182 NW 96 StSPECIFICATIONS FOR: MRS & MRS. JAY VAILENCOURT (File No. V-4) 1 of 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS SCOPE OF V,ORK - It is the intent of these plans and specifications to provide instruments of service for the construction of a one story residence, two bedroom, for Mrs. & Mr. J. Vailencourt, located Ott Lot 14, & W. 112 L-15 block 4, Bonmar Park, Yiami, Fla. Contractor is to verify all dimensions and familarize himself with the plot before starting work. Any discrepan- cies should be reported to the Architect before starting work and corrections made by the Architect. The Architect assumes no responsibility if this condition is not met. C014TRACT DOCUMENTS - The contract documents for this contract shall consist of: these Specifications, Architect's' Drawings, "The Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor and Owner for Construction of Buildings", fourth edition, together with the "general Conditions of the Contract", standard forms issued by the American Institute of Architects. `?here any conflict occurs between the aforesaid General Conditions and these Specifications or the Architect's Drawinps, then the provisions of these Specifications and Drawings shall prevail. Copies of these standard documents are on file at the Architect's Office for inspection by bidders. PEWITS - The Contractor will acquire and pay for all necessary permits for both building and any other necessary permits from various utilities companies. Owner will reimburse Contractor for any such deposits, on meters only, when receipts for same are presented. Contractor shall discharge all obligations to City, State, County, and Federal Governments. IN.SURAidCE - The Contractor shall maintain such insurance as will protect him from clangs under Workmen's Compensa- tion Acts from any other claims for damages for personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or any Sub -Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. EXCAVATION AND GRADING SURVEY: - Owner will survey property at his expense and builder will furnish all necessary corner stakes and levels. CLEARNING OF SITE:- Builder will clear building site of all shrubs and underbrush and leave only clean soil inside of building,. Level all earth and clean off all debris as job progresses. WORK ON GROUND:- Builder will do all excavating and rough grading. Sodding and landscaping of entire plot, and finish grading, to be done by Owner. STAKES AT"D BATTER BORDS: - Builder will lay out the build- ing accurately and set such stakes, batter boards, etc., as may be necessary. GENERAL EXCAVATION: - Builder will excavate for foundation walls, piers, coluams, slabs, and any other work indicated on plans. . 1 CKFILLI - Builder shall backfill around all masonry walls where necessary and where directed by Owner. All filling must be thoroughly puddled and brought to levels shown on drawings and generally so graded so as to drain water from - building. FOUNDATIONS: - All foundations will rest upon spread footings. Care shall be taken no to excavate an deeper than necessary, as all excess depth shall be filled with concrete, no dirt being, allowed to bring bottom of footings to proper level. CONCRETE ',URK SCOPE OF ",ORK: - Under this heading is included all plain and reinforced concrete and ;11 labor and material necess- ary to complete the following: All footings, including proc_h footings. All foundations walls, first floor suspend- ed slabs, tie beams, and all other concrete necessary to complete all items showm on drawings. 'PORPCPTIONING OF CONCRETE - The porportion of materials shall be such as to produce a concrete that shall have specified strength and at the same time work readily in all ` corners and angles of forms and around reinforcement with- out excessive puddling or spa ding. STRENGTH OF CONCRETE: - The minimum strength of 2,500 lbs. in 28 days shall be required throughout. MATERIAL: - Cement shall be American Portland; fine agg clean sharp fresh water sand; coarse aggregate, broken free Bf salts and organic matters and to pass through a 3/4" ring. PLACING OF CONCRETE: - Concrete shall be deposited in forms as soon as practicable after mixing and all concrete which remains in wheelbarrows or mixer over thirty minutes shall be removed. All concrete shall be spaded enough to avoid honeycombing. _REINFORCING STEEL: - All reinforcing steel shall conform to the specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials. Steel must be of proper length and bent cold. Deformed bars only may be used. No bars showing large scales or rust will be allowed. No high crbon or rerolled materials will be allowed. CONCRETE S?.BS: - Slabs shall be of thickness and rein- forced as shown on plans. Levels of finished floors and materials used for finishing, shall determine level of rough concrete. Bathroom slcb shall be constructed in the usual way -(Chamfer Joists and fill between the concrete to a depth of 3" below rough finish.). CEMENT FLOOR FINISHES: - Garage and steps from kitchen and I #3 shall be finished in cement and troweled to a smomth finish. These 'shall be finished wither nomolithica: or with a 1" cement topping. WALKS AND DRIVE: - Front walk to be concrete 4" in thiekne and then finished to imitate quarry keystone and scored as directed by Owner. Drive from property line to garage sha be 8' wide, of compacted rock 4" thick then oiled, located as shown on plot plan. WATERPROOFING:- Integral waterproofing shall be Tock Bros., Truscon or approved equal. It shall be added to all concre in accordance with manufacturer's directions. MASONRY SCOPE OF WORK: WORK to be done under this heading includes furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the proper completion of all block stone and other work shown on the drawings and reasonably implied and called for in these Specifications. MATERIALS:- CEMENT - All cement shall be Portland Cement of American manufacture and shall meet all require: -.gent of the American Society for Testing Materials. LI?1E: - Hydrated lime shall be of an approved make and shall conform with the standard specifications for lime 66 the American Society for Testing Materials. SAND: - All sand shall be clean, sharp -fresh water, free from any vegetable or injurious matter. CMyE.NT BLOCK: - Shall be proportioned 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, and 10% lime. CONCRETE BLOCK - Shall be 4" x 8" it 8" x 16", and 8" x 12" x 16", and shall be dertified by the local Board of Fire Underwriters. All blocks shall be laid in full bed of cement mortar. Where bricks are encessary, use Standard cement bricks. MANTEL: - An allowance of $40,00 shall be made for the cast stone mantel at the imitation fireplace. At' CHOUS. TC: - Build in all anchors, joggles, bolts, flashi.nes, beams, frames, etc., as may be required. CAULKING:- Caulk all exterior opening frames with Pecora Caulking Compound, or equal, both from outside and inside. SHEETING PETAL ";OFK - All metal work and all flashings she shall be set properly and as directed by Owner. CUTTIr,Ki. DRILLING AND PATCHING: - All plumbing pipes, electrical conduits, etc., shall be chased into the walla in accordance with local ordinances and no unnecessary cutting shall oe a"uweu. PHOMTION OF WORE: All finished work shall be covered and protected adequately. Any work damaged through the catelessness of any of the trades shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Architect.