1224 NE 96 St (8)January 30, 2002 City Hall Miami Shores Village Building Commission Gentlemen, ze)6 Linda Tondeur 1224 N.E. 96 Street Miami Shores Fl 33138 Tel. 305 756 4421 (Res.) 305 961 6033(Office) 2 -13)d4 51Pec' Re: "Wooden Construction" on side of the house —1224 NE 96 Street —Miami Shores Fl 33138 On January 16` I received a Courtesy Notice from one of your inspectors regarding a "Wooden Structure" that was in the process of being built (see copy attached). It is absolutely correct that I had put up secured wooden shelves in order to store the hurricane shutters. I would like to explain that in my mind this is the only place (East wall of the house) where such a shelf could be built. The South wall cannot be used because at a later stage a pool house will be built and I did not want to do the work twice. As said above, this will be a shelf, it will not be a closed shed. Moreover since a wooden fence of 5 feet will be put around the garden (building permit is already issued) the shelf cannot be seen from the outside. Presently as the structure stands, the highest beam is higher than 5 feet but if you do not want it to exceed also 5 feet, that will not be an issue. I would appreciate however is you would allow me to have that work continued. If you want me to make a request for a building permit I will of course do so. -2 City Hall of Miami Shores Village Building Commission For your information I attach a copy of the survey on which I have indicated where the shelf will be. I also enclose a drawing with the measures of the construction and would appreciate any advise on that. Looking forward to a positive reply, I remain Yours truly, - ;teird fAiL\ Linda Tondeur 1224 NE 96 Street Miami Shores FL 33138 Enclosures 41`i"Gr r2.2.4 �� � 96 ,) f tEEL rI eQueS Ri aAA Li hake S EcLS\r wo Q • Ci t L i al S Ekik doe Address: O Property is in need of mowing / cleaning O Trash on site O Exterior of structure requires maintenance O Trees /bushes /hedges need trimming O Commercial vehicle in residential zone O Inoperable vehicle on property O Vehicle parked in landscaped area O Vehicle parking areas must be paved O Vessel / boat not properly stored O Interior / exterior work requires permits O Prohibited signs on property O Non - domestic animals on property O Other: ective action needed by: a,) Date) ^ 10050 N.E. SECOND AVE. MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA 33138-2382 Telephone: (305) 795 - 2207 Fax: (305) 756 -8972 COURTESY NOTICE ��--t E _ iami SIzores Dear Property Owner: While making inspections in the area, I noticed the following items needing your attention: Failure to correct the violation by the above date may result in a Notice of Violation to appear before the Code Enforcement Board which may impose fines up to $500 per day. The Village residents have always taken great pride in the community and we know that you share in this effort to keep the "Villag Beautiful ". Your cdo•er.l is appreciated. Code Enforcement Officer Date 5582N.W. 7th STREET, SUITE 202 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 TELEPHONE; (306) 2842660 FAX: (305) 284-0228 W1 (or- -I4 G( -04' blaac BOUNDARY SURVEY scale 1" f t-- C)t =i211 MiDer4 .e4- I nT 14 IQt = Iqs I I�I�A .ek INA .e4 OIJE S VDeI) I 'lz (0044 - di /0,(b • ova UUE!3�t5 *tr. LAND SURVEYORS r e6.073 eacci • mil 2 0 + . SURVEY NO. 0/ - SHEET NO. • OF .l0c-U !�r - Ila aerA Qr- v 25Y 2 •E,