2022-11-16 MINUTES1
November 16, 2022
Village Hall
6:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM with the following members present:
Mr. Antonio Netto
Ms. Kristen Feuer
Ms. Dana Vignale
Mr. Joseph Paulino
Ms. Sylvie Duerkop
Mr. Michael Weber
Also present: Ms. Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
Ms. Sarah Vaughn: MSES PTA President
Mr. Daniel Diaz (MSES Principal)
Mr. Douglas Clark: Supervisor at the Office of Inter-governmental Affairs and Family and Community
a. September 15, 2022, EAB Minutes: Approved with one amendment to Ms. Swain’s new
position title, as highlighted by Mr. Diaz.
- This week the school began tours and had an in-person awards ceremony. The
school’s new paint job and courtyard are very inviting.
- Mr. Diaz distributed multiple data reports. Regarding enrollment, report
shows level of Miami Shores residents enrolled. Data shows 65% of the
eligible students in Miami Shores are attending MSES. 820 eligible school aged
students are living in the boundary. This does not include PK4.
- School enrollment is 564 kids as of today.
- Mr. Netto asked to clarify the 820, the children not attending are attending
DCPS, online, charter or private schools. There are also students on the family
empowerment scholarship who have a disability and are attending a private
school due to their unique ability. Mr. Netto felt 820 was a low number. Mr.
Diaz explained that these children are children who have at some point been
associated with MDCPS. Data is not able to be collected on students who have
always been in private school and never associated with MDCPS in some
- Mr. Diaz circulated the next report which shows all the students in the
boundary and the prior school of last year compared with this year.
- Ms. Vignale inquired about the plan to get more children in the building. Mr.
Diaz stated we are continuing with tour Tuesdays, there is a children’s book
author coming out soon to do a presentation with the students, and there has
been discussion about going to local childcare centers to distribute
information. Advertising tour Tuesdays though social media, word of mouth,
Village newsletter. A Saturday open house and realtor open house will be a
possible option once construction is complete.
- The board discussed visiting the classrooms during tours. Ms. Duerkop
expressed when she took a tour, she was sold on the fact that she was seeing
the children at work in the classrooms.
- Ms. Feuer inquired about the possibility that once construction is complete,
parents can see the classrooms if tours are able to be done on Saturdays.
- Ms. Vignale inquired whether HVAC was part of the bond money. There are
HVAC issues district wide. Mr. Diaz expressed his biggest concern is building
which may require a new unit. There are also some issues with the new units.
- Mr. Netto asked for an update on planting. Per Ms. Vaughn a second section
of hedge was planted two weeks ago but they are waiting on construction
trucks to get out prior to completing that side of the school.
- Mr. Diaz stated the cafeteria will be worked on over winter break.
a. Grants- The board discussed grants to help the school. Give Miami Day is on the list for
next year. There were problems with the application website this year. The PTA applied
for the Community Alliance grant and received some funds.
b. Recruitment- Mr. Diaz would like the board to focus on recruiting Kindergarten
students. Word of the mouth is the biggest way to get students to come out. Mr. Diaz is
doing 100% of the social media for the school currently. Mr. Netto proposed a Village
wide event (in alignment with the Compact and integration with the Village). Any event
that is with non- school students must include liability insurance. Ms. Vaughn expressed
that from a parent’s perspective, school exclusivity feels safer. The current PTA
volunteer pool is small. Ms. Feuer suggested Plaza 98 as a possibility for future school
and village integration.
c. New Member: The board welcomed its new member, Mr. Michael Weber. Mr. Weber
thanked Mr. Diaz for his time on a Tuesday night and stated that the school courtyard
has the potential to be major wow factor but could use some landscaping and
manicuring. Mr. Weber suggested volunteers could donate their time to this endeavor.
Mr. Diaz agreed once the construction is complete because it is a major source of dust
d. Recreation: Mr. Netto inquired about the possibility of using the school field on
Saturdays for a soccer practice and possibility after school as well. Mr. Diaz and Mr.
Netto will discuss this. Ms. Vignale stated there were talks previously between the
recreation department and the Village regarding using the field at the school. Ms.
Vignale stated there are grants specifically for turf fields which would be a win/win for
the Village and the school. The village could collect fees for the Saturday activities.
e. Update on Boundary Adjustment: Per Mr. Diaz the school is under advised status with
ABC (attendance boundary school). We are not a targeted school. Ms. Vignale suggested
we still apply and initiate the conversation even if we are not a targeted school. Ms.
Vignale will reach out to Stephen Cones. SLCone@dadeschools.net
f. Cambridge: Ms. Duerkop inquired whether we can change our Cambridge funds to add
language? Mr. Diaz was not sure. Mr. Douglas Clark suggested we would need to
contact Martha Montenegro.