1287 NE 96 StLEGEND OF SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS A ARC DISTANCE AiC .... AIR CONDITIONING CBS ... CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE C CALCULATED C.B CATCH BASIN O.U.L....OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE CL .... CLEAR C/L ....CENTER LINE P.C.C... POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE ENC ... ENCROACHMENT p.0 POINT OF CURVATURE P.O.C... POINT OF COMMENCEMENT FIP .... FOUND IRON PIPE P.O.B POINT OF BEGINNING BLDG .. BUILDING O.H. ... OVER HANG W.M WATER METER C CHORD DISTANCE P.B.... PLAT BOOK M MEASURED D.E DRAINAGE EASEMENT P2 ...PROPERTY LINE CONC .. CONCRETE F.H FIRE HYDRANT UP ... UTILITY POLE F.D FOUND R RADIUS CERTIFY TO: Mark E. Brodsky Beloff & Schwartz Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. Southtrust Mortgage Corporation Its Successors And /Or Assigns LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: 3 dl 4 Block: 83 Subdivision: Miami Shores Sectin No. 2 According to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book: 10 Page: 37 Public Records of MIAMI -DADE County, Florida. ADDRESS: 1287 NE 96TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA Encroachments Noted: LOCATION SKETCH SCALE: / fi e loa NOTES: A) All Clearances and/or encroachments shown hereon are of apparent nature. Fence ownership by visual macro. Legal ownership of fences not determined. 8) This survey Is Intandsd for mortgage or refinance purposes only exclusively for this use by those to wham it is certified. This sexy it not to be used for construction. permitting, design, or any other use without written con- sent of Thomas J. Kelly. Inc. C) Cede restriction and title search ore not reflected no *Is array. 0) The flood lefen etiee shown hereon dons not Imply that the referenced property will or will not be fres from flooding or demise and does net mats liability on the part of the firm, say officer or employes thereof. for any damage that results from reliance on said information. E) The lands depicted he. eon were smxysd par the lgd dewiptide and no chime as to eonsnhip or matters of title are made or implied. F) Underground Encroachments, If any, not located. I hereby certffy that the sway represented hereon meets the minimum technical stan- dards sat forth by the Board of Lend Surveyors in skiapter 61G17 -6 Florida Administrative Coda to Flo. Statutes. EA .5. &M. #4858 TE OF FLORIDA VALID UNLESS IMPRINTED WITH AN EM '• -• SURVEYORS'S SEAL NOTES: 1. IF SHOWN, BEARING ARE TO AN ASSUMED MERIDIAN (BY PLAT). 2. IF SHOWN. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERRED N.G.V.D 1929. 3. TWISTS A BOUNDARY SURVEY. L /Af/T•s of FLAT ALLEY NGVD NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM PRC ... POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE RAD ... RADIAL RAN ...RIGHT OF WAY SEC... SECTION SCR... SCREENED S.I.P SET IRON PIPE SWK SIDEWALK U.E UTILITY EASEMENT CHLF CHAIN LINK FENCE pr Per DATE FIELD WORK 06/25/2002 Sheet 1 of Z FL 90D ZONE: AE THIS I5 A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE _ THIS I5 NOT A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE PANEL NO.:. 93/J COMMUNITY #: 120652 DATE OF FIRM: 07/17/1995 BASE FLOOD: 9.00 FINISH FLOOR: ELEV LOWEST CERT ADJ GRADE N 1 THOMAS J. KELLY, INC. L.B. #6486 SURVEYORS- MAPPERS -LAND PLANNERS 333 PALERMO AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 444 -7692 DADE (954) 779 -3288 BRWD (305) 441 -6494 DADE FAX (954) 779 -3260 BRWD FAX SCALE = l mt O O 02-3223 SURVEY NO. «f rP 15,1 E , r 112),5aCtoir p • 0 T 47 1 AS PEA` 4- P) 1(� qr STREET C 22 PAR SHEET 2 OF 2 THOMAS J. KELLY, INC. L.B. #6486 SURVEYORS - MAPPERS -LAND PLANNERS 333 PALERMO AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (305) 444 -7692 DADE (954) 779 -3288 BRWD (305) 441 -6494 DADE FAX (954) 779 -3260 BRWD FAX DATE FIELD WORK OCR/ 25/ 02 SCALE 'SURVEY NO. 1" _ 2c) 02-3223 t10 SPECIFICATIONS:; - ALL NAILS.-TO. EE. GALVANIZED:.: ,TYP NOT INCLUDED AS• ''A STANDARD 'FINISH ST& NED AS ALTERNATE. - ec ication 'a e 12 ara a con nu oTISTrolkaagyz •14g31Tf FFITM v ra • as s•ecif e& •owever, prow e t e necessary rou umbi in location as s i cat on 'a e 1 ara ra 411 aragra an su•st tute t • r v de all necessar um , 11 . co er nrov •e b ecificati•n Pa e 1 'ar h wo a " o ow "L11 switches ind ca e a ed vet sha ecification Pa ar ra •• 1:1 ire a a•h> st u e a new •ara a ent t e ectric :o r a r ". "P c w install in garage next to electric washer one er double element simi ar to •t •o n mane ac zormawnl e a Bah u e a rror an strip ight carr the ° e w . - o - o w h .laster a :•ve an •rov e a stan ar ava �• c fie& in this aide. P v JxyamitatracTnirlfri too oor an rovide a flush 2° " x •° S" x 1 t t our oor o an su'st tute three 2' $" x • 8" x 1 d b • k eliminate the f ue e as of water •eater e a nate •Ml 317447T4 e • e sw tc , to • s en t i ans; evert n e se • rema n t .r TTT��'y S" swin i . o oor a en rance to Bath o.1 re at n to t arc tectur e connect s con rector s �fiT7�TTi�_Z ou C 0 an substi u e hr , 0 0" x •' $* x 1. • trwmtrawmir1W-17721779114mIrr _ it oor an sue 1ue h ew n oor a en rance • area n at u•sta re sw n, n_ o E.: ETC Nfi : , drain is ifi - on: t e wanes: Also omit s•ecification •age • •aragra•h 0 ec cat on 'a - Para a toe n t r enliffq71 ec cat on age • ten on s ITIMIZSYna enn et is ent re •aragra ease attac• to s en T AZIWOMIW10171W144 - 4 3117111.11747TIMIRT art._ e wor 8 • to tone an u ra • chard Stone str C ti h 1 o eci cat en a e ara -. a t wor s co.•er an su st tuts ontractor s 1 on ro e resese or trac roviiei. b - a ec /cat n Paragra wor s or e er •e wor s en on `a 10 Par ec cat on 'a e 1 ar CO' LOO ecif cat on 'a - 11 'ara a e •or en t &ter -es nsu at on n is ent re on `a► e 2 ara a r stue t. ens errine i n e rov de recess or a wor s rema n t•e same and _fit a Yom- �tl3iitR� e en re agrap• regar• ng e ' ess yn avator 1" whic• •rov des a •m•-nion lavator com •lete as s wo SWAVAGOMAD OWVOIWNIOWV TS 7 & BLOCK WRIN ^H:) ,, S' MUM no x•� ati MMUMIMLISfikbaitIONZ •AU? A. SP1MN• ill[► KONOWerzw C OP? . „' 7 • 1000 i►Tiii :i31M i MIWORIKI.Megl r+ a. 3M.. Lk' L. ''.'r; w i I L ' : m '.0 ? S ' BE NSTAL I ,TAINT ENT L eE 14All ' B.I F•F. T ,.. .', friAlINEMINERIMINIINW AWE extor General on itz _o not sound wit this set 0 s.ec icat ons tee Ptest cop o the ener ai ions of he Contrcc Form A2 of the American nstItute o Arc iteec s maidiaMMANWMMTZU wIraiWillnUESSIDT be f n nawsizrammumm • r. .c or s acv d pa t o cc c t o ue )rint o t ese ever al. onCiticne is on i•i e of_ c ci • ie arc /tee and s axe l_t.. e for ins )ection o. t_ f} ese s•eci rations and draw nrs constitute in t e r entiret a -pert o t•' • contract co umen s. ese specifications shall. t'.:c: `)rucece rrcr't�_t s inte e *cation o . n ent o e drn. n s and sueci_ir. :, urnir; CU in ete sets of t e draw n s an ,; eci ica aid n °s and sped cations as nstruments o service are t .e 7)1.3 o CC rnd ahr _ not be use exce t or t. - articu ar o. an s culd o t -e arc itec u.on comrleticn of t e re•uire., a ou d ad ona co7A.er, •e der /red t rork che' com with a. ru es re ii ations ana cedes :.e re aired b Kin: .. es V a e for do and T N;a.ticnal co_ - .rd of ire in.erwriters rna the loo 'ic uti ties and of ers xhavin ur s•iction over sue vo ie con rac or s a rocure and DC. or e rerr is smn ax Petal c. es re•uired the State County, end ocial aecur t etc. recuire e er!'._ lever e rovi.e tem orary roger and lid t service WP .r and m^ e connections ':'ith utilities prying or al c .r.r rs c.nc ce .ari s ' ork e su. —co rac ors s a o• a n :reci' cns o e •'or -pa n or srme and s .r-il urnir cert 1cates o ir.rrf ontrPctor s L abilt - u a s. t,c:n ens'ticn Ac s an roin nv of _er c aims or .ems - ^es ..or )erg; r. nr ud n_ dent._ as is . mn arse _rom o' crntions under t. is cntrr.ct . e- onerot Ong e •v ,IF•P . or an' su contrnctor or • , anyone a ront emr_oye v eit er of them. ert cc es o. Quo _n'urPnc c 'n .e e.'ner it a c ruse in iuc cert icates re!a'11r rr _en- ammummnammummilisammmara 7 -r u8c 1 IMMMTVXMoft. .:4 emncr: r Bailcilnrs n.nc? S'nitar onvenience w o r pro cot im r .a c ni and shall •e su nr%.v s orni r t o Icor.i a a :mea ag ect t) i rni r,.ctor s Fa. , reviue tc :. i ore's o. ce storpt e s cc too s c e ma tc C. o _ice in teric:..s unr- ecc.1 -)mcnt out of t r ....r t . -_. V ' ^c.tor emr.ora.r sanitar faci itie:i or wer pen on tre conditions at a times an rem,. • • •1 • • • oncrete % • e o or i ete ldings as an t•- : •r non ng •rA on the hereinafter specified hed in drawings and not listed the building and items sh- nos nc u.e a wor •r t e a or shown on the draw -;s n in these s pecific,atio . • y 1 •hi ch may be r v reasonabl art • is • or rin '.al an lines . y . • • h- : lines n ` gra.es •r t r o yin dr° K an shall •ns ruc .n o ontractors shall s ' be followed ns carefully • accurately s a and check such additional y che ck and verif re •• lines or points as my be req all 1 es, eve an • ro.er in. ou • re .q as t ion •. earing • ontrc.c or s a 'ec io.:. - tter. All and :•ditional fill s, c :ar t en re si e o a to e removed from a rus. ru.. earth a be xcavatin l s'. an. of used to bring the • g shall be u rad o s n. ca e. on t •raw •ve• „ anu ac Concrete for piles s izes indicate, •n t ht is and • h ad un a cavort s indicated, tter. Oracle at ad ns ruc on ac rover to r sa p ac e a t ova • • : • • on • •n eti ns a gra.e • Fill to cons sans ave • -:. ••ure• an. •un.at ist of clean sand enntain •; no re inside of building sh- •, 6) inches a. • • 00 s. ivin use t roug:ou s r the seal of an a • - pproved e s cre e pi . . -s bs, per sq. in, in 28 da s testing laboratory o _ n p um ile poin 0 re usa an cu o ose AIWZMNEEUEIF is •u d to •e as note • on structura •raw n wi m • esi:.ed • a reco:n ze• test n: a•orator , 1 concre e to •e mire c ean : u e• a e:ates ree rom s t. or anic su.stances and of er ur ous ore matter an us n on • c ean water rom t e cit ma o • re e o • m t• for a •eriod of not less than 1 -= m notes. oncrete s •e vi rate e• n a manner to revent one com• n:' and ormation o vo .so a combin: occurs whic m rs t e structural stren•t o concrete sme o .kid avo as r- to e.a/red 'y t e use of : site, are s al •e exert se 5 an •:r• con - e mi +F o rein orc n: stee w i e • ac ng concrete. " e •e 1 • e s o •• e • over center t r o 1 rade beams and oundations to be 000 28 da test concrete. t e rem in udin: co as t e- seams caps, and slabs to be 2 00, 2 •a recast concrete o -sts shad 'e o s zes an reintorcin: as ca e• or on ura •raw n:s, ass over •recast concrete o sts s a 1 se soured on " tee ex secure fastened to 'oists with a..roved cli•s, 0 sts to •e •r OOT orm o •e su•!!- an or m - a orms orms o •e remov -• om e work ot om orms o •earns o remain in •lace intac wi s ore: o eas da s. rade seam 'ottoms at : ade to be formed with 0 roo e t un.er slabs on 1 inc u• n .ar .e s a eystone n s se inte:ra co or as recte .io einfor i•: stee to •e ntermes ate : ade new ' et stee sro.erl a ca laced n strict accor•ance w t t e t •ic: •en. n o.cre e o . nc on on re e i•n :. tee .t: ust ei• t o to o s as to su t finis n: materia s s.ec e•, so a 5 ors will •e a ro.er levels. flow 1 4 +" for terrazzo. 1 or ceramic t o be " hi k expansion joint ever 0 or as • irecte• . wit imi a cT�.•Ti�F �. einforcin: stee to •e f rm ek• in •lace •' means o ti es an .re as it or ap roved type metal chairs, stee must •e n • ace an a nrov for our ng •e t siY • ncrete wa includin: garage s a• to •e rein orce• w t •" x •" 10 e .es o •e su•oorte• wove •ottom o s a• w e e p acing concrete an o •e c7)rrm e el em •edded n concre 404 R3 e 611 I Wida 4 or •roken oc s sell •e al oPd 1 • cc s shal com 1 wi re n s o t e local •ul ding code, and shall •e lai• u• rue an n n • i e manner w th full cement •oints and bed. All blocks to be 8" x 8" x a1 - precast oun•ation vents an. access .00rs as s MI 'I MED 6 Id or n or _ •ric n. • oc yo k 1 be or. en • cement and sar —2 m er.roo in mixes into t e mor < em•nt s 1 be a* roved domes c or land cement. Cement shal con orm o cn• • s ec cations o t e American ociet or Testln: ater a • ion as its . iiIT._ be ea • coarse and free from an ores_ or •e eter ous ma emen oc s a 1 carr an underwriters lebel or certificate w.ic• cer 1 e s.Al be furnished to the arc tect •e ore an *locks are ns al ed. Z[ water or of er ices to be c ase• in cement oc wal s must •e •u o s erecte as the wor- pro resses an• •racked wit •ric .. an must not •e cu er • ock wa s ar -r-c e iI one s a •e an ••m • e as •uarried by •ugustus t, Gaudens '-rr n oriC:a set in white mortar w t =' struck joints wall acin sha o e concre e . ock or wi co..erwe . anc ors insta e• a tr_ o is laid o s eve second course and 2 CO _IT I FirM • MOW I DM Apt• c ion 1 ar en Amin um er used t rou out t e •uild n s •e urnis ed in accor he radin rules of t e Lumber anufacturer s Assn., con ormin o m e• ns s ecifie or in icate. on .'a e i .n er standards. A lumber s a 1 •e rade mar e• and s all •e •r. e r•.min: lumber and other rou, woodwor s a •e .roper y rame.. c ose 1 e• and e.ccur?. - v set to t re•uire• ines and eve s an rigs secur Al um er com n in contact • •it• •loc masonr or concrete cons ruct CU 0 r ed •e ore . acing, 1 e. ose wood s a •e trey Wood e usin: minute m :ersi. orce • • uil o sizes nd cate• on ans an sea e secure se concre e is .o r �a ers [•lb• Olarr oors :. • m m• ilmantsrmmtArk e ru •er t e at •Ii; • s o. ac •r . a s see ilia oasts see o a m sce aneous roue careen r r•ware suc• as anc or stra.s •o ts, e e or woo wor as s own on •etas drawin:s s a oors s al •e ca e• on n er or nis 11 inter or in s suc• as mo ds, cornice o • e o c ear ma is or w to •ine t oncre e •r. o_ ms 8 " o.c. Al ex a for iled o r•o raf e s wi h rn s ro.er size • oun•s at a tr mme• o•en ngs ease etc. an w ere re or • er ales • e sound common c . es awes: xter or •oor rames s e so i• eart cypress re o mn c• in -rior •oors e e - o a e am •s and eads w t • e _ aae cau king com.•un oars; 1 doors as no e• on •raw n:s. ere g aze• •oors to ave B0 woo • sto•8. terror woo • or g ass a ous e •oors s al •e clear ear c . e um num w re screed. creen •oors at •o_ • an en ranee s ear eart c a ::s me h w' - scree rio ma n en ran or s e cB =ar •eart c •ress as etailed. in •oors • •e -s g" doors; Harve• FWGT b v. ass track with an le foor c e er or •oors s ve " aluminum weatherstri• tyn- resho o ds .t at rooms s •e mar le as ere na ter s•ec ie s ndicate •. same s .1 •e. ease •roo er om NI•)NC -1i• e as se a _au e a um num nos ecte •. here ru•ber t le meets •1 eren oor nis n • ried as per •eta awin•s. t orou sane e• smoot an rou t to t e jo • in • IINApy above wor 44 LTA orm ur o sown on plans 1 1•' ; orm ca veneered to ade •1 ood, A. ply to kitchen sink using Perm -O -Sea mou d the Bri_ss Manufac u Coa. Detroi an or e.ua raz t' : , •..o` amTw mi yw a e• o •ress magno r .rove oTAW4WO -; S outhern Maid, Miami, Flori.: •r approve • e.ual, = o .ainted in ••r : elected by owner. Th. s con rac or s a se me s, furnished v e ang ng p0 es, .00 s r DB an s oe rac ee •eta ecial closets. Linen closets to have f ve xi s e table o A • MOW 311T 1i oor and SOIL w t a um num rame an rac o •e prov gs0 To be Ketchum or Dash quipmen ompa rove e • an ma o. o " ri. led as a stommi =r astic emen 0 s a ns ruc masons ow o correct re e rou;h onenin:s and sha 1 be responsible or same. 1 sas s a ._ r :.d v: to heights as shown on all our s •es o sas , nsi•e an on ad usted to • .era - e and niake . ea h i con tOOMOMIKI r- window ma .0 on -s a n ng e ast c cau ng ccm.ou TZTIETWITAINETZMWM or i art o t 0 M or u.es ma er - a.or an equ pment or a roo leader co.._ tions and fleshings of all descript on or •ui a - is t at com.letio wznwraa • s•MF:IiI4__. um num 9TT:37�I !nr le Roo a e• on •lane t s contractor s rov de an nsta noun an e water.roo cement at ti e •�. ea • tt. le all •e t•oroug ly w e cemen wit an a t ona white cement troweled to nish. Val e s s m w t • ounce co er with locked and welded rzommar o nts. - 1 ile 1 •ed o F orida mesonr cement 0o under t e s a oz. con er dri at eaves and val s. orizonta ca.s s a •e at east •L 0 lb, slate over 2- ly 0 elt hot mon.ed and secure na e. to s eat n rr a •ead con er na d:es s a. 2" eac May s ate s 1 •e carr ed un•er cop er va e R} 4v: 0 en ire cei in area exce•t over t e :era e wi c urer's d rect ons or a••roved e' ua 0 uminum a ion tp a blanket, 1•" standard width instal ed n accor dence wit aril_* ipes passin_ t rough roof s•all be f as ed w t• lead turned down nto ea ead to •e •rovided •y t e um e on ractor s ive a written arantee a:ains a • •efec - of ma er ans •i . n is work for a per od o ive • ears after •ate o accen an Mis ane d in.ta a 1 o er items o meta wor' as s own on •lens. To •e • er to a rooms a 1 to •e n . ull accordance w t• exist n_ re lat ons o on e locs 10 u• it a i_•re for a :alvanized metal duct s stem rom Warm r seatin and A r Conditionin: Associat on. Prov de a van uc o eaves or c en ex nus - a 1• arid• i • 0 14 43 na s n connection wit • roofin s all • e ar ec on at in & aster he work under this t tle s :1 include al necessar lat n_ an asterin wi e bui din_ and a ex er or s uco V:o rr n:; 1 exter or walls to •e furred wit 1 x 2 woo urrin_ as ere n ec e• under carpentry. rr down wa s o teen over ca•inets s •e a ovi•e re ess or dra.e trac were sown on ans. Turr •own over - c en ca s an w erever c ed or on • an • •I: i 1 %sal s rece v n_ ti e wainscot n and all _wart t ons rece v n_ cemen 1.16 s .e at, ed to required hei Aldan nosed corners. A so eads le •are were nd cate e is wit :alvan ze• me a at Ga van o c o • to •e use n a 1 of er cases w ere m• a is c e for suc e al corners o wa is and ceilings at least " both ways, at door um am •s and si s o windows and be in a '1 o er wni s ceilin_s an par itions roue ou s a sum o. rock at t cc in o m • ; rc D astere• wit t ree coats. namely, scratch b , and nis smoot• w s erin•,; Al interior va s and cei s o aster s a •e mixes accor•in: to direc ions o e manu ac urer, t s ou-,t out f us wit grounds, and a corners at windows and o• enlnr w •tom ,r arzs • • mlaw • okm.. _. all recesses genet an •lind ides a al win , r ,. w is a e o s �;. 'reea rom a oose ma erie.ls an re are ana sage ctor • e si n. tie stall receive two coats o cement stucco corn ose• o cne •ar - ar s s' n• and Crystex wa.terp.roo inT in - )ro•er oro 10 . . -u o t e manu a.cturer s directions and s•eci ications. ".o i.ie wi ee• in e s ucco coats e irst oat s r. •e a lied direct c t - w, r ace illin: out a o snaces an •rou t to a uni vrm • _ mpar• c e o receive ini coat_ e nis s all be r1 xed as wove and a ••__xe o rive texture as •irecte• an a•arove a cni ec ;un s uco o •e ' acterin: s all be done n suc a manner as to eve a ve•• ect e s spidering of er maser ections and to ma •• a •er ect o• of satin or done un•er t is tit e s all •e installed b sk ed me anics anc: to isfa »tion o t e arc itect. A 1 .cors sh11 be laid on a u •ed. or --rcu o - tc -imcnsior,s note • on J .. 40 rrblt T es o a rnis an ins a " x marble •resholds a doors to ba r•oms hres o e •..1 e -1: •ama !n:•r � • � , �•- T�i�7•Til dov s s rou_ out t e •ui din: exce t in kitchen and at s whic ere ti e _ w i e a•.una mar• e sil_s set in a u •e 0 white non -s a n a 4a111r41 s • enter ' cons i,.e ',,, nsco to ,e ^ x •" hi •,h exce • c shower and u, _ere 1 x 0" hi h. Tile :" x n " standard matt :lazed cushion -e•ge ti ors as se ccte• o nclu•e cove •ase and •ull nose return ca • co ors as se ec ile in u 1 •ed 0 rout tig t joints w ite cemen aNDI a j 0 s 1 •e i. lumb eve an rue w t w e emen oin ._.- AIM x• IBMOMMWirwitiropwaik er ion of e ra yW al• onuanomarmilk •JTIET•S'' 0 • 0 1 e n er ccessories n e: faro= c eane• an a re ec cations u•lis ed • tie at one- Serra ze a.n 111M r P . errazzo with dividin strips of 1 gnu e w i lc mar • e c J CERMI Writ= non- �adin: lime- roof mineral Pie ent w ere •irecte :171. Mik fm& - ta ttol lf=11 inT5ZUNTrir.1074 X IMW n.rin • on t -e sur pro , as to co or an amount o mar PA an t oT, u rrazzo s •e tota thickness. Underbed about 1 1 • g" thick. First slush co. - e s -• v underbed composed of 1 • art cement and g" below finish f o to nsure on oar s coarse screene san• sere, and leveled 'WK414411 AUK a: vs; machine rub with gr t a •rasive or first ru y i• t .rout to fill voids Al •. 2 ours •e ore .ina ru••ing with • A 11, wo -ar ors ace aneous .et oo• , we •e e rai w ere s •w • e 10 e on ra or i `n co ors as se ec e. • t e owner amrawarmvormwmairm 11401 . r c can and ree rom ru acew.i e curren s r- •uiring paintln: an see t re.ared •v of er tra•es: an in per ec con • t on •e ore start n_ d= oz- s mus . h• ••h y .ry •e ore succedd ng cos s are a • lie �.ecial brands of finish her . ed ronerl •:inal oacka:e, The shall be used n str c t tote •uild •MIKK4d. a�ii, inaa arMT. fib oz red b Ben 1 ma r a .erg-_• ace • •i• 'McF . �a:��iaal a �_�I•33' �'S eri� r oo wor or rame ,, o .e primed on tY: x onl All exterior wood,!ork is to rece' = • n "• : • = 1 e er app led heavily. _ s of •. oil •. n _. •- 'i coat p 0 l'• 05,= work, metal trim etc er or `e a "or• �� ex er or m: irs c• o oore s red lead, seco ocoat Moores ho house paint t t urp • ,ne o the gallon, • o . 1 be i :d in • • 08, ucc• S ucc wa erp in s wa s, ex erio and nterior, shfl ofing cement stucco paint in color` an e = be ement _ ' 901 mot ltW : VISTLW ra shall remove all pain e s �� t s con rac or e n � �s .� hat omao be s_• ed b •° • .•d the dimaw M 7 •7• fro d corn 10.? ec loors hardware, fixtures •e •ron c o s� a co o n h '•• rov om an p • .r work ea�in: 0 rece ve first coat of Mo n : wood _rime a eni- erbo• •• • • . ,�.. • �. n c 011 ?•7 .Tta • on ue AIMMISItftwi arly43.110a; • e n cP or - in inc nec e 118 me - en aping. includin• cu - ' a wa - m - fixtures, hose blobs ° •r. • etc • ng an. on ro np. o h p 0 rer a :Ding is not meant o enerr scr •e n •e al t mac e c, rnis e U r 02 wo qu re •° •u o in materials shall •e • ur � ° si c cor wit t ractor s equ ,en O a e ha l 1 pay for a _ •rk, and ell furnish 'ec • • - satisfactory an c• ec h tance Y evidence . of the work. of compliance g c e • e •. sol t e , as i •. • an n .e s h b shill be extra • s a as as heavy cast iro Pine Standard copper to • era • ual ;alv a un :enuille wrought iron. pouts Previ•e c 'u = a en .s o c : •._ arced a where readily n• a wh and Flashin Y accessib _ e Fla t• ., .... or ne s enin w s e ea. . • g bk roofer, ater Pines nsu at .n :erly bo e n• s a 00 G eac 0 h a - ce nsu a ° e and Traps Al v. es n t -_• • .1 : •d on hes raightway valves. en All esh um •- valves :m spa • e$br the hot and co shut-off valves a yes . - of ma A11 ex -Dosed valves l d Water �e on r N - ives hea system shall o z • individual shut -off °�' chrome plated - • h . f Ripe on "hich the. a valveso All Each fix e tromps to ,. -• re installed b- `•, = ma er •. • ances and of the t, . . a governing such wor eq re. eclat Reiuirements ped WA an Tpa • tar paper. Provide a, pl7 .ass lobe i e enters the Globe valve and Dug •• e e o o all fixtures help 1" g to drain the system. drain nipple w � �� es Dis grs for single linesl risers for double - ° lines r 'u = c; •� rs to sin cial Ble of fixtures, Distribute of fix an + '' • - ber pe Pal a iiment requiring same. bute hot ka r o Terming n riser cont 8" highfa above roof •and maketwaterti ht and 18" n hia r � Y �_ etor • • n a 1 g lhrni sk " ' of • ,*— Oft urn s,rc� ix uresg rnis• an )nata t o o o•:in x ures m e qua.nt he ' comn1ete with ho r. -*ers surna ices K ERITZEa .e ,1 'r. u r,f f ytures c cc.. it o.ner • urea 0 • O r'm h o. «. : ora 1n1 1n • or ess er o•r -r - J.Ae on r. r m c e boi r.k I ad IIMMEME us er contro w vi remit; c ] nn. r t -e 01110 v used e ore . acin er . ii an gr. h c c•; china cans' deluxe c-osed rc or, supp ca. ^t in soap cis er° size 2 x " B 80 /F{ supp y t ° B 0 P tra• size to code'' Spring o aera . , p. p- r na towel bars • •r1 va ve shower wi enk.nan head, pop-up a ain 0 co eo an size o co 1iianiril 1 cast ron aci rest i• ename fl at rim •ac e " ", double com•artmen or, 1 ft -off soa, dis ose an soray, snrin•- r Tray Lake P 7 • corn e 01 e 1 ,c; - ouga in ccmn_e e accord n ^a i arr • e as of :n on n • s aerr. ;.r - ooi) -u-) nra arm .e ce or aim e.rin. ers e a e r •r 0 :1 '1 r rim 1 er ravusigamamnirirnv ir•TAIIRIFWEIMEIMMIZMOr vide n insta 1 w ere s own on p ot • an •00 ::1. septic tan o ap.r :a ure cam) ete ,r 12 co e se n a cor.:n ova codes, onnect same to Ouse to orm a per ect wor'' n: sane =r e s rs em.. to a so meet t o re •u rements o e to ida a e Boa ._ o 0 vi.e an insta w ere sown on D ans one 5 gal. as fired hot water ca • ete wit al necesner . ng etc. e •eater s all be e•ua o udd moue 104 as manufactured b the Rudd 1•.anufacturing Co. Pittsbur: 1, 's 'ray insta trantite flue full flashed, and in s ric ac o •:.ce it is entry actor s all •e res.on= •le for t e roper nsta ation an.. o.ere. o. o e plum in s stem or P • er o• o one •ear rom t date of com e on and s s o':•n e. ense mare ood an defects o manu actur no n mater als, roue t e use o materi: o poor .ual ty or n•er ect wor •iians i • or t rou ma erie ot er t an s.eci ied herein. T is : ar .ntee s a 1 be Fire ,_ an t •e arc itect u•on eman Se • i Tak ;.d. Drain F e ar- e nten o t• s section is for t o insta ation o a com ete s s em o e ec r . to •e n str ct accoc ance w t t e rutes an re lat ons o all oval ci i.ances_ - e at onal Board • re nderwr ters an T e F or da over ana m is con rac or e all ave ins•ection of his work made he oca ns ec •ler men vin urisdiction and ehall deliver certificates of ap.r.va to •2� ra. tect efore rece vin na pa a en cn con-)letion o t e work o t is nsta.11at3 en it s .all •e entirel • ree u - «s an s orts except t re•uired round connec ion he ontrac o s orouP.iy test t e s stem in t o •resenee of t o arclitect or s reoreserte • e innta ation must be sac • that between he servi e swi c. an •e mos remo i ure not more t an .ro.) wi •e o n• nder u contrac or s 11 _ aarantee s or and mr ke _ood wit lout cost to t e e ion an accep ance erec Lo a ion of •, _e itERWIWOU diF3Al . • ae_ects n meter a s or wor•'a.ns 1• whic ma deve o• within one ear a X034 �r• is s ehe i be of he t •e as are ound in t st o a. •ve• ma, ria m - Ns ions Board o ire Under riters an of t e oca ins•ection •e•ar men r ur sdic si- e oca ons of outle s are shown on t e architectura draw n •u mus •e i : before .lacing. 1 ght chances in t - •osi on o ou 'o e wor as been done •' the contractor s all be mace •' •i . ou s TIME m 3a cse scat ons an accom an ]ng ans are FN• on dui. mummrxximparmorporkmmmumiga rom no e run o neares •o nt o •uil• in e ervice s .a e ove mai a ou A,•. w t 1RCin onduit mid terminate -ne i it 1 receo -1c to •e o ent mercur e. over 11 e •a e ite covert, ing e o r ^ons . :n• no a con •u t an •ores or te e• ones n accordance wit te e' remen - w n s i an ins to on 'r ne om `c•en„ 0 .e cow a wi 411113[MMENZarill MEW= scraILWAMMENEIMMIEEK oar ire Underwr tors ae o1. Chivies and Sirna u n and in:ta tu•u ar c ime s ere s own acitvate• • •_- •u on • auz:ee r ^•.s manu acture• un•er a ecote rtents as an lowance s•• 1 • insta ed • s con a.c one thousand 1000 t lea each ba • oom mu_ 1- rea er as manu n.r ture .r c: a no gmarmammmamacmompr is con rrc or s oo un w t• t e pro e. s z- a.n num•er o «ires r e•uir s ,gc n mnc_ ne an a necessar cox ups or uture as brv: nt e TAMTIMIZSTRIMM o.v . - e ou et in kitchen and utilit room to e on se 34,83 • r ;/ ' T: • a 4 • sit. I �'Z fl U • THE F.I.A. NcE EP 30;.1972 AND RE' 220 MIRACLE MILE. SUITE z04 THOMAS J . KELLY, INC. CORAL GABLES , FLA. 33134 DADEt (30S)444 " LAND SURVEYOR SRWD: (305) 779- 32116 FAX : (50!) 441- 6494 SKETCH OF SURVEY SCALE : I • � = La SURVEY 140.. SHEET _ .. OF —Tc_ N w M � E1 MAP (.h'i't I; ;E: r; LISHEDBY•T E UNJ FE.) s:•' DEPARTMENT OF HO INC; ANC I1l"•.. DEVELOPMg T DEL TES THE HE ' :)ESCRIBED LAND TO. R: SITUADFD `•. Y r' ..r THIS IS A FI.,r r)O 11n7 : ZONa - 1 '3 • L t - _ <L ;; El*4