Letters Regarding Wiegand BuildingBarry University Vice President for Business Affairs M E M O R A N D U M To: Frank Lubien, Code Enforcement Officer, Village of Miami Shores From: Timothy H. Czerniec, Vice President for Business Affairs Date.: October 8, 1987 Subject: Affidavit AFFIDAVIT A Timothy H A Catholic International University 11300 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA 33161 PHONE (305) 758 -3392 This is to certify that Barry University recognizes that certain details on the Weigand Classroom Project are incomplete. Barry University certifies that all matters will be brought into compliance with the approved drawings. Vice President for Business Affairs 0 IRMA 1.1111ENA & ASSOCIATES. INC. E ..... LANDSAT' AliCHITECTIMI/ RANDS 8401 SI 81 AVE.. SITE 108 MIAMI. RA. 33113 P 305/7191951 September 28, 1987 Fraga & Feito Architects/Planners 3663 SW Sth Street Suite 20L) Miami, Florida 33135 pl 1 10 0 tk Re: Barry University punch list for landscape and irrat4lon installation, West Wing Dormitories and New Classroom. Attn: Jose Rodriguez Dear Jose: After visiting the site today these are our comments: WEST 'WING DORMITORIES 1. Landscape installation, plant material is in general good, and met the specifications. The Pittosporum around the A.0 units are - healthy and at this moment there are not larger plants available, therefore we accepted it. Mass of Jatropha has 58 plants instead of the 53 called on the plans. 3. Ligustrum hedge along parking area has 38 plants instead of 40, but since more Jatropha were planted we notified Mr. Palmer about the discrepancie we both decided that the extra Jatrophas (5) price wise make it up for the missing Ligustrums. 4. There is one missing Ixora Nora Brant at the cluster close to the building entrance. We request from the landscape contractor the installatiain of this plant, PI" the Black Diamont Edge Divider at this area. 5. Replace a dead Mahogany Tree, area across from the AC units. 6. There are two Mahoganies that are questionable, one is coming back slowly, first tree at the berm area, if this tree does not shoe signs of healthy foliage should be replaced within 4 weeks. The other tree is the very lanst one along the berm, this tree should be defoliated immediately, since it looks infested, if the new leaves start sprouting with the same sickly look the tree should be replaced. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS f't 7. General ccsmmemt s : a. Guy wire all trees and stake palms. b. Rake all stones from shrub beds and remove all weeds. c. Add mulch in all planting beds and around all trees as shown in the construction detail sheet. d. Remove all dead fronds and branches from palms and trees. Provide maximum of clear trunk. e. Cover all wounds with Ortho to avoid infestation. f. Replace dead sod in some areas, as discussed with Mr. Palmer. g. Destroy all fire ants nests, berm area. h. Install any missing sod. i. Remove ropes or tagging ribbons. Recommendations: A layer of coarse river sand should be spreaded in front of the building entrance, both sides and around some very low points around the berm to provide better drainage for the sod increasing the thickness of the soil between the finish grade and the sod. Install concrete curb to protect sodded areas of cars crossing it. Irrigation system should be shut off for one week - to allow the soil to get dry. After thks=! the timer should be set every other day, dayly only durklini dry season. NEW CLASROOMS: :1. Same comments apply related to the plant material. 2 . Podocarpus trees were called as 15 gallon, 6' ht, and they were 15 gallons but only 4' ht. However the Architects, Mr. Palmer and myself agreed that we were willing to accept them, since the Pongam trees were much taller, in fact twice the size that the one called on the plans. 3. There are 8 Hibiscus standard missing, and two Ixora Super King. 4. The six Jerusalem Thorn tree were in bad condition, only one was still with enough green bark, this tree usually suffers quite a bit with transplanting, therefore we gave landscape contractor 4 weeks to replace the trees if they do not carne back. 5. General notes will apply here too. 6. The mound in front of the front area must be removes since it was in the wrong place. 7. There are some missing sprinkler heads, which should be installed and the sprinklers along the roadway must be tied to the system, as shown on plans, to provide water to the new Ppngam trees. 8. Sprinkler heads along the building, shrub bed, were' . suposed to go on risere, however since the irrigation contractor used the 04 nozzles, instead 7 06R, , - the 02, it will be acceptable. The guarantee for all plant material start today and extend as called in the specifications. Same apply to the irrigation system. During this site inspection were present at the site Joe Palmer from Barry University, the landscape contractor Bernie Ortega, the irrigation contractor, Jose I. Navarrete the field manager from Milton and myself. Let me know if 1 can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Laura M. Lleren F.C./R.S.L.A., A.P.A. President • • •• • . • . • • • • • , . - Attn.. ; uez Ref;_ rt Univ cars ty Cis rssraom Addition. Gent lrn phis off ice will accept the use of . is* in the air handling unit as long a s: to they- supporting - structure . on isomode pads detected- to the building You