extend at least eight inches into wall at jambs. = Lower rods of tie beam reinforcing shall be bent down to form lintel relit.. forcing Fill under concrete- .alabe ; shell .contain no or other foreign matter' liable to diaintegrate, SNCTIO '' + OTUER CONCR s� The''general conditiona are a part of tbia heading. fibs work inQ1ude8-the erection' of concrete block' walls,- and, any of her work covered by this trade that ma be required'to make 'a thorough job. c rurite Label', block cured . oncre � o blQ c �t shall be' Fire Und-e21 daga the shade.. No green or cracked' blocka. will be. accepted.. All concrete biocke . Shall , be 8' a 8"- *16P' laid in ' full bed of cement mortar.:', All mortar joint$' shall be ea •tree Prom air pockets as far ..811.F., aa'po8sibleand jointa'atruok Olean. Stalls "must be absolutely . true.° plumb, and to :era et dimensions an' shown. on plans. Conner and .jamb= blocks shall be used yhere needy , Srhere' cement brie re used he - � : a � • t y skull be 2" :x ksx8" well cured Dement brick, Firs . tlndervritar. a approved, Pr W1 o r ; All windows;: tq have precast concrete : window frames. • "l.ck Trine •• A71 Brick Trim Interior or Exterior shall, be Baked' Clay Brick color as selected .by; owner is gellaneoua galvanised i fastenings, anchors, hangers, etc. shall be furniahed- bythe Contractor to fully complete the work. -,If wrought iron anchors are used, they shall. be heavily coated nth asphalt. before, p laoing'in forms. 7 » do all work necessary throughout the work, though noit apeoif1c4.1y- mentioned but shown or implied dra wing# and apeoificationsto insure a complete and perfect job of masonry SECTION• 6 CARPENTR t Th e gener "al ? conditions re a part of this , heading Th e uork includes the:, erection' °of all form work mentioned in concrete work frame lumber, all- wood door frames and hanging all doore whetbir exterior ox interior,' interior trim, eto".f all esshown ' oh drivingS and ass eeifie d belov. must be thoroughly understood by- the. Contractor. that` no. Mediocre workmanship, will be acceptable ..to the, Owner or. his: Architeot, and each. and both; reeorve,- the "right to' discharge any workman f the job if he should, be" performing hiowork in a aareleas or slip -shod manner. .All joining shall be d one:so as to- leave d Open cracks wsoever hat * Frame I4umbe - A11 joists, rafters " ceili' oiats shall _ be '.::. r ;and ng j ,� c ommon Long Leaf Yellow Pine. All other f raaie " lumber shall be' 12 courm Short Leaf Tellou Pine, oi' approved, equal , o 'J iaa 8 hal 3 4014, be L,FI T.P. 2 z 10 x 16" v * " a :s l .the `span o.a. : oiata: ahalh ha a (2 revs. of 1 x 3, bride, ` s cad a on' ana o -' aha1i, be 2 " x 8*, $ "� 16 o.e. bridged as ` shown with 1' x 3e strips, unless "otherwise noted F h general conditions are a part of this heading; IA Rs T y �.�.► S PLA TE - Wall plates shall• be 2 °x 6 12 Tallow Pine laid flat,. anohored every 4 With -e. " anchor bolt exte nding nto the Concrete lintel at s ,east 8. «� Shall be 12 $outhe►ris . Zong Pine. sieed as called Por on Plane f leveled and brought perfeot. alignment. UDR tINGAND GROUNDS Provide erect �• . and j. a f 2 o rase furri thro e b yp ng� ughoutthebuildi on the interior of all: exterior maso `. alia to receive lath "and, laete .; Provide and ,"� ereot`3 grounds around Ali opening receive trim. Creosote o r 1•Cure'trea t 4 k ba 'of 411 , ing grouxids,' TIO All trans` partitions are to be, formed with 2 x 4 ° 2 x 6 2 Yellow Pine atuda placed 16 "°' v,a. wan , spiked into place, -.Double stud$ around all openings. Use one 2 x4 sill and; two'2 x 4's'for plate, *Solid bridge all partitions''once in their he ght* SECTION 7 - Miiiii0 F , The Work includes the manufaoture ° an delivery,' to,. tpe job of , all Mood frauma,. interior trim cases •cabinets , eto: , by: the. inillman, all - na oho* on -the drawings and as'' epeoi.fied If further; include$ , . . the erection, setting, and, hanging of these iteme.bj the general.. contractor r No medics e w. rkMnshi •+ wi11 be aces fed ' �' Q q P by thet Q*aQr or his an a d ll elni ae to. leave - no oven ° cracks Kbatsoever� ' : � - � . .. ng shall be dor�a - so Millwork shop drawings and • details shall be $ub itt�ed` to " the Qvne for a ` roval r pp before proceeding. with the work and the pvner reserves' .the right td , reject ar+ eillvork delivered to the 'job.'that has not been detailed 0r ap. prov ed. : Sxterio 0o frame sha11 be ofc res - " �' d �` � s, l 3 , f �thiak. �Q brick mold � /. '� is is required%for these .fram in terior Door Fri:meeE -, Jambe ate be ot� s easoned or kiln and p$, shall dried top . grader ^ white pine or res In terior Tri unless otherwise noted ahahl bs seasoned, or kiln dried to.` a ,. �1C .1, DCT A,1A ' A R C t-1 t T ±E C T 1 2865` WE DI H Ca tree re ^0!^'wrM•rM !^TM.r . ..lit r.rc4F".wWLT.01 Mi.MI_+`I.Y .wrHr•M.rR Y4.r .r.d T. Y: r.. M' Tents & Access ss Doors- An access door shall be installed in the ceiling of the hall to the attic space under the root rafters. There shall be a 4" wide continuous screened vent is the soffiot of cornice 45 shown in�. • typical wall seotion on the plans. Screen for vents shall be 18" mesh bronze wire screen. Exter #or Woodwork shall be of cypress or white, pine to detail. • t h C` bi " t hall be f hit pine, / s'' c end $ n a o white p ne, pop1 ar or gum With 3 4. plywood doors. Doors and drawers shall ve and drawer frames shall be spaced to prevent the doors from dropping down at the front when opened. terior doors shall: be of cypress of sizes and thicknesses shown on;dravings, e Doors shall,. be overhead and installed complete' with Barber- Coleman or or shall furnish hardware and doors. ` 3ECTIOtt! 8 ROOFING! & 3HER " META W9RI( rr •F r _ - Th general conditions are a part of thin heading, - Th e Work,inoludes installation of roof flaahing, eaves drips,'gravel` stops roof, termite strip etc., materials apeo ' all in the manner and with.the materiaified; Fa vea Strip and' gravel atop: shall be 16os. copper. tz u >A:J ^ern 'r,'.F ,t +_• hardwares ' 0ener �NEF! �4P 1s "AA.A. 0 tc 1- • ... tar and gravel roof, the ge fere' roofing,`carpenter work shell. be: finished sheath ng'aball'be drys free of anp holes, `and swept Olean. Roofing 'shall ` be built up membrane'. typ such as Barrett j Bird, Corey, or certained speo Roof shall have whit ape bIle tot! f riieh . iflr, ' , hall be 2 i ' Roof 'shall. year bondabla�` , . Felt • Over sheathing, place a 301 felt, 3 " lap, .carefully mailed. " v th. flat caps, and mop' with heivi coating- of otasphalt: Place second layer of 30 felt, with 19' shingle rap, and mop again entire' surface with heavy, coating_ 'of hot asphalt. . r - r Root' :Tiler Root tile shah. be baked Clay shingle tile, ,color to nlatch. Clay Brick trim of exterior and m uat be approved by `owner`. U - Thi s' contractor shall give a Written guarantee againat.al). defects for a' period,of two year:,, ' a written guarantee must be in. the hands', of the frchiteot; before final payment. fall_ be lade. to the roofer. Termite Strip,ahall be 28 gauge 't oncon met with edge, 'eXtended toy` ond oidee fouand $pd turned down 0 ° from horizontal ; strip occurs "at: all places where good is Over basesleat areas. t' SECTION FINI§HED FLOORS (wood LINOIEUH z �° . e work, inol,udes the „laying of all wood finish, floors and all linoleum on. pine floors. Wood:, floors .• shall be oleer, quarter sawed`red oak 2 * 13 up and nailed at every joist. There ',hall. be a sub- floor o into each floor; joist.' Sub -floor shall be a cad 1 /4P ' apart eurfaco, filled wIth., wood filler and thoroug y thorn waxed., . . th `shall be 3/8e gypsum lath. 16). "end matohed • Oak. floors shall • be - well driven'i l."' aG '6e pine' nailed wlth two 8d` common 'nails Oak Floors. ahs►3 i. bed anded> to ` a smooth' ,exen' r • Linoleum The kitchen shall be standard g Linoleum`- ox `equal,,. iz� approved'. Lay linoleum on 30 ' telt- vhich has been ro led flat in a' base of. mpervloun mashes spread over yellow pine floor,. they floor to have been Banded s th and-,flat. Thoroughly w,. all. :linore F ' 4 • • us'¢ w itY� Armstr , n oas s r . J' SECTION 10 •, LATHING? P T � Q Th general conditions are'4 part of : heading. "Th work includes the.atuccoing of all exterior' walls with two °coats ;' lathing and plastering all • interior - walla and ceilings and ally other,similei work not apeoifically mentioned, but - shown or implie . by the plans and speoificationah with three (3) coats` of plaster. Metal Lath shall be heavy gauge; . hot dipFed gal�vaniaed. Use, meth lath Qn certAin fur ceilings ;; mentio rye A p . a . , . . . i � p 'openings ..- ,.\ else ne e,. Dees below and on. wane • behind tile at. all in and, Olt .corners around. l and wherever where and asr directed by: Archi,teot.° '• , , .; , : , , ,, . . ; ' 1 . 3 stri die on. ceilin • ' p Y ps diagonally Plaster' at all. interior walla and ceilings, except Where other,ise noted, shall bei 0.8.8. Red;: Top base coat U.S.G. ' Fiber coat, and U. s . unfibered gypsum,: finish coat, all mixed . and applied,'aal reconicended`b�r n�anu • faoturera. Stucco Stucco,-shall consist of two (2) coats, the minimum thickneaa of Which shall aggregate 5 ahall be a Lime cenent stucco with approved' "SEC", paste waterproofing added. CAUTIOI3 It is, hereby understood that the plasterer,' shall not plaster over any.e1eotricah outlets- and; that 'should he do spent by other' trades in. loceting and cleaning out.plaatered -in outlets will be k charged, back against this contractor. SECTION 11 » ELECTRIC ea, Stucco . SCOPE &ll wiring is to be donee;, in 'strict adcordance to' the: rules of the National f F Board of Underwriter$ and shall be installed to : conform" to Dade County Regulations. , Swit shall,. have', ivory face plates and: wherev shown on the' plane. Install cutout cutout boit at rear door and' serv from nearest, pole,. niknish. certi- ficate 'of inspection, : The entire layout shall meet the requirements. of the Florida ,Power. and Light' Company, - tire system to be in steel, tube and standard.metal outlet boxed.. All conduit : shall,be: run so that there '- will be no trapped Conduits. Furnish and set all be necessary - cabinets` and �'panele of, Frank Ad ams., make, or 'eq Any convenience outlets exposed to weather shall b `of the waterproof, t p . She ent oysters, shall. shall. be� to charge of. a competent: foreman at. all, 'times. - h a ll .' b 1 00 with g VIC, s in 1 . . , A4� 3� -� pl e�Xegtrical : notea . condui Sae ens f or PAC V.44.04Tal a. Tliis" contractor shall provide & install 1000 Watt Bath Space Heaters where shown on plans. CONNF.QTIOItN , •• This Cont shall make all necessary connections: to Rot Water Neater, Kitchen Fan 4 Dia ,rasher a shown on` planks'sane.'to purchased by Owner. OUARANTE4 The entire,system'shah be guaranted against defects in materials and workmanship for per iod;; of one year from date on installation.' SECTION' 12 P1INTI SRA •All woodwork that is to be painted shall be properly prepared.and cleaned' shall be 'smoothly sand ore proceeding, . All knots and pitch' streaks •hall be thoroughly _fil,leci vitk shellac' before paint All woodwork that is. to be painted shall receive I. coat of white lead and linseed oil as soon as it erected. All metal work shall receive one coat of pure - lead and lineseed oil,. All woodwork that 10 to be stained: is to receive one coat of foil stain, color seleoted. the Owner The woodwork, that is : -to a 'be stained will be finished with a coat, of orange Shelia* sanded to a smooth finish and vexed. ` - . 2 6 5 VI R T Mi_AM11 _ H1,C HWAY`:' • FLORIDA fr. 1: I PIMITIN( All nail, heads, cracks,• or other defects shall be carefully $topped with putty after the first MATERIALS All oil shall be pine linseed oil and shellao shall be pure gum shell;aa out in grain alcohol,. Wher e'. flat' finish - is re thin with pure turpentine'; No. hard. oil; crude` oil wood alcohol. or; other materials than; those. specified shall be allowed.. All materials shall be`delivered in the manufacturerfa : -6P4 must be without thinning unless herein.apeoified. i • INTERIO P INTINt3 . Voodwork' shall receive besides the priming, coat , two coats of enamel ,f44 ' Sandpaper . between: coats ' The inside of all cupboards s ' eto. i, are to be; pelnted two coat work. ', Xitchen , and bath ;walla to be enarneledo.- nterior. walls . $hall.. receive 2. coats oil ,base. paint applied according:.to manufactures speoificationaacolors ,as' wal lo l eoted ; br Ovner` f SDRTIQlt 14 .. ` tile shall be of standard gralde. Several san►ples shall be suhnitted to., ers from which to the color -and; grade selection. `:. Hethroom floor to be; of 000 ` • itbxoont walls: to a height o4`k "`. to r eceive 4 4" Standard dazed the . 6'0"' at .tub Ali window 60°13:-44 bo bull +nosed ills and end of bull- no to le flush with plaster. A;u stripe, • and moulds necesar to . make, a gompletei job: 'shall, be furnished ` set• Bathroom acceasorie$ sha?lx be of color as selected - Bathroom to receive a f ve: piece sett 1$ Nt I 42e PL UMB I SC , Ttie Contractor. shall furnish all labor, materials, ladders, scaffolding; implements ete necessary • to : complete work included in this section and 'in: a manner_ to satisfy the requirements of the dept. having <; jurisdiction. , •413i materials shall be net and the' best of their reapeotive kinds-= and tree from all defebts, The approval, of .any materials However will not he ' considered as aceeptanca Of the work whore installed : should such materials prove defective: All uorkmanahi shall be first` dais' throughout regardless of kind • or q uality of materials:. Plumbers provide frost house to' eeptio. tank- all connections `required : or� neor. essar7 Plumber ohall provide hot_ and cold water .connection,; to lavatory .tub, and sink. Plumber' t4' provido and "ina�tall . 600 •gal, septic tank 4t,.4 100 f t . " of;`drain� tile. All ou #130.04 for �4 gal., aati • utomc elootrid water ha4t$4 vato - 1 -110 J 2' * a 21 Drexel Lavator : Legs Bare R.1712it Suppl7 with atop., 8.-400 Trap . 2:•80 or 2-81 5' .. Griterion ,2..322 - t the & Shower lTQ • _ 9-61 Kaate 4.403 ROd E o 0.3.123- Drexel . Closet .Coaibina ok R ,O1 apply p 9-414 Plang ! ti on Seat 8-1712 D S with Stop • •l. , Bath _ .. .. . .. a .. Y � 1.4 550 19x1.7: jciodat Lavatory R X2 4' Supplies 8400 Trap • Closet `� 3 -360 lfeuday - Closet x .20 at r -1712 • 0 $tuppl.Y 9.474 ?lenge Package The' Gontractor' shalk 'too all left over aateriais and debris away frog ,tho.'preinisee : leaving all - pasta Of building: in good condition,: 'broom clean with windows washed and all tools, carried away. The. contract .a • its contents form a ` part .of . this Specification. a , fining Window: Com; ' ''