287 NE 96 St (7)• i, UV acCea) i;tFn•ei' hereby apply for a certificate to re- occupy the single family residence known as: (address) ° E- °(b , iNfiami Shores, Florida. Legal description: Lot: 2l 2Z r 2 3 _,Brock 130 ,PB&PG: ) 4 D Applicant: • • I hereby certify that I understand that the zoning of the property is for single - family residential use and that it is unlawful for more than one family to reside therein.. I also understand that any Certificate of Re-Occupancy that may be issued by M iaau Shores Village, Florida, certifies only that the referenced property is being used for single -1 n1y purposes and that such Certificate does not constitute any representation, warranty or certification as to the condition of the dwelling or other structures on such , • . erty. Inspec By Comments: APPLICATION FOR CER'11r "ICATE OF RE- OCCUPANCY Ids a o Print N. „e: WarreA (`per sfe.dtrtn ********************************** * * * * * * * * *** * ***;__ * *** * * * * * ** * at For the purposes of conducting the inspection required by Section 902 of the Mani Shores Development and Zoning Code, contact: s/ 2 9 Contact Name: �\-e. R1 c\; �T 180- Buyer: Seller.4_ Realtor Company Name: Application Fee (S50) Paid: Cash: Checic4 Number. Approved: /Denied: �. Date: th . CER 11FICATE OF RE-OCCUPANCY On behalf of Miami Shores Village, Florida, the undersigned certifies that the property descibed in the application has been inspected for the purposes of re- occupancy pursuant to Sections 901 and 902 of the Mimi Shores Land Development and Zoning Code and that such property may be re- occupied by the applicant for single-family residential purposes_ MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA . BY Date of Certification: THIS CER 1'irICATE VERIFIES THAT nth REFERELNCED PROPERTY HAS BEEN INSPECTED BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE AND HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO PRESENTLY COMPLY WITH THE SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS OF THE MIAMI SHORES LAND AND DEVELOPMENT CODE PERTAENING SOLELY TO THE REQUIREMENT THAT EACH ONE - FAMILY DWELLING IS USED AND INTENDED TO BE USED FOR A ONE-FAMILY DWELLING PURPOSE ONLY; HOWEVER, THIS CERTIFICATE IF ICATE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY AS TO t HE CONDITION OF fl i; DWELLING OR OTHER STRUCTURES ON iii PREMISES DESCRIBED HEREIN, OR ANY ASPECT OF SUCH CONDITION, AND INTERESTED PARTIES ARE ADVISED AND ENCOURAGED TO MAKE THEIR OWN INSPECTION OF THE PREMISES IN ORDER TO DETEX'bII1NE 'nit.: CONDITION THEREOF. • • • also known as Dade County, Florida, and WITNESS S: Q= •OFf. 435? 2557 REC. UNITY OF TITLE WHEREAS;.the undersigned the owner of that property described as: Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 30, AMENDED PLAT OF MIAMI SHOTES, SECTION ONE 11) according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat -s Book 10, Page 70 of the Public Records of Dade County, FL 287 NE 96th. Street, Miami` Shores, TL The undersigned recognizes and acknowl'edg that for the public health, welfare, . safety or morals, the herein - described property should not be divided into se- parate parcels owned by several owners so long as the same is put to th' here - inafter use, and In consideration of the issuance of a permit for a variance for a 4' high wrouAht iron fence in frontof the house. (Present ordinance limits fence height in front to 32'). and for other good and valuable considerations, the undersigned hereby agrees to restrict the use of the subject property in the following manner: 1. That said property shall be considered as one plot and parcel of land and that no portion of said plot and parcel of land shall be sold, trans- ferred, devised or assigned separately, except in its entirety as one plot or parcel of land. 2. The undersigned further agrees that this condition, restriction and '.i- mitation shall be deemed a covenant running with the land and shall re- main in full force and effect and be binding upon the undersigned, their heirs and assigns until such time as the same may be released in writing by Miami Shores Village, Florida, provided, however, that a release will be executed when the premises are made to conform with the appl :cable zoning regulations or the use or structure is removed from the premises and'there is no further reason to maintain the Unity of Title on the public recoZd-s.- Signed, sealed, executed and acknowledged on this _ day of _ A.D. 19 8.9 , at Miami, )?lorida. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: YVETTE G. MURPHY 2121 Ponce'de Leori Blvd. #400 Coral Gables, FL 33134 I HEREBY: CERTIFY' that the above its true and correct. FY` -COr:D D G' t ICIA6 R[DOOD IO OF DADL 0011811, FLORIDA, . • RECORD VF11 FIED , *1 . m, 1, 'D P UNE . Ct A' CIRCUIT COURT N TAR Y// PUBLIC State of Florida a , cn CO CO CO 0, NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 16. 1992 li BONDED WHRU STEMBUER.ADAMS & SWEET / this 2 2 - 9 -q3 1989 DEC -7 AM 10 :55 898444797 V:143521'2558 JOINDER BY MORTGAGEE The undersigned, FLORENCE POOLE, Mortgagee, under that certain mortgage from JAY YOUNG dated the 12th day of September, 1988, and recorded in Official Records Book 13820, Page 1062, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, in the original amount of $40,000.00 covering all /or a portion of the property in the foregoing agreement, do hereby acknowledge that the terms of this agreement are and shall be binding upon the undersigned and her successors in title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents have been executed day' of My commission expires: ., FLORENCE POOLE ,1989. TORO ?D W of"Hchq RLUD�• OF DADE CO LDaIDA, RECORD VERIFIED F � J STATE OF CLERK CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY OF BEFORE ME , the_ undersigned authority, this day appeared FLORENCE POOLE, tome well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, that she signed and delivered said instrument as her act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal at in the County and State aforesaid, this' ZD day of' • - 1989. . .fir' NOTARY PUBLIC THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: YVETTE G.gNURPHY, ESQ. Suite 4001 2121 Ponce c b Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, FL 33134 1. NAME OF PROPERTY: Spears - Harris House 2. ADDRESS 287 NE 96 st. LEGAL DESC. 3. NAME OF OWNER & ADDRESS: Jay Young 4. NAME OF APPLICANT & RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: same 5. PRESENT USE AND CONDITION: Residence 6. TYPE OF PROJECT: (circle one or add unlisted project- (J. OTHER) A. MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR B. RESTORATION C. REHABILITATION D. ALTERATION E. ADDITION F. EXCAVATION G. DEMOLITION H. NEW CONSTRUCTION I. RELOCATION OTHER (EXPLAIN) MIAMI SHORES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 287 NE 96 st. Swirrming Pool 7. IS A ZONING VARIANCE REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT? No DATE: 8/5/88 8. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT, INCLUDING WHAT CHANGES WILL BE MADE AND HOW THEY WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED. Installation of Swimming Pool. No changes to existing structure_ 9. IF USE OF THE PROPERTY WILL CHANGE AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED WORK, EXPLAIN THE IMPACT OF THE CHANGE. The Board shall be supplied with copies of the Original Designation Report filed when the property was designated as a Historic Landmark and copies of any Certificates of Appropriateness granted previously for this site. (1//51 de/ °Ij Type of Constructi›, Roof covering Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot - Block �— Street and Number where work is to be crone Purpose of building (by floors) Read, sworn to and subscribed before me, Classification _ Disapproved , 192 Reasons: In this space give lot dimensions; make sketch of ground plan, and distance of building from all lot lines. CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA (Little River District) OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (A copy of this Application, together with one copy of plans and specifications, must be kept at building during progress of the work) Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith sub- mitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which said Ordinance was approved July 7th, 1919. All provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Miami, and all rules and gulations of the Building Department of the City of Miami, shall be complied with, wk�ther lreins pecified_,pr �} a } � Date '' F „ , 192 • Owner's Name aid Addres?; • 1 1 / -r Street No Architect -• f i ( ' Name and address of contractor or builder � d • Subdivision �r New Building Addition Repair Remodeling Number of Stories Estimated cost of Improvements (not including furnishings) $ (Signed) ($igned) Notary Public. My commission expires THIS TO BE FILLED IN BY BUILDING INSPECTOR Permit No _issued upon above Application , 192 and for no other purpose. Foundation ` Number of persons to he accommodated (maximum) per floor Size of building lot Distance from next nearest adjoining building (from all sides except street) Heating system, if any (kind) Plumbing • . �' Elec Elevators: passenger freight Manufacturer Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All 'notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. } SS. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowl- edgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described building, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. (Signed) Building Inspector. 6t MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regula- tions of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Date 4 7 Owner's Name and Address. "y '' "'t No.__2_i Stree fi e Registered Architect and /or Engineer C Name and address of licensed contractor �� '' =� Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block_ Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. Disapproved Date (Signed) Chairman _ Member Member Council Approved___ Building Inspector My Commission Expires __and for no other purpose. New Building_________________ Remodeling______ _________ Additiont' ` r '_f _ Repairs � No of Storiesw_____ To be constructed of_ Kind o �� fooundat" n,, Roof Covering Estimated Total cost of improvements $_ Kind "°"'""" ______Amount of Permit $ tl) Zone cubage required__ Plan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit: and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such supco actors, on "pork to be permed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. r .�i Remarks (Signed) ■ 4 ? IOW Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared Notary Public, State of Florida to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application. and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No Date Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. PLANNING BOARD DATE Member Member Member Date Disapproved 9.� Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. PAID BY ' YEAR ANNUAL TAX PERIOD USED AMOUNT PAID DATE PAID RECEIPT NUMBER Ai 1 �,�,f 4 ,( i 1940 /0 0o / - /7' ' , irm' j/1 1941 _ A A. / 1942 A 0 s' d CJ y i i . ' P v/r 1943 I S . AO ,�a.ee , . / / �/I �% /. ' i. r - , 1944 1945 " , / / , _ CJa 7 W-i-A..o i i -.. . i A 1946 •e 3- -t/6 SZ 3 ,L •1 ;� �..: 1947 _ .A • r 1948 /'. Q � o . s V it 1949 • / ` ai/ " / a ' I / /g; ii �/ 1950 4 2 .5/- St 1 /5 ' 0 S LOCATION 267 N. E. 96th Litreet c GARBAGE TAX RECORD _ , Mrs. Pratt Spears. ,4/>2 4tqt 287 N.\ E. 96th St. by year, annual tax period used amount paid dz0A) paid receipt # -GA / h °,1 4 - 3 BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA PERMIT N° 3505 Work to be performed under this Permit Owner of 1 ; Q� t ,: Building / : ` f . n Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Bl. Description Address of Building This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- tions pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. Subdi- vision Value of Project DATE ' ! 194. Contractor's License No. stte ,.. �i�..fg this pdttti�t• Amt. of Permit ti i 1 �' / - CONTRACTOR ° OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of .w Building vim' PERMIT N? 3505 Work to be performed under this Permit I Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Description Address of I Building This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install th application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that t with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the prop be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed w upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the the ordinances and regulations pertaining tb the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in co tions pertaining thereto and in strict Conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted Village. In accepting this permit I assume t sponsibtlity for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant o I CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORID DATE Li Bl. WARNING: This Comm War P: ndtjc$IQ" oe' d You are cautionl.d to Bard ewe before st this permit. Subdi- vision Value of Project BY tractor's ense No. on may Win viotmen d General 1 iitutat ons i} d i 41 Amt. of Permit -•-••••"-- By with all ordinances the proper authorities of ployee. 19 ci equipment or device described in the e work will be performed in compliance municipal authorities. This Perini hour authorization. A turder c ed sponsibilicy for a thorough nowl in the statements or specifications n f i, BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of 1 Building / Contractor or Builder Legal Description Address of Building Lot MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE /;' PERMIT N9 3505 Work to be performed under this Permit Architect Bl. Subdi- vision Value of Project Wkf h'c: Tfls CIF `.i!Ir`.`Gll I' lt!! in ,afa'C3 of ,.. n r.E l,( F:u • t.:1; _ �1 a Si .ii' ; ;:. .!4 (: i3.'I IU Z i this permit. Amt. of / • "" 0 Permit / 194 Contractor's License No. f r " This petknit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application hereror in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed• d I By s INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- tions pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. J Y CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY � U � DING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Description Address of Building Lot Work to be performed under this Permit : �. r , �, MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE r - - t - 194 PERMIT N9 3955 Bl. Subdi- vision Value of Project • h ...IT.::: • Contractor's License No. Amt. of Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby- whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed. 1 By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all.QUlinances and S egy 4 a ,. pQ tions pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper au ies of Miami a MS Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. ' sr ' (?4 C ONTRAFTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regula- tions of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Owner's Name and Address d % Registered Architect and /or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block___ Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) • • Zone cubage required ,Plan Cubage Date _Size of Building Lot Building Inspector My Commission Expires 5 - -? 1 Street and for no other purpose. New Building_____________ __________ Remodeling_________ Addition._! •__ : _ _ _` = Repairs ✓ No. of Stories To be constructed of_____— Kind o foundaao Roof Covering Estimated Total cost of improvements $ !!"" . __— ,Amount of Permit $ _ ' Distance to next nearest building Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement. and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit: and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such s o actors, on rk to be per • med under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) Notary Public, State of Florida it— Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that be has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No Date Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved _________________ Date (Signed) PLANNING BOARD DATE Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Council Approved— Date Disapproved _ nate NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. At IIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE ` MIT? 2468 performed under this Perini 4. ic e misli 7 Contractor's Lice e No. 1- Subdi- vision alue of Amt. of J roject I , Permit / '' � bor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the n all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance -afications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may ions in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition =•derstanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorouglh knowledge of is the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or sp :ci&cations and A by his agents, servants or employees. Signed` - —2` i ,,: - n f t:.yt.! IN - of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordina es and regula- - miry with the plans, drawings, statemxnts or specifications submitted to the proper authorities o Miami Shores responsibility for all wo lone by + 'the r nys my agent, servant or employee. AUTHORIT SiA E OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE ,' 'Division of Archives, History and Records_ Management D'S-HSP-3E 9-74 CONTINUATION SHEET Site Name Spears /Harris House 287 NE 96 St. Miami Shores, FL Physical Description Structure is a large, two -story Mediterranean Revival residence with lateral massing. Entrance is at center with enriched compound arch. Two sets of arched French doors are to W of entrance. Screened porch on NE of central mass, with three arched bays in front and one on each end. Second story central mass has French doors leading to masonry balcony above and to W of entrance. Projecting wing on W has French doors to masonry balcony on 2nd story. Porte cochere attached on E has arched auto entry and three arched bays on E. Detached buildings in rear include a 2 -car garage, 2 maids' rooms and laundry. Structure is significantly deteriorated due to termite damage. !'1•J 11 ll rfa -ee _16 SZ Jr Er ffh w� 17 /6 5 4. 0 t 1111 1;;F :w einsmom tonmmmmma®mmmmao mizszinlinernonn If 15 N -W N W N. w. Iv,w. N W 3 4 .l ,.. 3 N .W l.1 IS :J nun lion 1111 ii ouppom �2am�ammm� Erdanto , = s0 ����� © slwglAm@Qki g 4, 0 y madmen rat mattps ' itials, IINESCIO Oral MEN p _* -, r • ••— o4' inwein 1mm!agmm 111 •mmm 1111112 m 3 , . " - .v w. +-0 - --5T 1 O L , EM 1mamovaam m amamlimmgp e 9 9 T ". 9. T. 9 97 ' man © a°1112 N.w. 9 6 TH• 11 PI 1111 041114 MN 9 4' 01 1111 moan .N.w 93 RD. 11 °1a100 a2m�aamd r.: jl J • f 1 r1 4 II I 1 onopao©m ., aoog000 : 'i WNW a' mown g r 5 WAIN SEMI T r 4 mmmmm mu AA 5 T. 5 r. 5 T. 5 T. �mmmmmao� si 111 MI Hilt dI! VEX �mmmm W 5 T. 5T. 1 '1 • r. "-'5 0 5. T memmeeom alarm ^v,-r r . e0 4 N.E. rf rJ r/ :6 rt r, re N E a ®ov�gs ®� 111111111111 c • ti N. C . e Ct'!! 11 �: /• 6 -' • $y _ 1 • ° N E r 7 ° r J J suslilos r , 1 OLre• mut y o�mom= a �d11 I1 110 9 e O9 t A- pow amMIm4 dot i almmmm Mini o° v nni m m M U 1111111 ° m� Man op �' II Min mm � 41111_ mom s Inn en n MINN 411 line It •J S T 5 T. 6 5 1 • t I I � ST. new • S E �i� 1mp�J mmm o�mm AJ- Ems. N.E �mmmavvaa 1mcm�mm N.L. E . N E • 111410111 rJ. 111404144 mmadm immmm aom mmmomemm IV. 18111 MEW N 1111101111 MUM Ni. 11111 no II N . E 11111041 11111 N4 4 .J ti '5; A inn m ai :J Y Z7 o ‘i4 11111 tom �iOl� ®ice Q ®o . • 10 4 ®aavviaa wmmamoma� r,. I 6 5 wpm i PPM Irit 10 _Jo D. NNW it IO Z '• W Wm 101 100 9 9 • T. �oevaosaa Prom in HMSO Oldham 9 8 '• 9 5 1111041 °' •44 9 4 ' "- 9 2 1eu 112110 2�oaov4mo�� .11 gam 5 T. 5- T. 11111•aQION P�A� lurDi Aa; 2..S T. ugigiouir HOW UP S T. yam MOM T.e 1114 mom Emit .. me9oaam 97 •" nmgr: t .W111504111111i Prom m?'� r mm iifi mml - aviJ !4 i' s w ism mm -. wt, le b 5 S T. o ���' ,lmmp a �amomm J i 0 nIIl! r.r . ■■.�M 3 93 5 am ° Hamm 91 • 3 i 5 1111 1111 T. .1 TRACT A • Pb. .f 16 Jr RODE OF 11M4 1C11001 1 CHURC// N E 6115 1 A K e 11 2moa ao 1 1laad t ZZ:m :OZ.Z 211111 vaaa �zmz �cmti?= Incopeit mmdmdgoozr« 6 gir 444 !:16 ze-441;1 Ate amm:m ::mm 1111 0411111 ;1 111111111 1 MO 1,4 o mimeo twig in • o Si 11 1 I 11 11 1/14M1 SHORES r,'ATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE D.v■sior Or Archives, History and Records Management DS•HSP.3AAA Rev. 3.79 FLORIDA MASTER SITE FILE Site Inventory Form FDAHRM 802= = 1009.=.= Site No. Site Name Spears /Harris Residence 830= = Survey Date 8504 820= = Address of Site: 287 NE 96 St., Miami Shores, FL 905 = = Instruction for locating on NW corner of _NE 96 St. and NF. 3 Ave_ 813= = Miami Shores Sec. 1 Amd. 30 22 $ 23 868= = Location: Miami no. lot n o. subdivision name 808= = County: Dade Owner of Site: Name: Estate of Pratt Spears Address: Type of Ownership private • 848= = Recording Date • Recorder: Name & Title Stofik, Marty Address' MSHPB Condition of Site: ❑ Zoning( )( ❑ Development a Deterioration( ❑ Borrowing( )( ❑ Other (See Remarks Below): Areas of Significance: Integrity of Site: Original Use primate residence838= = Check One Check One or More ❑ Excellent 863 = = Li Altered 858 = = ❑ Good 863= _ [X Unaltered 858= = ❑ Fair 863 = = EX Original Site 858 = = iX Deteriorated 863= = ❑ Restored( )(Date: )( )858= = ❑ Moved( ) (Date: )( )858= = NR Classification Category: Building Threats to Site: Check One or More Present Use private residence850= = Dates: Beginning +1925 844= = Culture /Phase American 840= = Period 20th Century 845= = ) 878 = = ❑ Transportation( )( )878 == ❑ Fill( )( )878= = ❑ Dredge( )( ) 878 = = Architecture, Community Planning Significance: Structure was built as the home of Ellen Spears Harris, vice president of the Shoreland Company which developed Miami Shores. It was'one of several large, exceptional homes built for executives of the company to demonstrate the quality of the development. The architects, Kiehnel Elliott, helped shape the Mediterranean theme of the Miami Shores project. The home remained in the family until the death of Mrs. Harris's sister in early 1985. (It is for sale at the time of this survey.) Noteworthy features include enriched compound arch entry with two sets of arched French doors to W, and two balconies on 2nd story with French doors. It is on the same block of NE 96 Street as two other exceptional homes built for Shoreland executives. 91 = = 878 = = 902= = 832= = 818= = 916= = )( ) 878 = _ )( ) 878 = _ )( ) 878 = = 910= = ARCHITECT ? Kiehnel $ Elliott (Miami, FL) _ _ 872 =_ = BUILDER Miami. Shores Co. (Miami, FL) 874= = STYLE AND /OR PERIOD Mediterranean Revival 964 = = PLAN TYPE irregularLirregular 966 = _ EXTERIOR FABRIC(S) rough stucco 854 = _ STRUCTURAL SYSTEM(S) concrete block $ red hollow clay tile 856 = = PORCHES S: Screened, 1/3/1 arched bays, access N #N, screened porch, access W #N: screened porch, access N 942_ = FOUNDATION: concrete block 942 = = ROOF TYPE: intersecting gables 942 = = SECONDARY ROOF STRUCTURE(S): Porch F, Porte cochere, flat, tar t', grav€942 = = CHIMNEY LOCATION: C: ridge 942 = = WINDOW TYPE: wood casement 942 = = CHIMNEY: CBS, bellcote 882 = = ROOF SURFACLNG: barrel tile (original Cuban) 882 = = ORNAMENT EXTERIOR: cast masonry 882= = NO. OF CHIMNEYS one 952 = = NO. OF STORIES two 950 = = NO. OF DORMERS none 954 = = Map Reference (incl. scale & date)Miami Shores Village Plat 1980 Latitude and Longitude: O Site Size (Approx. Acreage of Property): LOCATION SKETCH OR MAP Contact Print • N•E !t 9 7 • N•E- 9 6 a 287 N.E. qbc" 5f Photographic Records Numbers 85N107HG05 /85N107HG06/85N107HG07 860 = = •. 11 I ',Ot%. KUOAK sAFE I'1 IILM SO62 LT 1 N Township 53S Range 42E Section 6 UTM Coordinates: Tone — EasLng -- WiREIhng 809 = = 800 = = 833 = = 812= = 890 = =