2023-05-09 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission meeting held on May 9, 2023.
Members present:
Susan Ackley
Victor Bruce
Beth Dunlop
Anne-Camille Hersh
Clarissa Rodriguez
Members absent:
Michael Stock
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
George Burch, Miami Shores Mayor
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.
The Commission welcomed Mayor Burch to the meeting.
Ms. Dunlop made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2023 meeting. Motion
seconded by Ms. Rodriguez and unanimously approved.
Correction to the minutes of the April 11, 2023 meeting. Page two, paragraph one, line two; change
‘ten days’ to ‘twelve days’. Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 11,
2023 meeting with corrections. Motion seconded by Ms. Hersh and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the Downtown Stakeholders Committee meeting scheduled for May 20th. It was
noted that the Commission was invited to the meeting to speak about art work and projects for
downtown; Fine Arts, as a board, is not permitted to meet outside of their normal meeting without a
noticed public meeting. An arts overlay district was suggested which would give flexibility to allow pop
up musicians and additional events. The May 20th meeting will discuss the design elements that will be
Discussion turned to the Commission’s financial report. It was noted that the permit fees for the NW 2nd
Avenue project will come from the Commission’s budget. Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to approve
$400 for permit fees for the art in public places project on NW 2nd Avenue. Motion seconded by
Ms. Dunlop and unanimously approved.
Mr. Bruce noted that the mural wall in front of Village Hall needs to be repaired/plastered; the estimated
cost of the repair is $800. Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to allot $800 for the repair and update of
the mural wall. Motion seconded by Ms. Hersh and unanimously approved. Ms. Ackley noted
that the artist for the present mural wall was paid $2500 to paint the street (one side) side of the wall. A
new call to artist is needed for the mural wall. Ms. Ackley would like to change the specs to include
painting the front and back side of the mural wall. Ms. Hersh volunteered to reach out to someone to
repair the wall.
Ms. Rodriguez made a motion for the Commission to have a call to artists for both sides of the
mural wall, including materials, for $3500. Ms. Hersh inquired about using all of the Commission’s
funds, including donations; noting that the Committee’s mission is to serve the community. Ms. Hersh
would like to table discussion of the donation account for a future meeting. It was suggested holding off
on sending out a call to artists until the mural wall is repaired, but the specs for the call to artists can be
written. The current motion was amended. Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to allocate up to $3500
for a call to artists for both sides of the mural wall on the front lawn of Village Hall. Motion
seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously ap proved. The suggestion was made for the Committee
to meet at 9:45 am to discuss the text of the call to artists for the mural wall prior to the Downtown
Shareholders meeting at 10:00 am. Once the call to artists is sent out, a submission deadline of July
15th was suggested; submissions should include an application and digital samples.
Ms. Ackley related that the Committee applied for a grant from the Miami Shores Community Alliance in
the amount of $7500 for concerts. Ms. Dorney added that the Committee can also apply with the
Cultural Affairs Department for a grant for concerts.
It was noted that the recent Gallery Night was a success. The event featured a new caterer as well as
a new musician. Ms. Dunlop suggested having two separate events, one for each location. Ms.
Rodriguez said that the art at Village Hall was very well received; Ms. Dunlop suggested adding
labels/titles for the artwork.
Discussion turned to future events. Suggestions included additional library events and a reception for
NW 2nd Avenue artist Daniel Marosi in October.
It was noted that the Committee either takes the month of June or July off for meetings. The
Committee decided to take the month of July off.
It was related the Fine Art’s Green Day booth with KidCreate was well received. Mr. Bruce suggested
that Fine Arts have a retractable banner for events.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.