EAB Meeting Minutes July 15 2021EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Thursday, July 15, 2021 9900 NE 2nd Avenue 6:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm by Mr. Netto with the following members present: Antonio Netto Kristin Feuer Patty Walker Dana Vignale Sylvie Duerkop Daniel Jimenez Tiffany Anderson Absent: Lesley Fraser Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk Ms. Brenda Swain, Principal of Miami Shores Elementary School Mr. Esmond Scott, Interim Village Manager of Miami Shores 1. Public Comments: No public comments were offered. 2. Ms. Walker moved to approve the minutes from the June 17, 2021 meeting. Ms. Duerkop seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Mr. Netto discussed the possibility of a presentation at one of the Village Council meetings in September. The meetings are scheduled for Monday, Sept. 13 at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday, Sept. 23 at 6:00 p.m. Ms. Swain will see if Dr. Lisette Rodriguez can represent the District at the September 23 meeting. If she cannot attend, she will send a representative. Ms. Swain stated that Dr. Rodriguez and her office were preparing a presentation and the Board discussed items we would like to include in the presentation. These included: • Cambridge program: budget update, including details about funds already spent, teacher development, status of teacher stipends, and plans for upcoming program implementation, including teacher training. • An explanation of why the first year’s funds were not used • How many students are being served by Cambridge • Benefits of the program so that Village residents and Council members are made aware of the many benefits of the program to our MSES students • Construction update with renderings The Board will send a list to Ms. Swain by next week detailing what should be included in the presentation. Ms. Anderson inquired as to what plans are in place for training going forward. Ms. Swain is hoping for face-to-face training conducted by the Cambridge staff. There was a virtual refresher training in June. Some groups of teachers have already visited other schools in the County where the Program is being implemented. Ms. Swain would like to emphasize the global perspectives on a school-wide basis and emphasized that the collaboration aspect of the Program can then be implemented. She believes the global perspective challenges will make the biggest impact. 4. The impact of COVID on the student, staff, and their families was discussed. Ms. Swain shared the social-emotional impact has been visible in the students attending summer school. Half of the students learned virtually last school year. Many families were impacted by COVID, suffering losses. At this time, the Mental Health Coordinator is on campus only once per week, and supplements the full-time counselor. Ms. Swain is trying to get the coordinator to be at the school 3 times a week. The counselor is receiving special training and Assistant Principal Diaz has had a very positive impact with students. Families were extremely generous during this difficult time and donated gift cards and money to help struggling families. The Board asked Ms. Swain to communicate with us if there are opportunities for us to help. 5. Ms. Swain would like to have a PTSA member on our Board. While the PTSA was not operational during the last school year, the District PTSA is going to assist in handling elections. Currently, only the treasurer from the previous PTSA Board has remained on the PTSA Board. Ms. Swain also agreed that either she or Mr. Diaz will attend our meetings. 6. Ms. Swain is hoping to do a “meet and greet” on Friday, August 20, as she has done in the past. We offered to help with that event. 7. The landscaping project was discussed. Mr. Netto has been in touch with Ms. Swain; the ability to maintain (trim and irrigate) the plants has stopped us from moving ahead. Ms. Swain shared that her maintenance staff comes on a rotating basis. The Board requested that Ms. Swain find out what maintenance is available. It was agreed that we could start on the south side of the school since it would not interfere with construction. Depending on the outcome, we could then extend to other areas of the school perimeter. Ms. Duerkop added that the Moms Making Waves organization would like to help financially. Ms. Vignale also reminded that Give Miami Day is a great tool for fundraising. 8. Academica is opening a charter school this fall for grades K- 2 on the former Johnson & Wales campus. The Board agreed marketing MSES is even more important than ever, and would like to see the Cambridge Program and construction project information on social media and in any appropriate communication. Ms. Swain said that the PTSA could handle social media communication. 9. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. Next meeting: Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.