Feb 22, 2022
9900 NE 2ND AVE
6:00 PM
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Netto at 6:03PM with the following members present:
Antonio Netto
Kristen Feuer
Dana Vignale
Sylvie Duerkop
Tiffany Anderson
Joseph Paulino
Leslie Fraser was absent.
Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
1. PUBLIC COMMENTS- No public comments
2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES- Motion by Tiffany Anderson to approve the December 2021 minutes
and the motion was seconded by Dana Vignale- unanimous vote in favor of approval.
• Discussion regarding the resignation of board member Daniel Jimenez, reducing the
board size to seven members, requiring five members for a quorum which can present
difficulty. Ysabely Rodriguez will discuss a possible amendment of the ordinance requiring
eight board members to seven members with the Village attorney.
• Survey Discussion: The prior survey was presented by the board to residents and non-
residents (including El Portal).
o Board members reviewed the prior survey to make any amendments before
sending it out to the community again.
o Dana Vignale suggested someone from the district could do a presentation about
school choice after the survey is sent out and closed, possibly at the end of March.
The contract for Cambridge is with the school district (not MSES specifically) so
we need the involvement of the school district. Dana Vignale suggested we
request a meeting with the office of intergovernmental affairs since there is a
new village manager and new person in the office of Inter-governmental affairs.
A meeting should address what our expectations are using the data collected
from the new survey.
o Sylvie Duerkop recommended that the board create a short, medium, and long-
term plan for the school and really work strategically. There is growing concern
regarding Miami Shores residents sending their children to Mater academy and
the resulting impact on MSES.
o Dana Vignale recommended inviting residents to a meeting at the end of March
and have participants from the school district present.
o Sylvie Duerkop wants to emphasize building the language program, international
program and include a sports program. For instance, what does it take to secure
an additional teacher to teach Spanish (for pk4-5) for one hour a day of Spanish?
Dana Vignale suggested that could be done by allocating Title I money.
o The survey will be closed on March 31, 2022. Dana Vignale stated that the board
can use the survey data as an opportunity for public comments and the invite
residents to the meeting.
o Antonio Netto stated that the Cambridge contract is about to expire in June.
There is still $44,000 in funds left which has not been used by the school. Antonio
Netto went back to the plan- to deploy the survey with the invitation to the April
board meeting. Discussion ensued about whether to use an EAB meeting or
request time on the agenda of a Village council meeting.
o Dana Vignale will send out the new school survey this weekend and follow up on
the boundary issue.
• Update on the Landscape Project:
o Antonio Netto provided an update on landscape project. The GoFundMe page
created by the board is still open and we raised approx. $2,400. Mr. Netto
requested the help of the PTA and they agreed to work together and take over
the implementation of the project. Mr. Netto will transfer the money raised to
the PTA this week and the project will begin on the east side of the school. The
PTA tweaked the plan slightly to purchase larger plants (7 gallon as opposed to
smaller) and begin on one side of the property. Two hundred plants on the east
side will be planted this week. The idea will be to create more energy to bring
more funds and plant the rest of the perimeter of the school.
• Construction Update:
o Construction is full speed now. The PE class had to be moved to a new location.
• Teacher Appreciation Breakfast: the board still has $600 dollars from the breakfast. There
was discussion about what to use it for. Mr. Netto suggested giving the teachers a
breakfast right before spring break and requesting the PTA for help with execution
(funded by EAB). Sylvie Duerkop stated she thought the breakfast should come from the
board since the PTA is more focused on operational activities around the school and ideas
like asking for new Spanish teacher, chess program, etc. is where we as a board can bring
more value to the school.