320 NE 96 St (9)The VIKING Truss Fabricator must furnish a copy of this design to both the builder and tress erector. DESIGN STA.ND&EDS: This drawing has teen prepared to neet applicable provisions of the "Eat:oral :es!n Sptcif :catl yr - ,.ur Stress -Grade Lumber and its Fastenings" by National Lumter ranufacturers At sociatioc; and "Lesigr Specifications for Light fetal Plate Connected 'food Trusses" by Truce Prate :catitute. VIKING Connector Prates are 2C gauge galvanised steel and applied to both faces of each truss at each joint. =In of the Earle slecies with equal or greater stress values nay Le substituted. FABPICAT :b Lumber must to accurately cut and fitted teget!.er so that all xemters et each jamb e In snug contacVi pig the points. Plate centerlines shall coincide with joint centerlines or shall be Located by circles unless otherwise Crii7nsioned. CVL'.ALL SIANS are lased on nominal s" teeri_ng widths and may to increased by an much as 4" at each wider tear :n n using nominal B" tearing widths, permitting a maximum overall apen increase of 5 ". LATEPAL BEAC1N0 This truss has teen designed assuming the tap chord is laterally traced at intervals not er.ceed'.ng 3' -0" c.c. VIKING CCh^.ECTCBS, 1NC., tears no responsibility for the erection of trusses in accordance with this dee'.gn. tersone using such trusses are cautioned to seek professiucel advice in regard to safety precautions during erection, proper handling, temporary bracing and permanent bracing which _ay to required in specific applications. NOTE: 1962 N.D.S. edition. NOTE: 'deb members shall be 2X4-#1 Southern Fine, 150Cf Industrial Fir, or 1500f Industrial Hemlock. 3 -6.3 Symmetrical about centerline except for center panel. t 3 -9.9 VIKONG CONNCTOS L U M B E R Max. Overall Spans 41 Dense So. Pine 1 K D. So. Pine Sel. Str. Fir Sel. Str. Hemlock 41 Southern Pine 1500f Ind. Doug. Fi r 1500f Ind. Hemlock 17' -2" NOTE: Hemlock to be W.C. Hemlock Symmetrical about centerline except for center panel. 2x4 Top Chord 17 17 1 - 1_6❑ 4 3 55604T 7' -0" Setback CAMBER BOTTOM CHORD 1/4" AT CENTER 1435 N.E. 13th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 3330 2x4 Btm.Cbord 17' - 8n 17' -8" 17' -8" d 1 745# 3804T c 556040 / 559oC tul M a L U M B E R Max. Overall Spans 42 K.D. So. Pine 2 Southern Pine 1200f Ind. Doug. Fir 120Cf Ind. Hemlock 8104 1 74604T e 1- 192040 17' -0" Clear span FORCE DIAGRAM b 7610 4654 a 4 R d,e C b a 2x4 Top Chord 4 -12.6 r 1 !M DESIGN LOADING Roof 45 psf Ceiling 10 psf Total 55 psf 33 -1/3% unit stress increase R =20204 /- Equal areas zld.� H 2x4 Btm.Chord ;"]!c 75''c7 0 0 1.r Oct m rD O D 4 ri 7i d • 0 •1 N T vt to V1 0 n '4 0 x � H V � o C9 s 0) 0 0 r d N Phone AC -305 5(6 -5471 r,le': D- 2.5-17 -56 (/h i' / Pane! 0'- CSI = Loac it : 71-0/1- (2/") = 6 - )c /Z = 3 - y ,.1 - y (4' y (55 Ps-c) = 238 Pl f. �en SA - Top Chord (Fh 4 Sec-1,o4) _ (q /SS)(238)= 195p1/ 1304-40 ekoe -d = 43 yid' M = (W)(•)( /2) /• 8 = (/95)(3, s/V(/Z)/8 = 3 / /O /6s P: 414. ,�orte = 5560 7C' / (A1( *c) ( inc.) r (i) 0. SOS 0. 979 t 0. ,D 4e ; Dec. 27, J9G 5 M SSloo "te 3,yyo in - /bs (5.89)(/3 s0) (/.33) ('3.56)(/6 (/.33) 63 P1.t. 2.57• 84 P16t. 4 -3.6 j 3.22• I 4.50• 7.07• 9.00• 3-..5 1 11.6 11.6 a..2 31.6 64.8 3-5.4 13.9 �.3 14/LTI58114E 511E5 4-4.5 14.5 3-6.3 3-7.2 [16.2 L18.5 l 5-4.5 5-5.4 5-6.3 5-7.2 5-6.1 38.2 4-5.4 89.1 17.4 6'? 51.5. 7-4.5 7 -5.4 7-6.3 7 -9.9 7 -15.3 44.5 32.4 70.0 O9 Plate 9-7.2 9-9.9 9 -12.6 9 -16.2 113.4 3-8.1 3 -9.0 23.1 4-6.3 4 -6.1 26.1 5-9.0 20.8 70.3 36.4 40.5 108.1 145.8 3 -9.9 25.4 5-9.9 44.5 1.29• 4 -9.9 115141 1064E15095, 151. 3 -10.8 27.6 31.9 1.29• 1 7.07• 1 -- `2 (hart:. .5.9. e6a a,9TanO v t1ca1 •t.P• e 1.93• • c.pt 4156r. Mown). 7.2• 5-12.6 1 56.7 �- 643. 4 75 • .643" • 7` (hurls. at.pa aro In. i . 0 vertical 6460M arm 1.266• except War. . 4 - 12.6 3-12.6 32.4 40.5 5 -14.4 64.8 2.7 I r 0.9• 2.57 �� 1 1 1.265• .5• JT -1 3 -14.4 4 -14.4 5- 3.6 1 i 0.9` JIM 1.285 57-12 1 .8" 37.0 46.4 61.0 1 1.285' 5.4 f f 1.6" 111-68.7..!61n2 The VIKING Truss Fabricator must furnish a copy of this design to both the builder and truer, erector. DESIGN STANDL DS: This drawing has been prepared to meet applicable provisions of the "Nat:oral Design Sieeif :c ration for Stress -Grade Lumber and its Faetenicgs" 'by National Lumber Manufacturers Aceoc Ltionl and 'De sigr Specifications for Light Metal Plate Connected 'Wood Trusses" by Trues Plate Institute. VIKING Convector Plates are 20 gauge galvanised nteel and applied to both faces of cock truss at each n (1.`i5LA of the same si ecies with equal or greater stress values may to eubetituted. FABRICAT:ZYLumber must be accurately cut and fitted together so that all members at each Joint are in snug contact e.ocg the Joints. Fate centerlines shall coincide with Joint centerlines or shall to located by circles unless otterwiee — dIdensioned. OVtEALL SPANS are Lased on nominal 4" beer`.ng widths and may to increased by as much as 4" at each wider bearingTh=en using nominal 8" bearing widths, permitting s maximum cverall span increase of 8". LATERAL BRACING: This truss has been designed assuming the top chord is laterally braced at intervals not exceeding }' -O" c.c. VIKING COfit ECTORS, INC., tears no responsibility for the erection of trusses in accordance with this design. Persons using ouch trueces are cautioned to seek professional advice in , egard to safety precautions during erection, proper handling, temporary bracing and permanent tracing which may be required in specific applications. NOTE: 1962 N.D.S. edition. NOTE: All webs shall be 2X3 or 2X4 #1 Southern Pine, 1500f Industrial Fir, or 1500f Industrial Hemlock. NOTE: Only one Butt Joint A or B permitted in bottom chord. 2 -1/4" 1 V KE 5T -21 BUTT JOINT A 5 -8.1 3 Camber 1/2" at center 12 1 BUTT JOINT B .2' -O" to span /6 4 -5.4 to 25' -8" 3 -6.3 to 22' -8 3 -5.4 to 20' -8" CO LUMBER 2x4 Max. Overall Spars Top Chord #1 Dense So. Pine #1 K.D. So. Pine Sel. Str. Fir Sel. Str. Hemlock #1 Southern Pine 1'00f Ind. Doug. Fir 25' -8" 25' -8" 1500f Ind. Hemlock 25'-0" 25' -8" NOTE: Hemlock to be W.C. Hemlock. a b R- 1375# FORCE DIAGRAM 3T -10 25'-8" 12 J 3 1435 N.E. 13th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 3330 2x4 Btm.Chord 25'-8 L U M B E R Max. Overall Spans #2 K.D. So. Pine #2 Southern Pine 1200f Ind. Doug. Fir 1200f Ind. Hemlock 0 b 565# 2 g20 # 415# 397°0 1 a 1 ' � :0 0 R L25-0 Clear span 3840 #T 3 -8.1 to 25' -8" 3 -7.2 to 23' -0" 3 -6.3 to 20' -0" 3-5. to 17' -4" 0 r I� 540# 2 0# Equal areas 2x4 Top Chord c 2x4 Btm.Chord DESIGN LOADING 795#T Roof 45 psf Ceiling 10 psf 2 _ Total 55 psf 33 - 1 /3% unit stress increase 566-5471 - C , o X5'' - " F'. D 'C r t 13 +'� O VI m F4 1) 0 Phone AC -305 D- Q (UE - 3 - 25 - SS _ /a f June /, /9 c,S _ C SI = M = Wi 9 = (9o)'5. 73) / 9 = 3 9 qo /65 Axles ?970'C (A) (Fe) ( /nc) m . (5 83 2,1Q 350)(/• 33) 0.92 2 x S.Pne P f 0.375 -A 0. 554/ M ( 7 ) ( ( 39 40 (3. ) C 15 C/. 3 3 ) 03 Plate ` 2.57• I 3.22 7.07• • 3.00• 04 Plato 4 -3.6 11 Plate 4.50• 87 Plate 7-4.5 89 Plata 9-7.2 3-4.5 3-5.4 3-6.3 3-7.2 3-8.1 3-9.0 11.6 11.6 [13.9 14.5 5-4.5 5-5.4 5-6.3 5-7.2 5-8.1 5-9.0 j.0.2 31.8 64.8 . 24.3 MIATISPIKE 522E5 4 -4.5 4 -5.4 4-6.3 4.8.1 7 -5.4 7-6.3 7 -9.9 7 -15.3 38.2 9-9.9 16.7 [28.4 17.4 44.5 89.1 18.5 32.4 9-12.6 70.0 113.4 20.8 20.3 36.4 23.1 26.1 40.5 108.1 9 -16.2 145.8 3-9.9 25.4 5-9.9 4 -9.9 44.5 31.9 31.9 VIKING CONNECTORS. INC. 3-10.6 27.8 5-12.6 56.7 1.29• I 1.29• 1.8 77 -32 (hertz. ■tape are 0.5" d an rtlul *taps era 1.93• a.capt what. ■hewn). 7.07• I 1 k 7.2' ; ----- }}}T---- •-- --� . 6 4 .643 I 1.8 ST- 1 (horiz. steps arm and vertical step. ere 1.266' a.c.pt where shown). 4 3-17.6 32.4 40.5 5- 64.8 2.57 j 3-14.4 4 -14.4 2.7• - 1 I 0 9• [5.2 1 1.285• 1 37`10 1 !!7.6•Mi 0.9' T 11.285• 1.285• f 5.4' 2 37.0 46.4 64•__.,.4.. t f 1,8" 5.4 t 1.8" 2 Area 44.61n t 64' Copyright 1955 Vikin Connectors Inc. cut from 2x6 or as requir -d Valley Member A 4' A thru E are typical valley trusses as shown on sheet #10 The largest valley truss ie shown to be a guide for valley trusses larger than the 20' Valley Member "E ". Valley trusses run perpendicular (in the opposite direction) to the supporting trusses underneath and should be nailed or fastened to each truss top chord they intersect with -�• (1) 16d nail to laterally brace the —' -_ top chords of these trusses when the 12' (trusses do not have sheathing on them. Valley Member B. 5 -4.5 3 -4.5 3 -4.5 gI Valley Member C -5. Valley Member 0 5 -5.4 M 3 -2.7 or �Jl' Z -5 (typical) 't M Valley Member E 20' 5 -6.3 5-6.3 16d nails 1 -5/8" Equal -- f 5 -6.3 spaces f1 3 -5.4 Z -5 or 3 -2.7 8' • 3 -2.7 or Z -5 (typical) VALLEY DETAILS 3 -4.5 16' Trues top chords 2' -0" o. r --- Typical plate to be used in splicing either top or bottom chords. 12 2x4 on edge. Lateral brece required when length of center vertical member exceeds 6' -6" or add tha thickness when vertical member to double n vertical exceeds 6' -0 ". ej PIGGY BACK DETAILS EQUAL SPACES Leng BS Required TYPICAL LARGER VALLEY This Figgy -Sack Detail is taken from page #10 on top of Hip #1. Figgy -Becks ere the same in structural construction es Valleys except for shape, and the bottom edge of the bottom chord is not beveled. Placement in the building is in the opposite direction to Valleys, (Placement 1s parallel to end on top of the supporting trusses). See IMPORTANT 'TOTE at the right. Plate end lumber data that applies to Valleys above also applies to Figgy -backs of the lama size. 3 -4.5 Valley Varies to match roof pitch VALLEY & PIGGY BACK DETAILS SECTION M -M OPTIONS 1 t $ 2 J PIGGYe,, \ BACKS E Sheathing Truss or Hip lumber - Minimum allowable unit stresses. C - 560 psi Compraesion parallel to grain f - 750 psi Extreme fiber in bending t - 750 psi Tension parallel to grain E - 1,540,000 Modulus of Elasticity Top Chord shall be 2x4 minimum Bottom Chord and Webs shall ba 2x3 minimum Webs shall be 2x3 minimum Plates - Viking Connector Plates ere 20 geuga galvanized steal and applied to both faces of each truss at each joint. Minimum of one 16d veil into each truss top chord. 3 -2 - 3 -6.3 height C Z -5 (typical) 2 I L_ a at I MAXIMUM OPTION 3 rLl Rip 2x6 to make two pieces for bottom chords. Saw cut to match truss pitch. height J 1 IMPORTANT NOTE J Piggy Back units are set directly above and parallel to the supporting trusses under- neath and therefore do not laterally brace the truss top chords. To be sure that the supporting trusses function as designed one of the following methods of Gracing the top chord must be used. Continuous lateral bracing. OPTION #1 - Extend and attach all sh=eathing before applying Piggy Back units. OPTION #2 - Extend and attach a portion of the sheathing so there is 3' -0" or less between rows of sheathing. OPTION #3 - Provide continuous lateral bracing (1X4) to the bottom edge of the truss top chord so there is 3' -0" or less between rows of lateral bracing. Attach with (2) 8d nails to each truss. Pg.102 C'- .ty . VAL 7 Hip #1 Copyright 1965 Viking Connectors, Inc. 3 -8.1 for 2.5 3 over 3 -9.0 for 2.0 -9.9 for 1.5 Attach End Jack to Hip #1 with (3) 16d nails at top 8 (2) 16d nails g bottom 45 Top View 7' -0" END JACK Hip Jack TOP CHORD HIP JACK ATTACHNIE %TS Date June 1, 1955 D•wKJ 1' -0" Bevel edges 8 attach to ip truss with 3 "X6" railplate at top 3 (3) 16d nails in bottom chord (sae detail below for top chord attachment) X5 Ledger 3 "X6" Nail plate End Jack (Top Chord attached with (3) 15d toe nails) HIP #1 (members as required) 5' -0" Corner Jack 3' -0" Corner Jack 1' -0" Corner Jeck HIP JACK 37-10 17 3 -6.3 for 1.5 x 3 -5.4 for 2.0 Y� 3 -4.5 for 2.5 4 over U 2X4 or 2X3 #1 material t3- / 3 -5.4 for 2. 8 over ; \3 -6.3 for 2.0 ;0-7.2 for 1.5 Hip Jack HIP JACK FRAIFIIUG 2x4 2x6 TOP CIHO ;DS 7' 0" End Jack g 2' -0" o.c. /- Toe nail to plate with (3) 16d nails 1 -0" Corner Jack Bevel edges 3 attach to Hip Jack NOTE: \ with (2) 16d nails top 3 bottom. 2X rafter is structurally adequate for all and Jacks, however larger sizes are generally used to match top Toa nail to plats chord size of standard truss.. If 2X5 with (2) 16d nails. or greater, use #1 So. Pine, Corst. Fir 3 -5.4 or Const. Hemlock. 2X6 Ledger beveled on top 8 attached to Hip truss with Bevel edges 8 (4) 16d nails at each truss maab =r HiP Jack with in contact with ledger 3 1/2" die. top 8 bottom. bolts g panel points. (ty builder). Toa nail to plate with (3) 16d nails. If necessary, bend plate over top of Hip Jack. end line 3 "X6" nail plate at 45 bend. Attach with 12 nails (5 each side_ of bend) 8 2 rails at bend. �Hip #1 1 Side View (Endjack 8 ledger not shown) Bevel edges 4 toe nail to — plate 8 to Hip jack with (2) 16d nails 2_5 attach to (2) 16d nails 5' -0" CORNER 2ACK 3' -0" COR%ERJACK 3 -5.4 I mo` TYPICAL TIE DOW% 7'.0/I SMACK JACK LUMBER Toa rail to plata with (2) 16d nails. All lumber shall be 2X4 1 Southern Pine, 150Cf Industrial Fir or 1500f Industrial Hemlock, except where shown. 1/8" X 1" Anchor strap bent over top chord (by builder) 8d nail Pg. 69 0 a r � A 0 LA style D JAC (sat) pitch Ana epm 7 ref 55 (2X4 8) (2x6 T.C.) o M M Efial f; 1.`i4fitl LL tr(..c;r3t'j 1( 3 3:3 fl,itf:,' ; -• OVE£..tti.S, ;11414, FYI, •- 10 3E • ;ic';:t> •• RICA O )E RA HMSE3 If IS YOU i RESFO t 131L11Y 10 CREci( 4U1 1 u s FLt e) ' � , j. 17 4 , a 44 tf k L) t:' #,Y>. 1, 7r.�rfrsr. - �,. ill�. •, -�.� t „,.,y --. er t\111I,2, CrIt 1NELF �Y,os• oZ ti: l. oP_,o L : Q US/.e ^ a o, c /l r rikE` /tLoo>. ,14 s' .5741 W4 h•f 8$4 FD /(w,rrY � r"• '- ,: fir, • -- 4 7- r • "t h'I / _ .. //h )-, A l /a. vE• /I$4 Q o a,or // q , vc• srcps LV:)e R. ov /4 F L o O. $ rdcco.: W4.L �LAS %CO �S >L L / ic i_ 1 s, CO REfe2 d 1¢J4 /vE r'fya GySN;C �Sh6 s;, !</ r c N E A/ • .4 / N' Z1 FLooe ('o/% P, aggli ,PL J tk✓4U.s rat t O R A //I , # sp /.. . . 4 .‹ : F4 v o rte. k4/4z Ls /c ' "/i w .s'v.<a , rfr.2:✓� 7' 44,4 t' /Pn., G cfmn.l /•p 18. %, 'CRY. T,ca �r 1 /D.•� fo >..4• a•�p 714 ale o4 h!s/,( P A/4 i . ,- o_ c C?.'✓sLS r. of .Leo 11M00! M•riml .TyvirGN • AvELaUr• ' .. ' -• y1 k ✓• X.•,. . Ell 1.'10 . V. .. hJ.T t0 T ' :4-1;2 — 4: - 'r,'.iEf j�. (/ c-5.: C -/, C• z / G•3, G•S,C: , c• /4� 2' , i t�/ Z. - /s . 84rif ,Qt•i• Kr Ce.e,s- 4 1 c -r 7 -HAR I' E. PE N Y ARC 1-111'ECT' /7 s.w•: sr M1AMt Ft:oFu r?a, J9$"72- pAT /Z '�S/ t�Ef. �`�KI�WN i'!Y 41! C i 4rfzA� CrotZ SHALL V RIPYALL. p et1SfUr 4N� NOTES B EoR' PRo .; prNG Wit THE ViOgr4 ALL PRAvvi tHt VkoPERFN OF ftl ARC 'JITEC ANC SffAtLL" 12E7'LiRNE17 t7 141:4 Ar l t4 E CoMp1 ErfoN op THE,F ' " "/i"'?4'+{" ^ nFw� 4 ��Y s.?H,+n tG4'1s*.�yr:•Y�S — - 4Y•+ °J?t = .iFR?akRJ Srx+SiR"eL�'.; �M:.+?.e - �k�!Y -s'. eif . 24,x X /c. " Pd r r/� � %: " iS 4,14.v/Ay - ? A/f ?R..� /e6 �` r � lJIC+� Ca L+ ÷aczrVcra r SZga \ \fAt PILL ,Dv 414124 Jo i s r .$ (/n/os/r 41Z P.e ri x/441.1 f oo7'� 1/c /e2 "D eP f'erxcce. i` SY 5t''9�/ F�!%C4 '.SHOE Paar/,J; 4 rr✓fo e ciAta - we cv./ri�Jdarra; SL43 R'E' /fl 6 ~x 6 . `' 4 " is ko.v orl4ESrl 'SA e: gNC. re4S W es•.. k..�. -ri..� • , ;er 7 L‘.ss 7;1/E A i.5= ,r. 44. .: �c: oA,/ QA/ /! 4 /lr. -iViAM 1 : .: -SE OR 7 -744. HAFTRY E. PE6 NN :Y ARCHITECT /7/2. .5.W 1 .5 r MIAMI FtQRIO Jogi ./ yZ D47E, �'S! $tiEET -3l3 L?E1'..? DRAWN 3Y _ 4RS >: N,g Np t O E3 P+za Y ceE4 R1 1��G t. yJI rN T N He WrJw A At, L PRAtYfNG9 ARC T!-fE pRoPERTY O1s THE ARCHITECT A NO ' MALL RETURNIOT• 111M 4'V fl GOMPL.RIIoN QF TNS WORK. • A4 4 NereL C , a s e f 4 t , /r h/rnlo , • /t. 4xc # P r W,i*e • Grz- .s'No w1-• oraere, 4 fLooe- 34x4 Y . N EN.N '_:MIAMI FLoRlP�.: • • CO NTRAC.TOR 514M.L Y4R .IFY'AIL. DIMENSIONS AND NOTC5 VSFORS .PRe./CEtp'N3 WITH 114M WORK. ALL DRAW INGS; ARM THE .PROP R1Y OF T+-IE AizcHIYFCr Antca $9.41 I e 1E1*UP:11 .L0 TO HIM AT THE CoMpLeTlON OF TH$ WORK. ro'ir'io. a4 ,/i4 .c el crr:rLo.a l e rr L C,v c 1 /r !ti/ o� v�l t:. �x G 4P r Wix .*. ..1` iv t ✓' O r!I DER. N/ /.fbts: 7'4040 V A.7-/ 4. -� -• _- ...rim . •• �. Vwa ►�wanw.ron{+ 7 . • /v11 r .1 .. A=4, = • ILA Rk AR NtTLC`[' FLORic' _ 64T 1 St 45 ET' Y3 [1 2. `L DRAVii`l ia•Y• CONTF A'..TAR s4 ACL V IZ► Y'All DiM8r1S%O $ ANP ,h14TESeS0 in2c?tg.8 NI+ WYT}4 .114 YJOvJK. ALL V$ W A Tt4 �; G (7'Y ()s= say r• �rsicr ANta 3 � k.ETVf�.0 / T±3 1{1 :4: A•t' 9 TN Tr CQ�MPL Tl�11V Gi o, � rkr WQK,K. •: -- - ' •' - y , •/ . .. . .. - ••;.;-• •?;;• l •,< :' fl:' ••:-- , . ;. . .. i ', . .. -, -. ? - . - ‚. 4s - . „. .- .... , y • ..-. .: 4 r--- k �� y � : ;','4 q i 4 S - ; J !J A • k," ' R r y a tl�r^ e A q .-4-;---; .,/ 1 Y V� r5 �� .. .4' - 1 - . xT ' •' - y , •/ . .. . .. - ••;.;-• •?;;• l •,< :' fl:' ••:-- fr&;1-;; • ' d(. ;,; • •--::T-T-------•- . •1 • il • • ? . r r . : ----r--•- q i ` i •+ sy !J t 1 - . xT ' •' - y , •/ . .. . .. - •: :.. .ij.r. ; •-?- t r-.L L J 4 frill =t 1 11 ; q i ` i •+ sy !J T • : - 1 - . xT ' •' - y , •/ . .. . .. - ;1L;i . .ij.r. ; •-?- t r-.L L J 4 frill