2024-01-09 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission meeting held on January 9, 2024.
Members present: Members absent:
Kristen Adsit Anne Camille Hersh
Victor Bruce Ian Peter Hosfeld
Clarissa Rodriguez
Michael Stock
Tara Strickstein
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
Canor Pato, Resident
Sergio Rizo, Resident
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.
Ms. Dorney related to the Commission that Canor Pato has submitted a public records request.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2023 meeting. Motion
seconded by Ms. Strickstein and unanimously approved.
It was noted that there has been no change in the financial report since the December meeting.
It was noted that Samara Ash has submitted a quote of $800 to apply a clear coat to the Lady Unity mural
wall. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve $800 for a clear coat to be applied to the mural wall.
Motion seconded by Ms. Adsit and unanimously approved.
Ms. Dorney discussed the details of the upcoming January 26th concert with the members. Ms. C.
Rodriguez, Commission Chair, volunteered to secure the food trucks for the event.
At this time Canor Pato introduced himself the Commission noting that he is a resident on 109th Street. Mr.
Pato related that there are code violations on the street ranging from a blue tarp on one roof, 18 wheelers
parking on the median and one of the homes is painted magenta. Mr. Pato noted he has issues with the
Streetscape signs. Regardless of his personal opinions of the artwork, Mr. Pato is trying to understand the
process of selecting 109th Street as the site of the signs. Mr. Pato said the median is beautiful as it is; the
Streetscape signs are not needed. Mr. Pato opined that there are already many signs on 109th Street
including too many speed hump signs. He also asked if there was consideration to the similarity of these
signs to actual traffic signs. Mr. Pato noted that he is requesting to have the signs removed from 109th
Street and have them relocated to another location. Ms. C. Rodriguez asked if Mr. Pato’s concern is with all
13 signs or just the ones on the west side of 109th Street. Mr. Pato said that the feedback he has received
has been negative from the neighbors that he has talked to. Mr. Pato is only seeking to move the signs to a
different location. Mr. Pato has no problem with the Streetscape signs located by the Recreation
Department; Mr. Pato’s only issue is with the signs located on 109th Street. Ms. C. Rodriguez said that there
has been an overwhelming request for art in public places in the Village; it was noted that prior to Covid
there was a push to put art on the west side of the Village.
Commission members said that these signs have been installed in other towns in Florida with no confusion.
Mr. Bruce said that the appearance of the signs were considered so there would be no confusion with actual
street signs. Mr. Stock added that the artist will be adding a QR code on each street signs so that people
can learn about the signs from artist Daniel Marosi’s website. Ms. Adsit added that possibly the project was
not communicated adequately beforehand so it is a lesson learned. The art in public places ordinance was
passed by Council. It was noted the Streetscapes project was started before the creation of the Arts in
Public Places Guidelines.
Ms. C. Rodriguez asked Mr. Pato if he would continue with the public records request if the signs are
relocated. Mr. Pato said the public records request depends on the Commission’s decision to remove the
Mr. Pato said that the installed signs appear to resemble actual street signs. Mr. Bruce said that they are an
artistic rendition of street signs. Ms. Adsit noted it would be a shame to lose the signs on the west side. Mr.
Pato reiterated that he is only asking for the two signs on the west side of 109th Street relocated; the median
is already beautiful. Resident Sergio Rizo inquired how many people specifically asked for art on the west
side; are there actual numbers behind this statement. Ms. C. Rodriguez said that the former Chair of the
Commission noted that many people asked for art in public places as well as additional concerts. No actual
study was conducted. Mr. Rizo suggested that it would be better to put this to a resident vote to see what
everyone’s opinion is. Ms. C. Rodriguez added that board decisions are not necessarily unanimous; it is a
Ms. C. Rodriguez said that a call to artists was done for the art in public places project. Mr. Rizo said that
signs can be distracting to drivers and asked who decided the messages on the signs. Ms. C. Rodriguez
said that the artist created the design; artists are given parameters of the project to follow. Mr. Bruce said
that the Commission judges the artists based on their presentations. Mr. Bruce said that the Commission
could go to Council as a courtesy but this is not a requirement. Ms. C. Rodriguez added that the art
selected by the Commission is appropriate for Miami Shores and keeps the atmosphere of families in mind
as decisions are made.
Ms. Dorney noted that the Streetscape installation is easily movable. Ms. Strickstein would like to make
sure that the Commission is not setting a precedent in terms of future requests on Commission projects.
Ms. Strickstein said the Commission needs to know the process moving forward; an established process is
needed. Ms. C. Rodriguez inquired if the Commission can poll the neighbors for their opinion; Ms. C.
Rodriguez is concerned that if the signs are removed another neighbor on the same street may request
them reinstalled. Ms. C. Rodriguez asked the Village Clerk, Ms. Y. Rodriguez, how Code Enforcement
performs a poll of neighbors. Ms. C. Rodriguez told Mr. Pato that his request is understood but she is
curious to see what the other residents thoughts are. Mr. Pato said he is not making a time demand to the
sign removal, only asking for the removal of the signs. Ms. Strickstein feels the Commission would be
foolish to not take a poll of the neighbors.
Mr. Pato believes that part of the Village code of ordinances 24.4 is not being followed. It was noted that the
Art In Public Places code does not establish the rules and that no revisions or changes can be made. Ms.
C. Rodriguez reiterated that the Commission needs to poll everyone on 109th Street before the Streetscape
signs are removed to prevent further issues. Ms. C. Rodriguez told Mr. Pato that his request to relocate the
signs has been received. The Commission is trying to determine what the next step should be. Ms. C.
Rodriguez explained that the Commission is trying to avoid this happening in the future; there is not enough
information currently. Mr. Pato suggested that the Commission make a decision based on his request to
remove the signs.
Ms. C. Rodriguez said at this time the Commission cannot move forward with Mr. Pato’s request. Ms. Y.
Rodriguez said that the appellate process for art in public places will go the Village Atto rney, given the 20
items on the public records request.
At this time Mr. Pato and Mr. Rizo left the meeting.
Ms. Adsit commented that there will always be someone who objects to a project or piece of art. Ms. C.
Rodriguez said that the Commission needs to decide what to do in the future with objections to artwork. Ms.
C. Rodriguez asked Ms. Y. Rodriguez if she, as the Commission chair, can poll the residents on 109th Street
for their opinions; how does Code Enforcement poll residents for projects. Ms. Y. Rodriguez said that a
Village employee passes out flyers for some of their projects to residents. Ms. Y. Rodriguez added that it is
not appropriate for Ms. C. Rodriguez to walk down 109th Street for opinions. It was noted that in the
absence of language in the ordinance for repeal, Mr. Pato would need to go to Council. Ms. C. Rodriguez
noted that Mr. Pato said he will go to the Village Attorney.
It was noted that this Streetscape project began in 2017. Ms. C. Rodriguez said that Mr. Pato was expecting
a decision at the meeting but the Commission moves incrementally. One of the Commission members
asked how much input did Council give when the resolution was done; it was noted that this information
would be in the Council minutes regarding the APP Master Plan.
The Commission discussed the public records request. Mr. Bruce said he discovered that the original site
location of the project, NW 2nd Avenue, was not the property of the Village but rather County owned. Mr.
Bruce added that the Streetscape signs are not on private property; the Commission has authority to place
art on Village property, provided that all processes have been followed. Village staff subsequently
presented a list of possible sites for art in public places to the Commission.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.