THURSDAY, May 26, 2021
6:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm by Mr. Netto with the following members present:
Antonio Netto
Tiffany Anderson
Sylvie Duerkop
Kristin Feuer
Patty Walker
Dana Vignale
Leslie Fraser
Absent: Daniel Jimenez
Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
1. Public Comments: No public comments were offered.
2. Mr. Netto stated that he had visited MSE and looked at the areas that would be good for planting.
These are on the South, West, and East sides of the school. Ms. Vignale suggested we make sure
it can be maintained. She suggested we create a proposal with details about what areas would be
planted, costs associated with the project, and any other details that need to be clarified before
we begin. It was shared that we need to be certain that any areas that are planted will not be
impacted by construction vehicles
3. Ms. Duerkop added that we should begin the process of fundraising now. She is a part of a group
of women who are willing to contribute and are excited about the project. Ms. Vignale suggested
we begin a soft fundraising campaign, and support it with a Give Miami Day effort in November.
The best method of soft fundraising was determined to be a Go Fund Me page.
4. It was decided that in order to kick start this process, we would need the following: 1) The legal
status of having MSE custodians maintain the plants, 2) The detailed proposal, and 3) A brief letter
describing the project to start the fundraising effort.
5. The Board agreed that we should buy gift cards (60 cards at $10 each) from Starbucks or Dunkin
Donuts for the MSE faculty and staff with the funds granted by the Alliance that were previously
earmarked for the holiday breakfast. It was also suggested that we could apply for more funds
from the Alliance to supplement funds for the planting project, but that deadline has passed. Ms.
Rodriguez will check the status of that possibility.
6. Ms. Walker motioned to approve the minutes of the March 25, 2021 meeting, and Mr. Netto
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
7. There was discussion about sharing information about the upcoming construction at the school.
It was decided that Ms. Rodriguez will read the press release from M-DCPS at the Village Council
meeting. The Board expressed the desire to have Ms. Swain present to the Village Council the
status of the Cambridge program implementation, including plans for training and full
implementation, and also present construction information. It is hoped that she would be able
to do that no later than September.
8. The Board would like to see communication about the construction in the Village Newsletter, the
Egret, and on social media.
9. Ms. Fraser requested that an item regarding the impact of COVID on students, and our possible
role in any remedy for that impact, be added to the next meeting’s agenda.
10. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. by Mr. Netto.
Next meeting: Thursday, June 17, at 6:00 p.m.