RF-11-22-2864 Engineer Ltr 1401 NE 103 StGEOTECHNICAL I ENVIRONMENTAL I MATERIALS TESTING l ASBESTOS I ROOF TESTING I INSPECTION SERVICES I DRILLING SERVICES Ec DYNATECH ENGINEERING CORP. W W W. DYNATECHENGINEERING.COM ROOF TILE UPLIFT CAPACITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2020 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 7TH EDITION, TEST PROTOCOL TAS-106 STANDARD PROCEDURE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION OF THE BONDING OF MORTAR OR ADHESIVE SET TILE SYSTEMS AND MECHANICALLY ATTACHED, RIGID, DISCONTINUOUS ROOF SYSTEM DATE TESTED: JANUARY 26, 2023 1 PERMIT#: RF-11-22-2864 CLIENT: OBENOUR ROOFING: 9822 NE 2nd Avenue, #9, Miami Shores, FL 33138 ROOF AT: 1401 NE 103RD STREET MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 Testing Equipment: Humboldt Scale Model H-4620. The test results presented here reflect the condition of the roof system at the time of the test. These results are time and sample dependent since roof condition are continuously changing due to the exposure to the element and roof top traffic. Client recognizes that actual conditions in areas not tested by Dynatech Engineering Corp (DEC) may differ from those anticipated in DEC's report. Client understands and accepts that this can significantly increase the cost of construction for its future projects. Client agrees that DEC shall not be responsible or liable for any variations in the actual conditions of areas not tested by DEC. NUMBER OF TESTS TEST LOCATIONS: SEE SKETCH FIELD UPLIFT PULL TEST TEST RESULTS 7 (C) CORNERS > 35 LBS PASSED 37 (P) PERIMETERS > 35 LBS PASSED 59 (F) FIELD > 35 LBS PASSED 21 (R) RIDGE AND HIP CAPS > 35 LBS PASSED 17 (RT) RAKE TILES > 35 LBS PASSED TILE TYPE/ATTACHMENT: Flat roof tile polyfoam set. INSPECTED BY: JM Ju P: %F F F . 20' FP P F F F F W//7/, 22' P F- 26' 'P Fop F' 27' 11 P P P C T 4' R .P r LH 1 Kuur hiK P R C" F F F F 15' P: F F F F F R7 P' F F F F R1 P;F F F F F 20' P: F F F F R7 P:F F F /IF F' F RTC; ; - F --�, .'� F F F F'. 23'' �P 14"'' ' —14' Sincerely yours, Wissam Naamani, P.E. DYNATECH ENGINEERING CORP. Florida Reg. No. 39584 Special Inspector No. 757 FC T P F P T5 F F p F P T F F P F F . T2o' P --P--P -- T t•' 23' �,,,1511111 rirrr��1 E��£ q�=' * ; N0. 39584 .p =. STATE OF t� ......... Page 1 of 1 750 WEST 84TH STREET. HIAT FAH. FL 33014 PHONE (305) 828-7499 FAX (305) 828-959B EMAIL:INFOODYNATECHENGINEERING.COM 0§99