2023-11-06 RAC Minutes
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on November 6, 2023.
Members present:
Jennifer Baumann
Sandra Carro
Silvia Clarke
John Ise
Dino LaCapra
Gayle Mercado
Jessica Pluhar
Members absent:
Sheryl Piper
Sharon Thompson
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Parks and Recreation Director
Jacquelyn Villagran, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Alice Burch, Resident
Amy McClellan, Resident
Marina Pinagel, Resident
John Roesset, Resident
Tuyen Tieu, Resident
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Change to the minutes of the October meeting minutes; page two, paragraph six, line four; ‘
raising the price for Santa Express’ to ‘if Santa Express would be cancelled, raise the price to
meeting demand’. Mr. Ise made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2023
meeting with corrections. Motion seconded by Ms. Carro and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to public comment. In reference to the tennis courts, Marina Pinagel related
that it is becoming more difficult to find an open tennis court with pickleball utilizing the courts.
Ms. Pinagel wants to make sure that residents make their voices heard in terms of tennis play.
Ms. Dorney noted that courts 1 and 2 are designated tennis courts, court 3 has 4 designated
pickleball courts and court 4 is a multipurpose court. Pickleball nets can be rolled out on court
4, when needed. Tuyen Tieu said that tennis should take priority over pickleball play , noting
that tennis players need access in Miami Shores. Mr. LaCapra said that if there is an influx of
NR players, the fee could be increased. Amy McClellan said that it’s important to provide
options to residents as taxpayers. Mr. Ise noted that with the increased number of those
playing pickleball, demand needs to be met. Ms. Dorney related that the ULI study added in
multi-use courts in their design. Ms. McClellan recommended that surveys go out to residents.
Ms. Villagran added that the courts are being staffed beginning at 4 p.m. weekdays and are
also open weekends until 7:30 p.m. It was noted that tennis players have priority when there
are clinics/lessons. Ms. Tieu suggested tearing down the racquetball courts to make room for
extra court. John Roesset noted that he doesn’t feel safe playin g on court 4 with the extra
pickleball nets there.
Alice Burch related that with the previous bond, the Village searched for the best recreation
center design in the country but noted that there will need to be changes. Ms. Burch noted
that it is worthwhile to look at past plans; the bottom line cost was approximately 17.5 million at
the time.
Ms. Dorney said she had asked a consultant who has worked with the City of Doral to attend a
Committee meeting to advise what the steps of the process will be. It was noted that the
existing center is too small currently; a gym is needed. Mr. Ise suggested putting out an RFQ.
Ms. Dorney said an RFQ is ready as soon as there is a directive. Mr. LaCapra said at last
month’s meeting benefits of a new or renovated fa cility was discussed, noting that the way to
move forward and gain traction is with funds. This will show the Village Manger that there is
money in the community; there are also grants available. Ms. Piper would be a good resource
with her experience at Miami County Day. Mr. Ise believes that the Parks Master Plan and
community center plan should move forward simultaneously.
Ms. Pluhar noted that the community center was on the agenda for the upcoming Council
meeting but was removed. Ms. Pluhar feels that the Commission should be alerted about
agenda items affecting the community center.
Discussion turned to upcoming events. Events include Tree Lighting, Letters to Santa and
Santa Express. It was noted that nonresident wristbands for Tree Lighting will need to be
purchased by a resident. Registration for Santa Express will open on November 15 th.
Additional events include Sip, Shop and Celebrate on Dec. 8 th and Menorah Lighting on Dec.
Ms. Dorney noted that there is a new social media company for the Village.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.