9900 NE 2nd Avenue
6:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 6:25 pm by Mr. Netto with the following members present:
Antonio Netto
Kristin Feuer
Patty Walker
Dana Vignale
Leslie Fraser
Absent: Daniel Jimenez
Sylvie Duerkop
Tiffany Anderson
Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
1. Public Comments: No public comments were offered.
2. Ms. Fraser moved to approve the minutes from the May 26, 2021 meeting. Ms. Feuer seconded,
and the motion was approved unanimously.
3. Ms. Fraser discussed the need to research the impact of the pandemic on the students, in regards
to absences, lawsuits for services not rendered (i.e. IEP services not provided), nutritional needs,
etc. She suggested we could make that the focus for the upcoming school year. We would have
to collect data. She suggested that we could consider supporting an art therapy program in the
4. Ms. Vignale reached out to the Regional Superintendent for MSE (the Central Region), Mr. Michael
Lewis. He suggested that we contact the Department of Intergovernmental Affairs at MDCPS to
support us in getting involvement from MSE in our meetings and our initiatives so that we can
provide better support to the school and fulfill our mission regarding the Education Compact with
Miami Shores Village.
5. Ms. Vignale moved to send a letter to Inter-governmental Affairs after said letter was approved
by the MSV Interim Village Manager. Ms. Walker seconded the motion, and it was approved
unanimously. Ms. Rodriguez agreed to provide background context to the Interim Village
6. Discussion ensued regarding potential partnership between the school and the Village so that
possibly the Village could help with irrigation of the school campus and then have access to the
grounds for athletics during off-school hours. Ms. Rodriguez will look in prior minutes to find
information about discussions about this possible collaboration.
7. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. by Mr. Netto.
Next meeting: Thursday, July 15, at 6:00 p.m.