2023-10-10 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission meeting held on October 10, 2023.
Members present:
Kristen Adsit
Victor Bruce
Anne-Camille Hersh
Ian Peter Hosfeld
Clarissa Rodriguez
Michael Stock
Tara Strickstein
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Jacquelyn Villagran, Recreation Assistant Director
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
At this time introductions of the new Commission members was held followed by election of the new chair
and vice chair. Mr. Stock nominated Ms. Rodriguez as the Commission chair. Motion seconded by
Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved. M r. Stock nominated Mr. Bruce as Commission co-chair.
Motion seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2023 meeting. Motion
seconded by Ms. Rodriguez and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the Pride Parade on October 22nd. Ms. Rodriguez would like the Commission to
support this event with a vendor space. Commission members discussed ways they could make a presence
at the event. Ms. Adsit suggested having an interactive booth, such as an art booth. In taking a
preliminary vote among members to support this event, Ms. Hersh made a motion in support which
was seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the financial report. Ms. Dorney related that the encumbered funds from FY 2023 have
been moved to FY 2024.
At this time discussion turned to the mural wall project. A new quote for the mural wall repair was received
in the amount of $2200. The Commission previously approved $800 towards the repair. It was noted that
Samara Ash has also submitted a quote for an acrylic coating for the wall. Mr. Bruce related that Arco
Construction can cover the cracks with panels with the end result a monochromatic surface. Mr. Bruce said
he is waiting for a quote from Arco; Commission members suggested seeing if Arco’s cost could be
Discussion turned to the art in public places streetscapes project. The project was explained to the new
Commission members, noting the whimsical nature of the signs. Mr. Bruce said that the signs were created
to be double sided so now there will be 14 signs instead of 7. Ms. Hersh added that the signs cannot be
interpreted/confused as road signs. Ms. Hersh made a motion to approve the streetscapes project with
the selected locations, noting that there will be one double sign at the recreation center and one in
reserve. Motion seconded by Mr. Hosfeld and unanimously approved. It was noted that the
streetscape subcommittee, comprised of Mr. Bruce and Ms. Hersh, will reach out to artist Daniel Marosi.
Discussion turned to the upcoming October 20th concert featuring Los Pascual. The cost for food vendors
(trucks) is a $50 donation.
Discussion turned to the artist gallery night scheduled for November 9th at Brockway Library. At this time
Commission members discussed the submissions from the call to artists, comprised of artists PJ Mills, Max
Lazega, H. Allen Benowitz, RemiJen Camping and Caroline Portella. Commission members voted in favor
of artist Max Lazega by a vote of 4 to 3. Mr. Stock made a motion to form a subcommittee for gallery
night comprised of Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Hosfeld and Ms. Adsit with Ms. Strickstein as a backup.
Motion seconded by Ms. Hersh and unanimously approved.
At this time discussion turned to the vacant storefront windows in downtown Miami Shores. It was
suggested that the windows have coverings other than brown paper when a location is empty. Three
designs could be presented to property owners which they can choose from such as temporary vinyl
stickers. Ms. Hersh made a motion that the Commission would be happy to be involved with
supporting the discussion of storefront window coverings. Motion seconded by Ms. Strickstein and
unanimously approved.
Mr. Hosfeld said he would reach out to Samara Ash to determine her timeline for completing the mural wall
project. It was noted that Ms. Ash may have someone who woul d be able to repair the mural wall, noting
that $800 has already been approved.
Ms. Dorney suggested that a representative of the Fine Arts Commission should attend the monthly Miami
Shores Community Alliance held at the Community Center.
In regards to the pride event, Ms. Dorney noted there is a $100 vendor booth fee. It was suggested having
an art activity where people can draw and express themselves. Ms. Adsit and Ms. Rodriguez volunteered to
man the vendor booth. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve $200 to cover the entry fee as well as the
art supplies needed. Motion seconded by Mr. Hosfeld and unanimously approved.
Mr. Bruce made a motion to approve an additional $800 for the mural repair, making the total amount
approved up to $1600. Motion seconded by Ms. Hersh and unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.