1238 NE 96 St (2)PLANNING BOARD AGENDA OF kqN7-- M0at : 1 4 t ITEM NO. 4 6 of Owner /Applicant 5 \_i LL / Phone No. Address of Property, and /or Legal Description 1%/3 NS C i b 6 Nature of Request PWROV AL 'O VOIDRa Present Zoning V Area of Present Building Area with Proposed Addition Parking Spaces Provided Parking Spaces Required with Addition Setbacks as per Code gX , i Setbacks Provided X!1 Variances/ aiami jhorergllage F L OR ID A UPPGR- IN Ca COt,W S V.leczoikuk 4-‘ ) u`To Council Action Required \It5 Date of Applicant Notification Planning Board Action Council Action it6rimv Director of Building and Zoning DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10/30/85 $50.00 (MW ` t . .S W4 cr w w I— c0 Ne Zc CO ▪ 0 " O Y � a a ° PAY Fifty Dollars and 00 /100 Cents CO u_ TO THE ORDER OF N.1 0 Q ¢ O w g 0 0 r L DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT H. T. WHITEHEAD, INC. PHONE 305- 751 -0343 9822 NE 2ND AVENUE, SUITE 6 MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 Miami Shores Village J 11'000L32 406700 23974 OLO October 301,9 85 3811'0 6 N° 132 63- 239/670 $ 50.00 THE ATTACHED CHECK 18 IN PAYMENT OF ITEMS DESCRIBED BELOW IF NOT CORRECT PLEASE NOTIFY U8 PROMPTLY. NO RECEIPT DESIRED H. T. WHITEHEAD, INC. • RECEIPT Date i73 19 Received From 7 T Li; .ce,', j r For ACCOUNT HOW PAID CHECK MONEY ORDER AMT. OF ACCOUNT AMT. PAID BALA CASH iami cfiioreslla V F L . O R ID A PLANNING BOARD AGENDA OF OC,`r I ) 10 ITEM NO. t'Y tti'r. Wkrr .0 (CE3 !C) 1St ' - C34 4 0 Name of Owner /Applicant W — IMAViit.. Phone No. Address of Property, and /or Legal Description Ma Ma' KS 4b 9'' Nature of Request APP :vas. C.V etAi4S FOR, \4C A ac t4 Present Zoning 11. Area of Present Building Area with Proposed Addition Parking Spaces Provided Parking Spaces Required with Addition Setbacks as per Code Setbacks Provided Variances /Exceptions /Zoning Change A% v etdy Ct- Council Action Required Date of Applicant Notification Planning Board Action Council Action 10 144 Director of Building and Zoning E Christopher P. Kelley Attorney at Law 8801 Biscayne Blvd Suite 101 Miami, Fl. 33138 Dear Mr. Kelley: Sincerely, Frank LuBien, Director Building & Zoning FL :jc Encl (2Z A ia,tru*/ ate Re; 1238 NE 96th St, 10050 N. E. SECOND AVENUE MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA 33138 (305) 758 -8000 November 15, 1989 I am enclosing your check for $50,00 for a variance which was not required. I am also enclosing a copy of the minutes of the Planning & Zoning Board meeting of November 12, 1989. Mr. Keller agreed to make certain modifications to the vegetation on his property. Please advise him to proceed in all haste to make these adjustments, and to advise this office when his work is complete, Please don't hesitate to call if you or your client have any questions. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE OCTOBER 12, 1989 A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Planning & Zoning Board was held on October 12, 1989 at the Miami Shores Village Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Fernandez, with the following members present: Richard M. Fernandez, Chairman Terrell F. Chambers, Jr. Robert E. Cook Thomas Laubenthal Absent: Larry T. McClure Also present: Frank LuBien, Director of Building & Zoning 1. MINUTES - September 28, 1989 Corrections were called for in the minutes, under #2 - next to last sentence plans was scratched. #4 - Mr. McClure not Mr. Cook inquired as to building materials. #5 - Mr. McClure's calculations should be included. Mr. Cook's comments for the record: This approval is not granted for setting a precedent, but because of the 1956 approval. The presentation was complete and included all four criteria for a variance request. This is a unique circumstance. #8 - Blue Book printed by Downtown Revitalization Board, submitted by Ms. Witte. 410 - 51 % of and two rescinded signatures not petitions. Mr. Cook also commented he does not recall being the person to second a motion, or make inquiry in a couple of instances. Mr. Laubenthal moved to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Mr. Cook, and passed unanimously. 2. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF VARIANCE TO HEDGE HEIGHT Margaret Keller 1238 NE 98th ST Mr. LuBien introduced the request. He noted this is a request for a variance for a hedge in violation, and non conforming. It comes to the Board as a result of a citation issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. Mr. Christopher Kelley, Attorney representing the Keller's, outlined the letter he wrote and each Member received a copy of. He states they are requesting a hardship variance from 31/2' hedge height limit in the front yard. The row of Australian Pine trees in the front, planted 3 to 5 feet apart were in place when the property was purchased in 1958. Pictures were attached to the letter and additional pictures were reviewed by the Members. He read from the Miami Shores Village Code of Ordinances, Sec 219, definition of hedge, and questioned if the Australian Pine Trees could be identified as a hedge. Further, Mr. Kelley stated the trees enhance the appearance of the neighborhood, the situation is unique and the Keller's want to continue to maintain the property as for the past 30 odd years. The trees if cut would certainly harm landscaping and forgo the intent of the Ordinance for safety and site level. Mr. Kelley also addressed the four criteria for a hardship variance. Mr. Kelley was asked, and again outlined Sec 702 (c). PLANNING & ZONING BOARD -2- October 12, 1989 Bruce Keller, son who lives on the property outlined his request, stating gardening advise was sought for a solution to their unique situation. To remove the Casurina planting (Australian Pines) is unreasonable. He presented a drawing of the proposed landscaping plan. The property has always been well kept and it is hoped shaping the trees will add to the landscape appear- ance. The permit to build was taken in 1935, and it is expected these trees were seedlings at that time. Mr. Laubenthal stated this planting may have started as a hedge, but is a series of trees, and it is clear from the photographs that if cut they will not recover foilage. The specisies has much potential, and if properly shaped it would not require a variance. It was agreed, this is a unique situation, different from other hedge height requests. Members were also advised that if tabled it will not significantly affect the Code Enforcement procedure, since 60 days was granted for com- pliance. The item could be tabled and the applicant could return with an- other proposal. As presented, Mr. Fernandez felt he could not approve a variance and that with some work a variance may not be required. Mr. Laubenthal moved to table the request, as submitted, to allow the applicant the opportunity to do some trimming and develope his landscape plan. Mr. Chambers seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 3. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SIGN REFURBISHING Viking Motel 88th Terrace & Biscayne Blvd. Mr. John Militana was the Attorney representing Mr. Thomas Lynn the prospec- tive purchaser of the Viking Motel. Mr. Militana noted this property has been in disrepair, eyesore, and seedy, and an embarrassment to Miami Shores Village. Mr. Lynn has the finances and the experience to improve and to maintain the Motel so as to conform. He is requesting that the formerly existing sign be refurbished to match the sign on the South. As clarifi- cation for Mr. LuBien it was explained the intent is for the two pylon signs on Biscayne Blvd, (one at the north and one at the south of the building) to be illuminated. The sign at the motel office will be painted, it already is illuminated. Mr. Militana further stated one of the purchase contract conditions is that the signs on Biscayne Blvd be visible. The request con- forms with the code and is consistant with the neighborhood. Mr. Laubenthal inquired, is the sign attached to the building, and is all the tract of land being purchased? Mr. Militana advised him it is. Mr. Fernandez mentioned the sign clutter on Biscayne Blvd, and asked Members to consider this. Mr. Lynn explained the signage is important to the survival of the Motel. It attracted undesirable element and died because the signage and motel had been neglected so. Mr. Lynn expects to spend about $200,000. to refurbish and attract a desirable clientele to contribute to the image of Miami Shores. Mr. LuBien noted, nothing in the code prohibits the signage and it is in compliance with the square footage. 4 _ 411111 2-*k. Planning Board Action Council Action aiami F L OR 0 A Director of Building and Zoning hliami cfhores 'X llage F L OR ID A PLANNING BOARD AGENDA OF otP e ) i 1 ITEM NO. 2. Name of Owner /Appl i cant PiPAGA M1 Phone No. 7 Address of Property, and /or Legal Description /Pd Nature of Request .AWPRON'kL' 0f- v KA Cie `5 1:11 VAG 1 tG rr cep - fl 1A-1A Present Zoning SZ — Area of Present Building Area with Proposed Addition Parking Spaces Provided Parking Spaces Required with Addition Setbacks as per Code Setbacks Provided Variances /Exceptions /Zoning Change Counci l Action Requi red Date of Applicant Notification Planning Board Action Council Action Director of Building and Zoning TELEPHONE (305) 754 -1617 October 2, 1989 Miami Shores Village Planning & Zoning Board 10050 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Dear Board Members: CHRISTOPHER P. KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Re: Case # 000651 Keller Residence 1238 N.E. 96th Street 8801 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SUITE 101 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33138 Please be advised that I represent the above referenced property owners who received the above referenced notice of violation. My clients are requesting a hardship variance from the 3 1/2 feet fence and hedge limit in the front yard of their property based upon the following: The subject property is set on three lots with the building on the western portion of the property and vacant land on the eastern portion. This property is in similar condition as to when it was purchased by the owners in 1958. The vacant lot adjacent to the Keller's home is enclosed by a five foot fence. The hedges in the rear and side yards are five foot, but in the front yard there are Australian Pine Trees which are planted three to five feet apart. Attached to this letter are pictures of the front yard including the fence, the Australian Pines and hedge. It is questionable whether or not the series of Australian Pines constitute a hedge and thus fall within the 3 1/2 feet height limitation. Section 219 of Appendix A - Zoning defines hedge as a planting of vegetation with or without opening and regardless of width, that constitutes a barrier more than six (6) feet in length. As shown by the attached pictures, but for the fence and the 3 1/2 foot hedge inside the fence on the other side from the Australian Pine Trees, a person could easily pass through the Pine trees thus not constituting a barrier. The pictures clearly show that visibility is not prevented Letter to Miami Shores Village Planning & Zoning Board Re: Case #000651, Keller Residence October 2, 1989, Page 2 by the Australian Pines as an average person is clearly visible along with table, chairs, volleyball net and ladder. To require the Australian Pines to be cut to 3 1/2 feet would be below the vegetation line thus leaving only stumps in the ground every three to five feet. It is unknown whether the trees would survive if cut, to say nothing about the appearance. As stated previously, the fence encompassing the lot is five foot and to require the front yard fence to be reduced to three and one -half foot is effectively requesting the fences that has been in place over thirty years to be removed and replaced. The cost of this procedure is unknown at this time. Another problem exists with the 3 1/2 foot fence limitation in the front yard because of the definition of front yard. Front yard includes any part of a hedge or fence between the front wall of your house and the street. Therefore, the fence and hedge in what most people consider the side yard bordering their neighbors would be two heights - 1) three and one half feet before the front door then seven foot from the front door step to the rear of the property. The cost of this additional expense for the front -side yard for approximately ten to twelve feet on both sides is also unknown. All that my clients are requesting is that the property be permitted to continue in its present state which is the same state as it has for the past thirty odd years with the five foot fence and the Australian Pine Trees in their front yard. This continued use is not detrimental to their neighborhood and more than likely enhances the appearance of the neighborhood. My clients situation is unique in that this was how the property was when it was purchased and no changes or alterations have been or are being requested. To require the fences and Australian Pines to be cut to 3 1/2 feet is tantamount to the removal of the Trees and replacement of the fence. My clients thank you for consideration given this matter. CPK:sdm Encls. cc: Mr. and Mrs. Keller Very truly yours, Christopher P. Kelley, Esquire TinaRqaRiEZ kcS.61_c,0 FSLA,0, & tAnct, t L-ebo Q:A/u(k 6-) orY1 -ynk, \& k o Y)"1Q1, ( \ • • .�•. . - f l G.4/%0P-.7Y • INVERT OF ^' ^''" TO x ,N^T LESS c : -.1101 • Ito c' qn c112. mac. vex.7 - 1X . 1\1 ?(:), • 5`T T .. • • • 1.erk rstf�/.af.IY • ., ! T OUT Lille • ]'fE L tX - . TILE TO MAX • ESCITT - ' . < , \ < v). \, see ■ . f yy► • f :' \ T° 4,, INVERT �� ^,.sir•r -, NOT; C S SYS J_R E PIC A Cz TANS BY CHAPT�s. CODS iV1ET 9? - =•�-• THE DAD' " ^ -,- -- '• • v HT? ALTH DEPT..: -- 'D FOR A'" .T- ' : .,r 3 ILD OEPARTME tut WIDE ur'ry:,, T.: .. SAS , Ri g r`� f h ONSl7Ee L WAG Serial No - ; • - THE DADE 'ATT' F'S HEALTH 5irD 7 IIS • ?' 4L 3 • DOOR HEIGHT C0N3ISTS OF 6' -6' '2 SECTIONS 16" 2 SECTIONS 21" 6' -9" 1 SECTION 18- 3 SECTIONS 21' 7' 4 SECTIONS 21" - 7' -3' - - 7' -6" 5 SECTIONS 18" - 7' -9" 4 SECTIONS 18' 1 SECTION 21' 8' 3 SECTIONS 18" 2 SECTIONS 21' 8' -3' 2 SECTIONS 18' 3 SECTIONS 21' 8' -6' 1 SECTION 18" 4 SECTIONS 21' 8' -9" 5 SECTIONS 21" - 9' 6 SECTIONS 18" - 9' -3" 5 SECTIONS 18" 1 SECTION 21" 9' -6" 4 SECTIONS 18" 2 SECTIONS 21' 9' -9" 3 SECTIONS 18" 3 SECTIONS 21' 10' 2 SECTIONS 18" 4 SECTIONS 21" 10' -3' 1 SECTION 18" 5 SECTIONS 21" 10' -6" 6 SECTIONS 21' - 10' -9' 6 SECTIONS 18' 1 SECTION 21" 11' 5 SECTIONS 18" 2 SECTIONS 21" 11' -3 4 SECTIONS 18" 3 SECTIONS 21' t 1' -6" 3 SECTIONS 18" 4 SECTIONS 21' 11' -9' 2 SECTIONS 18" 5 SECTIONS 21" 12' 1 SECTIONS 18" 6 SECTIONS 21" 12' -3' 7 SECTIONS 21" - 12' -6' 6 SECTIONS 18" 2 SECTIONS 21" 12' -9 5 SECTIONS 18" 3 SECTIONS 21" 13' 4 SECTIONS 18" 4 SECTIONS 21" 13' -3" 3 SECTIONS 18' 5 SECTIONS 21' 13' -6' 2 SECTIONS 18" 6 SECTIONS 21" 13' -9' 1 SECTION 18" 7 SECTIONS 21" 14' 8 SECTIONS 21" - 1 4' -3" 6 SECTIONS 18" 3 SECTIONS 21' 1 4' - 6" 5 SECTIONS 18" 4 SECTIONS 21" 14' -9" 4 SECTIONS 18" 5 SECTIONS 21" 15' 3 SECTIWS 18" 6 SECTIONS 21" 15' -3" 2 SECTIONS 18" 7 SECTIONS 21' 15' -6" 1 SECTION 18" ' 8 SECTIONS 21" 15' -9 9 SECTIONS 21" - 16' 6 SEC IOIG 18" 4 SECTIONS 21" • • •.• ••I I 11111111111 AMOIMUMMMIMMIL ••• •• • . i . • •- a _ • • • . . • •i • I. �i - -- i I / I ) („,. / I I �, , i ■ I / ti I i • • . • . .071; X 7.- V GALV. STEEL • • • • • • • • • • 'EMI ROLLER HINGE • • • •.• IV°(2) .9 X 5/8 SMS • • • • • • • • • • • .•• • • • • ••• • •• • • •. • • • • • • • • ..• .•• • . •.. • • • • • •.• • • • • • •• • • • 3" X T-1 /2" X 6 -1/2' X _1 STEEL Wait (2) 914 X 3/4' SELF DRIWNC SCREWS OUTSIDE HANDLE • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •• 2/ DOOR 7 X 7 GALV_ AIRCRAFT TYPE CABLE & NICO -PRESS SLEEVE 12/ MIN. 5 TO 1 SAFETY FACTOR CENTER STILE OU''SIDE KEYED LOCK LOCK BAR LOCKING SHOWN • .2)71 X 7 -1/r GAUL STEEL • ENTER HINGE it/ (4) 914 X 1/2" SMS SPRING LOADED SLIDE BOLT LOCK (BOTH SIDES) FASTENED W/ (4) 114 X 1/2" S.M.S. 5/8" MIN. LOCK ENGAGEMENT CONFORMS TO SFBC 3603.2 REGARDING GARAGE DOORS LOCK BAR GUIDES INSTALLED ON END STILE .16T X .6W LOCK BAR ENGAGES RI TRACK ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR 3 / • • • •• • • .•. • • •. • .. • ••• • CENTER STILE ••• / OPTIONAL VENT MAXIMUM OPENING AREA 120 SQ. IN. • • • • • MAX. DOOR WIDTH 9' -4" • • • • •• '• INSIDE ELEVATION RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS STRUCK JRE IS DESIGNED AS PER THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING COE.: 1994 EDMON FOR DADE COUNTY. ALSO FOR WIND LOADS AS PEF ;. 7 -88 USING CORRESPONDING LOADS. 2. ANCHORS SHALL BE AS UST ED. SPACED AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. ANCHOR EMB;.MENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR iTUCCO. 3. ALL BOLTS. NUT.; AND WASHERS SHALL BE ZINC PLATED CARBON STEEL 4. ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL r — ` A L A OPTIONAL FLUSH FACE WOOD GRAIN DESIGN Engr. DR. HUAIAYOUN FAR000 STRUCTURES FLA. PE / 16557 O U 0 0 = rn N z cr z O 00 O 0 o w W V) • V) w I z tL � � DAB DOOR MODEL 824 MAX. SIZE 9' -4" WIDE X 16' -0" HIGH DESIGN PRESSURE RATING = + 50.0 PSF - 60.0 PSF CODE IIIE E ,.• AUG 2005_ JUL . ::z;.01— :, :. .03 O w 0 C cr , 0 O w 0 J z w 0 w J z 0 1= U w N N c 0 N cu C 0 0 0 0 v l CO 0 Li Pe) Q J U = vi z cow N0) o O 3� 0 Z 2 in 6 0 a J -_ c 0 0. 0 ( 4.1 v 41 0 ' 0 ,c W 0 U 0 0 0 cc a c 0 0 0 7 C drawing no. 01 -09 sheet 1 of 3 .� •. �'�' . :.`.��,�„�- �.•�el� —�; s�:.�'o;:.::y..;�.;.ay► :1: STEEL TRACK EIRAC9cET FASTENED TO W000 JAMB WITH 007TE 5/16" X 1 -5/$' LAG SCREW SOUTHERN PINE 0.55 S.G. OPTIONAL STOP MOULDING BY DOOR INSTALLER 1-S' X 2.19" X 3.3" X _102" SILLL TRACK BRACKETS STxE SHEET 3 FOR SPACING 3/4 MAX. 2 -D,18" X .078" GALV. SILEL TRACK FASTENED TO TRACK PLATES ',W/ 1/4-20 .X 5/ TRUSS HD. SLOTTED M.S. do LOCK NUT • • ••• • • • 000 •• •• • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • . • •. •• 4646 ... ••• •.• • • • • • • •• • • #14 X 5/8" SMS 6 PER HINGE 7/16" PUSHNUT INSTALLED ON ROLLER SHAFT • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •. 0.• •• • • • • • • • 0460 •• 1/2" X 11 -3/4" X J159" FORMED STEEL -GLUED TO PANEL mo SECURED TO END STILE WITH 3f16" POP RIVETS 0 12" O.C. - 7 -1/2" IS .050" GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE SECTION B -B INTERIOR SIDE 1 -7/8" X 2 -5/8" X .045" STE:_L CENTER STILE. GLUED AND ,<NETT_D TO PANEL W/ (4) 3/16" F.•VETS - #14 X 5/8' S: M.S. 4/ HINGE J POP RIVETS 7-1/2" X .071 END ROLLER HINGE 46.46 • • • ••• • _ • • • • •• • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •4646 • • • • 00* • • • • 000 • • ••• • • • • • . .. • •• • • • • • • •• ••• • . • • • • • • • • • • • • 0• •0 • • • •• • • • • • • • 3 -3/4" MIN. EDGE DIST. 1 ••• • • .•• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• r. ..11 " 1/4 .•• • • 3/16" ALUM RIVETS FLAPS BENT OVER PANEL 1/2" PUNCHED HOLES 0 4 O.C. 3/4" X 2" X 2 -1/2' X 18 GA. SILEL (.0.04`1' ) _END STILE. CONNECT TO PANELS WITH FLAPS AND 3/16" ALUM RIVETS SEE DETAIL ABOVE 5/16" HILT! SLEEVE ANCHORS OR EQUAL - 1 -1/2" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 1 PER BRACKET 1/4 -20 SS BOLT & NUT 1.82" DIA. X .50" ROLLERS W/ .44 DIA_ X 4-1/4" STEM Engr DR: ! FAR000 STRUC'URES F.A. PE J 16557 JUL 1. 2 2001 24 GA. S I ELL PANEL END STILE P.Pi `.9•i CD CC ?!PU i:'iG WITH THE F.na,!; FORM @'•!1 CODE e'.T: _AUG .2001 _ -- Si6.o3 z Z (1 ' O� d� ao O a. a � 0, V ▪ 0 W r) 0 z ,,) o < a ° 1 0 C N — v i 0 -c4 ct Cx4 3 in in W N M v J 0 O w 0 J 1- z w 0 (1) w J z 0 U w (/) ( r-. 0 c 0 0 0 (.1 0 v v co 0 N) W Q tL z_ I- a0 w N rno O 3 O z = � J c 0 0. 0 N a .0 ar 0 0 0 O • . 0 drawing no. 0 1 —09 sheet 2 of 3 1 DOOR HEIGHT LSECTION 15T HEIGHTS t' • • • • • • _ • • • €RACKP t PLACEMENTS 2ND 3R014THI5TH' 81 • 9f :I: Eta • 1 • 84 85 86 i 87 B 6 -0" 18" 18" 18"118' IN /A • • 1" • 1 1 -3/4'1 23" 34" 45' 56" 67" - 6 -6' 21' 18" 18" 21" N/A 1" 1" 11 -3/4'1 23" 1 11-3/4 23' 34" 34" 45" 45" 56" .56' 67" 67" - 7' -0" 21" 21" 21' 21' N/A 78-1/4 7' -6" 18" 18" 18'118 18" 1" 11 -3/4 "1 23" 1 34' 45" 56" 67' 78-1/4 78-1/4" 8 -0" 21" 18" 18118 1 111 -3/41 23" ( 34" 45 56" 67' SLEEVE ANCHOR SPACING ANCHOR! STRUCTURE EMBED I SPACING BL OCK 1 -1/ 1 1' 5/16' I CONK. 1 -1 1 1 " BLOCK 1 - 1 4" 3/8" I CONC. 1 -1 /4 1 17 POP RNE15 n ce 0 SEC=TION A —A .089" GALV. STEfL ADJUSTABLE • • • W / FASTENED D5 5/16-18 X 3 / / 4 BRACKET D( 6 H HEAR • IA. SC REWS & NUi • • •• • • • • • HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT 1/2" X 1 -3/4" X .059' FORMED STEEL GLUED TO PAND. AND FASTENED JQ • • VERTICAL STILES METH • (2) 3/16" POP RIVETS • • 5/16" MEETING RIB OPT10NA1 INS13LA1IDHS BY . APACHF PRODUCTS CET EPS- EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE DENSITY - 1.07 PCF N.OA 8 98- 0904.04 OR ISO -25 POLY- ISIIx.YANURCIE DENSITY = 2.0 PCF N.OA >9 98- 0904.03 14 GA GALV. STEEL ROLLER HINGES FASTENED W/ (4) 14 X 5/8" Sib 12 CA. GALV. STEM . BOTTOM BRACKET FASTENED W/ (4) 1914 X 5/8 SAS BOTTOM SEAL .058 ALUM PLATE WITH 1/8" X 1' S.M.S. 0 48" O.C. AND RUBBER WEATHERSTIOPPING •• • • \ 2 -7/8' X 5-1/2" X 3' X .1 \ GALV. STEEL TOP ROLLER BRACKET (DOUBLE) FASTENED w/ (6) ! 14 X 5/8' 5.14.5. HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT 1/2' X 1 - 3/4' X -059' FORMED STEEL GLUED TO PANEL AND FASIENED TO VERTICAL STILES 1f1TH (2) 3/16" POP RNETS 7/16' DIA X 3-3/4" ROSIER SHAFT MIN. .024' ROLL FORMED STEEL PANEL DRAWING OUAUIY G-40 MIN. YIELD STRENGTH = 39 KSI WITH PRIMER AND BAKED -ON POLYSTER PAINTED TOP COAT APPUED TO EOM SIDES OF STEEL • • • 51 16" X • 5 LAC SCREWS INTO WOOD OR • • • •• •• • 5/16" SLEEVE ANCHORS • • • • • • • • • • • 1-1/4' EMBED INTO MASONRY • • • • • • 3 PER BRACKET ••• • • • • ••• • wEi'DEO / • -1 /4" x .1" STEEL. PLATES • • • • • • 1 ' • 1 ./2 X 1-1/2 X .089 ANGLE • • • • • FASTENED TD TRACK i ••• • • I() 1/4-20 SS. BOLT & NUTS • •• ••• •• • • • • • • • • • ••• •• 1- x 0 w O Z Z W a 0 TRACK CONFIGURATION CAST ALUM. CABLE DRUM 14 GA. GALV. STEEL TRACK 2' X 3-1/2" X 12 GA. TRACK BRACKETS 2 -3/16" HIGH CONNECTED TO TRACK WITH ONE 1/4' BOLTS & NUTS. 1 -1/2" WOOD FRAME RUII DING STUD WALLS OR DOOR OPENIi'C SHALL BE FRAMED SOUD BY NOT LESS THAN (3) 2X6 'RESSURE TREATED GRADE 2 OR BETTER WOOD STUDS. STUD WALLS TO BE CONT. FR N4 FOOTING TO TIE BEAM. wOQD BUCK CONNECTION TO MASONRY - TRACK SHALL BE SECURED W:TH TRACK BRACKETS TO PRESSURE TREATED 2X6 WOOD JAMBS WHICH SHALL BE ANCHORED TO GROUTED FEINFORCED MASONRY BLOCC WALL OR CONC. COU.I4N W/ 1/4' TAPCONS WITH 1 -3/4' EMBED AND A ';PACING OF 10" 0.C. OR 3/8' DUL HILT] S-F-EVE AN CHORS, 1 -3/4" MIN. EMBED AND A SPACING OF 11. O.C. THE BLOCK WALL CELLS SHALL BE GROUT FILLED AND REINFORCED WITH FOUR f9 5 BARS EXTENDING INTO FOOTNG AND INTO TIE BEAMS, ALL BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TIE SEW TO FOOTING. PREPARATION OF B' BY OTHERS STEEL STRUCTURE BY OTHERS r MUST SUPPORT THE LOADS IMPOSED EY DOOR SYSTEM • - • ••• • • H 0Rl , TRAC]$'=UaPK32T .S gfOd: EA( ODOR INSUj.LER • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • . • HOW. TRACK LENGTH = OPENING FIEI6HT P Z • • • • • •- SECTIONS ARE NUMBERED STARTING AT THE BOTTOM FOR DOORS MORE THAN 8 FT. HIGH. USE ADORIONAL TOP BRACKETS AT 10' O.C. 1/4" 0 HEX HEAD M.S. & LOCK NUT 0 12' 0.C. 1 1/4" X 2 -1/2" X 14 GA CONT STEEL ANGLE .102' CA CALV. STEEL FLAT BRACKET ± 3" LONG 0 ±12" 0.C. CONNECTED TO CONT. ANGLE W/ (3) SPOT WELDS AT EACH SIDE ALTERNATE TRACK INSTALLATION • MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 3 .3/4" ---I n'PIQN- - 1 -1/2' 14 GA GALV. STEEL TRACK FASTENED TO TRACK PLATES W/ (2) 1 /4- 20X5/8" TRUSS HD. SLOTTED M.S. & LOCK NUT Engr. OR. HUMAYOUN FAROOQ STRUCTURES FLAT PE 16557 -r JuC /,!'.`;firEJ .IS COI.(PLYI G :ILIA LIE :00I F(Or!D.1 I3UItD1116 CODE AUG 2OQt_ I. ; GLACE • I E ,. / /:1.1,1 111•C 11.0—os16. Q3_ 1 Z z W 0 a 0 tx a. a- 1./) U o: W M Of r-3 04 _co cc IX 3 O G>, wv1 on J • W - - CO 0 e N t0 N ' N 0 r) 0 O t co N O O 0 W c - 0 1 0 0 0 0 •0 w a O Q J L. ~ Z S1 O 0 ce O 3� O z = in 6 M 0 S 0 0 o+ 0 0 a N CD m T .0 0 0 0 ,c c 1 drawing no. 01 -09 (sheet 3 of 3 )j