477 NE 92 St (13)Signature (address) Li Z /f/E' g 2._ S &r :7( from the Building and Zoning Department on (date) t92 ( � yac to have corrections done to plans and/or get County stamps. I understand that the plans need to be brought back to Miami Shores Building and Zoning to continue the permitting process. A au444 /kst,e4I,llar BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 10050 N.E. SECOND AVENUE MIAMI SHORES. FLORIDA 33138-2382 TELEPHONE (305) 795-2204 FAX (305) 756-8972 RECEIPT Miami Shores Village Building Department BUILDING CRITIQUE SHEET I) fifi9ade_ 5f 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 Fax: (305) 756.8972 Permit No. /P05- /7 L2 Job Name PERMIT NO. ADDRESS: . MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMEN1 SECTION BY DATE ZONING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FIRE PUBLIC WORKS STRUCTURAL BUILDING OFFICIAL 1. Subject to compliance with eft Federal. Sta Camty.Viltage rotes t! 4 regulations, Winne tssz n no responslbUlty for accuracy of/or resutts fr these plans. 2. This copy of plans must be svalttbte betiding site or no Inspection wtit be conduct JOB ADDRESS APPLICANT PHONE ft CRITIQUE SHEET APPLICATION SHEET OF • MISCELLANEOUS DATE MUNI.NG COMMENTS INITIALS Miami Shores Village Building Department BUILDING CRITIQUE SHEET I) Pcoa -/-N / epp /0.a. o!'/ //I( 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 Fax: (305) 756.8972 Permit No. PPo,5°° /7 v Job Name PERMIT NO. • ADDRESS: MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING / ZONING DEPARTMENT' SECTION BY DATE ZONING • JOB ADDRESS DATE /; U ZONINy CRITIQUE SHEET APPLICANT , A PHONE# APPLICATION /C` SHEET OF MISCELLANEOUS Li / 1 l r• COMMENTS ;r /■lt V ^q> ELECTRICAL ,i FIRE MECHANICAL PLUMBING PUBLIC WORKS STRUCTURAL BUILDING OFFICIAL 2. This copy of plans roust be building rite or no Inspection will b 1. Subject to compliance with eft Federal. State, Coc nty.Vittage Mes tad reg 1tattans. Vsitage tssuates no responslblllty for eccurdcy otlor resutts front these plans. twilight* on e conducted. INITIALS NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT A RECORDED COPY MUST BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE AT TIME OF FIRST INSPECTION PERMIT NO.r)RD5 )1O TAX FOLIO NO) I32, O / 'o 140120 STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF MIAMI -DADE: THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1. Legal description of property and street/address: 41 Fps F 1 33 3g' f 2. Description of improvement: foe) an(' Dec (G . 3. Owner(s) name and addressTCfn nal 1 iJf e IL ( 471 NE GZs9- {--) t Interest in property: ) ClinC fl - CA.- male. Name and address of fee simple titleholder: N 1 4. Contractor's name and address: rif t) f pall s _ 14 6 g 5. Surety: (Payment bond required by o ner from contractor, if any) Name and address: Amount of bond $ 6. Lender's name and address: 7. Persons within the state of Florida designated by • ner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Flonda Statutes, Name and address: 8. In addition to himself, Owners designates the following person(s) • receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Name and address: 9. Expiration date of this Notice of Commencement: (the expiration date is 1 year different date is specified) Signature of Owner Print Owner's Name Sworn to and sub Notary Public Print Notary's N My commission - pire:: (omita Edo • d before me this 06 day of Commission D D23i984 Expires: Ju 3, 2007 ' 2#itide1l • Rini s' I AtiUb Bdiidmg CID . I= - 1 N 9Z ,20Q6. - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CFN 200580341373 OR Bk 23243 Ps 2327; (1Ps) RECORDED 04/06/2005 14:45 :34 HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK OF COURT MIAMI -DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LAST PAGE the the date of recording unless a Prepared by .1. 1e-T Address: Li J 2 SW 6 -� l Sn-c & 3 .ii BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FBC 2001 Permit Type (circle): Building Electrical Plumbing Mecha,nicaf Roofing Owner's Name (Fee Simple Titleholder) i e_iEt;' + i.-440 W2-1 C- -. 4...1 . 12) IN Phone # (3413° 5 77s 1 Sep Owner's Lf 's Address Ti t 1_ 7214c S 1 2. 44 City M +i u l i S t.t C,State .- Zip - 1313.g Tenant/Lessee Name t i A Phone # 1.3 (,4 Job Address (where the work is being done) City Miami Shores Village County Miami-Dade is Building Historically Designated YES NO ✓ Contractor's Company Name / f/l 5 !>� -� 4.7 roe, e - Phone # Contractor's Address 0/9/ �,r' 13 / , Y r PGT �r City Appi /et' State Zip 3‘ 9 Qualifier State Certificate or Registration No. Architect/Engineer's Name (if applicable) // Describe Wor 4 $ Value of Work'For tliis'Pernlit. , 8, Y Submittal Fee ,.- Notary $ Code Enforcement $ Total Fee Now Due $ (Continued on opposite side) r✓ rofc 0-W3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** F ees * *, *** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Permit Fee $ Training/Education Fee $ � n Miami Shores Village Building Department 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 Fax: (305) 756.8972 1417 NE 12`u I S • 4, /to Certificate of Competency No. , " 049 )'73 ❑Alteration 'New ❑ Repair/Replace ❑ Demolition Scanning $ Radon $ Zoning Bond $ Structural Plan Review. $ Phone # Zip Square Footage Of Work: . 33 i3 ,1 / Permit No. el 05- 4 + Master Permit No. 1 6P054 - 76 CCF $ (' CO /CC t- -� Technology Fee $ ✓ s Bonding Company's Name (if applicable) Bonding Company's Address City State f Zip Mortgage Lender's Name (if applicable) Mortgage Lender's Address City State Zip Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Notice to Applicant: As a condition to the issuance of a building permit with an estimated value exceeding $2500, the applicant must promise in good faith that a copy of the notice of commencement and construction lien law brochure will be delivered to the person whose property is subject to attachment: Also, a certified copy of the recorded notice of commencement muster posted at the job site for the first inspection which occurs seven (7) days after the building permit is issued. In the absence o such posted notice, the inspection will not be approved and a reinspection fee be charged. Owner or Agent The oregoi g instrument was ac owledge day, of , '20 by ersonally NOTARY Sign: Print: My Commission Expires: before m n to me or who has produced As identification and who did APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Chc 05/13/03 tl e an oath. /9` "..cgs , orninisslion The foregoin day of Con ho is personally known to me or who as ide instrument was acknowledged before me this , 20 O by l riM , ir. 1 >�: FTo l ry to ui4iorida • ihtvCommission Expires Oct 4.2008 Commission # DD 360169 n. • 4 NOTARY PUBLIC: Sign: Print: My Commission Expires: as d ce 'ondedI hru n now F3ondinfl r o !' ********************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ***************************************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** lf,clei - Plans Examiner Engineer Zoning MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE If BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date 7 '`22=- Type Insp'n ? f) t ay Permit No. I C PZs- Name 11014'v, Address Ln;i E 1 Company j ; 1.1 Phone # 105 ! C Inspection Date d05 Approved Correction Re-Insp'n Fee FINAL POOL 4/ 1 0 Passed 1 Inspector Comments Failed Correction Needed Re- Inspection Fee ($75) No Additional Inspections can be scheduled re- inspection fee is paid. until Inspection Number: 1NSP 0 74 70 Inspection Date: 10/19/2006 Inspector: Grande, Claudio Owner: RUDIN, DIETER Job Address: 477 92 Street NE Project: <NONE> Miami Shores Village, FL 33138- Contractor: GATOR POOL AND SPA CONSTRUCTION Building Department Comments Wednesday, October 18, 2006 Inspection Worksheet Miami Shores Village 10050 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL Phone: (305)795 -2204 Fax: (305)756 -8972 Block: Permit Type: Imported Permit Inspection Type: Final Work Classification: <NONE> Phone Number Parcel Number 1132060140270 Lot: Phone: 786 -412 -5281 Page 1 of 2 Miami Shores Village 10050 NE 2nd Avenue Phone: 305 - 795 -2204 Printed: 4/4/2005 Applicant: DIETER RUDIN Owner: RUDIN DIETER JOB ADDRESS: 477 NE 92 ST Contractor LIGHTS ON ELECTRIC Local Phone: 954- 392 -6628 Parcel # 1132060140270 Electrical Permit Permit Number: EL2005 -47 Contractor's Address: 10181 N. W. 21 ST. Permit Status: APPROVED Permit Expiration: 8/2/2005 Construction Value: $1,100.00 Work: POOL ELECTRICAL - MASTER BP2005 -170 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description: MIAMI SHORES SEC 2 PB 10 -37 LOTS 21 & 22 & W15FT OF LOT 23 Fees: Description Amount FEE2005 -4215 Building Fee $225.00 FEE2005 -4220 CCF $1.20 FEE2005 -4221 Notary Fee $5.00 FEE2005 -4222 Training and Education Fee $0.40 FEE2005 -4228 Technology Fee $5.63 FEE2005 -4229 Submittal Fee ($50.00) Total Fees: $187.23 Total Fees: $187.23 Total Receipts: $0.00 1 . .1 9J J 1 V IIJ Signed: (INSPECTOR) In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit, I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responisibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servants or employes. Signed: (Contractor or Builder) BY: Inspection Number: 114 7 Inspection Date: 10/16/2006 Inspector: Levrack, James Owner: None, None Job Address: 477 92 Street NE Project: <NONE> Contractor: GATOR POOL AND SPA CONSTRUCTION Building Department Comments Friday, October 13, 2006 Miami Shores Village, FL Inspection Worksheet Miami Shores Village 10050 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL Phone: (305)795 -2204 Fax: (305)756 -8972 co 760 Block: Phone Number 7 Permit Type: Imported Permit Inspection Type: Final Work Classification: <NONE> Parcel Number 1132060140270 Lot: Phone: 786 -412 -5281 Page 2 of 2 ii+ e•for Comments 1 Passed Failed Correction Needed Re- Inspection Fee ($75) No Additional Inspections can be scheduled until re- inspection fee is paid. Inspection Number: 114 7 Inspection Date: 10/16/2006 Inspector: Levrack, James Owner: None, None Job Address: 477 92 Street NE Project: <NONE> Contractor: GATOR POOL AND SPA CONSTRUCTION Building Department Comments Friday, October 13, 2006 Miami Shores Village, FL Inspection Worksheet Miami Shores Village 10050 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL Phone: (305)795 -2204 Fax: (305)756 -8972 co 760 Block: Phone Number 7 Permit Type: Imported Permit Inspection Type: Final Work Classification: <NONE> Parcel Number 1132060140270 Lot: Phone: 786 -412 -5281 Page 2 of 2