2024-05-23 PZB Minutes
Mayor George Burch
Vice Mayor Jesse Valinsky
Councilmember Neil Cantor
Councilmember Jerome Charles
Councilmember Sandra Harris
Esmond Scott, Village Manager
Chanae Wood, Village Attorney
Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
May 23rd, 2024 6:30pm Council Chambers
1. CALL TO ORDER- By Chair Bolton at 6:30pm
Chair Mr. Bolton
Mr. Brady
Mr. O’Hara
Mr. Spirk
Mr. Nappier III
Also, Present:
Chanae Wood- Village Attorney
Judith Frankel- Planning and Zoning Director
Alizgreeth Tezen- Planning and Zoning Technician
3. ORDER OF BUSINESS - (Additions, Deletions, and Deferrals)
Mr. Scott Village Manager presented to the planning and zoning board the new interim consultant
group who will be taking over the planning and zoning department, as Ms. Judith Frankel resigned.
Mr. Joseph Corradino president of Corradino Group came to the podium and gave a brief
presentation on the company’s background as well as the approach on items that are pending in
the Village.
4. PUBLIC COMMENTS - 2-Minute Time Limit (Non-Item Specific)
Chair Ms. Patricia Bonaduce- stated that she is here to provide education and deny any
speculations that were brought up at the last Tuesday’s, meeting at the Village Council.
5.A. Approval of the Minutes for April 25th, 2024
PZ MINUTES 04-25-2024.pdf
Move to approve minutes with corrections to page 3. Item 7a. “Mr. Brady denied the
item and Mr. O’Hara Seconded it, stating the motion had to be switched from what
was previously recorded.” by Mr. Brady, Seconded by Mr. O’Hara. 4-0.
Quasi-Judicial in nature. If you wish to comment upon these items, please indicate the item number you
would like to address when the announcement regarding the quasi-judicial item is made. An
opportunity for persons to speak on each item will be made available after the applicant and
staff have made their presentations on each item.
SWEARING IN - All testimony, including public testimony and evidence, will be made under oath or
affirmation. In accordance with Section 2-100 of the Village Code, any Lobbyists must register
before addressing the Board on any of the following items. Board members must disclose any
ex-parte communications concerning any items on the agenda, pursuant to Section 2-86 of the
Village Code. (Board Members Disclosures, if applicable).
The Board Clerk will swear in any person(s) who wishes to testify on any Quasi-Judicial item.
7.A. RSP-24-1
Owner: Bruno Luis Payrol Garcia
Applicant: N/A
Agent: Ernesto Hechavarria
Address: 34 NW 97th ST.
The applicant is requesting approval for the following items:
1. New construction of a two-story single-family home totaling 5,210
square feet; 62,520 cubic feet
2. Exterior modifications including driveway, landscape, pool & pool
RSP-24-1-Staff Report.pdf
Motion to untable item by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. O’Hara. 4-0.
Ms. Frankel spoke about the project and provided a background of the
proposed project package and included a note about the sec.532 in the
Mr. Echavarria, (agent spoke at the podium) Provided a
brief information of the previous proposed project and ensured to revise
the character and look with additional landscaping elements.
Mr. Spirk asked about pushing back the front by 3 feet and 6 inches.
Mr. Echavarria, stated that it was to bring visual balance and openness
to the façade. Mr. Spirk stated that the variation of roof lines would be
helpful for the neighboring houses and asked the applicant to correct
some inconsistencies on page A-1.1 of the berm to reduce rainwater
runoff. Ms. Frankel stated that it can be included on the applicant’s
Motion to approve by Mr. Brady with conditions identified,
seconded by Mr.O'Hara. 3-1. (Denied by Mr. Spirk).
7.B. RSP-24-20
Owner: Sean Saladino, Karla Duran
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Sean Saladino
Address: 468 NE 100 ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. Modifying the existing building façade by enclosing approximately
118 square foot of the front porch and creating a new entry vestibule.
The total renovation square footage is 4,100
RSP-24-20-Staff Report.pdf
Move to untable by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Spirk 4-0.
Ms. Frankel spoke about the background of the application that was
presented in April 25th, 2024 however the applicant was not present
and had to be tabled. Ms. Frankel also talked about the request on the
façade modification as well as other items that are being done to the
home. The applicant must state the correct versus proposed setback
dimensions on the zoning analysis table, and dimensions have to be
provided for the layout of the front yard walkway shown on the render.
Mr. Brady asked about the inconsistencies of the square footage being
proposed as they show not to add up properly? Ms. Frankel stated that
the code does not provide a particular standard to ensure the way in
which the applicant should provide the correct measurements. A lot of
the applicants are not including the garage because it is not under a/c
Mr. Saladino spoke at the podium and provided information on the
expansion of the living room and not increasing the height. Mr. Saladino
stated that there will be a new roof material and maintain it clean. Mr.
Spirk liked the preservation of the home.
Move to approve subject to staff conditions by Mr. O'Hara,
seconded by Mr. Spirk. 4-0.
8.A. RSP-24-7/8
Owner: Grace 95, LLC (Jacob Kassel)
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Ana Torres
Address: 415 NE 95 St
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1.Construction of a new single-family house totaling 3,777 square feet;
49,368 cubic feet.
2.Exterior modifications including driveway, detached garage, pool,
pool deck, and fence.
RSP-24-7-8-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel gave a background on the property as it was previously
rezoned from community facilities to residential and that there are a
couple issues with the under A/C square footage and to add as a
condition and provide a covenant to restrict the home to single-family.
Mr. Spirk stated that there are some trees not identified on the plans
and per google earth he noted that there appeared to be more trees.
Mr. Spirk also stated that the requirement of the chapter 18A shows
that it needs to be added as a condition. The idea is to maintain the
specimen oak tree and mitigate with future applicants to provide a site
survey with a tree disposition chart.
Mr. Ralph Tait (Architect spoke at the podium) and provided information
of the home and ensure that it is maintaining the oak tree. Mr. O'Hara
stated that the front looks massive.
Mr. Spirk asked about the A/C units to be moved to another location
that is not on the roof top because of the noise.
Move to approve with conditions and screening to the A/C
condenser, Tree survey, and preservation of the oak tree and an
arborist report by Mr.Brady, Seconded by Mr. Sprik. 4-0.
8.B. RSP-24-19
Owner: Carlos Felipe Lemos, Nicole Brofman
Applicant: Carlos Felipe Lemos, Nicole Brofman
Agents: Mildred Majoros
Address: 601 Grand Concourse
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1.New 5,474 total square feet addition(s) to existing house
2.Conversion of existing 1-car garage in the rear yard and construction
of a new 2-car garage.
RSP-24-19-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel stated the background information on the home and
included in changes to the garage and include a bath and cabana.
Chair Mr. Bolton asked why is there a request for a covenant?
Ms.Frankel stated its due to the garage having a cabana and bathroom
Ms. Majoros (Agent Spoke at the podium)
The intent of the project is to maintain the existing home as much as
possible with matching the existing historic home design. The idea is to
respect the feature of the home and style of the windows and mimic the
Mediterranean style.
Mr. Bolton asked about the number of bedrooms and baths. Ms.
Majoros stated the new will include 4 bed and 4 bath.
Public Comment:
Chair Ms. Patrizia Bonaduce- Stated that they provided that the house
is a special house and provided a copy of the florida master site file of
the house.
Mr. Spirk has issues with the dates not matching and with changing the
style of the home being Mediterranean no Mediterranean deco.
Mr. Spirk also felt than an architect and not an engineer should’ve been
on the plans to adequately show the proposal.
Ms.Frankel stated that the date shown on property appraiser is when
the item was presented in the tax roles and the date of the master site
file could be the date when the builder submitted permit plans.
Chair Mr. Bolton asked what is the proposed roof? Ms. Majoros stated
the new roof will be charcoal slate tile. Mr. O’Hara stated that he finds
issue with taking away the balcony and seems to be a signature
element of the design of the home.
Ms. Majoros stated that there were issues with the location on the
balcony and conflicts with the needs of the owner.
Motion to table by Mr.O'Hara, seconded by Mr. Spirk. 4-0.
8.C. RSP-24-26
Owner: Ariel Exposito & Arianna Rivero
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Victor Bruce
Address: 280 NE 95th ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. 342 sq. ft. additions on the east side pf the property, but visible from
the public street.
2. 194 sq. ft. detached accessory structure in the rear yard, southwest
side of the property.
3. Aluminum pergola attached to the accessory structure of 198 SF.
RSP-24-26-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel spoke about the background of the application and requested
the applicant as a condition to provide a drainage plan and septic and
drainage field location at the time of permitting. Also, elevation dimension
corrections from the grade to the ridge of the home.
Mr. Spirk stated the same sentiments as the previous applicant who did not
provide a tree survey to include it and hold every application to the same
standard. Ms. Frankel stated that because this is an addition and not a new
single family home it would be best to put an additional burden on the
home owner to require such especially if the whole idea is to incentivize
applicants to preserve the house.
Mr. Bruce stated that DERM trees catches the removal or addition of trees
if needed and ensure to include it during the building permitting process.
Move to approve with conditions identified by Mr. Brady,
Seconded by Mr. Spirk. 4-0.
8.D. RSP-24-27
Owner: Paula Vitale
Applicant: Jose Ramos
Agents: Jose Ramos
Address: 102 NW 109 ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. 671 sq. ft. detached accessory structure in the rear yard, east side of
the property.
RSP-24-27-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel stated that the property is providing a 2-story accessory
structure and asked the applicant to update the site plan and should
update the location of the garbage niche.
Mr. O'Hara stated that the description in the agenda is incorrect and the
addition on the staff report is correct.
Jose Ramos (agent spoke at the podium)
Provided information on the intent of the project and ensured that the
niche will comply with the requirements.
Chair Mr. Bolton asked about the access to the cabana in the enclosed
Side. Mr. Spirk asked about the location of the A/C unit, also to include
a covenant to the application.
Motion approve to corrections on the garage door, picture
window, and single-family home covenant restriction by Mr.
O’Hara, Seconded by Mr. Brady. 4-0.
8.E. RSP-24-28
Owner: Jose Alvarado Baquero & Fabiana C Arvelo Parejo
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Nandez Design Studio (Edgar Peraza/Alazne Urizar)
Address: 1077 NE 98th ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. 562 sq. ft. addition on the east side of the property and visible from
the public right-of-way.
RSP-24-28-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel gave a background of the home and included information
of the home addition intent.
Mr. Peraza, spoke at the podium and gave information about the
project and want to increase the bedroom space to accommodate the
family expansion. Mr. O’Hara was pleased on how the applicant
brought a neighborhood study.
Mr. O'Hara move to approve by staff conditions seconded by Mr.
Brady, 4-0.
8.F. RSP-24-29
Owner: David Tayar
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Alfredo Leon –Abitar Design Group LLC
Address: 375 NE 99th ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. Garage conversion with small addition totaling to 540 sq. ft. under
A/C, and façade modification.
2. Exterior modifications to the site.
RSP-24-29-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel provided a background of the application
There is a small addition however it affects the front façade. The roof is
being maintained the same and raising the level of the roof and include
clear setback dimensions to 25 instead of 20 per what is show on the
site data table.
Mr. Alfredo Leon- (Agent spoke at the podium)
There is a soft sheer design of wood louvers being introduce to add
softness. Mr. Spirk asked about sheet A-103 with respect to the roof
material. Mr. Leon stated that it will be built-up roof membrane type of
roofing. Mr. O’Hara stated the design is tasteful with the neighborhood.
Move to approve subject to staff conditions by Mr. O’Hara,
Seconded by Mr. Brady. 4-0.
8.G. RSP-24-30
Owner: Priesh and Seettal Patel
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Paula A. Correa Spirk
Address: 1352 NE 104th ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. 1,143.4 sq. ft. addition on the 2nd floor; 152.9 1st floor addition and
façade modifications. 48,490 cubic feet.
2. Exterior modifications including landscaping, driveway, front walkway
and rear patio/deck.
RSP-24-30-Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel gave a background of the code and items that need to be
changed at the time of the permitting. Roof plan A-1.2, the code allows
for a 36 inch encroachment however it has a legal non-conforming and
provide a 10 feet setback to measure from the property line. Ms.
Frankel also, stated that the 15% or 300 square foot for flat roof
allowance is not clear if the applicant is in compliance and would have
to provide the clarification at the time of permitting.
Ms. Paula Spirk (Agent and Wife of Mr. Brandon Spirk –P&Z
Board member who recused himself before this item was called) stated
that there is a plan and project to maintain the 50%.
The idea is to maintain the same and not raise the floor level. Ms. Spirk
stated that the idea is to open to the street with the use of the ranch
style at the balcony and create a tropical modern design with long
eaves and natural materials. The emphasis on the relationship and it is
in harmony with the neighborhood character.
Move to approve with condition by staff by Mr. O'Hara, seconded
by Mr. Brady. 3-0.
8.H. RSP-24-31
Owner: Liang Liu & Lanphie Chi Wen Ping
Applicant: N/A
Agents: Victor Bruce
Address: 1097 NE 98th ST.
Request: The applicant is requesting approval for the following:
1. 979 sq. ft. additions on the east property; and a garage conversion.
RSP-24-31 -Staff Report.pdf
Ms. Frankel provided a background of the application as well what was
submitted in the previous planning and zoning board hearing and why
the applicant is coming back again for another request.
Mr. Bruce, stated that the project was approved, and the elevation
certificate was wrong and needed to get revised as it exceeded the
50% substantial improvement value. The idea is to maintain one story
and reduce the cost for the owner. Also, the addition of a two-story is
being implemented as well as a garage conversion. Mr. Spirk asked
about page A-7 if the envelope material shown of the front elevation will
be modified? Mr. Bruce stated that the client wanted corrugated
paneling to match the roof.
Move to approve as by staff conditions by Mr. Brady seconded by
Mr. Spirk. 4-0.
9. PUBLIC COMMENTS - 2-Minute Time Limit
Mr. Spirk asked to have cleaner and better drawings for future applications, and also asked for quality
standards moving forward even though he is aware that it puts burden on staff. Mr. Spirk believes that
with modern technology it will be easier to present a clean render to avoid having to ask repeated
questions to applicants. Mr. O’Hara stated he is in agreeance.
Mr. Spirk asked about the single-family home zoning district update as well as the community
residential district update. Mr. Scott spoke at the podium and provided an update on what is going on
with the proposal for a zoning in progress which will put a halt from staff accepting new single-family
home applications and additions that exceed 50% of the square footage. Staff will still be able to take a
look at additions and garage conversion applications as well as other applications not related to the
residential district.
11. NEXT REGULAR BOARD HEARING – June 27th, 2024
12. ADJOURNMENT- Move to adjourn by Mr.Brady, Seconded by Mr. Spirk 9:22pm.
The Village Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. In the event this agenda must be rev ised,
such revised copies will be available to the public at the Vil lage Council meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any matter considered at such meeting or hearin g, he
may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon w hich
the appeal is based.
Miami Shores Village complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disability Act. If you are a disabled person requirin g any
accommodations or assistance, including materials in accessible format, a sign language interpret er (5 days’ notice required), or
information, please notify the Village Clerk's office of such need at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance.
In accordance with Village code and section 2-11.1(s) of the Miami-Dade County Code, any person engaging in lobbying activities, as
defined therein, must register at the Village Clerk’s Office before addressing the Council on the above matters or engaging i n lobbying