1269 NE 94 St (3)CYJ CONCRETE AND STEEL DESIGNS MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DESIGNS AIR CONDITIONING r RICHARD A. BELSHAM CONSULTING ENGINEER 3500 MAIN HIGHWAY MIAMI,FLORIDA Au 15, 1951 i -;r. Join D. Hanscll Zoning Director ;;isr;i Shore; Vi E o dsiai bhcros Villa e, Florida Dear ;•;r. Hansel): A representative of this office inspected the property belong' g to Ir. George Duvall, located ct 126' H.D. 94th Street, ;,ic -ai. Shores Village, on August 9, 1951. ?:re found an avera e depth of 3 of gray sand, shell a__-d grovel on to of salt muck. This office has deli 4-ted a spread footing foundation to suit the soil condition for the pro - u u e z_uez_c0 at the above addreso. PA? /ray Vc °;T truly yours, %/ < (b'' / ` /(> a a5.. � „...A........ Richard.A. Belshan CONSULTANT TO ARCHITECTS SUPERVISION