Mayor George Burch
Vice Mayor Jesse Valinsky
Councilmember Jerome Charles
Councilmember Sandra Harris
Councilmember Daniel Marinberg
Esmond Scott, Village Manager
Sarah Johnston, Village Attorney
Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
November 16th, 2023 6:30pm 9900 NE 2nd AVE.
1) CALL TO ORDER- Chair Mr. Bolton called meeting to order at 6:33pm.
Mr. Nappier III
Mr. Finkelstein
Chair Mr. Bolton
Mr. Brady
Mr. O’Hara
Also, Present:
Ms. Chanae Woods –Village Attorney
Ms. Claudia Hasbun- Planning and Zoning Director
Ms. Alizgreeth Tezen- Planning and Zoning Technician
3.a. Approval of minutes - October 26th, 2023
Chair Mr. Bolton asked to modify descending spelling.
Motion approve by Mr. Brady Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
P&Z Minutes_10_26_23 Revision.pdf
4) PUBLIC COMMENTS -2- Minute Time Limit
5.a RSP-23-40
Owner: Lissette Montalvo
Applicant: Eagle Concrete Corporation
Agent: Eagle Concrete Corporation
Address: 9740 N MIAMI AVE
Request: Site Plan Approval for a garage conversion.
Motion to untable by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0.
Mr. Kyle (Eagle Concrete Corporation Applicant)
Chair Mr. Bolton asked why this item was tabled, Ms. Hasbun stated it was due to not being in
attendance last meeting.
Motion to approve by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0.
RSP-23-40-9740 N Miami Ave-Application.pdf
RSP-23-40-9740 N Miami Ave-Plans.pdf
5.b VAR-23-41
Owner: Lance Tinkler and Jennifer Tinkler
Applicant: Lance Tinkler and Jennifer Tinkler
Agent: Relvy Moronta Hernandez
Address: 620 NE 101st ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a Variance for a front fence to exceed the (3) feet and (6) inch
limitation to permit (5) feet height wall and fence; and (6) inch columns with pilasters.
Motion to untable by Mr. Brady, Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
Mr. Lance Tinkler (Owner spoke at the podium)
Mr. Finkelstein asked Ms. Hasbun if there are any variances requested in the Village to increase
fence height in the frontage. Chair Mr. Bolton asked about the fence being higher than 3 feet
and 6 inches that is adjacent to a park. Ms. Hasbun stated that per the code it wouldn't be
allowed to the current conditions of how the house is across from the golf course and not
adjacent necessarily. Mr. Tinkler stressed his need for the fence due to protection and safety
from the coyotes and homelessness in close proximity.
Public Comment:
Thomas Conway (575 NE 95th ST.)
Mr. Conway stated that he is in accordance with the applicant on having the 6-foot fence.
Motion to approve by Mr. Nappier III, Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 2-2. (Opposed by
Chair Mr. Bolton, Seconded by Mr. Brady.)
Mr. Tinkler was not pleased with the outcome of the vote and Chair Mr. Bolton stated that he is
disappointed by the response from the applicant. Ms. Woods stated that the Chair Mr. Bolton
gave his perspective last meeting as to why the application was tabled last meeting and it was
not supporting the hardship criteria. Mr. Bolton stated that the code is very clear.
VAR-23-41-620 NE 101st ST-Application.pdf
VAR-23-41-620 NE 101st ST - Plans.pdf
6.a RSP-23-90
Owner: Raphael Alves Vinicius
Applicant: N/A
Agent: Gaston Galella
Address: 278 NE 101st ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a semi-detached rear addition of 39 square feet.
Mr. Raphael Vinicius (Owner spoke at the podium)
Mr. Brady asked is the addition detached or semi-detached. Mr. Brady asked if the pool is
existing or is there plans to include the pool. Mr. Vinicius stated that plans have been pulled and
are working on it. Chair Mr. Bolton asked Ms. Hasbun why is the application being presented to
the board if the addition is less than 400 square feet. Due to the semi-attached that is why the
application is brought to the board.
Motion to approve by Mr. Brady, Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
RSP-23-90-278 NE 101 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-90-278 NE 101 ST -Plans.pdf
6.b RSP-23-91
Owner: Carlos F. Febles
Applicant: Carlos F. Febles
Agent: Victor Bruce
Address: 653 Grand Concourse
Request: Site Plan Approval for a two-story addition of 2,067 square feet; one-story addition of
2,255 square feet; two-car garage of an existing garage conversion; and a facade modification.
Mr. Bruce (Agent spoke at the podium)
Stated the intent is to add to the home in a mid-century home type of feel with two-story, a pool
and covered terrace. Mr. Brady asked if this will be sitting with the existing home? Mr. Bruce
stated that the it will be in the rear. The south elevation is what will be shown on the street.
Chair Mr. Bolton appreciates the concrete eyebrows. Mr. Finkelstein asked why is what looks
like a power room called "Chamber"? Mr. Bruce stated that he couldn't find a word to best
describe the space since it is not a closet.
Motion to approve by Mr. Nappier III, seconded by Mr. Brady. 4-0.
RSP-23-91-653 Grand Concourse -Application.pdf
RSP-23-91-653 Grand Concourse -Plans.pdf
6.c RSP-23-92
Owner: William A. Daniel & Stephanie F. Daniel
Applicant: William A. Daniel & Stephanie F. Daniel
Agent: Iselle Hernandez
Address: 273 NW 91st ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a rear one-story addition of 289 square feet, visible from the
public right of way.
Ms. Hernandez (Agent spoke at the podium)
The existing playroom is going to increase in height and be converted into a laundry room. Mr.
Brady asked is it going to be moved to the left. Ms. Hernandez stated yes.
Motion to approve by Mr. Finkelstein, seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0.
RSP-23-92-273 NW 91 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-92-273 NW 91 ST -Plans.pdf
6.d RSP-23-93
Owner: Thomas and Maria Conway
Applicant: Thomas and Maria Conway
Agent: N/A
Address: 575 NE 95th ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a two-story addition of 1,300 square feet; one-story detached
addition of 452 square feet; and a facade modification.
Mr. Conway (Owner spoke at the podium)
Staff recommends to table based on not having a guidance to address roofs that are not
pitched, flat roof, or other types that are included in the code. Mr. Conway stated that there are
two components for having the design as such, over the years the owner has had non-stop
issues with the roof. The main reason for the roof to be in a dome shape is to provide less
issues later on. The other approach is the purpose to have a new space different of what has
been seen before. Chair Mr. Bolton asked about the material of the roof since it shows to be
concrete and looks to be very thick. Mr. Conway stated is 6 inch formwork. Chair Mr. Bolton
asked about the span of the roof? There is a wall that goes right through the middle and it will
be supporting the roof according to Mr. Conway. Chair Mr. Bolton asked what the ground floor
roof going to look like? Mr. Conway stated it would be flat roof with parapet. Mr. Brady asked if
the back of the house is going to be a folding window? Mr. Conway stated that it would be the
same width and height and the sloped roof will be built on site. Mr. Conway stated that they got
supports from the neighbors through written letters. Mr. Brady stated that the shape gives off a
ceremonial church or place of worship look. Mr. Brady asked is there any house designs similar
to this in the Village? Mr. Conway stated that he feels it would be the first one in Miami. Mr.
Nappier III asked about the flat roof. Mr. Conway it will be only in the rear. Chair Mr. Bolton
asked if the roof based on the render will it be lavender. Chair Mr. Bolton stated that the roof
and design is unorthodox, and unusual. Mr. Brady stated that it is an interesting design and if
the neighbors are in agreement then that is a good thing. Mr. Finkelstein stated that he would
like to see a more complete plan before approving it to understand. Mr. Nappier III, stated that it
is hard to approve it the way it is and it does not appear complete. Ms. Wood stated that right
now it would be helpful to tabling to have a clear direction.
Mr. Brady withdrew his vote. Mr. Finkelstein stated that he does not see any drainage. Mr.
Conway stated that you would not be able to see the scupper. Mr. Conway stated that the
design will include the drainage component. Ms. Woods stated what is approved is what will be
built. Mr. Napper III, asked will the board approve what is presented.
Motion to table by Mr. Brady, Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
RSP-23-93-575 NE 95th ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-93-575 NE 95th ST -Plans.pdf
6.e RSP-23-94
Owner: Jeffrey Zananiri
Applicant: Jeffrey Zananiri
Agent: N/A
Address: 30 NE 106th ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a rear addition of 122 square feet, visible from the public right of
way; and a garage conversion.
The applicant was not present at the meeting;
Motion to table by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
RSP-23-94-30 NE 106th ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-94-30 NE 106th ST -Plans.pdf
6.f RSP-23-95
Owner: Stuart Micheal Cogen & Katellynn Elena Hoppock
Applicant: Stuart Micheal Cogen & Katellynn Elena Hoppock
Agent: N/A
Address: 285 NE 100th ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a two-story addition of 1,139 square feet; one-story rear
addition of 224 square feet, visible from the public right of way; and a facade modification.
(Sebastian Elibert) Agent spoke on the podium
The proposal is to maintain the same existing style of the home and having look harmonious
with the character of the neighborhood.
Motion to approve by Mr. Finkelstein, Seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0.
RSP-23-95-285 NE 100 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-95-285 NE 100 ST -Plans.pdf
6.g RSP-23-96
Owner: Laurence Golan
Applicant: Laurence Golan
Agent: David Perez & Paul Simpson
Address: 67 NW 109th ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a one-story addition of 1,303 square feet; and a facade
Ms. Golan (Owner spoke at podium) & Mr. Simpson (Agent)
Chair Mr. Bolton asked what is roof consisting of. The existing roof will remain the same and
being hidden with parapets. Per page A2 as well as A3 with the sections will show the
relationship between the two roofs. Mr. Perez stated that the use of drippers would be included
to drain the rainwater. The water is going to slope over the canopy and go over the gutters.
Motion to approve by Mr. Brady, Seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0.
RSP-23-96-67 NW 109th ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-96-67 NW 109th ST -Plans.pdf
6.h RSP-23-97
Owner: John Mitchell
Applicant: John Mitchell
Agent: Kirk Weng
Address: 9330 NE 12th AVE.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a two-story addition of 935 square feet; one- story addition of
270, visible from the public right of way; a double-car garage addition; and a facade
Mr. Mitchell (Owner spoke at the podium) and Mr. Weng (Agent Spoke at the podium)
The current driveway is an existing non-confirming and must be kept the same. In sheet A1.21
shows the current driveway as being 24 feet in width. The goal is to replace the existing carport
to build a two-story addition on top while maintaining the driveway the same. The garage will
remained and be increased to accommodate two-car garage. The use will be a master suite and
propose to change the entire roof to metal. The trees will not be touched.
Public Comment:
Mr. Ivy asked where is the garage going to be built? Is this two-story addition going to be over
the carport? What is going to happen to the oak tree or will be taken down. The public
commentator asked staff to add a picture of what is going to be built. To have a rendering of
which building will look like.
Mr. Mitchell stated that the oak tree is not going to be destroyed and will be maintained and
trimmed back.
Chair Mr. Bolton asked do we have a tree protection for the Village? Ms. Hasbun stated that
there is a tree ordinance that is being worked with council and Sustainability and Resilience
Motion to approve by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0.
RSP-23-97-9330 NE 12th Ave -Application.pdf
RSP-23-97-9330 NE 12 Ave - Plans.pdf
6.i RSP-23-98
Owner: Oscar Jurado & Alejandro Leon
Applicant: Oscar Jurado
Agent: N/A
Address: 108 NW 111th ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a garage conversion.
Ms. Jurado (Owner's wife spoke at the podium)
The intention is to remove the existing flat roof and the garage door being filled in.
Motion to approve by Mr. Finkelstein, Seconded by Mr. Nappier III. 4-0
RSP-23-98-108 NW 111 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-98-108 NW 111 ST -Plans.pdf
6.j RSP-23-99
Owner: Fabricio Bohrer and Ashley Wheeler ? Shores House AF LLC
Applicant: Fabricio Bohrer and Ashley Wheeler
Agent: N/A
Address: 160 NW 92nd ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a one-story addition of 2,255 square feet; and a facade
Mr. Bohrer and Ms. Wheeler(Owners spoke at the podium)
The intent is to increase to a 5 bedroom and 4 bath. Mr. Bohrer spoke about the renderings and
how the property is going to be remodeled and to keep it Mediterranean style. The goal is to
modify the roof line and maintain the front of the house. Most of the addition is on the back.
Chair Mr. Bolton asked about the color of roof type. Mr. Bohrer stated its going to be a charcoal
style. The roof is going to be pitched and no crown.
Motion to approve by Mr. Nappier III, Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
RSP-23-99-160 NW 92 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-99-160 NW 92 ST -Plans.pdf
6.k RSP-23-100
Owner: Adrian Maki LLC - John Hicks
Applicant: John Hicks
Agent: Seth Long
Address: 1131 NE 104th ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a facade modification.
The applicant was not present at the meeting;
Motion to table by Mr.Brady, Seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
RSP-23-100-1131 NE 104 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-100-1131 NE 104 ST -Plans.pdf
6.l RSP-23-101
Owner: Jaya Kader
Applicant: Jaya Kader
Agent: N/A
Address: 253 NE 101st ST.
Request: Site Plan Approval for a one-story addition of 890 square feet; and a facade
The applicant was not present at the meeting;
Motion to table by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 4-0.
RSP-23-101-253 NE 101 ST -Application.pdf
RSP-23-101-253 NE 101 ST -Plans.pdf
Mr. Brady wants to express his best wishes to Ms. Hasbun and for her hard work. Chair Mr.
Bolton wanted clarification on what will happen with the planning department. Ms. Hasbun
stated that they are working on making a smooth transition and get someone quick enough to fill
the position. The meetings that we’re scheduled for December are being postponed to the
January meeting. Ms. Woods stated that the items with public notices and other items pertaining
to the board will have to be flexible in order to tackle those things and provide time for the new
person to get acclimated.
Motion to postpone December 21st, 2024 meeting by Mr. Brady, seconded by Mr.
Finkelstein. 4-0.
Mr. Brady asked about the November 5th timeline. Ms. Hasbun stated the item amendment is
complete and approved for the future land use and the moratorium is lifted. The consultants are
still working on the remaining ordinance and will send proposals next year. Mr. Nappier III asked
are board members allowed to talk about after the meeting is over? Ms. Woods stated it would
have to be about other subject matter not related to what is being presented to the public.
10) ADJOURNMENT- motion to adjourn 8:20pm.