182 NW 96 St (2)SPECIFICATIO."S FOR: VR. & MRRS. JAY VAILENCOURT (FILE NO. I-4) 2 of 'i CEEANING UP ; - This builder'shall keep premises in a fairly clean condition at all times. All accumulated debris is to be removed from property and entire job is to be left "broom clean". STEEL SASH, FRAI S, AN SCREENS ALL r;IND01"3 THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING SHALL BE 'HOPE' or approved equal steel residence casements and of sizes shown on plans. Operating hardware shall consist of Getty Crank Type Operator and cam latch. Screen frames shall be made from alumninum and copper bearing open hearth steel. Screens shall be 18 mesh bronze. If copper bearing steel is not obtainable., submit the kind of screens are to be used for approval. Casements shall'be bedded and pointed inside and out with mestic cement. Provide flush metal 'Guides' for Venetial Blinds at all sash. All sash shall be glazed with 'A' quality double strength Libby -Owens -Ford Glass. All sash to be set in precast concrete frames as manuf- actured by the 'LivesayCo. '. Provide wood header for mounting valances, blinds, and drapes. CARPENTRY SCOPE: Carpenters shall do all cutting and fitting required by the other craftsmen on the building and shall consult them at all times in regard to the proper constr.,ction to take care of their pipes, conduits, etc. They shall erect as shown on the plans and specifications all forms, framing, furring, finish work, in fact, every part of the work that should come under the head of carpenty. SCAFFOLDS:- Builder shall be held responsible for all scaffolding required by all trades, whether he sub -contracts an work requiring, scaffold or notl FOWS: — Forms for concrete work shall conform to the shape, line, and dimensions of the member as called for on plans. They shall be substantial and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar, and shall be properly braced or ied together so as to maintain position and shape and insure safety to workLetrt and passersby. FRA?aNG LWBER: - All framing lumber shall be square and sound merchantable stock of sizes as shown on the plans or called for in these specifications, well seasoned and free from all large knots, or other imperfections which might impair its strength or durability. WALL PLATES: - Plall plates shall be 2 x 6 Long Leaf Yellow Pine laid flat and anchored every four feet with .5/8" anchors extending into the concrete lintels at least 12". JOINTS AND RAFTERS: - Floor and ceiling joints and rafters shall be Southern Long Leaf Pine, sized as called for on plans, leveled and brought to perfect alignments. Cross bridge with 1 x 8 bridging one in every eight feet of unsupported joists. Double joists under all partitions. Tread the ends of all framing lumber cominn in contact with masonry with creosote. SUB-FLOCRING; - Sub -flooring shall be 1 x 6 or 1 x 8 No. 2 Common Pine boards laid diagonally and double nailed at every bearing. SHEATHING:- Sheath the entire roof surfaces of the residence and garage with 1 x 6 or 1 x 8 No. 2 Common Pine sheathing, and in both cases, double nail at every bearing. FURTNC'.'AND GROUNDS: - Provide and erect 1 x 2 cypress furring throughout the building on the interior of all masonry walls. Provide and erect 12/16" grounds around all openings to receive trim. PARTITIONS: - All partitions are to be formed with 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 studs placed 18" o.c., wall spiked into place. Double studs around all openings. Use one 2 x 4 for sill and two 2 x 4's for plate. Bridge all partitions once in their height. ROOF: - Frame the roofs on the buildings so as to properly drain all parts. Sheath as specified above. INTERIOR TRIM GENERAL: - All interior finish shall be thoroughly seasoned poplar or magolia free from knots and other surface imperfections. All finish to be A" thick one member as detailed, all to be machine sanded and ready to receive finish. All trim to be applied after plastering. CUPBOARDS: - Furnish cupboards in kitchen as shown and as manufactured by "Southern Wood Industries" or approved equal. SHELVING: - Provide all bedroom closets with shelves and shoe racks and 3/4" G.I. pipe for coat hangers. Provide necessary shelves in pantry and linen closets, storage closets. FINISH FLOORING:- The finish wood flooring where called for unless shown otherwise, shall be 2-1/2" plain White Oak. All flooring to the_T&G of uniform thickness and width, well matched so thaV'it will ied smoothly and with close Joints. Flooring shall be driven up tight, blind nailed and all nails set. All floors shall be scraped and sanded to s smooth finish ready to receive finish, no flooring shall be laid until all trim is in place and ready for the last coat of paint. Kitchen floor to be inlaid linoleum. DOORS FRAMES AND DCCRS:- All exterior door frames shall be cypress and rabbeted for doors and screens. All interior jambs shall be 7/8" x 5-1/4" and have planted stops. All doors shall be of sizes and design as called for on door drawings. CUTTING AND FITTICIG: - When the job is substantially complete and the carptneter has done all necessary cutting and fitting forthe other crafts, and has carefully installed all his own work, he shall go over the.entire building again and pefrom any necessary patching or re- fitting to leave a perfect job. FINISH HARDNARE: - This builder shall make an allowance of 65.00 for finish hardware selected by 0xner. THRESHOLDS: All exterior doors shall be equipped with interlocking bronze thresholds to insure absolute protection from dtiting rains. All to be weatherstripped. 14SSCELLANFOUS:- Furnish any miscellaneous mill work required to make a complete job. CEILING VENTS: - Provide 12" x 12" screened vents in the ceilings of each closet. PLASTERING LATHING: - All interior walls, ceilings, and partitions shall be 1pthed with rock lath or sheet rock. At all intersections of ceiling and walls and at all interior and exterior corners, apply approved galvanized clinton cloth. Wherever tile occurs on walls and partitions apply Clin- ton cloth. PLASTERING: - Plastering shall be two coat work. All in- terior walls and ceilings except as otherwise specified shall be plastered using Acme Plaster or its equal. Manufacturer's directions in regard to mixing shall be strictly complied with, all plastering to be brought otit flush with grounds, all angles are to be ciit through to lath and finish coat in angles is to be marked with a mitering tool. Round off corners at all arches. Finish coat of A texture as selected by Owner shall be applied in all rooms except bath rooms and kitchen where a putty finish coat shall be applied. On walls and partitions which are to receive tiles, apply a scratch coat of cement mortar, leaving surface plumb and true, rea for tile setter. PATCHING:- All patching of plaster work required after other crafts men have finished their work must be done by the plasterer in a very neat manner, leaving neither marks, cracks, not stains at any point. STUCCO I''ORK P_REPARATICN: - Clean and wet all masonry walls before proceeding with stuccoing. STUCCO: - Exterior stucco shall be composed of an approved quality of high grade lime, Portland Cement, and clear sharp fresh water sand. Stucco to be mixed in tight clean boxes. The stucco work shall be applied in two coats, the first coat of mix shall be composed of one part Portland Cement to two parts of snad to which 10% hydrated