PZ_Minutes_January_26_2023 1 Mayor Sandra Harris Vice Mayor Daniel Marinberg Councilmember Alice Burch Councilmember Timothy Crutchfield Councilmember Wesley Castellanos Esmond Scott, Village Manager Sarah Johnston, Village Attorney Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk MEETING MINUTES DATE: January 26, 2023 TIME: 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1) CALL TO ORDER Chairman Mr. Busta called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM 2) ROLL CALL Mr.Brady Mr.Bolton Chair Mr.Busta Mr. O'Hara Mr. Finkelstein Also, Present Village Attorney Narinah Jean Baptiste Claudia Hasbun Planning and Zoning Director Alizgreeth Tezen Planning and Zoning Technician Swearing in of the Witnesses by Attorney Narinah Jean Baptiste. Will everyone that is going to testify tonight, please raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Ms. Alice Burch spoke to the Planning board and a letter was read to the Board in regards to the comprehensive plan. Ms. Burch is asking if its proper for the comprehensive plan to go to the DEO after reading the letter to the audience. Ms. Johnston and Ms. Woods spoke in a live zoom call to the Planning Board members regarding miscommunication for the 11-17-2022 meeting. Board has not received a phone call, or email response. Ms. Johnston stated that it is not legally required to discuss the item of 11-17-2022. Chair Mr.Busta stated that it should still be shown to the board members and members of the Village. Attorney Johnston asked can she provide said documents in the next meeting. Mr. Bolton asked to see the changes of what was made to the comprehensive plan as a courtesy to the public before the second hearing. 2 3) MINUTES 3.A Approval of the Minutes for November 17, 2022 and December 15, 2022. Motion to approve by Mr.Busta Second by Mr. Bolton 5-0. November 17, 2022. Motion to approve by Mr.Busta Second by Mr. O'Hara 5-0. December 15, 2022 2022-11-17 PB Minutes.pdf 2022-12-15 PB Minutes.pdf 4) TABLED ITEMS: (No Tabled Items) 5) ACTION ITEM(S): PUBLIC HEARING(S) 5.A VAR-85-2022 Owner: GEORGE R KISZYNSKI TRS Applicant: GEORGE R KISZYNSKI TRS Agent: ALEXANDER KISZYNSKI Address: 1600 NE 104 ST Request: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a driveway variance to provide an east side setback of 5 feet whereas 10 feet are required.  Mr. Finklestein, Mr. Brady, Chair Mr. Busta and Mr. O'Hara stated they visited the site.  Mr. George R. Kiszynski (Owner) and Enriquez Nunez (General Contractor) spoke at the  meeting.  Mr. Bolton is asked about the side setback in the plans.  Mr. Finkelstain asked about the septic tank and drainage field location.  Mr. Brady asked about the neighbor's input on the reduction on the setback, owner  (Mr.Kiszynski) stated he has not spoken to the new neighbor. No written or verbal statement was given for from the neighbor.  Mr. O'Hara asked why erect concrete column due to the fact that it might look imposing to the frontage.  Mr. Kiszynski response was to help with aesthetics and functionality approach with the entry to the garage.  Mr. Busta asked Ms. Hasbun does the applicant need to present a site survey with the building permit application. Ms. Hasbun's response was yes. Motion to table with conditions by Chair Mr. Busta to ask for neighbor's permission or Written permission that he/she does not object. As well as, with Planning and Zoning and Building department to see why septic system was approved second by Mr. Brady. 4-1 VAR-85-2022_1600_NE_104_ST.pdf 1600 NE 104 St_Applications.pdf 1600 NE 104 St_Plans.pdf 5.B RSP-000086-2022 Owner: GEOFFREY WATTS Applicant: GEOFFREY WATTS Agent: RALPH TRAIT ARCHITECT INC Address: 94 NE 99TH STREET Request: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 506 square feet one-story addition to accommodate a new master bedroom with a corridor/vestibule. 3  Mr. Geoffrey Watts (Owner) and Mr. Ralph Trait (Agent/Architect) spoke at the meeting.  Mr. O'Hara asked the Agent to explain the request for a 506 square feet addition. Mr. Trait said it was to add an additional bedroom for the house.  Mr.Brady was not sure of the materiality of the vestibule and asked about the transition to the front and back of the home. Motion to approve by Mr.Brady with conditions of a covenant to the addition that it is not used as a rental space. Seconded by Mr. Bolton. 5-0 RSP-86-2022_94_NE_99_ST.pdf 94 NE 99 ST_Applications.pdf 94 NE 99 ST_Plans.pdf 5.C RSP-000087-2022 Owner: LUIS MORERA Applicant: LUIS MORERA Agent: LUIS MORERA Address: 30 NE 95TH STREET Request: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 663 square feet one-story addition to accommodate a new master bedroom with a corridor.  Mr. Luis Morera (Owner & Applicant) Spoke at meeting.  Mr.Brady asked about plan sheet A-06 proposed master plan and when he observes the elevations, asked the owner if that is going to be a covered patio that goes out to the pool? Mr. Morera responded that the door leading to the pool is a patio area.  Chair Mr.Busta asked about the exit door and the interior door from the garage and in the proposed interior modifications. Motion to approve by Mr. O'Hara Seconded by Mr. Bolton with conditions. 5-0 RSP-87-2022_30_NE_95_ST.pdf 30 NE 95 ST_Applications.pdf 30 NE 95 ST_Plans.pdf 5.D RSP-000088-2022 Owner: STEVEN B. WILLIAMS & ABIGAIL PRICE-WILLIAMS Applicant: VICTOR BRUCE Agent: VICTOR BRUCE Address: 100 NE 99TH STREET Request: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for additions up to 1,765 square feet of area including a new kitchen, dining, foyer, a covered terrace and a one-carport. In addition, the applicant is seeking a partial garage conversion for a new office, with new roof and one-carport to remain with accessible ramp on the west side of the property.  Mr. Victor Bruce (Agent) spoke at the meeting.  Mr. O'Hara wanted to understand the project and Mr. Bruce responded with adding higher ceiling spaces to the addition to provide ample space for the garage and office. More changes to the west side than the east side or foyer, great kitchen, etc.  Mr. Brady asked about the front door being moved to the great room. Mr. Bruce stated that the lower ceiling spaces will be the new bedrooms. (Sheet A-07) shows the elevation of the carport and breeze block that does not enclose the carport. Motion to approve with conditions by O'Hara, seconded by Mr. Finkelstein. 5-0. 4 RSP-88-2022_100_NE_99_ST.pdf 100 NE 99 ST_Applications.pdf 100 NE 99 ST_Plans.pdf 5.E RSP-000090-2022 Owner: DANIEL HAINES & L. KATE INMAN Applicant: DANIEL HAINES & L. KATE INMAN Agent: DANIEL HAINES & L. KATE INMAN Address: 1453 NE 104TH STREET Request: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 973 square feet addition, to the first and second floor with additional interior and exterior modifications. (Scott Bakos was not in the authorized affidavit at the time of the application, however a new affidavit was provided, and the Board Members agreed to let Mr. Bakos represent the Applicants)  Mr. Brady asked about the pool deck if it was meeting at the proper elevation height. Mr. Bakos stated that the pool deck will be in grade zero.  Chair Mr. Busta asked about the square footage. Mr. Bakos stated that it will be 600 square feet. on the second floor.  Mr. O'Hara asked if anything is going to be changed in the front. Mr. Bakos stated that the front will be kept the same and preserve the design.  Mr. O'Hara asked about the excess height of the home due to the fact that the rest of the homes are not exceeding that height. Motion to approve Mr. Brady and Seconded by Mr. Finklestein. 5-0. RSP-90-2022_1453_NE_104_ST.pdf 1453 NE 104 ST_Applications.pdf 1453 NE 104 ST_Plans.pdf 6) PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comment for Ms. Alice Burch letter. Ms. Maria McGuiness is opposing the change of the comprehensive plan that may affect the hotel in that parcel. Mr. Bolton is asking about the changes of mixed-use to multi-family regarding those designations. Ms. Hasbun stated that it was regarding the height of the designation. Mr. Brady asked about the concern for the 105th street property of it being a multi-family. 7) BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Land Development Regulations for residential districts: Staff reported on zoning regulation of single-family homes, rear setbacks, and comparisons to other areas such as (Coral Gables, El portal). Also, have a maximum ground coverage. Chairman Mr. Busta added that the planning and zoning department should start adding FAR as part of the staff report. Mr. Bolton asked why they have to disclose that they visited the property. Chair Mr. Busta asked Ms. Hasbun in the meeting timeframe for February 23,2023 6:30. Mr. O'Hara asked for public notice planning and zoning meeting, with a larger threshold instead of nearby neighbors. 8) NEXT REGULAR BOARD HEARING – February 23, 2023 9) ADJOURNMENT