RF-10-21-2820 �{3��'� � ��� �� �'�� '� 1 �* � � � � >. '.: � �. � � ' �� �� �� ,��� PViiarrt7i Shores ltillage � � �;'; ��` � � �����; ,. .� '� �°�� �'`�G� �� Ifl450 N�2 Ave �� � �'��` , r ���# ����� ��a�`�� �; �. �?�'�f�E�� '� t Miam�Shores FL 33138 �.` �'': �� ,, �. � ����� � ._,,, �, , 3Q5-795-2204 �: � �. � ! ��� � ���� ��� ���� ��� ��',���: F:r �� � it:�.;N � .. � ..... _. � ��`����� ���!��'���F���������.` Expir�tion: o6/zo/2az2 , Lae�tian Addr�ss Pareel Numb�r � 2�4 NE 96T`ti ST, NP�ami She�r�s, f[,3313� 1132060133�6� �� . . �at � ����^� ��� C�iit3GtS E TODC?CEONI .m��m��e �.m. �.� _,__� a�___�___��_m,�.�n(�wrs�r��...Todd Eeoni___ _��.,__�_��. e_Fm��..�� �v..am �pplic�nt�v_� ' PC1 BC1X 381703,MIAM(,FL 3323$ PO�ox 3$17Q3,miami,FL 33238 ; Mabile:3Q530Q4192 todd@IeQnicompanies�eom 1 i Z RC�t?FlNG AND WATERFROC}FIN�INC CcantracCar ° AGUSTIN EXPOSITO � 2525 W 3 CT,HIAtEAH,F�33010 � Business:3C156237663 GUS@ZROOFING.COM ; Other:30521�26�5 ;.� a�v����� �����r ����� � �� �m�m..._.w.a_.�,e . �w a�......, � �e��.�e� � �_ .. ��,�w�. ����� ins ects�n Re uests ° D�script�on: RE-ROOE TICE = Valua�ion� $71,690<00 i ��'�������� `, ���� Total Sq Eeet: &,806.Q0 �,� � z� Fe�s Am�unt Paym�nts D�te Paid Rmt Paid Applieation Fee-Other $SQ.00 TptaE F��s $�37.10 ccF ���.Zo cr�aite�rd az/za/zozz ���7p�� DBPR Fee $5.25 Credit Card 10f 29/2021 ��p.pp �CA Fee $3.5d Education Surcharge $24.40 �mOunt C1ue: $0.40 Raofing Fee $3f34.Q0 Scenning Fee(Manual} $12.04 Technology Fee $�.75 Tota I� $437.20 ttl� ICl C1� fn cansider�tian af the issuance to m� af this permit, I agr�e 4o perf�rm the work eovered hereundar in campiiane�with al� ardinances and reguM�tions pertaining ttr�reto and in strict canformity with the plar�s, drawings, statements ar specifica4i�ns submitted to the praper aufhorities af Niami ahores Village. In aceepting this p�rmit I assume respor�sibility for all uvork dana by either enyselfi, my agent, servants, or�mpioyes. I understand that separate permits are required for ELECTf21CAL, PLUN9BING, MECFIANlGAI�,WIM1fDC}WS,DCaORS, F�C}C}FING and SWIMNIIPIG PQ€3�work. OWlVERS �FFIDAVIT: I certify th�t �II the foregoing informatior� is accurate and that ail wcark wiil be done in compiiance with alI applicabie laws reguiating eonstruction and zoning. �uth�rmore, I autharize th�abov�nam�d ractor to do the w�rk stated. Auth�arized Signature: Owner f Applicant f Cante�ctor f /�gent Date �ec�mb�r Za,2�21 Pa��2 of 2 � � `°� � �y �7 � t�' ° t{�; , , , E � t.....� 4.� {.�`.,"'. �,i l,.,t � tj E i { � (4� � r �� � �c�r�s ill� � i €�Lf �� °� �� ��w� ; �`t �,t=�� � � � ��;, � � ���� �� ���rt.r����� �� • 2�t7�C�E�.£ 2r�c�A�r€��,ue, kl��arr�i shcar�s,�[c�ritf������ .,� I � T�i; (3C��� 7�`_: 2�C��F�r�:(3t�5}75��8972 ��s��e��cs����� ����� ��n���a;{��s����-�s�� . �� � _ � ,Cr ��� �.���.� � ���t . �d �,. j'"� f�, � � �'� ii�#�S1�t�FE?�"6�`$€i �c'7. �'—+ �� __ _� __ ������ �!"'F""�,��s����� �t.��F��.'6`�"!P� �� ���m � ��_� �,�__._�..�°�-�� �:.�su���o�c ��.� ���c�-��c �j� �e�����c; �.:�� ��v�s�c�� �� �x���s�ca� ����r���nr�a� ���.����r�e, �_� n��c���+�c�� ��r������c�vea��� �� c������ ca� �c.��c����T�c�� �� s�c�� �__ cc���r��c�t�� r���,�vi��� aca������ss:_.�__ � ._.��..����_�,� ._�..w_w_ ,____._.____w.__.�.��.._,_.�..__�__..�__�_.�_v.�_.._�_ ___.. m__�,. � . C.ity�_ ��i�n�i hsc�res � �a..�c�.�..r�tY _.__..___. .. Mi�mi Gade �i : �;�,. F��it�����r�el�;_�����.�:.,.���"� � � ��t�e�u�td�r►�Hi�t�rie�f��£�+�s�rs�i��<Y���__ .___t�C�_��_.._ f�ccupane}�TYE>�� ���_.lc�aci; .._ ._____ Cc�n�tr�acYic�n�7�Yp�� .�����._Floc�c��ane� _ , E3FE_ �.�_� . ...._. FFE: Q��IER:€Van��(Fee Sis��ale T�tleh�Ider}:������� _ PhQne#: ����� 0� A,dde�ss:�I� �__� �_���_� __m. _ �� _ CitY'�l�.f�}�_.._���.�.�... ....__....__. .._.�..._.�_ 5ta#� __..�.._... �..�,_...__.._,_.�_.._._..___.__.._. _��_._._ ..�i��: _,�.�_��.�_.r..._.__ T�nar�t/Lesse�t��n�r: ..____ �'����e�: _ Err�afl: �Ctt��IR��'T�F�:C�m#a����y��rr��:�� �..� ._���t �� �-� _��.Y�.. ��.�_�.�Pt�t�r�e€�: _.,�� .���_�..� �� Addr�ss:���_� �r�t���� ._... � _.�,_._._ �__.�,___..__ �.__. .._.� _..,_�..��.��.�._��_ C�tY� �w_�����.�.._� .�.,,,�._� SY�E�;��_ _�. �.�..�._ Zi�:���,�_,!_,.__.�__ C2udlifier N�n�� �C����!,�_ ��,�. �._ _.._ _�.__� �._..��. _Phor�e�; � �.��!,._�?��`-� �� �tat��ertific�Fic���c�r i�t��i�tr�tiar;#9: � � ��� Cert�fi�at�crf�c�r����tency Rf: __ ��_.__.W._ C��53�t�ff�;A€cE���ect/En�in��r_.�.� �. w a ,_.� Ph�n��3:_�___w_._.,�M� ��._ _.. Address. ��C€ty _�___.��tatc: Li�: _.�_e.__�. ___ ��lu��f V�c�r��c�r this Perrsat4:� � _....__.�.w_...Sq�c�r�f lir��ar�������c��1t��rFe._ � �.__�.�_.__.�.�.. �'yp�s�#i�cae�: � Add�tior� � Alter�tion �� hl�u= [� R�@aairJRtplace � L7en�olition ��r�pti�zr�c�#V�crr�: �." `� "° � 4�� 5����fy c�r����raf c��c>�t�o�� tol�: _ � p � s�,��i�ca�� � � ,__` �e���c���S ce�� c���c� _. 5 r�csin�F��$ R�don F�e� ���R$ �#c�t�ry$ _ `T�cksn�l��y F��� Tr�io�irs�JEd�s fi�an F��� �o�bl+�F $ Strucc�tural R�ui�Nrs$ �t�nd$ T{?TAl F�E PiQVd�UE$,� �"�`���� iRevised02 J24 j2Cs1�3 . � � ` B�ndin�Ce�mp�E�y'e N�me(if ap�alic�ble)_ _w. � �c�nding Co�spany"s Adeiress, _.,_.,. Eit1�__--__ �ta�� ��� __. .__ __. _.._. ..__ _... . _.._ .. _._.._.__.. .�.._ .___.,_. i __,... �vlortga��L�ncle��s NarT��(if applica�le)_ _. �_. (�c�rt�age l end�r's dac�dr�ss,,�_. . �.,_.�.�..___.. City �_m.��_ _�__,_.� Si� ��._�. �___�__ ___�____ �,_� .� � __ _ _ ... ,__ . ____ . .. ._._ F��aplicatian s� P�er�b�r��ade te�cabt�in a p�rrtlit to da th�v��,el� �t�a install�tic��s as inc�ic�t�c� i cerci#y�t��i r�o wc�rk c�r�inst�llatie?�� l�a� CC}R'lR1�f1C�C� (Jt�lt�t YQ 6�'1P ISSUe3CiC@ t?f c� �'!�.'t'FT111 �P1f� C�3c�f c��� 4U�.?['�i 1h�l�� �?� �,76'C�O�FiIEC� 2t� tTl@�1 C�1H S�.e3tlC�8Ct�5 f?� ��l ��WS YEv'�t.��c�21t1� co�ste�ac�ic�n in this jur€sdietion. I u�d�rst�n� that a ��p�rat� �ecr��iE n�usE be s�e���eci for EIECTRIC. Pt l�M�lN�, Stt�R�S� Pt„�(�t,S. FURtUF��ES, �f)tEERS; N�ATERS,T�t�lKS,�tIR CC}�[�4TlC?FlERS� ET�.,_ t?Tl�tll��Et'S AF�t[��RVlT: I c�rtify thaf aI( th� fvre�c�in� i«forn�aiic�r� i� accur�e� and th�t �II �sork wil! b� done in �campliar�ce witf� a(! applie�b�e[�ws re�ul�tirig cc�nstructic�n and�crr�ir�� �r�+������ �� �����: ��}�� �1������ �� ������} � ������ �� ������������ �b�4� ������ �� ���� ������ '����� ��� ������������ '�� ��'�� ������ . �� ��� ������ '�Q� ���J���� ���������� ������.,� ��'�� ���� �.����� �� 1�4� !Q {�����` ������ ��������� ��'�� ��'���� �� ������������.r� fVe�tfe�fc��4pplicc�r�t: As c�ccan�itfaara io Che rssutrr�ee of cr 6uildfng�a�rr��it wrieh urz esPimc�ted vatu�exce�drt�g�25tT�, ef�e cr�pllc�rrt rraust prvrr7i�e rr7 gc+cad fai�l� that�r�op�r c?f�he naci�e�af eorrrrt��ncertterat crnd cca�a�crar�ti�n lien lr�vv br�rchur� �i11 tae d�li�fer�cJ Cv the persc�r� w�hcrs�pr�caperty is�ub;jeet tca aticar.hrnent. Als€�, c�c�rE%,fie�cl c�py eaf the recvrdc�d r�atice t�f c�namerac�ment naust t�e paseed at t�e joh sit� ��r fh�fir�t in��ctian �u#�ieh sece�rs se�en (7! days of��r th� tacritd�€�� p�rrrait +s issu�e�. !n ehe absenc�° s�f such pt�sY�ci rtc�tie�, ch�° �ras{a�ceoczr�wr't�r�vt b�a�a�rr�ved ar�d c�r�ir�specfac�n f��vritl be�har�ed. � ��...--- �.���`.� �~��� �.� �_ �����s���. _._ �_ �_ .__._.,� .. _� _...__. ._.� _ _._ Si�n�tG�r ._� �.�. � _ _ . _,_.__._. t�l+�tVER c�r A�aEN� CC?tVTRACTt�� `�h�fc�rego4��Ir3strurr�ent was acknoluf�d�ed k�e#car�rt�e tt7is 7f��fsar��oir�g i+�strum�r�t w�s acknc�wl�d��d t�r�fc�re n��tl�is �._.�'���a���t e� � ��e� �_, ����� �. �v ..��".`�� ������__ _ �� �,��_.��� F�� ...__�.�... �.��3k_.r ,who is p�rsor�ally kz�owr�tc� _�_�C���`1 �`���3.whta is persc�nally knawr�ta n�e c�r�nrh�s h�s prt�d��ce�d_ . �s n��c�r wahc�has prc��4uced� � �� _��,.a� identifi��tian���c!whc�did t�ke an oath. identifieatit�n ancl wht�did t�ke�n�ath. t+l�1`�.��!P1J��i � .�_--------__- tdt}fii0.itY RllBi : Si��: 4��� _.�.��.� Si�n: � . PrlFtt' "� ;� �.. �� �� Rritt � � ,� Seal. F ti: , x � � �t��'�� Seal: ,�5 Y,� , , ,. , � _�y � � ��t�������•v�.���•���<�;�,�,�.���� R , �.. t;U: `�� �rra _ , �i4< < _5�? F�� hi� . , . �^ L ' s�,�s�e�*��+ra��»�s�����a�a���sru*�a����r���a+r*�u��s�r���au�+r�a��a�v��e�uss��n a+�+��r�u,p3'���"`t'�'€��F+��e�e�r�+�+�+4,'��"�"w�g"� ����+��e�ss�r� � ������c����*����€�kc����r`.,c�.��.;*�*�� ,4PFRC�VED�Y �� ..��"""���� PEans Examiner Zonin� � � Struc#�ral Review �I�rk {Reuised02I24j20I4) �14 � � Oi�+"�S Vtl � 9� . �^ i � §� ",//f " � �����-%�� ���.�'' wf�"�s�"�"r„ . � �1�� .Y �` l'�Y ,�#�` ... '�'��� . ./`...�^ ._r, 4'�/' r. ,wwwr W.g. +„wx.„,r .:� . � � �, � f ��� �� � �/��Y �`�� g�?���$ � �� ���� �� �� � � � � Y � ��� r�� �� r N� �� �� �� ���"� � ` -°-, y .. � , � :� �, �r ��'� r w', ,x ,„�"� �; � ��`� 5�'. � � . �,.��' � ��z �� ���� � �� � �'� ������ �� � . � �`,�;_;�. ,.�.,,.�.� �"� � � �� � � �� s � � � � � � � �,e� � <' �� � '�` � � � ¢ � � �" �� � � '� � s��i,�'-r� �"�� � 'a q � � �� _ �� � �� � � y�� �� ���f� � ������ �- �. � s�.�� � .>� �;�� � �� � � ������ 1� r� t��l����t �F �9 t,���r� .��r� � � �r�t�I��r tl���d�c:����,t ir���y F�r�. # � ����� r��� m ��is �€��� 1 r����r��� �r � �l���r� t� ���tt��� � ���. ,°►�' � �� ���TIFtCATE �F #�1�0.�IL1 It�SU hIGE '�` ���, a�r��rz4z� rry►C��s�{ciC���ss�Y����C.9��py @���.{t}�y�vg�C�a pa���r^��{y�p�g pt���(ttp��cq���xas�!��/�o�np��a�r(/t��Y�ar�t�`c*pyop����A�t(s a�poa t�{,t���+�.T}^y�}u t(�a�x�c @c}�yp�ptq�Fpq��paq,r����}����( R/x.t��t�s 4pGRrylI�("'}�Lr+��{,E���+i�F+Vr�(�%+1ry(T0.{�fe�pd4F'�/+��SS.[ �qPet k.aBEpV�.[Sg�It�y��V+�`4;��ry+�^F/.+lp�A;t��fwi���}*yyl�lWp �^/��rylpY�V;t4I�A�ei+.yT�pR�+�f#G4y�Mt�Yg�,� `@V��yMr�f}P+�'9JR�aVy���jVpSdYg:�E'8�t�;p{a�1d,iy����e� P��pVpFY�:a !`FiTD�bp�VCR/Ey#p�lMHd@'R�yR. 4afi��e l�M�6pi`o q#1q�iud�i�isW�^G��p+FEyL�vP Fp VSdEqI�/a'k�F�qE�+pG Pl 4eMf� 8d i f3G �tt B[l�Ra7�V�iiL3��NVR�Yl�a"J}i A4R i PiW�N.�� R�#`Fl�aT�l�iIY� VR r"PbV6Jid&e��t A`{k8V tC3�LG�[l�B�.rl"1��[li.F�idGR. 6Nfl��RTANT: Ef th���rkifica#�t�alti�r&$�n AC�t?lTOt�NAL.IN�U[2��,th��c�llcy{ }m t h�v��[?Dt'�'IANAE.lNSUR�D prav�i�ican$ar b�+�n+�c►r$�d. IE SUB� A7'It3N t�YY�I Ck,�ub)�ct to th�t�rn�as�nd casndition�ot the pcaEE�y:��rt�En poRlct m�y requlr�an endcse��m�rtt, A�t�t�rrt�nt�n this certi t+a d �not c�nf�r ri�ht�to the&� ��te�ho6d�r�n t1�aa csfi�uch endcar��tn�ant(�}. ��t F�o h�Rol��iext�r Frank H.Furman,lnc, � (954)943-545Q yo: f954}9�2-6314 1314��sf AUarrtiG B#vd. �, h��fu ninsurano�.c�m P.C>.�ax 1927 NtasuRE�s aeFort��ca��v��a� ta��c a k��mpano�aacF� Ft� 33E?81 �u���: i�an�hor�� atty ins 2 5 �iSURED . . .. . . INSURER 8: �Roc�fi�rg�Wat�rprooting IncZ Ftc>ofir�g 8 Wat�rproofing Ine.� t u R G: � Haidings,C GC. twsu R D: 24�J8 Vd 3rd Ct ���: N3at€a�h Fl 3301 f� �R�, GOtit�Rd4G�� ��R'PIFIGAs�Ntl49�ER: 21-22��st�r REYISI�N NUIl9�ER; THIS i5 Ti�CERTIFY TFRAT THE RQt�fCi�S OF lhtSU NCE LlST�Q BE��W HAVE BE�P!i��U�C}TC?TH�iRtStJFtED h't�tv1�0 VE FC?R TNE �lCY�EI2lQC} ENRIGAT�R, Nf)TWlTF6STANt3#NG ANY��QUIR�M�NT,TERM OR GC?NDI'fIQPt E)F AAlY Gt�4�T CT C>F{OTFi�Fi Utai�t�T WtTH RE3P�CT TC?WNIGH TH#S C�R"fIFIC�T� Y�E ISSU�t?OR MAY R�F2TAIN,TH�INSU NC�AFF�RC}�C��Y TFiE PC}l.tGt��(?�S��i���N�FtEIPd IS�U�J�CT T4 At�L TNE T�RAAS, EXCl�US#ONSliN[}GQhEi3#TiCdN�UF�UCM PC7t�PC1E5.LIMtTS�H�WN Y NAVE���N E2EDUG�D�Y IL7 Ct�fit�AB. L�'R TY� IIF�d� � 4CY Ptdt�9�� .�YYYY �. ��. . IT� .. � �RCIAL Q�Fi�. .!. F9,..€TY .. . ERGH QCGUR�E S �" , c+�s�s- �oceura �����s�s � S tQ0�000 �_ �6Ea ExF(ea„ � � 5, A �CS 1-Q3 (31f11E2421 0111112Q22 ���sot�.� ��ta,rutzr ffi �, ,000 c�r��a�o�a�cn���.iaa�s,aaP�e���*�R: c�r��aza��aac��cnr� s �,Oi}C�,OQO �cv �,��cm ��oc �c�uc�s-coaac�roa nc� � �,t}00, e�rw�R: s A Ik�f�lA C #PkEC}�ul 1„E l PM#T 5 Ee t aNY RUTQ .lLY iN3URY{P�r ) S .� .. ET ED SGH�C?UI,EC3 Bfl6ItY tNJttRY(� . d 4} $ . . . . . �U'tOS ONIY AUTf?S M# C7 .Q E� P' P27W D � �UTt�S�:lY �UTQS LY Pav . t $ U . �l.�R 1. . .. .Aea OCCUR. . .. .. . . . . FRGN C��!#12REPdGE S �' � � '. P, �Xc M.y c�at�s-�s �2X8QQ0&7-�3 QSl9112Q21 U411112422 a E rE S �, E�D f2E1'�NTtON S 3 1MpRHEtiS COMIP�N�ARtflN PF� �hi� � AHt3� OY�R�' lt7Y V t Pd ST�TUTE ER AN1�PRt3PRRE"C TNE X�OUTIVE ('°�°"� tilA �.t�,EAGHACCIGENF S� � .. OFFFC� E. €f�E?CGI.UD�A r . .. . . . . . . �r cfl�� [�.1 e_�.��en�s�-�n��sP�c�r�� � 4f tt�$,d�csdWa tmd�r . . . . . RE�RtPYK79d C}f'C}PE�&TkUN�u be1a� E.l.QiSEASE�Pf,1liGY UM1dtT S SCRi OF�P�RA t� S t 1'EFtFCt�S(AGt?RD 1Q9.&dd€Y 1 FBsns�rks dut�,rn�y F�atta H . �p�Ga ia rayuir�j . Figustin N�xposito lic�nae numb�r CCC 132�03 is cc�v� under th�insurar�c�polPcy. G�RTtF#CAT�FIC?LDER CAtdG��.�.ATIQPE SE4t3t1L�ANY t�F TH�,�&C?v�D�3CRI���P Ct�S��C�N���G.���EF�RE THE�XF�I TF OAT�TH�R�4F.NQTlG�N��L��D�GiV�R�t�k� M(ami�h�r�s Vi[fag� �CGOR�ANG� THE ROE.kCY RRO�'131�4k3. 1 t}�50 Narth�a�t 2nd Ave �U'CHOFRiL�R ft�Rft�S�NTARiYE RAiami Shor�s Fl 33139 ,�:a.��! +f+�^� �a 1888-2015 ACC}R�CORRORATIQN. All righks�s�rv��t. AGORD 25(2Q161Q3) Th�AGAF2D name�nd lag�a�r�rsglst�t�d c��rkffi af AC4RC? � f \ -ttr� \l,'<' ��,��;��'°�� � � �,��s r� ���"��€t�� ��3 �"�� �`�t�305-623�I�AC}F�F�0.}C 3Q5-3�4�12Q9�WWVY.�fi�C?FENGa��M(2�9�Y�►3�C}tlRT,HIAL�AFI, F!�330'10 did6�4�p GV�1 YYf868 Q7 fil�6J( idiOBfid! P'C��OS���lS�tT3t46@G#TOs 11bl�i14EO[l. 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Rink Sh�r�k n�ils as per FL�LD code Ghapt�r 23. � F�arnish�nd install ar��layer�f#30 ASTM Felt vvith 2 lOj Rin�Sharrk nails and 1 5J�"`TEn�Ta�s « Furnish�nd i�stalC newr lead shields an all raaf plumbing pen�trati�ns � Furnish�rad inst�ll self-adher�d modifi�d, BQRAL TiLES�AL Underlay�ner�t,whe�l ralled & �ack r�ai&ed to wood deck � F�trnish and install r�ew G�Iv. roof vents t� repPace existwng. � FurnEsh and install 26 G�ug� 16"Wide galu. metal at�11 valleys • Furr�6sh and enstall 4"'x i°walE fPashFra�a�ro�f t�wall�nd c�unter flashin�as req�sired � Seal �as�flashin�with flashir�g c�ment and rrr�mbr�ne fabric + Furnish and install Galvanized stuecca sfiop�caulkin�as requ�red at ro�f to uvall flashin�areas • Ftarnish and install nee�26-gaug�3'°X3"'�afv.eaves drip r�etal along complet� roof�d�e(Colar coatin�w�ll be additional} e S�al alf finishes ar�d c�af inet�is v�/r�of cern�nt and membras�e fabric • Furr��sh and inst�ll Nip�Ridge��tals aiong all ridges t�alla�v foam adh�si�n of rid�e t�les. � Furnish and inst�ll standard til�wJ po6yurethane faam adhesive� rnartar�t ridge � Fiip � Manu�actur �ai� �pa.� �'.C,� ➢ Gla�OR cancrete:Ctav ➢ Pra�1e:True BarrelE A Co(o • �c..�; ���-� � � � � � � �� Initials � ��C����� � ���`��F��RC�C����� � 249�West 3 Co�r� Hialeah FL 3341Q : PH�R6E:(305}523�7663 E�:�wre�.xr�afin,���r� � l�CER6SE�,IIVSURE�&��N�E�m C�CI3296�3 ; CG�152001� x , , W��, ..: t C l� ,�j',•., . . .. �'Q ���.5 � � 'fEL 305-623-FtO���F 305�3�4�92Q9 R lN.�����IN�.��t�l E 249�YY 3�QtJ�`f,HIAt��.��l,��33010 Tt�� � f di f1 tS ��g� ����Y FEwshing �aKen Ext¢ndetS ti �,� ti � � ,ti � tknda�9sY�nts - ,�.,�nfi��.:,��:� "y� '�;c.. �aner�s� � � � r9ti '`d � �� � a .�,r+?��` �.. a-�"w.* �. � a. ,a.,�,: � ti�„ 1 {. `, � �..� `� 6sama �� � �„ , s � z ` r ��,�� ^�,,,p' 3 ti s t � � -'`� ��kw���� �U""s,„'rti, '""' ��` ���`"����t1 3�E;.�,i�,� 1 � aS�'�' i4}��4� w �'i`,�wt�. .`n1 ` '` , '-mrcn���,�wm���ar.�k ". .,. ,� �..n.n»�d��... : o,, M�'}$R't �a�.ya?������` � �`� �"`t .. �.4`§. . ��"kj�� �s � �� ' `' `�`� a �1��2��1\ �^, ��'�, y rtt��z�t� 1 �Y� ¢.�,w�� ' � � ;�'t. lk� a tt ti'� �L '� � '�."� \ � ,� �. :-� �,s � l � �C 8 � ��� ,.f,� 3i�'�'��L�'� �,.��' �� � +�.,,,,. . � <,�t �e ��1.`�{2 �{t�'} �� '� � t �l� `��t�� #};'�. ir\,..r�� ��k�i:'�'�'. ��i`�� '� �2 �l ���, a� •,.n�aE'" <+c . .... � . , ,.S. ., . .�1(� � GRbI@ Efid k�7P6Jfl ITt L (Adc� r►j ����t'�����►� � ��,;�, ,< ,:',�'`�,.�� .,` ���';its ;���';�l�t►�� ` ` � � .. � � r� � � �� ��, , �, �.. ��.r . , ., � � � r� ��� �. � „ f ., ��. .., Cal�r Coated Drip Eaves Metal NJA $350.QQ $ Aluminum �rip Eaves Metal 20�F $2.5Q J LF $ Alurn6num"l.FlashErt�4"X5" 10 LF $3a6/LF $ Stainless Steel Rin�Shank Naiis 29 Sq`s $0.25/sqft � Re-StrappEn�tr�rsses NjA 1S°lo of Cc�ntract pric� $ Gut o�at 8�Stucco Flashin� 20 LF $14.25 l l� $ Paint roaf top access�ries ta �t/A $350.00 $ match Roof finish colar S�lar atti�Rac�f V�nt{35Watts} N/A $725.00 Each $ Secondar}�Water Barr�er 20Q Sqft $1.25 J SQFT $ d1f1�11�� �t@ S: $ � �� � � '� � � Ir�ttiats � ��C����C� �. ��°���i������1�� � 249�West 3 Cour�Nialeah FL 3301Q ; PHQNE:(3Q5} 623-7663 E�:��sr�.zroofin .e�rr� � LI�ENSED,I(�Sl1RE� �E?I�DED: �CC1329603 : CGC152�01fi �s � i � ��,:;:�.";.� . ,,... .i,n;: -w. .,.: � . .. �"€"f=,�'^a�@�!� £�P� "C"�� � . . ���so�-s2�-�cao� ���sos-�s���2os�r�v�v.��o�����o��n��z�s�w����a��,�ia�.�a�,���so�o �ra�r Il,�ft�� �«rr � All Produ�ts used and inst�il�d by Z Rac�fin�$�Wa�erprc�ofing are approv�d �. h�v� been d�signed to ec�mpiy with tt�� Florida ba�ifdin�code ir�cl�ding high vel�city hurrie�r��z€�ne csf fih� Flcarid� �uiiding cad� � ZRW h�s n�c�ntr�l over mateei�l price rncreas�s, �n th�euent af a n�t�r�l disast�r,A�t c�f Terre�rism, or an A�t�f Gc�d.As�red ad�iti�n�i costF due to th�aficar�r�renti�ned canditions will b�passed�r�the cust�m�r�as they ha�e b��n passed Qn t��Rac�fin���at�rpr�c,f���, Ir�c. * ,Ail existin��r r�er��leetric��, piumbin�ar�d�IVAC penetr�tions, rna�s�b�per la�t Flarida Buildin� Code. Replacemen��ndJ�r installatican�f any of th�s�it�ms shall be by others � DUE TQ FLC�RE[}A�t11E��IRl�CapE AN� PURSUANT TCI SECTION 553.�44, EL{�RID,�S1'ATUTES, (NURRICA(�E MITI��1'!�N RETRQFITS AS REC2UIRE��Y�SfHB7057 F�R EXlST9NC S9N��E FA�IILY STRUCTUREa}, if y�ur pr�perty has ar�ins�red ualue of�3�O,OQ0.�0�ar m�r�,if the buiiding is uninsured c�r far which documentation af insured va�ue is not�resented, has a just valuation for �h�structur�for�s os�s of ad vatarezn t��a��an c�f$300,000 or more: a) Rcaaf to wa11 ca e�tiaz�s shall be z�npraved as required by section 20I.3. b) it�andated retrofits c�f the raof to-wa]1 connection sh�11 r�ot be required beyo��d� 15 perc�r�t incr�ase in the eost of r�-roofing. c} Wh�r�eomple��r�tro�ts�f a11 the 1°oe�f tomwall corzne��ions�s pr�scrib�d in S�ction 201.3 would e�cceed I S percent of the cost of the re-roa�n�project,th�pric�rities outlin�d in Sectio�201.3.7�shail b�used to limrt the scop�af work to the 15 perc�nt liz�ait. ZRW MUST re�steap th� pr�perti�s truss�s�t�n additior��l cc�st of 259�af the contact valu�. � Th�Perrr�its f�iUST'al�vays stay outsid��f the property wh�n pP�ced by ZR�J on sit�. We will prcavid�� ccapy��ov�nership�ne�all ir�spections are ec�mpleted�r�d pass�d. INCt�t1DED � Taxes, permits,�nd�11 Er�spections • Contract price includ�s 1�C}f�.of wocad T$�C� �ecki��or thr�e(3�sh��ts of pfywcac�de�dd�ti�nal waod wi�l be add�tionally char��d �see I�mb�r pricin�addendurn} • N�ist�n�and low�rin�of all mat�rials�nd equipm�nt � En�ine�r uplift t�st � Gen�raf Li�bility • tNc�rkers Campensation � Stat�Lic�ns�a�d fJccup�ti�nal License � Th6s contract canY�ins a 10 Year Workmanship w�rranty � This contract contains a 25 Ye�r t�ar�ufacture warranty � � �� � � Ini�ials � �C������ � t��`���F�����`��� � 2�98 Wes�t 3 Co�rt Hiaf�ah F�33Q10 PN�NE:{3�5}623-7663 t�BE�:�v�uv.zra�fir��.com j LICECVSE�,lt�St1�ED&��tdi3E�. GCC1329ft13 ; �C��152�018 �? � t ::: 1� �/�i'�'°'�'��'t�i ��'�iT��` �°�� •4� r,.�- ������a� e�e� -��a�� 1'Ei�305-623���AF�F �os�s�a-72os E w .����F'r��.c��t E 2ass vu���u��a F�l.At��Ahlg ��sso�a E�elud�d • Unfc�rese�n ccand�tions imp��m�nted by th�buildin�d�partr�rent ar buildin�ir�sp�ct�r � tJnfc�r�s��n ccanditiac�s�ot visibl�ear indicat�d�rr plans Qr at�he ti�e r�f sit�visit � Engineering Calcealations,ath�r than the indica�ed ab�av� inclusi�ns � Replac�m�nt c�r c�rtefication�f C�as pipe v�nts throu�h e�o�, � ��chanicaf, plurr�kain�,�leetrica€, r�ascsnry,and p�inting work c�f�r�y kind � Removal c�f scr��r��nelos�sr�s,soEar Ranels � Paintir��caf stuccc�wc�r�car f�sci� �o�rds. (��ners` resp�nsibilPfiy} « Reinstallat�on Qf�utters �'A}1 �'f?�'SCIiE�LdIE ����,,;'t�S��y�''�11��'i.�';;?� t�i�c 2 r„��,�1�,�t#�t`y..`Y,.����. <ti� k��,��-.`\�il`,'��p�ti3,i'�� �.y �j�,� ���s,f f,�3 �.`��x4 ,,�1 <�c;��, cea ���aw; sti x � ti ��`�, �, `2,�a ��. �� n1�� � x� '�l B�(. �t f `Z`�� � ����� ,�'�i F��t�'�� � ��t,�, ��� ��}�� ����4,,�� ��{�' ` � �������� t�����ti ����1�,��r��t������������ ��, ,s>����'���i7A4�� � ��� �$�'' s` ��2���'�,., �.,h,����` 4 �,�r ��� s � »T'�'t ����'\'��,•��\�� ��������3t��,�'�2.n���� � ,��� .f� ��a ` :�{��c�����x���?F#t� b �a�tt?n, `��te�„l.ax�z;�u� s�v��tb ,aas��"�`� �i' ;�1��`a''3�z��a§u� '�tu����a, �iZt�Z, 1`t�' ��? .s. «��1�.�1� €r�\;��`��z���?������1�'�� , ���}� � �5? 213 55 �,27� � �,����,������e.E ,, '� � � ; ��:��`2 S `; z.��'a A £\�ti�jYn,} {�:U@^1tY��z\\`:,22;U >tij.."+\ ,c �5,�, \`� ..,ri..k,t 4}},3Z}� S?ss,� i21�..: �<� ,,... ,. i,.�.,l,Y�a . 1c. ..,y }.. .i.!,iS��'� n..y�.�.t`y4 t�e t t ?�;,ts�i `���,. �:�;.�� w u�.3�t�_.�tiS�.3�Y��ca�i�t�s i�.�,au.�z.;tl 4�t.. -� ;o��.., t.,}r`�+l',;.,�i{;��,k �l�c.� t`tA���� .��s.. 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Pavment'ferms: * A conv�ni�nce fe�will be added to any credit card paymer�ts • Each Draw m�ast be p�id priar ta proceeding woth e�ch phase. � AIR delinquent ac���ants sh�ll b�ar an int�r�st rate�f 1.5°la p�r m�nth (1��4 p�r annum} for a1i past du�sums, pre-and p�stmjudgrr��nts. � � � � � � �� Initial� � ���F��� � ���������FE�� � 24s$West 3 coeart H6afean F�33�10 Phlo�tE.(3Qs)623-76s3 V4tE�:4�r��,zre�c�fir��ocos�r� } t,l�EN�E�,f(�Sl�l�E�$e�QlV�E�: CCC1329603 CGC1520fl1� � r `$���d` �'e,;,;.,�' �'xon ��.'�� �������..�{p��'� �����{�'o,��������^�������� ������ ������������ ��� ������� ������� ����� R4402e1�.1 Sc�pe. As il p�rlains fa the s�ction, i�i�the r�sponsibility Qf roofir�g co�traetor to provid�fhe owner wi4h(h�required ro�fin�p�rn�ifi.an�to explain t�(h�own�r th�eanlent of 4he section.The pravisions af�Se�iiQn R44Q2 govern fhe mir�imuni r�quire��ents and slandards�f the indusPry for r�ofing sy�4�r�inst�latian�. ;"•••• ...... �dditi�nally,the fallov�ing items sh���ld b�addresscd as p�rt�f th�agre�r�ent b�tween ttS���n�r ant the.... .' cantrac#or,Th��wn�r's initial in the designat�d�pac�indicates�hat the ifer�h�s b�en e °....' ....:. ...:«. . . . ...... 1. A�����t�cs•W�rktna�ship:the w�rkmanship provisi�ns af S�ction R440� �for the��r�c��of • � providing th�t�he ro�af syst�m�neets th�wind resistance�nd wafer instrucli�n perfor �e�standards. •• ••:••• A�sfhetics(app�arance}�ee not a consid�r�ti�n with resp�c2 4o workmanship provisiert����thetic�5s� ••••• suct�as c�lor or�rchit�cfural�ppearance,that are n�f parl af a zoning c�de,shaufd�A a�Q��ssed a�'��f1`o� •••••• . the age�emenl be4w�en lh�owner and th�c�nfr�ctor. •••••• • • . . . . . . .. . ...... � . . . 2. � �` R��a�ling w��d d�c�s: 1Nhen r�placing r��fing,the exisiing wo�tl ro�d�c+�•r�ay h�ve tabe .....f renailed in aceordanc��uifh the current pr�visi�ns�f Seeti�n R�403.(The roof d�ck is usu�lly conc�iec�pr�r� • • t�r�rnoving the exisfing rc�af systerr��. 3. ��� G�mr��n r��fis�Comman r�ofs aee those which�hav�no vis[ble d�lineati�n betw�en neighboring units(i.e.,4o�unhouses,c�nd�miniums, efc,} In buildings wifh comm�n roo�s,lhe ro�fing cQntr�ci�r andtor awner shauld notify th�occup�nts af�dj�c�ni units of ro�afing ta be per�orm�d. �. � Ex�e���d C�iling: Exposed. op�n b��m c�ilings ar��rh�re fh�underside�f f�e roo�de�king can be uiew�d fr�m below.The�a�n+ner rnay v�ish to maintain the�rchit�ctur�l�ppearance;ther�f�re, r�ofir�g r�aiE pencBr�ti�n c�f th�untlersid�o�the d�cking may n�t b�acceptabEe. This pravid�s the opfion of maintaining the app�ar�nce 5. � �~'" P��d�ng�at�r;The curr�nf r���sys9em andfar deck�f the building r�ay not cir�i��+e61 and may cause water to pond(�ccur�ulate)in low-lying ar�as�f fh�r��f. P�unding�an be an indic�ti�n oi structural disteess and�nay r�quire f�e r�vi�w�f a prof�ssion�l s#ruc�ufal�ngine�r. Paunding rr�ay shar�en Eh�life �xp����ricy�ntl p�r�Qrrn�nce of th�new ro�fin�s�st�m. Pounding condifi�ns may not be evi��nt until t#�e original rot�fing sys�em is removed. Paunding conditions shauld be ct�rrec�ed. 6. � �"°' @u�rf{�w sc�pp�rs��al1��tl�t�}. It is required tt�af r�inwaEer fl�w�o€f so th�t th�roo€is nat averloaded�rom a buildup�f�vat�r. Perimet�rl�dg�wail or oth�r ro�4�xt�n�ion may black this disch�rge if c�ve�law scupp�rs(w�ll�ufleEs}are naE pr�vid�d.It may��nec�ssary f�instali�v�r`low scupp�rs in acc�rdanc�wiih the r�quirements�f S�ctions R4402, R4403 and�24�Y13. 7� V��ti#��`s�n. Most roo�s#rucfures�h�ufd have some abilify fca v�r�1 natural airtl�w thraugh fhe interio��f the slru�Eure ass�mbly(fhe building itself},The existing�mount�f attic ventiCatiQn sh�ll nc�t b� redue�d. It may be b�n�fieial t�consider a�di#i�n�l venting which can result in�xt�ndin s�rvice li#e af the ro�f. ��� � Y��`�-�� � �} `,�'�..� � t�wner�Rgent's Sigrtatttre �ate ConEr�cfor 'gn� Date R�vised t�n 71912009 lD ta���,a�s����t���t���c���'���r�ta������ � �t�r����� F�igt���f�l��lt� Ff�rr���������t���f�r������t A�p����l�� ��rrca , ���trpr� �{��r����t iraf�rr���a�r�} t�a�ter P�rmRt No. �Q����� -------- __ ,� Pro���s t�o. �ontr�ctor's N�rra� � ���FI�� t�' U�AT'��$��(�(`��`¢�{� ��� _______________ .����a����� �$� rte 9� �t �. . ----- _.�._._ ...... __ ,___._�_ • ...�.. . . . . �����a������� •: • •����. •e � �...p4V�"Ep�g e�s��• •a�• •�s��• � ��chaniealEy�ast�n�d Til� �� �,p�#�r1,4dh��iu����es • • . C1 6�S�tfl�IttG StEbtlgl�S C�1 (��t����f1�(/a�htt1 I�S •e • •�s�e� � C� Woe�d�hing}�� ��St�� : `..�' ..... C� Pr�scriptive�C7F?-€�.AS 150 . . 4�t"1P1E^�Q^��F��y� R f�f�• f i• •i�!• !'BkJ�E7' t T P` i • • • • � G\�3W fOp� [� F{� �j� •s •• •�e• •����• P [� t��int�n�n�e ��eroc�fing CJ.�cav�rir�g . .' �����Y��'��1(V�C?��ri,4°PP��1 : ` : .. . ....:. LQw�lop�Roof Ar�a(�F} m S�e�p�laped F��of Ar�a �F 4�Q� p t )...,�_ s �Cii�aR(a�} �F��� :....: . •e s a'�' ' �, •s:ss• ���Yft�i1 �($��C�f�t�Ct} • �ketch Raof Plan: Il�t��trat��II I�v�ls�nd se�fican�, roaf dr�in�, �cupp�r�, au�rflow scupp�rs and ou�rflc�w dr��ns. Incdud��+mer�- si�ns c�f s�cticans�nd I�v�l�,eR�ariy iden4ify dim�rrsit�rss csf�levat�d pr�s�ur�zon�s and loeatian c�f par�pets. ��8 i������ Y Y���. �t �d'�F \8�� ������ l�f �.J4�P 0��� ���! 0 �� . � r , � i � i --�--' ! � ' _I- _!_ ' � � ! � �t_ ; � - --- � , _--�——¢------. 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Rlotic�4f Acc�ptane�E�umb�r:� � � ' � __-� _._---_�._____ Minimurrr C1�sign Wir�d F�r�ssure�, if qpplicabie{Fre�m Ft,4� 127 or Cafculati�ns}: -�-�� ____. 1 �can� 1:_��2 �can�2�: m�2 ��ne 2n:-`�2� �one 2r: 412Q��ne 3�:m120 Zone�r:"1�2 :...:. . . ...... . . . . .. . .... . . « . � ...... .... ...... �� __ ________.._____.�_____._._______ • _� � �k Type: ; 5l�" F'��'`lNC}C�C} -----__� ._�_-.-.-......__ ______ .�.._ . :....: ' .... .. . �, . . .___..__ _____ � __._� __ ___________. ,.�--- •- . . . . \ f--_____. �. ..___ .___.. .s-:� __-_.___•_ _s.— ....• ��f��o�:j � ��'p� �na��E�ym�nt: � ��o ���.�r ty�� �� ���� ������Tqt;��� �����,� ...... � � �__�,..._.__ .____ _._,__ � _._ _e.�_ ______ _ ____ __e _ _ . �__.,_ ...... . . ________�______� — ___._�_....__.�._.._.._..,.....__�__..._.�_._�,,.__ _� � : \ --j \� Irt���fa4ior�. � RlIA • • �•� f• •��!�• � ___�� ._� ____ ______.__.._.______•_�•_____ • •• • • • • s .__._.._._.._ e•s•e• 1 T_____.�_.� ___�,...� . .� *��_�___ • • • • Fir� �arri�r: � R�1A � ��-�,�.-� ��\ E • `—__�.._,___.__ ___.. �... ____�_�_--�.,___._.__�__ �_ � ��.�._ _______.�___� , idg�l��n�il���can? �1 ��st�n�r 1�ype � �p�cine� '� °��7�'"�t"�€����p�2���I;�YVa�_� �! � ; � 1� ���d1.�"_�.,��1�"�?��rner�_aid� �,�ps ---- _�_______ ._____ _�.: -- -� —� __� _.�... __. .�__._.. _____.. � Rc�h���iv�T`ypa� : �IA \'� _._ _.__ _______ ` � �._______._ _�.__� ._____.. __,__ '�� -__ _.�..._..�.�.___._._ _ _. .__. ___ � �yp�G�p SE�e�t: ��or�M Tile ���# �elf�dher�d hIQA#18a0�02.03 r-- . _.____ ___�_�_._____w_ �-.__ 1. ` � � ' -- "'��--.,.---�-��--�-- __._ f ll�ear� Rc��af Ncight �a ; � Rc�f�Quering: j V����T������JA�C�BE�___ � �...��, �__ ______ __ __ __�___ : � �'�p�c� �€�� C7rip �3x3 �alv 26 �a._ ____. �\\�d9�: :�tt�he�.�nr1.�-.1L.4"� ? � h��il� �4"`c�c , #76 �c.������a����a�������-�ut�,��ra�,ren��e��t����cr��} �c�ca;�tt����A��.t��R€���t�t� c��s3'�BJ��'tF��� � . �'lczr�i�°��c�il�a.�,���c��7�h ��€tf�� {��2Q� ��ghsV����sty �a��r���r€���a�������,rr� F��rre��#A��Ifc�Y��n ��rrr� � ��ctDt�r� � {1"el� ��E��a��#�crr��� For tv9om�nt b��ed tile sy���m�, chaose eit��r�tethad 1 car�. Cc�mpare the ualu�s far(��w�fih 4f�e valu�s iram ivt�. If th� tUl,v�(ue� ar�geeaf�r t�tan or�qua!to tE�e�R,values,for€,ach�r�a ofi th�roof, then th�Eile att�chm�nf rr�a4hod is acc�ptabEe. Method � "iVtomer�t�as�d T�1�C�I�ul�tions F'�r Rd�� �27" c���,� �: - ,x�o.z� - ���_.��_r��.a.�� w �P,���_�___� ���a�,������������ ��.� ����,���: _ �� � �. ����:�.o� :� ��,� :�..:. (�c,n�2n:�120x��.26 w 3°�.2� � 4.01 ��27.`I� �'C°duct Approval Mf •�9.�. . .. ... °� � ----._=�r�„-_____ Prc�ciu�fi Apprc�vad IVl{ •� •••• •' (��`��2r:e x�Q.26 � �1.2}-I�g;4.Q1 -��27__.___19 Frodaact Apprc,v�P M,_ •• '�••s" •• •�• (Z�n�3e:m12C�,��Q.26 : 31.2 �_��4.Q1 R ��27.�9 �rc�duet�ippr�ava��t, '• � • :. ..! (Zone 3r: -142x 1�Q.�6 � 36�92�.���:4.�1 KK �}� 32.9� pr�duci�pprcavai M, • ;*, •• • • .... . .. .. .. iv��4had 2"'Simpllfi�d 1"iie C�(cul�ti�ns F'�r 1"�kaia�efaw„ ••�••: ; .�•� ••:••; ��C�UItP.C{�OYTl�tll C}��@�ISQ$CtG(' �(S,�F}�COtTI�'3�}f��@ft)bV s• •s e s�s •t���• r-----.-- _____ _____�CUdUGf.��tpf4V�1 Mr � ��C�t�t3ft�C��OtTt�til R�SISE�CIGG" � •s:��• s • �,y p� (., �} q • i � [VF�C'�Rl C'tQQ��C'+�C�f i�[40{����4?�1P.. 1�r ���r ! • !• • i R!��• �:�� `� `��f a Q Qi s g•e• • • ��.� ��.�J ��.c'� � ��.� s� .`�s er • :s a e•: 3:�2 �322 34.4 36.0 37.4 i....• 4.�2 3t�,4 3�.2 � 39.8 33.� 35.� 3�.3 �:�� ��.� �a,� ��.s __.�.. s:�a �s.� ��.� �a.� _ ��.Q ��.a �o.� � ��.:a 7:12 ��t.4 �5,s 2x.1 � � "tviust be us�d in canjunctic�n wi�h a iPst of moment ba�ed ti(� syst�e�ts �nde�rs�d by2�e �roward ���t�y �a�rd of Fdule� and �PP�aSs. �or tJplift ba�ed ti1�sy�tems u�� l�ethod 3. �ampar� th�values fc�r F' with th�ual�es f�ar Fe. if the F` vaiue� ar� gre:at�r than c�r � �qual t�the��val���,f�r eaeh ar��of tf��roaf,th�n the tile attachm�nF m�tk��ad is�ceeptablc. Nf�Thod 3"t1pEiFt�aeed Ti(e�alculatic�ns P�r E�,�; 127„ (�an� 1:�xL - �xw;= -_.�_}-W;�xeo�r -F (�c�r��2�. _x � m._ _ .�..-- �, __�__ F'roduct�pprc��a1 �`.____�.��. _______�w: = �)-lN:_� x c�s r �F Prc�duct�, roua!�' .._ (Zsane 2n.�_m_�.__x[.� �_ ��v.� ---�-' �z�� [�P __._ ____V�)-t/V:__,__ x oe��r �-� F�rc�duct� ro (�c�n�2r:�x L � _____x w: w }-VU:_____'�cos r 4�`�°------ Prod�et A� �� u�(�'.�_._ (��n�3�:._.�_�x E._____=.__�__x�n1: � }-W:�x co�r T �{____. pp ovad F� (�c�ne 3r.______t x L = rae-� Pr�d�ac€�pprc�val �'Y____ ____. _�___x w:� )-1N:��eos r� -F F'rc�du�t A,pproual Ft. _ - �at�. �(��r�t���t�lr�6nf�rrn�tic�n _ �-___._ �e�cr4pfisan ��rrr�bcad ----- VUh��r�f��3�td P��sigr�Pr�ssur� From ap�ali�able t�ble in i�AS 127 or by�n�ngin�er�ng analy- � �€�rtt�s 1,2�, 2n,2r, 3�, 3r si�pr�p�red by F'�ba��d on AS�E 7 �ean Rc�of H�ight H Jab�ite 6���f Slo�e � Jc�b Sit� Aert�cly�amic IVlulfip(1�r � �. Prt�duct ApprovaC R��toring Mnm�r�t du�f��r�vity ���.�_ �roduct�appra�at �k�aehm�nt Resi�t�nc� PN, �rodu�f Approua! P�equir�d Ni�r��n2��si�tar�c� M Cal�ulat�d Mir��rnu�Attachrrt�nt���is2�r�c� F' F�r�du�t�4pprc�val Requir�d Uplift�€�si�tanc� � �al�ulated �verage Tii�W�ight W Produet Appre�val ���� Til��im�nsions L �length V�t-wid2h Product Appr�v�! � �ii calculation�mu�t b�submftf�d to the builcfing�f{ici�l at th�tim�c�f permit applic�tlon. � ��.o����;�u��.��������-p��c�.����,rtn��r����4�a2o} ��r � t�� � � ��t�`-�z-t��.z���cat����c� �������r���v�r ar r����z�,��rc�r��a�z��ec������lc��a��c�cr����s r��� �'�ca����cc��v°r�zo�.��.c����!� � } 11 RC}S Sti� 26 Street,Itaain 2�8 �OARI3,�#�ii)Ct�TD��]D��INT�`�'[2�'T'I{��'�Ii�I�di�J� �4iau�i,Fiarids 33175-2474 T(7�f)31�-25�{} F{74")3l S_2599 � �I�-� �' ���-�'��c���"�`�� �} eg���w.��ias��ictaade. Qv(ecv►aoe��v `�'e,��� �er°�� 5.,�, � _ I��aa�� �/� 156�5 1Ylesi� {���t�i�a} �p�ir� �CCi��; e . .....e is NQA is beir�g is�ucd uncfer t1�e appfica�l�1-ules and r��t�lations�ov�rni��g�I�e use�fe.c�ns�ruc�i° mateyi�ls. Tla� ••••�, doc�xtn�ntation submitt�d has 1��en r�viewed a��c�acee�te�l �ay Miami-I�ac��County RER-�rodu��Gant�-c�l 9 s:t$��r to be..�.:. usecfi irt Miami�I)�c�e Goz�nty and Qther�rea�u�l�ere�Iloti�ed bv�he Au�tloz-ity�-Iavir�g J�t�isdic.ti�l�(�T�,T�. • • s e����s Iis I�tOt�s��a11 r�ot�e valid af'ter the ex�i�atior�date state��eic��u. Tlt�; MiatniwDade�oun�y i�roc�*et•Coz�t���1� �tsop� • • (in Miami-T��de Couz�ty}and/c�r tlze A�IJ(in areas ath�r than IVlia�ni-I�ad�Count reser�je tt�e ••�• � �� s t e e a Y} .z'd�i�1����av�,tllis,p��c��uc�..:..' or rr�at�rial�est�d for c�uality assurat�ce purposes. If tl�is�arodtzet ar rr��terial fai1�to�Z�rfof-�z-� in I����c�ptec�ixa���er, th�...... rr�anufactur�r will i��e;ur tl��ex�etise of s�ach te�ting as�d t11�/��-IJ tT�ay imn�ediately r�vak�, mo�i��e�sus�aez�d�he use '. of stzell prodtz�t c�r ina�erial�vitt�in th�ir jurisdiction. RI�I2 r�ser��s tl�e z�i�ht to revoi�e tl�is a�ce�ptancc, if it�� •� •••••• cletera�t�iited by Miat�aaWl�ade C�unty Pradu�t ContF�o1 Sectioza that this p��ociuct c�r�rzatez�ial f'aits jc�rr��tlte z��c�uifi�znetlts :....� c�f the applic�ble bui]ding cade. .. . . . � . ...... This�z-odizct is appxov�d as c�escribed hez�ein, a��d I�as be�r�desi�t��c� to eo���p1y with t�l�Floz�ic�a BLzildin�Cade ineludi���th�I�i�h ti��Iocity I�urz�icane��os��caf the�']c�ricIa�uilc�in��'c�de. I����'����'�c��t; ���°�� F3�r°��1 'I,�l� ��°�d� 1 �.���L,I�z�: �ach urtit shall bea��a p�F�znan�nt labe� witl�the ma�?ufacturer`s r��m�or�1Qgc�, city,state and �'oilo��in� stat�ment� "Ivliaini-Dade Caunty Praduct�az�trol �.ppr�av�d'°,unles�f�therwise i�c�ted�iereiz��. ��N�'G�AL,of t1�is N�A sh�Il be consid�reci�ft�r a rene��=�1 applicaCic�r�has be�n �ted az�d th�re has 6�ez�no ch���� u�th�applicable buildin�ca�e r�r;gati�sely affe.�tz�-�g tlae perfarzn�nc�c�f�his�}z-�cluct. �'�'I2M�I�iA'I'��91�`of t�is NQA ufi�l c��cur a��r�he expira�iozz da�e a�-if tl�ez�e h�s���zi a�-�vi�ic�n or�12�f1g�ix�tl�� x��aterial�, us�, andle�r tnanuf�ct�s�of�I�e�roduc�ar�roce�s. �is�ase of t��is N4�ta a� ar��z�c�or�s��n�ni c�f a�ly�rodL�ct,fo�° sales, adv�r�isizig c�r azay c�th�r purposes s��il �«tat��atically t�nnin�te t��is�IO�1, Faih�r�tc�c��ri�ply with �z�y�ection �f this NQA shall Ea�ca�.zs��for terrnin�tioz� az�c�retx�o��al Qf NQA, 1��V�FZTI�F�V1�1�'I': Th� NQA nutnber preceded �}� t�l� u7ords iv�i�zni�I?ade Cour�t}�, �larida, and fc�llc����ed by the ex�iratican date rnay be displayed in aelv�rtisz��� lit�rat����e. If anv portion of t�e I�IC�� �� dis}�tayed, thei� it sllali b� done in its entirety, �N��EC`��'��it1a A copy of this�z�tire NC��1 sha21 be provicled to the user by the zza�nufactui�er or its clistribut�rs anc� shalt be ati��ila6le fc�r inspectioz� at tt�e jab site�t�he rec�u�st c�f tl�e�3uzlc�ir��t�fficial. This NC)A re.vises NOA# 19�OS I3.07 a11d consists of pages 1 ti�ro��gl1 f). Tl1e su�r��itt�d dc�ctune����tion was���vie�ved by�'a��t��t1 S'��ttiate� ��� .�� �(��#�'c�.: 2U-Q902.03 �r�tat�i• t��cour�ry �x���•�gia�i P>ate. E}3fi3123 .,,� s �.p�az°���1 19a�e: 1213112(D Page I c��'9 �C��`I�G.F$�����'��I,I'��I��C���t�,�. C`��egt�rye TZoofiF�� �tab����e�ar���: Rc�o�ng Tiles 1l���t��i€►la Gta}� 1 e SC'C��'�; Tlais a�prove� a raQfiiz�� syst�rz� �si�� �'er�e� ����z~�t T'i�e �a��tde 1 zn�nuf�ctti�z-ed by T'�j«�� ������ ,�o�., �r� �,,� �€�ra��, �p��n a�ci is �istributec� by �`�r�t��tricct �'�t���r, tl�'� �'t���., as described ir� �ec�ion 2 a�this Nc�tice of Aeceptanc�. FQr loc�tiozas w1��re ti�� prc:ssure z-eq�.a'tr�rzaenCs, as dete��rti���d l�y a��plicabi� F3uilciin�.Gode, do �Z�t ea�eed t�� c��si�n��-�ssuz-e values ob��in�c� by calcul�tioz�s ir�eog-npli�nce��ith Rr�S 12� us���t1�e t>i��u�s tist�ci ��•••�• aectic�n�1��r�in. Tl�e,�3ttacl�nZez�t�ca(culatie�ns shaii be d�ne as a mom�nt-b�s�d systctn. •• • •••• • . . � .,.... �e.. ...... . ...... . s . 2, I����I7�'T ���'l�Il�'T��I�I •••••• ...� .. . . . . . . � . .... . o. ..... ���c�fac�czred b A, t���c��f T'�st • • ....��-€�c�uet .. ..... �� L'L1�16Di1S �3�CI�'tGs`1�14II5 ••• �CCIj3�2Q11$°/� •�e r a• Vc;�-�a Baz�rel Tii�C�t-�cie 1 L= l�.5•' �.S�T'M E�1 l67 �Iip�h pz���1C�f-��Ar�-t-�i(�+('�p c( �) roof �• `�'- t�� "�` Y "!"ir' �J •��Y f i W=�.1 J" `Ty�e I tile, Foz�c�ix�t deck,�d}��siti e�e� , �72"aCIE � c��}�3�IC c1tI�i1S. • • • ���+�� •ae•e• Tri��z Pi�ces L�ngtl�: v�ries ASTM �'1167 �cce��ary tri�ra, e1�y�•oof pieces Wiclt��: va1-i�s fo��ixse at hips> r�kes, rict�es���d GFarying thickness �T�It��r tern�ina�ivz�s z�a�r�ufa�tured to��ea�h tilc���o�l�. t�erca Flun-ieane Clip �.95"x t�.�7"x 0.09"dian�. (C3ptional)�taiz�less ste�t clip. 2e1 IY��1��1�'��`"�'I112IItit�����T'I�I�i Z,lal. �Iesia(L.a Cc�rur��) ��ain :�CD:�,�oa:2Q-0902.0� ����� �.���°� k:A�airatiorx Ii�te: 03113I23 �.pprc�v�I I��te: 1213112� �'age 2 cr�9 2�2 EVII��;�i(;k: �L��i�I'T`I'�� _ �_____—�.. �'est A ��zc � `Tes�Ie�er��i��r T'�st�i� �l�te ���� � ��te� __ ._____ PRI Const�2�c,ti�r���a[�:rials _..__. _..._.._ ..___,_.._....m_ C�ER-�12-C12�01 T�� I�� ____02r`19r°l 4 � T�chz�ato�ies � AnZericat�Test Lab c�f Soutl� RTOS I 7.O I-11 _ ____ Fl�ric�a � TA� 10l 0�r'I3�111 I2Tt)62l.(�2-16 � �STI� C i I67 0910�I16 RT0202.01-t8 �� ��__ASTN"i C I IF�7 O�lIOiI� � RT()6I 6.0�-2� � .��TI�� �. 1167 � :9b.���`20 ��rQ�oa.o�-�c� �r�s �01 �.e'�i �g��o,fzo ' °,•` . � . II�A C:o��st�italxts, Ix�c. 4709-4 � ry'�,i /'�p rT^•�J+'�•r (��7 • •••• !C"l S �Ll l •i P�!• i L.,Mu A 11 tl f ! • ! M4f• � � . .. . i90l+ d• Y i • --R_^ . iOR• • •i ♦ ♦•• k�edland Tee1���c�Io�i�s 716I-0� A �r�ciix III PA 102 � F�. I 0? A�•••'• S��.c'"�,991 " :"'' ._ Lett�r � PA 108 N�i�mC�i�) •"'••' Au�. 1�94 «'�• __________ P(}9647-01 PA 1�$ Mort�r�et� • • E �---� � '. �'04Q2 � l�'it�tdra�Ta1 R�sis�anee Te� i��� �••• � ��f S��t..P99� . . SCP'E��VS. SIT100��1�I1c3Tl�{TIi�bIS s • • � e��� •�s+�e Th���nt�r faz-A 1i�d 2547�94�(3,6� 9 PA �O2 �Qet. 199� En�i�eerin ,Ine. 2S�7I2(�� 1 &2 �'A I C�2 .___�. m(____�_-�__ Nov. I994 25-71�3� 3 R � PA I Q2 � Fcb. I�95 � 25-7214- 3,4, c�7} I'A 1 Q2 _�___.__ Marcl�, 19�5 � 25-7�04-4 P�1 IQ2� �e�. 1996 � �I ��� ��r1 i�Itr.:2�mt��?d�2,4�� r���ra���;���cau€� � � ,����� � �x��iz•�kar��i��ate: 03113123 '�[�P�`��x1��te: 12/31120 �'ag�3 of 9 3. ���II�[T�,'TIC)�Ss 3.1 Fire classi�ea�ic�z�is not�at-t af tl�is acc�ptanc�. 3.2 Fc�s�r��ortar or ac�hesive se�til� ag�pticatiQns, a static field uplif�kest slaall b�p�rfc�rn�ed i�l acca�-dance wi��� Tf�� I 06. 3.3 �.ppli�ant shall re�ain t�ie sezvices of a i�i�mi-Dade County�`�z�ti�ed Z,�k�oratQry�a��rfon��qu�rterly���t iiz acco��dance with TAS 112,app�ndi� `�'. Sueh t�sting sh�It be s�a�t��it��e�to tl�e IVIia��liml�ade Cc��1�ty F'rod�ct Cantz°c�1 Seetion faz•revic�ar, � 3a4 Mit�i�z�u�n unclerl�y�n�nt s1��11 k�e in co�2�plia��ce�fith it�e applicabl�Rc�ofin��.p�alicatio��s �tazzdards listed sectiQ��4.I l�ez•ein. 3.5 30190 fxc�t�nopped u�ac�ezlaymet�t a�plic�tic�ns m�y be installed pezpendic��l�r�a th�,raof.,,�lv�e u�i?�s�`s'�ated ...«.�, rath�rt��se by ihe undez�layn��nt��at�rial m���ufaet�zr�rs publish�d �iterature. "..� : .... ,' 3.fa This acceptan^e is fc�r wc�ad dee�t ap�lica�ion�. Nlizlirnur�7 d��k re�uir�rr��nts shall�in��l��plia����vit�� ••••�• �pplicable buiiding cacl�. ...:.. . , . ,..... .... .. . , . . . . . . 4a �N�`T��,I.,�,'Ti�t�� .... . .. ...a� . . +eesa• • •• •s••• 4.� Vei�e�Barrel Ti1e�racl�. 1 �z�d its cam�c�nezzts shall bc 'tr�stall�d in striat cotnptiazl�"�e1`ith I2c�ofi�'�'••� ••••�• Applzc��ioza Standard Rt�S-1�8,��� I19, and RA�-I20. ••"••• • • • • • . Q.Z D1�c1 FC>I lA���G�lI7i�T2C Cr`�IGU1��iQTtS. s • •• • •s���• • • r • s • •• • • s • • e�e��• ���?�� "�; �a�9�°t'��� �����9� ��� c�P1C� �9t11��1�6(?Ct� �� X if� � ��e��• � 'C11� �rs�fil� �dghta (�b'P} L�t1t,��ha1 {ft} �C��h��{$�} V�r�� �arr�l �il� �r�de 1 5.5 1.625 0.679 1"�b�� 2a ��r�d�r���i� ��tipli�r� 4 h (ft�� � � `T�1� � � .�{f��� �� � ���� �rc�fEl� ��t�� �ppl������r� ir��� ����App�ic�ti��s �I�r�� �arr�l T`ile �r�d� 1 t�/A 0,26 'T�bl� 3;�����r�r�g c���r��� d���� �r��i�y � � �ft�Ibf� ......._/H�� �efo��69 }tB.��F4 �4C. 9�Bd �»tld. $�ufp �fR.�d�$ �B@a l�f6 e� dg �F Rk�l�6i V^� � &6S i Sf&l�V�Y V�r�� � I�ir�ct ��ck �irc;�fi E��ck , [�ir�ct D�ck E�irect D�ck C�ir��t C}�ck � �irect D��k ��rr�l Ti&e 4.�9 4.11 i 4,01 ' 3.�7 3.69 3.47 �r�d� 1 ' iLEC����.e �0�[}942,{}3 s�� � t• ��ou � �x�air�tic�n�:ate:03113/23 ��•��� e �P�r��=�]L}�te: 12/31/24 I'a�e 4 a�f� 'F�b1� 4: ����hr��r�t �������s��� ��pr����d a� � �rr���� F t{f�mlbf} f�r ��k��r������ Aat���h�c� � ����� 1°�t� F����r��r"fyp� �ir��� ��k �ir��� ���k �tt�r�� Prc�f61� �r�i¢� 15132" (r�tir�. 19i32g' ply�c�e�d� ply���d� Ver�� ��rr�l �il� �r�d� 2�10d Rir� �hank �t�ils 2�.� 41.2 n1a � 1 W 1 Qd �rr�t��a�h or�cr�w �h�nk 5.1 6.� n/� i�ail . . ...... 2�10d ��ncac�gh c�r��r�w �h�nk 6.9 � �.2.'. ' nl� �:• Rl�ils •• • •••• • —____ . . . 1 �8 �crev�r 2Q.? � . ... .n/� . . 2 �#� �cr�vu 43.2 T 43�. .. r�1� , ..: �m1C}cI �mc�c�t� �ar�cre�r �h��r�k ;.. 23.� 23..1.__.�.....�.._:_.-:ri/a .. .. N�iC Fi�ld �li ...... . .. .. ..' 1-1Qd �rr�c��th e�r 5cr�w �hank 2g.3 �.�•'• •,•�l� •• •:• I��il ��v� Gli •••••• • • 2A10d �rn�c�th �r��r�vv ���r�k 27.6 • �• • ::--•------ •"• (��il� (Fi�pd C�ip} : ,•• • •�� :. ..: 2-1 Qd �moc�th �r��r�w �h�nk 3�.1 .�_ 3�.1 . �f� • • .... Nail� �av� Cli T'�bf� 5a �tt��h��rtt ��i���r��� ��pr����ci �� � �rr��r�� � ��(ftwt�f} f�� ��ha�i��t� A�t��h�d � �t�rr�� T°il� F����ra�r'T�rp� �r�ct ��k �ir��� ���k att��� rca�E�� (r�i� °�5/32" {���. '19132A� pl����d� �I��vc��d} Ver�� �ar��l 1"i[� Gr�d� 2�10d F�ing �h�nk �(�if�' 33.1 �.�.� �n/� 1 � fn�t�ll�fion v�i�h � 4" Yil� h��dC�p �nd f��t�n�r� ar� i�cat�d � min. �f 2'/�" frarn h��d caf til�. `��b�� 6R Att��hr��r�� Ft��i������ ��pr����c� �� � ��r��r�t � �f{�t�lt�f� ��r�ir�gf� ��fi�y Ac�he�iv� ��t �y�t��� 'C�l� 1'[(� ppfi��tie�r� ir�€rrem�� A����hrr��r�� �r��dt� �����t���� V�r�� ��rrel `Til� �_ I�P �dhe�iv�� F�cslys�t AH-160 11$.31' �r�d� 1 Til� �cand Rocafi�'ile ,�dh��iv� � �9.�� 1 fuiedium p�cldy pl�c�m�rrt weigh�34.6 grams of I�P Adhesiu�s Polys�t A�i-�60 fior fhe p�n tile�. 1 T.3g e�n e�ch sid�of the c�p tile�. 2 F�addy Pl�c�rn��t w�ight e��12.5 gram�of Tipe �cand (�c�of Tile Adhe�ive fe�r fhe pan tiies. ��,5 gr�ms on ���h side af th� c� til�s (25 rarrrs �r ca tile . �C?�?�o.: 2Q�0�02,03 ��t��• :���ou� �, �xpi�-�iz��t I?��ea 03f13I2� ����z•c��r�l T�ate; 12/3I/20 �'«��e�c�f 9 `T�b�� 7: Atta����r�� R��i�t���� E�pr����� �� � �rr��r�t b �(f��B�f� fi�r �rt�r��t�����rns T'il� T°�I� App�C������ os�ir�t�rr� A����hrtt�r�t �r�fif� ������r��� V�re� ��rre[ Ti6� (�ui�r�t� Roof Tife �Vicart�r, FL�15 Gr�d� 1 45.3� . . ...... S, ���F`i,�I�C$ . � . ...... . . . . .. . .�.� . �.I AII tiles shal] beaz�th�itt�pz�iz�t or id�zltsft�bte m�rkiz��of�I�e znanuf�ct�Frer"s na���b?1�}�c� as �etaz"�ec�be1c����••••:• or folEoutin�stateme�tt: "Mia�ni�Dacie Ccai�nty Produc�t Ct�sttral�-lppre����d". •••••• • � • ...... .... .. . . . . . . . . �.e. . .. .�... . . ...... . .. ..... . . . . . .. .. a... ...... . . . . . � • •e s ssesss • • • • t •• • s •!��f• f • 4 • •ees+e • L����;�, �c������� �����:� T�t,� G�z�� 1 (�,c�c���r�� c��� �������� ���r��,�� 6. �3�������� ���������t��t,l��������z��m As r�qtzir��d by tl�e F3uilding C��ficial ar�h�applicabl�Buitdil�g t�ode in�ard�r to}�zo�erty eFfal�iate tlae ir�stallatian of this systet��. This Notice c�f Acceptanc�az1 zts owix Lanztat�ae ased tc� e�bt�in�L�uilding�ez-�it. '�C�A i�o.: 20p�9(}2.Q3 �tt�a���c�ura�t�r �x��ir��i��s �?�zte; 43113f23 � '� c f��j)�°c��'A1 I��ate� �2I3P/20 Pstge 6 of� ��c����,� rz���=��� �- --� � � \� �`� � ,- j �,; �' � . . %" �f`f � ..•e.• ,�' • r • •+os.+ s • • • �f`�� �� �f`� •• a r f�• s t f r • • r' ,� Fr`` ,•••.. a... •.•..• Fi' 4 /f �� i0iYi6 • • • / // � �t liO4Y• ,,� i •Yti •• 4 ! • f � e • • • i ,�`� �"` 6iY! Y •• •!R•• �.`.— ---"_."�. �r i • � ,;,--" �,'`� •��i!• i• R+l�l�! �� '�� t' f • • • V � �� i i •M •R#• t f O Y 4• �\ /� • � f i R P i A • f 1� � • • 9 • � \ ! i R! • •i•0 f� ;��.;' �} �'�j ♦ • • �I ... • i • •• • +! ��j s • • •�seE• �� i t,� ew • s • s • •ssos• w • �� ~"'`-��`�'„ Y���f� I�,�.�.��e���� ��.f���. � ,,,._`"— _�_,�-, �`� � � /� � �'�` `i ?' / � �,f � � fE F f / � / �F ,`` fi`� � F� f '�;, !�i `=— ��\ /`f, `�/ �\ f,, 1� �\\` �� ,��. ; �,;` e � �� � ��,, �F, ~��; i%��.�;� ��' t���' ��a��T,�Ttz,� ����.�� 1 � �����,.: zoaa���.o� � E��������� � �.��,�����������a o�f�3��� r�ppror�ai�ate: �213�120 i'��e 7 of 9 � • r ss••s• Y f • b�tli• • ! • • i! � •.�! • Y i • iOiYif iOi�t !lBSei! • lYYrYi ! 6 i i!•f�t •YY• •• J f • • • • • ♦ OOi• Y •• li�i6 ! • •iiYYR ! 4• •ii•i • Y 8 • • •• •• iYY• iABY!• • li1Yi• t • i • ♦ • ����� �����c���� �'��� t . .. . ....�. s . r D • ! i• ♦ 4 1�t1T�': �1.�'E C�F C'LLF'PS C?F'7'��?.t`.91., �E�".�h'�"t?�1��t1�4`t�'�9�'TL,'R�'I�AS 1'�,�'&LISdf�l�l,'�S'�'R��*17C,�1� •l...A F Zt��r'yi�te w i ,��a 4<<'iW L:'lra5`�'�1Z,�.,4 T°IC1.�I1E7°,�fTG • �1� � � ��� ��� e�t�tr��-��e�trrv� �C�<�I�Io.. 2�-Q902,03 ..., � �xp�r�tic�r�Ilate: Q3f13t23 E����t°o���t�at�: l�r'31/2Q P��e�e�f 9 ���� ��s�����.��.�: �����������s��s� _ .. _-._,,.._.__ • f m f • :Y!•!• • . • f O O•i• ��Cll'"�o This d�c�un��2t is s«I�ly f�t•tlae pur�ose c�f��er-i�catic�ci c�f 5usta'tnal�le AttriE�utes c�f cc�zasts•u�ttc>n rt���erials�•`F�he ` . ocuin�ntatian subtnit�ed I�as b��n r�vieuzed hy Ivliaani-Dade�otznt��Prc�cfuct Co��Ei-ol Sectio7�. � � s...:. ...... .... . � � � .�.. � � • i � �,�.����.�:..':...., <..�.:�. .`,,..'�l`�r �� ��i���k�.,���'`.�,., ,��. �''� �:.� �' '�..` . . �. ' �.:..�. ..: .. � • '• • .�J'i'!Ilt., .�< `1l�li . • •• ���. .. �,. t� ,.':. � ,. ., y...; �., �R �"Vl ��dDkT1 d)il�tt�i��lbil2 �"�`�""�'�� s���• }n��ta1 � �, �c! I�a�4is�1.�,._._.Wa�_.._:.. � � ��a�s����efSeet��ee � . . ��fi�ct�r�ce i�efle������ �;nrzn�i��r�ee � ' i ••••• ��am�txz�c� • � e� � i . •• •• ...... �. Ver�;�Gi�y�3az-z�el Q.39 �'et�ding Cl.$3 Pel�diz�g • •'" 41 �. ilaaf Tile Gracte 1 ; • • •• . ,..... . . . �.*���;�41G�'���r..4 tyi,���tY���&a�� ti i�,:', •f•• ♦i��k il f!: ��s��s �.. �� ' ��E �. � : ... , t ... .. .�,.. . ,. �. .. . <�,.,.. . , u.,.,.. . ..�.,ti . ., .. ...,.<�. .� ......,. :�: ..,.;�, . ..� , .. . . :. ,..�...,.:� . -�... .....'� . � ... .�.�. ;; . . ' ' ,.' .� .�.. . .. Ft-Vat��e Ins�l�ti�n l`I`hicknes� Assemblies: 2.0� 0.4E� �erea Ci�Y�3arrel Roaf Til�G�-ac3� 1 � � : ` ��� �� `�.�4���,��!�k��� ` �. � , . „ 4. t .� ,, F� .,. � �.�� . . . �� �. � ;.. � s; �.: � , �. � � Com anent�V:�ar�e ('oe��ez�t � ��issia�i < 1. Verea Ctay E3arrei Rc�af 0�'/o CGV's .�°lo __ Tile Grade 1 1<<�� �°�`r` ��'�;����1.. '��"1���"�� ���� : ��.D 1�2����L�� �i���;��,,�_`� �'�`���� : ' °lQ Ree�=el�c3 � ��1��1�ec,�cl�ct �'l��aero-tsa�ec� °le#Zc�aeF��€b1e�I�tee°e�l � �am or�er�t Na��z� ��n�eza��� �t i�is�tc�s�l I���te�i�H �4�I�r��af. � 1. Verea C;lay Barrel � 20°l0 � IQ(}�/o Roof Ti1��i•�d� 1 ,�����',..� �'�,���`���� � � , �� . --�- „ � '��'���+���. >., . : . � . . .. �,� �:,... ��.:� �. . �: ���rs A,sseznbdies. ��� V�rea Clay�arrel Roaf Tile(arade 1 �����,., ,�`���, ,�'�3���'<< ������a`� . ��,���> CCF����C�' � �,. �: . �� . .. �� �� ;. � �,� . �.: � � ;..�. � Com �ar�ent i4ame Nl�zic�f.�ctu�°i�� �,ac�tia� I. V���ea Clay B�rrel Ra��'Til� Qu�rr�-C:rucerio?2 Frades;c�uz�rt�e�tracted in surrauildin�co�z��cits M���iat�rades Gz°ad� 1 �L�C az��na)-S �in,Lc�c€�1�x�s�ac�iorz less than 5 krn 1���! ��.: 2Q�09�2A3 �I�a@'°I�����eQ�JPaTY� �X xY Itl(1"il k�iltee O31t3I23 e > ��a�z•oe�»I[�<�te: t2/3�120 P�age 9 of'9 t� #. � � �tt������a��:�avr��,� 1?�PAI2T��E?!`']C 4�F R�+CBL�L.��`I't9R�'AiVI��Ct�Nt?NIIC�2��C9UIt('��(Fd�kt) P'k�Cl�}l,C'"I'CO�'�`1'F2�L SE�'Y'IC9�i k30�lRD A�Y�CQP)E A,DIt�IIaVi�7"Et��7'tCkN t�F�[�if}i! 1 1�(}�StL'26 Street.R�c�r�x ZOfr Miami„�larid�331?S-2�d7� 1�(�'T��� t.�F A�C:�I��I`�N�� ��(�t�� �z't?�sa��s_�ss� ������>31s-�sv�� �vF�a�.miaenatis�de�o��lecoz�orrad � _ • . �4TAl� �00�111���,�. • • ��•..•. • • • • 7575 Ir°v��e�ez���z�L��•ive� �c���� �00 •• • •••• . �i'VICi�g�I���()�$ ••sos• •s•see •s�•s• • •R��s• � � * ���'��'e •��• •• • ��es�. • • • s s This NQ�1. is b�irs� issuec�und�r tl�� a�plicable ru1�s a1�ci re�t�lation�gc���ef��in�th�use of cc�z��t�t�t��, �a�at�+ri�Is!�'�le ••••• ...... do�ur���r�tatic�r�s��i�r��ittec� has b�en re��i�wed�r�d acceptec�I�y i�[iarni�I�acie�oLunt��RER-Proe��t�bntrc�� ��t�'c9�� t��e , useel in 11�Iiami I?ad��ou��ty and oti��r ar��s �Fl�ere allowed by the,�1ut}��rity F-�aviz��,Turisdicti�i�'��'�[J}. ' • � ! � •i • •���P i Tt�is I�QA s1�a1i nc�t be valic!a�t�r�he�xpiration date stated [�e1�w=.Tl���Iia.n�i�L�ad�Colznty PSad���.Contrbl �L�ti�r� :....; {In N�i�mi I�ade Cau��ty} an�fc�r th�A�IJ (in areas�tlz�r th��I l�iaz��i Dade Coux�ty} reserv�th�t-i��t t`a���va���• • • prc�du�t ar��Zaterial t�sted for quality assuxance purposes, If ttlis prc�duct ar materiai fails t��erforr��in t1�e acc�pt�cl man�ter,the m�nufae�L�rer w�i11 incur tl�e �xp�nse af such testing and t}��AI�J naay immediat�ly revok�, i�odify, c�z- sttspettd tt�e us�af s�ch praduct�r n�aterial within their jurisciictior�. 1��F�r�serv�s t11e ri�l�t ta re�°ak�this acceptar�ce, if it is determined by Miatz2ial�ad�Cr�azxty I'roduct Cc�ntrol �ection that thzs�rcad��t c�r����t��-ia1 fails tc� �n��t th� requirem�nts Q�'tl-�e applic�b�e bz�ildin�code. This praduet is ap�r�ved as�i��crib�c�tlerein,and }��s been c��si,��lec1 to eomply��ith the F�aric�a�uildi���Cc�de iz�cluc�ing the High�al«�iry �Iun-ican��e��ze c�f��e�1�rida Building CQd�= I����12�P`�It�i�Ie ��R�1�,'T`il��ie�] �Ak�EIrI?��a E��Ia u�ait sk�a[1 b�ar a�err�z�tlent Iabet ��iti� tl�e n��nufaet��r��-'s name or loac�, city,state�nd foll�win� statemez��: "�ianli-L�ad�:Cc�t�nty Praduct C'c�ntrc�l��pra<<ed", ��nless c�tl�erwis�n��tec� herein. ����'r�L��`thrs I�I(�A sl��lt be cc�t�sid�rec�aft�r a r-en�����1 a��plicatit�n 1?as be��1 fil�d�nd th�r�h�s b�en no chan�� ii�t1z�applieabl�buildir��c�d� n��ativelY af"ecting the��rforsnarace af�k�i��roduct. �`��IYtIt�`�'��t�?��c�f�his NC}A wilt e�ccur after the exg�ir�tion da��Qr if�l�ere h�s beer�a revisia�i or cl�ang� in th� �nat�riats, use, andlar�nanufacture c�f thc�prc�duct c�r�roeess. Misus�of this NC��1 as ax�er�dorse�n�nt c�f ai�y product, �or sales� advert�sing c�r a�xy t�t�ser pur�oses shall a�z�omatically tert��inate this NC}A. Failuz-�ta coz��piv���it[� a��y see,tic�n af this NOA �hall be ea�tse for terr��irtatioz�az�d reznc�val of NQA. A,���Ia�'i s�I�E?>i�'s `�'h� NC��1 r�ur�l��za precede� �y th� w°Qrd� Niiat��i-I��de Cc�unty, Floricla, and folla�ued by�he expir�tiQn d�te t�ay I�� di�played i�i advertisin� literattare. I:f any partic�n of t��e NO�! is �isplayed, th�t� it shall be done i� its entirefiy. �NS�'EC'1"�O?�e �:copy af this en�ire NC�A shall be�rovidec�tc� rhe us�r�i�r th�tnaliufacturer or its�iistributc�rs and sl�aii be available far ins�ectic�n at the,jc�b si��at fihe request of tE1e Buildin�C�fficial. `I�his neGv NC)A consis�s of����s 1 tl�rc�u�}�4. T�e si�bmitted dt�curt��nt�fior�w�s rc.vi�w�d E�y Atex Ti�era. � � ���ar�t•t���oct�a� ������� 1�,`t)�i�i�.: ��A(}�OZ.Q3 .,,� ° �xpir�tion �?�te: 0�/02123 A;ap��€�vat I���e: O�f02f1� i'a�;c 1 of 4 C)Ci�'ki�� �C���C�iVk�1�''I'<�i��'�tC3�'AI, �a�e or ,� Roc�tin� S�ab-�'�te�c��v. Undez-layment �I�t� �I3� I�Rt}I)[7�'T`� �;��R.I�'�'IC)�� . . •�f��f i • ! •Y!!!• + •,p,g 4 • s ���5 ��'F�ll���� i i i 9 f �@°QC�IAf:� �I[T�C�dkS�i�[bS �.�'C1��c���tDT� •"���• �R�a�� •�e s i• ��SCC� �tQli �C)R�L,`File�ea1 36"13�' �-c�I�s `TA� IQ3 ��3�, set�=�d��erin�as I��I��l�e�t������-ial�,uitl� a • . �� •�f�ss 36"x 'T2' roi�s ASTM L?I 97� whit�g1�ss re��nf€�rce�p�st�st�r suTt�c��t��f�E�ric;��••� fo��use�s art undez-layz�"i���t'I�slc��ae� t-pt�t". ••�•• �SS�CI]�?�I�S. �• •s •��s ss��s• •�sso• � f• Ba�-�I Citadel F'llts 36" x 72'xo11s ASTt��I?197(� ��35 self-ad��erin as h�lt sheet�a�att�r�] uit�� a � � • ��. • •��es• �oiy�Iz�°�-f�c�r;for u�sc+���i�ic�-p1y und�rl�ym � •,•s i7t s�c�p�d roc�f asse���blies. •••••• . �lr(JAt1�BCTlt'�.��1� �ll���&�liTs �. �I'�F11WC10(�, ��. �. �OLiStC72l, �}�. ��������' ��������'�'�e `I'�s��?� `I'est�dera�i�et� `T�s�?@����ell�� t��-� �3�ke PRT Gt�nstr�ctiQn M���riais C}�F-3�6�Q2-04 1-��TM D1623 'Teehnoi� i�s, LL�. 07f?�,�i8 � ' (��'F-35�-Q2-02 T�S 103 07/24I1� C��F`-35Ei�02-O I taSTIvF L?197E} f�71261I� C)CF�424a02-0� A��'M DI623 07t'2.5�'�4 c�e�a���-o?-�� a��r�z�t��a c����zs,��� QCF-�?4mQ2-03 TA� t 03 0712�11�3 Trinity ERD �RLRF-�SC 16�1 Q.2 l.17 AS`T'it� L? 1�7b 1 1128I1°7 t��,ow�•�,a,��ce>ut��'Y �t��lio.: 1$�Q542.Q3 .,.` , ]E�pza•atioz� �}��e: 0�102123 �,p��-c�v�1 i9xt�: Q$/02/�$ 1���e 2 af 4 E���'����L��S�E��I�I�I��a I��c1�"I`y�a� �: Woc�ct, non-insula�ed L�eck I�e�era��ao�: ''lsz"' or gre�ter p1�fc��d or woc�d�ala��k S�sf�tt� E{1): �chc�r sl��et�1-��cl-tanicatly f�sten�d d�c�C, zr�eizlt�ra�3e adh�r�d. ��s��h�e�; C�i�e c�r mc��-e pli�s ofAS`Tlvt I�226`I"yP�II or A�T� �262€���it�1 �m�i�7�,�at��" l��e����and�•••••• G"�r�d 1�p m��halzi�ally fastened t�a c�ecic���ith��prav�d zlails a3�d ti�� c��9's �'e�.c. �,t�ti�'��ps •� ar�d�wa sta���r�d ro��s 12" a.c. the field of ttle 1��11. •••�'•• •�•• � • e .....� .�.... , � , �.a... ��'�h��� �pp1�ane layer t�f�f�ral�itaclel Pius ce=er�ase s1�e�t as ��r current����'�1. ��`..' ..�.�� �(����o��l): . . s�s���� • •• �s��s � • • • M !i t• •O!• •YiDt.! ll�ernbr�ne: On�ar mare plies �f BC� L Ti1e�e�l L�t�c��rlayment�.vitP� �rnini�nu��i+3�'�I�c11ap anc� � zr�inir�-�u►��6"end lap, �la�e tl�e #irst cc�urse c�fn�ernbrar�e��ara11e1 tc�[h'�ea��" r�Itir���,hc',� •••:o, membrane io ot�tair� z���xzm��n�ce���ttaet. Relnc�v�t1�e r�1e�s����eznbrari�as��E�rzz�m`braz�� is :....: ap�lied_ V�rtical strap��in�of tlae rc�o�`witl� F3QRAL,TileSeal Und�rl�yznenfi is ac�atnb�e. �11� • end taps�nd �aps witllc��t btack sefva,�e a��e� sl�ai[ ��sealed u��der Iap�asiz��an SI�S t��odifi�d n�astie. �at�: t�'l�era�ised in Til� rc��i's��st����s BQ�AI., TileSeal L�nderlay�ne��t s�lall l�e�ack nail�d to deck with�pprc�v�d annt�iar riz�g s�xank z�aiZs a�ac�tin ca�s at a����xi��um I?"o.c. at ti�e sid� iaps. �No naais ar tiz� c�ps shali 6e e��oscd. �t�rf�ci�t�. Ap��rz-ov�d for%�dh�z�ed Rac�f Tile usin�TILE BC�ND or �I-I-16Q, Mechanieally I�asten�cl RQc�f `�il�,Meta1 Rac�fing, Wo�d Shake� �hingl�s, azad Asp�l�ifiic Shiz��le a�se�z���lzes, t^��ti-�aEecats�trY �����lo.: 1�-!?542,03 ."° ° �'��it���i�a��I)�te: t�81f42I23 `�P�sra���l��te: 0$f0211t� �'a�e 3 caf 4 L��IYI�'I'�`�IC�1�i�. L Fire cl�ssi�catio��is z�at p�rt af t�is ae.eeptat�ee� ?. �'his ac�ept�z�ee is f�c�r�r�par�d ro��n�;appiicatic���s. IV�i�ki��urn cleck requir��n�t�ts s11aI1 be iz� col��rpli�nce�ith ap�licable baildi���;cade� k3C}RAL Til�Sea1 und�rta�`�n�nt slxa(1 t�e iz�s�aIled ir� st�let cQt��pti�nce with app�icab�e BuiIding Gode. 3, �OR�1L Ti1�Se�1 u��d�rlaymer�t shal� be a}�plied to a sr�xc�ath,ci�ar�at�d cEr_y�s�Ir�ac�u�iCI1 dee1�fr�e c�f irreglFiarities. 4. �(JRAL Ti�eS�a1 �rnd�rlay��nt sl�atl nc�t t����a�lied c��Fe�-an�xistin�roc�f�x��rt�b��ane�s a r�cc�ver, 1�ut r�-�ay t�e �ppii�d�ver a rc�c�fin���s�tArlchor�}�e�t ur�c��r�avm�nt. 5, BQRAL Ti1e��ai ti�z�cferl�yrnent s���11 n�t b� left e�;�os�d as a t�l����ora��v raof�f�r Ic�n�er than z 8� c�ays�f ap�ii��tion. �_ T'h� s1�nc�arcl n�axi���urr�rc��fpitch f'ar F3(_l�L.Tit���al u�zd�rtay���e��t sl�ai�be 6:12�v��en tile�are lc�$��cj��-�ctly to the BO L'I`il�Seal underIayznet�t; Ic�ading boards or batter�s�re requirec� on rc�af�i�he��-eat�r than E:1'?,> ••••:• 7. R�fer�o Prepar�d Roa�z1�systez�ll'rc�c�uet Ca�ltral Notic�of Acc�ptal�c�f�r Iistec� apprav�I f this �f•••• « . specr�c pr�pared rac��ng�rodt�cts. ..`1.�. � �2 �1G�'�ith ...�.. . ...... . . . . Tiles s1�a11 b�stored c�n t�atfiens c�x�rac�f�aitcl�es g�-��zt�,i-thaf�6:12,> •••••• .... .. . . . • • • e • . I3C�RAL Tile�eal und�rlayn�ent�n�y 6e used��rit1�a��y ap��rt�ved z-t�af eoveri����oti��of�cce�at���ce�istin� ••••, �C} L Ti1�Se�l und�riayr��ent a��coz�� �i�er�t ar��f�n �ss�zr�bi in ti�e Noti�c of Acce�� ee. if� • ••�••' � P Y .��� �4� ...... Tile��ai cznd�rlaym�r�t is not Iis��d, a r�c��i�s�l��y be���ade ta th� �utharity�I�viz�5.�urz�i��ig� (�1IIJ) o�the .' Mia�ni-Z�ade Ct�ux�ty 1'rc�duet Cant���I C3e�az��m�x�t for�pprc�v�1 provid�cP t1�at a�a�az�opri�te:doe��r�cr�ta�i�as� is• ••••:• �arc�vid�d to det�il cc�ta�p�tibility c�#'th�proc�ucts, winc!L��alift resistaz�c�, and fir�te�tin�r�scdlt�•� � '••s �....: �Q. A11 nails in the dec�:sha11 be earefi�lly check�c�for-prc�ta-�xdir��lieads. R�mfast�r� any lot�se'd'�ck�z�����ais�• e� � • th�deck tl�of-ou�hly tc�r�:.mave aray dust and de�z-is�rior ta ap�?2icatic�n. � 11. When a�aplyin�the merrxl�rax�e in the v�Eley, starE�t t1��Iaw��aint a��d�uark to t�e hi�h point, z-olfin�the m�t��brane fr�ln fhe center autward ir�both clir�etic�ns. T�or ric1��;a��plicatic�r�s, center tl�e��en�E�rane a��d ra11 fi�om t[��center o��tw�rd in t�oth dir�ctions. 12. Roli or brc�on�t�te�ntir���nerzsl�rar�e surf�ee sc�as to have IQ�°io conl�ct��rith tiae su��f�c�, �iving special ��t�r�tian to overiap areas. I�. Flash vent�ip�s, s��cks, chimneys anc�pen�tr-atiol�s ir� ec�rnpliance��rith Roc��Assen�biy eurr���t 1'�-e�dact Corxtrol N�tice of Acce�t���c�a��d ap�itca�l� k3uildin��c�de. 14. All pr��trusiot�s c�r c3rains sl�all be initialty t�ped witl7 a 6"�ieue c�f und�rlay�ner�t, �E,l7rs t�rget pz�ce shall be pressed i��place and F�rtn��3 arc�G���d the protrizsion tc�ens��r�a ti�fi�fit. A secorzd]aycr of��QRAL TileS�al tinderlayzner�t �hall be ap�alied Qver the underiay�n�z�t,���d seal�d usir��a� �BS n-�oclifi�d mastic. l5_ Ali pradttcts listed I��r�i1� shall hav�a�uaiity�ssuranc�auciit iz�a�cc�rd�rlee�rith the Flc�rida�3uildin�Code and Rc�le 61G2{��3 of�he Fie�rida�1d��linistx�tiv�Gc�de. l 6. AtI membrat��s or packa�ing shal��e�r th� imprint or idez�tifiable n�arklr�g af t1��m���ufact�r�r's i�an�e��� Ic�gc�, eit�� and st�te of���at�ufactzlrin�faciiity, anc�the toElowing st�t�m�nt: "N�ian�i-Dad�C c�ui�ty Praduct Contrc�i Approved„ or the Mianli-D�de CouxlEy Product�antrc�� Seal as shc�wz� b�l�w rar.���=��ra���c�e�� �� � �� ���� �� � �at ►• e����t��a � �iC}A�oe; 24-��Q2.o3 ...s i �xpira�ior� i�€�te: 0�1Q2(23 �pprcav�ti F�ate; 0�1021t� �'�age 4 of 4 � ?4fIr4,RIl���e�}�;C`{9L7?�I`�,�,. �� �. ' �'It�I�I?C:`T Ct}i�"1'1�C3I.5�C'T'1(3� I 1805 Sl�l 26 SEreet,R�o�n 2f?& D�1'AR"Ttl�1ExV"lf`��`RF�LTL,.�`TC}RX APefID�;�C��iC�h1IE:�d1�St}�JI2�'I;�{[2��} Mi�ini,Flarid�33175-2474 $C?�RI�A,�I��f�L}�;�TJI��[l�t�iT`I$.�°TI�i4��It�I�1�}i� 7`(i�'E�)315_?530 F(7�6}3(5�2599 1.���� "� i..�"' "����""°'����1..'�—* �� 14'46'6S'.Ti1tflR3i4�<lff�e Yj4G011t)KCt' I�P°�dhesis��s �r�� Se�l�a�i�s,Ir��. _ �2SQ5 N�'�4`�' �����t �t�ra�S�r�n�s, �'I�>33065 SC���< This NQA is b�ing issuec� ur�c[�r th� a�plicabl�; rctl�s ���d r��t�lations gc�ver��iz�� t1�e��� c�f canst�c�ctian �naterials. The docutnent�tic�n su�rnitt�c�has ���n r�viewed and �ccept�d�yt V�iarniaL3�cie Cc�u�ahf RER �Prc�duct Cc�nt�•o1 S�etion �c� 6� used in ivSian�i �ac�e C:ount�and c�tl�er ar��s wl�er�ailc����d by��e Autl�c�rity I�Iavi�1�Jurisdictic�n (AHJ}. . . ...... This NGfl slaall r1e�t be vatid aft�r the e�.piration date sEatec! be(c��v. I'he Mia111i�D�de Coltr��r�Ar��uct C���t�oi Section•��• (I��Miarrzi Dad�f�o�.�t�ty} ��adJor tl�e AI-IJ(in ar��� otl�er th�n Mia�Txi I�ad�Cc�l�nty}z��serv�th s���i:�o I��t��.t��produs%�..:. or�na�erial tested fQr c�c�ality assurance purposes� If ttgis �arc�ckt�ct ar n-�at�rial f�ils to peri"tarr�lla��1�e��c�eptecE ry�an�zer, t�� . tn���ufactur�r wi11 inc�ir t1�e exp�x�se of suc11 testin� and t}�e /�I-IT znay imm�diatel r����ke 1 '•"••• Y > �i6?d�Fy> or su�p�:t�d the, u�e . of scxeh prad�rct or tnaterial ��ithin their juri�dic�ion. RER resarves th� rigl3t tQ r��c�k'���ii���ccep�ai7��,��f zt 4�••• determined by Mia���i-Dat�e Cat�z�t���'roduct t�c�nfi���l Sectiozl tJ�at tl�is prc�ciuct �ar mat���i�l fai����eet tl�� r�e�e���m�nt�:••� Q���lt' ��}�?I3Cc��?��E�tIt�C�1I1�T Ct}C�G, •• •• •�s• •s���• • `I��ais pr�du�t i� a��rov�d �s d�seribed �er�in, anc� has b�en d�si ��ed tc� cam 1 c�i�h �ie��`l�rid� � � Cc�d�..:. � S� Y � ' Q $yildln inciudil��the�-ligh Velocity�-Furricane �ozie of�Ile Floricl�Builc�in�Cod�. . . ; '..` . . . . . ...�.. .. . . . . . ...... ES�IZII�'TI�Ne I!�i��dh�si���s I�c�l�Js�t`'���I�1G0 ` I.,��EL,�1��a �ach unit sh�ll k�ear a p�rr��ax�ent I�Eaei witl� t[�� n�ai�uf�ctuxer`� na���e ar lo�c�, city, stat� a�1d folic��vit1� statement: "�Iiami�Dacle Cou��ty Prod�c�Can�rc�l�1p��rQ�red",��nless�therwis�,nc��ed he�-ein. ��1����'�� a�f this NC�A shall be co���id�r�c� a�ter a re���wai app�ieatiai� }aas �a���� ,(i1ec� �z�d tlaer� I�as ��en no uf�����e in�h�applicat�l�bE�iicfi�g c�d���e��tzve]y a�'�'ectin��he perfo�-���azzc�af thi5�arc�cluct. ��;IZ�1��N�.'Tk�� Qf tl�is NC�A wiil occur aft�r tl�� e��airation date �r if��ere has �a��z� a revisie�n or c}�ar�g� i�� t�e Inaterials,use, andlc�r���anuf�cture o�'tlxe�rc�duct ar�rc�cess. Misuse of tl�is N(�A as at� ez�dars�n�ent c�f�ny p��od�xct, for saIes, advertisitlg or an}r other puzpe�ses s1�a11 auton��ticall}� ter�nina�e this N(�A_ Failur� tQ �otnpiy with any section of this NOA s�latl 1ae eaus� for�err��iz�atiort a��d re,mQva1 of N(�A. ,�I}��Ii°I'I��t���t`I'� Th� I�i4l� nt�m6er �re�ecled l�y the wc�rds Ivlia��li�I�ade Cc��ar�ty, Flc�rid�, a1�d �'oll����d by tkte expiraf�on dat�n�ay E��disp�ayed in adv�rtisin�literatzar�. I�'any portio�� c�f tl��NC�.�k is c�isplayed, tllel� it sha11 b� dt����e in its��Ztiz�ety. Z1i��P�,�"TIC}N: A cc�py c�f tP�is entire NC�t1 shail b� �arovided to the user t�y the. n�anuf�ct��r�r o�- its distribzators a��e3 shall t�e avaital�le fcar ins�eetiaz�at tl��jo�a site�t t1�� �-ec���;st c�f the Bui�ding Officiai. Ti�is NOA renews NCC��t 16-0�15.01 at�cl cc�nsi�ts �f p��;e� 1 thrc�ugh 11. T��e submtttecl docuznez�tation was revie�ued by tllex Ti�er�. � � B�Ft�t�s6 IE�tt�tlp� 1�7f�r�I�Ica.: 17-Q322,03 .'.� � I�,�p��°�t�o� �at�. 05f1tJ122 ��pro�•�1 D�t�.44/27f17 i'��e 1 of 11 c�c��t�� ���t�t�o��,���������t��t�e �ate�t�r�: Rc�ofin� Sub�ategai9y: Rc�af tite �dllesive t�l�tieri�ls: P�1�r�Fretlzane ����'�Q T`his ap�rQ�es I�`I� r�d��s�v���'�����e�`��I-I��60 as z��ar�uf�ct��-ed by I��:�ct9�es�a�cs �rad S�a1��ats,I��e, as d��ecibed i��tl�is Notice af Acc;epta�Ice.�c�r t�t�}ocations v��1��re tl��design�resstxre z�ec��.lire����ats, as c3ete.rtrlin�d�y applic�bl� building c:c�de, do x��c�t�xe��d t}�e d�si���pressure v�lues c�btai���d t�y cale��Eati�n� in cc�mpii�nee wit�� FZoat�t�g A.pplicatio�� Stand�rd I�d�,� 127. For us�wittl appro���d flat, Ic���=�,az�d hi�h�arofile rE�of tile syste�x�s usin�I�I' Adhesiv�s Pc�lvse��' �lH-]E�O. �l���I1�'TS NI��i�JF.�,�'CI1�k�I��I� [�,�I�I,I���i'I'e . . ...... . . . ...e.. I'1�€rduct �irraer�sacans `�'��� Frc�duct� Ca-� t�€a�� .... .' S ��°t�Cs'�fIQi4� • • • ss�ss• �•ae ••see• • ��1�Aelh�sives �I/� TAS I(}1 �I'wo cc�znpc���e����e�1y�1�e��i'��� foarrt adh�sive��•••: 1'alvset`"'�l1F�-IGQ �••• •• • • • . . . , . •sa• • •s es•s• IC��€II1�SIVE��tl€1[tl N,IA L}IS�?�Y1SII7�,�C�UIpIY2�Il� •s���e • •s •e s�s� �t5�1@il�E'i' ��'�''k��}� s s a • a s• •s •�s• •ss��• � saoro• s • .�'�l,dh�si��e�I'r�a�'��k�' NfA I�fs��ensin�Fqui�n��nt • � • • . . .. � ...... 3�� l�(l • • • . . . .. . . . . . .�.�.. .. . . . . . ....., . �'�c�����s �����a.c:��t1��.t��� (���,���s� �ny aVliart�ial�ade Cotan�y I'rc�duct Ct�nt��ol Acee�ated Rc�af�'ile Ass�r��bly havi�l��et�rre�t NC)A which list attach�n�nt z-�sist�nce��alu��wi�h tlze us�af IC��Adh�siv�;s F�olysetn` ��I-i6Q roof tile ae[hesii<<e. ��I�IT����'I.�I2�i'i�Il��`�'I°I��re 1. Tc�mball,'I'�. ���������l�za���������� �'e°o��c°to� `T�s� I��s�i�� TJet�sity ,��`I'M D 1(�22 1.61bs.fft.� Caznpressive Strez�gtti A�'TN�I7 1621 I8 P�I F�ca11el to�-ise 121�SI Fer�aer�dic�tlaz ta r�s� Tensile Strezx�th A�`TM 1� 1�2� 2� ��I I�arallel ta rise Wat�r Absorptic�n �i�TM I�2127 E�.O$Lk�s.t�t� Moisture Vapor Trans�nissian AS'I M E 96 3.1 Perr���' Inch T?i���nsional �tat�ility A.S"I'1VI I��12� �-O.C}7°l��oit�nle�hari�e cr� -40°F., ?��eeks +E�.O°to Vc��u�ne Gl�ang� a,�158°F., lt}0°�o F�Iu1��ic�ity,2 we�ks Closed �eIE Conten� tlS`T'M D 2�56 86°l0 No�te: '��Ze�tiysic�t�Sr�p�rti�� lis��d �ba�e t�re pl~e���ttec� �s���p�c�l �ve�•��e Fr�lc��s �s deYe�•��ni�ed b�. �e��pt�c��S`�?0������e�hods��d ar����ab�ec�tc� �a��~nt�l r���c�f���u�•���s���r�i�te��. , �� �� ���1�o., �7-f�322.03 iw���€NtaA��ecaut��v I�� _.��� � �x��r��iaei i��te: E1�J10t22 ���p��v�t F��te: 04I2712`7 Page�caf I l E�r����vc:� ��1���°����e ��`��t A� e��v 'T�s�I�le�a�i���• `I'�s��;��efRe �a-� I�ate Gent�rfo��,�ppiiec��n�iz�e��ing #�9��OC�� TA� 1Q1 041Q8�`94 25781�m C I'� `i"A� 101 I2116f�C� 25-7�:���3 S�TZ) 11-93 10f25��9a 25-?438� 25-74�8-7 SSTD i 1a93 t 1102i95 25m74�}2 ��`i'l� 1I-93 121`IZf�S Miles Labc�ratoxies N�PS�9-�i3I ��`I"?vt II) 1623 O�I011�4 PoI}°na�,rs Diviszon Ramtec;h L,aE7oratories, Inc. 963?-92 .�STM E iQf3 �}��3�'�3 � • s •s�*�s • s f r �ot�thw�st Res�areh IzlstituCe O1-674�-OI 1 •• • •'�•• • �S`T'�1 E ]0� ...... �4���`9A ....:. 01-6�39-Q621�[1] ASTM� �4 ...:.. OIf'`16+'95 • • aa�s�• •rw• •: • • • Trinity�n�ine�ring 705Q.02.96A1 TAS 114 ••••*° 03/14v'�6 ••••' d-J�/Vt1.V'-h.f� fi�tt�'1 U A��J i�t�4fr 11�l��.fy�� •ilRf• F'397�O.Q2.I2 `I`A� 101 ..`�.' (�21'�'I?�2 �.�.:. FT'�1� 123 +.��.R � .R � . .. . ».e.:� s . . ��lotex Carp. T�stir�g���-vic�s �2�454-2�� TAS 101 � "'• I�,'�3!c�� �••••� 528454-9e1 '• ' ...... �i2��5�-1(}-1 ` S2QI09-1 'I�A� 101 12;'2813� 520109-2 5201Q9-3 �2010�-6 S201Q9_7 S20I91-� TAS 101 031Q2/99 �2010�_�_� I.119�I��I'A'TI���a 1. Fir�classification is r�ot p�r�of tl�is ac�e�tt�nce. �ef���tc� ti��Prepar�d Kc��f Tite I�ssez��bly fo��fir�ratin�. 2. IC`P�.cihesiues Palyset`� �I-I-IEf}shall solely be us�d��it�f1at, lo��,c��ligl� �ile�rc�files. 3. �i�inzurr�taz�c��r[ayn��nt si�ail be ir�c�ampliance witll tE�e Ra��n�r�pplica�ion Stanc�ard RAS 120. 4. Roof Tzl��-��anuf�eCur�s acqui��ing ace�ptance faz�t��e t�sc c�f ICP�dhesives I'alyset� AH-t&(�roof tile acih�si��e with ti�eir�i1e��semt�Iies shail test in aecQrdanc�wiYh T�� 1t�1, 5. A11 products list�d herein s1��11 h�ve a c�uality assurance �udit in acc,orc��nce ��iti� t1�� Fic�r�da E�uildizl� Cerde and Psute 61 G2Q-3 �f the F1�r�da�,cilninistr�ti��e Coe��. Mt�rP^�bt�.D���t��`r�" t�`Op�,�c�.: 17-(}322.43 � ` '� � ���air•�atia��T��te: 4}5110122 .�ppeeov�[�ate: 04127/17 I'��e 3 of 1I II�S`TAI,I,A`TIC��a 1, I�P Adh�si�es Polyset�' AN-1 C�0 z�7ay t��l�sed�vitl�any rc�c�f txle asset�zt�ly havit��a cuz-r�n�I�Q�that lists �ttael��n��st resistar�ce v�l�xe.���itl�tl�e �s�c�f ICI��ci�aesiv�s Polys�t�' AFI-16Q_ 2o ICP�d�e�i�es P'�tyset� AI-I-16C� �ha]I ��applied in uQmplianee witl�tl�e C�c�mponeflt Appilc�tioi� seetiQrl�nc�th� cc�rr�spc���c�z�l�F'l�c�ment Defails nc�ted hereiz�_ The rc�c�f tile�ss�ml�ly's adh�sive attac��i��en�w�ifih tlxe u�e c,f I�1' Adhesives Pc�lyset"� A.I�ml6f� sh�l�arc�uide suffici�r�t�ttaclzrz�ent resi5ta�lc� to tne��ar exce�d Eh�r�sist�nc�vttlue d�t��-�7inet�in carriplzance tuitl7 Mia�i-Dac��C�unty Raatira�Ap�tic�tic�n �tandards RAS I27. The�dhesive �ttachnl�nt data is not�ed in t}x�rc�c�f�iie�ss����bly NC}�. . . ...... . ICP Adl�eszves �'c�lyset`�'AI-I-16Q anc�its com�o�aents sl�ali E�e ingt�tlec�in�ccorclance wit�R���jn��l�plic�tiorz •••••• Startd�rei IiAS 120, �r�c� I�P flclhesives and Se�lants, I�c.'� C�p����tin�Instz-uctic�n and�Iain��na'��c�BQ�i�Pe'�. '. e�s��• ii�• s����• 4, �nstalla�ic�n mt�si 6e by a Facto�y Traik�ec� `t�u�lifiee��p�iic�tc�r`appro��d anc�licensecl�a�.��'..�dhesiv�sand . , Se�lat�fs, Inc, I�P A.d���si�r�s and �e�iar�ts, Inc. �h�ll supp�y�a li�t c�f�pproveel app[icatoz�s�E����authcu�t�v 1�avin� :•••"� . . . . �llt'ISCIIC�IQT2. •��� • •• •�i�• S. C�libratic�n e�f tl�e ICP�t�h�sfves Fc�a�n Dis e��ser RTF1�QO dis �t�sin e zti rr�ez�t is re •`•�•before� ic�ti�n ••�••" � P � �1 P �1�2�C� �'�. ...... c�f az�v adl�esive. Th�mix ra�io L�tween the `"A"co��pol�ent�nd th�; "B" compane��t s��aJ���2-�intained t��t���en • �.0��.1� f��: �.{� ��}. . . . '. • • es • •���i� 6, ICP Ad�esives Pc�iys�t� �I��160 slzaii be appli�d��Tith ICP t�dhesi�=�s Foarn Disp���ser F'�TF1��J0 ar I�F "� �....: A.dhe�ives Prol�a�k�3Ci� 100 dis��nsiz�g�quaptnen€ar�ly. "• • ;.�.;. • • 7. I�P Adh�si���s P�]yset� �4��-I�f} sha11 not b�ex�c�sec�pertnanentty to sun(i�1�t_ � f�e Ti1�s n�ust b��C3hered i��fresh(y appliee�adhesi��e.`I'i1e rz�tilst be set��itl�izz 1 tc�2 n�znut�s aft�r It�I'�dl�esives Polys�t�' t�I-�-�160 h�s been disp�nsed. 9e ICI' Adl�esives Palyse�� �.�I�1 E�0 pi�cer��ent�tzd�nin�n�um p�tty wei�,I1t s1�a11 be iz�ace.�ardar�ce with th� `�Eacement L3etaiis'her�zn. E��Ez ��rt�r�c[ii�pr€�fiie t-equir���h� s�ecific.pl�cen��nt na�ed 6��xeiz�. r�t�t����a����C�utv�'tt N�9,��o.. 17A(}322.fl3 ,,.o ► �x�aira�����?ate. 05/10122 :�ppreo��t�i�t�ttt (�4(27t I7 F'��e 4 of 11 `�'�ble 1� Adta�siv� �l�c� er���'��°���� �������`I`i��I'r-��Ie �� _�� "I'��e F�rc��i� 1'l�e�z���d 3������ ��ir�irt�t�� ��d€�v�€�ra���� �Iiraira��� 1'a�ddy���r�a ����� �ei��� � l���e�'a�z�°s�-T'1��,I.�v�� F���1� , F'�ea�1�s =�.�t ����e C'ae��s� � 17�2� sc�. i�ac}��s 45-�i5 F}at,LQ��, �-�i�l� �'ro�l�s � �1 17-23 sc}. incl��s � �5-65 F�lat Pro�"tle ----- ____.. ._ ....._ ._�_...._....___ �� t(}-12 sc� irlc��es 3� Law Protile #2 12-14 sc�. ir�uh�s . . :3�••• __—_�--�--- .. ... �Iigh Pra�l� �� �"� � • { ��-7�SC�. tC1C�l<;S • � •��s•a °+ �"�c°�f,�,t3b�f, ��1��2 �St1�I��S � —_..__.... _ • •a s• •• •• •o• �.. _.T��rc�I'�ddys: �-9 sq. i1�c��es at. ..�� �raz��s p���paddy:. ..: �l�e�t�O��I��' �-1� SL�. tt1C�lE35 e'��� •��i ��� �� � � � � t)VG'C�c2�} •�• s •s •• •• T��oaPiece�arrel {Ca�a Ti1�) � T�,�to Piece � 2 �eads(l cac P� 1c�t� itt�dinal • �••• • •• •• ••` � l7 g�-ama k�ead •• ••• �d � 20-2 . .... „ • � } 5 sc�. ir�ch�s c;ach • • • . O ���� • i •• i •O 4!• i • • • • s •• • s °I'��o Piec�B�rrel{Paz�`Cilc} Tu�a Fi�ce 65�70 s irlc(�es • e ••: � _.__.___��gra?��.�t1�t��'�an ��I3�I..��1�a t111 apprav�d produc;ts listec� her�in sl�ali �e i��eled ar�el si�a11 bea��tl�e il�-�p��int c�r id�nCi��abie marking o��he �naniafaetur�,r`s�zat���or logo a��d fc�llo�ril7g statemerlt: "Ivliazni-Dade�ot���ty I'roc��act Gontrc�l A���rc�v�cl" or t��E ivliar��i- L}ade County Proc�uc�C c�ntr�c�i S�at as showz���Iot�. � t �� r� , {# L1I�,TiI�� ��2�I`I' ��I1Ii2�����"['Sgi �ls r�c�uir�d by tl��F3uitc�iFa�C�tftie.i�i or applic�b�e bt�ildiz��cc�de in ard�r��pr�pe��iyr et�alua�e tl�e itzstallati�an of tf�is syst�rtl. � �• ������ ' �C��:�o.: ]7m0322.03 �� � �xp��•��iare�9�t�: OSI(0122 ���Sp►�o���i l�at�: Q4127l�7 F'��e�of 11 �fi.�4�.Ci�'}A$'T�'.r����.���I�1��. �$,f'4.A.��.� %. b°�r gl�pla�elcc .t�E �a� I��c��a�sE�F��s'+ ,� ��au�r�st �` }�t€a�I�.ct�I��°afa��`Ti�e . ��������� .. � � ��<� � �, � I. Sta��ti��g�t t}��e�ve co�irse,app3y a t��inin�e�iz�2>> � � . {�0.8 n�lz�}x IQ"{25�& tr�m) x I" (25.4 n�sa�} fc�an� � �� �.. padc�y ant�t���ux�derl�ym�nt�aos�tio��ed as sI1c�4vn, � � � � �� ��nder tl��str�ngther�in� rit�elosest to th�c�verlc�ek �����=�_ ,� ��� of the til� bein�s�t. �� �`� ��� ��c�� ��� t 2. GonTin��e il� �ame xr�z��7�r. I��s��r�ap�arox�� �E�t [7 n�, �'� (109.7 cm'-)-23 {(�8.4 czn��,�qEa��t-�incl��l�i�sive •••��• � �� ��� . �,� . � cc�nt�c��vitl� t��e�Ir�d�rsid�q�t��.t�I�. • • • llt�'r, _� . � .�'� � e •��• •��e��• �� '���t C� g�sci� s�t��• • • • ^"' •e�sa.• � ..��,r""� •f�• •• • • • s • a • • •a�• • •• •eses E�n�t(rznur�.m '� ���. ;<- � • � ' i�R��i • t• •R S�! • • i • i •• 6! •f�• •!!!•• • ��e€�aurra I��-a���f L��t��ie I'���"�'i�`e�a ' ', ...�4�iI#6sro!a�h pFaatz�c��mettR • • •• • •����• lwfien r� Ie�d'� s e • • f • •• � • � �. ��_ .._.__�._� p y _ ��eh�'"�E �. �tdi`�ttl�c°tt��2"��VG'G011i'S�, )'I�tI11T13�jT1L1YS1s�" !��e�� �r�,a��E�y,�,� �� � � (50.�3 mn1) x 10"(254 rr�nt} x 1"(25.4�i�i�ft��r�7 i �°�� ����� ����, p�dd��c�nto�h� �ndc�riayn��z�t positic�n�c�as shc�wn ; ��''��r�� �` '� � �znder th��aan�orti�n c�f the til�e]osest to the � `z� "''` � � �,� � ov�rlack af th�tile b�ing s�t. � -� t�-���� ��,$ "� x �. �� � �, .�1lt.�t� bk,..,,, � � , � : ��,i�;�,g�,�, �� ' .` ��`� '� � � C'����inu� in s��ne maFzner.Insl�re�p��z-oxitn�teiy I7 �����` �', (209.7 cm�}—2� (1��,4 cr�1')se�uare iz�c1�adh��ive .�� � c���t�ct�vith the����d�rsidc.ofthe tile. '��4 _ ��t��� ���,-� �� � �. ���� � �� ��` :`°, ` ���tic�ue� ���. � L' rs�-� :� _����� � a��t��,��r�����G �� � �1� h ��•c��le t Si►� le F��z�"T�le � �«��a� � ���s�r��p,��������� � � ������ ��`�� � � 1. Starti���at tl�e eavc col�rse,�pply a�����nir��um 2» { `�` � `_,� (5(�.8 rr���}x 10"(254 F�Z�n) x 1" (25.4 m���� �oaz�� � °� � � ��:� ��, padcly anto�h�tz�ideriayrn���t positiot�ed�s shown � ���� � ,�', u�e{�r ti��p��a partia��c�f't��e t�le ctc�sest to t�e -� ���.��� ' _ � ovez-lc�ck c�f tlze tile I��in��et. ��: ������ 2. Gorl�it�tae in s��ne n��tlzl�r. Insure��p��c��it��at�ly 17 ° "�: � ,��, (10�.7 c���'-)—23 (1��.4 crn') sc�u�r� inc.}�adhesiv� � ' �.„� ; � cont�ct w�ith th�ur�d�rsie�e c�f the tile_ �'� �AA�e�kMFtga '.;r,.�.�� � ez�`-a` t �� . '±�;.a. y ��sLa� � � _. � �,:��` '' &��{�tctP� � � � �� `� ��el�su�� 1�Mr�'',� �in. ' +� s�'� .:,"� L7ti�r�e��� �tt�,r�a c����t,�� t�'$��s��O.a l7m€1322.1}3 .,:• � ���aie-�tis�a�I}�t�� OSllElf22 �i�p�•av�l I?�t�: �14127117 l�t��;e 6 of il ����s�v� �I,r�������°r ��r:���,#2 i��rz�w�#�pt+����ctwm�rv� F� ��I�a��,mik�T'tt�.[ �l`cl�j1..Q9W�$'Q�d���I�� �� e�qte#r�d�, j��`��`�'�`a� � �a � ' � �. 1. �tartin�at t��e ea�e caur�e, app[y a z�ini�nun�2"{SU.B _ � �ntr�)� 10"(254 tnm)x r" {'?5.�t���n} �`c�azn pactcly � ��� � <,� ���� ' ,. an�v tt1� �u��erEa��m�nt positic�zl�d as shown t�nder t�ae �. s�x�ngthenin�ci�c�f�he til�cic�sest to the av�rl�ck o�F � ���,�.,�. ��� the til�b�in�,set. Insure�pproxi���ately l7 ((09.7 cn�z� ��������� � —?3 (1��.4 czn�)sc��za��e inch adtiesive c�r�tac�with tlle •Rif f E�tv�tsrurs.� tdt2C��PSIC��O���1�t3��� � �+� * •e�r i s �„' "� •• • � � � - •st• � • s ♦ ' � 2� �t tl�e seco�ad c�lx��5�, apply�i�ai�tirslc�Pn 2'''(��.8r�trn)••`••� �'�� t���� � ,�. �,��� t � � ���`�iscl� � X �" ��77.� 22]Ii2�� �'� ��$_�T21TT1�}��Qr`�YT1�??�C�C��C)Iltt7��18t e�e�i � . s��e •• a • • a:,� ��nder]��f�ne��t positic�ned as•�c����rt ut-�cle�t�t��• P�Ef f1 = � str�ngth�r�in�rzb closest to,���,�'yrlc�ek�f t,�a�,�i1� • • � �c�c�s�r� .__ .,.�. ��Itl���t. • + • • • s• •s awea e•Mee• • s���a: • e 3. Coz�tinue i�� same z��anner. I�nsure t�p�ro�itr�atel�y 20"•�••:• (64�.5 c�n�} - �2(7"7.4��n`) �i�k��jnch attheSi��e • • ...... cant�ct witl� the unei�rsid�of t��e�le. :...:. • • . ����c�,�� t�w������r����� ��ed►i��� �'ZQa�i�i I�c��abt�I��a�� T'flB� u'�^fi�rs�z�sair��i �� ; �� ___.����,��,��b������,�,� I. �tartir�g at the ea��e ccaurse, apg��y a minimutn 2'�(50.8 �� ��� � r��m} x IO"{254 rnm� x l"(25.4 znm} fc�atn padciy u���t����,��_�� ��~:`� al�to t1�e unclertay7nent�ac�sition�,d as sl�t�wn un��r f1�e � ��� ,�. �;;�ry� pa���ort�tic�n c�f th��ite Glosest to tile c�ver}ack of tl�e ,�'� �� '�� �` � tile b���a�s�t. Izzst�re apprc�xiz��ately 17 (]09.7 cn�'')— �,. � , _ ��'��� `� 23 (14�.� cFn�) sq���r�i��clt adhusive cc��Ita�ct�uith tl�e r ,4 ���,���,��„�� �� �," � �� u��c�ersid�of t���ttle_ �� a � � "'-�i ,� ��` � '� � ��� ' �� � � ,n� 2. At tix�secox�d caurse,apply a�z�it�ina���x�2" (50.�zz�z��) � �` ��`�';-� �` ��� a�' �s��� x 7'° (177,S mm}x �°' (2.5.4 mn�}foat�l�adcly c�nto the � "=��"�' � �� ��--���.��c��,�� � 1Fnd�rlayrn���t positioned as s�ow�� «r�der tl�e�an ������«�---" �� ' `�'`"� �*__._���F� �c�rtic�n gf�1��tile cias�st to il��av�rlc�ck of EI��tiI� bei�a�set. 3. Cc�ntir��ie i�� sa�ne n�anne�-. inszxt�ap�rc�xiY��ately I2» ('77.4 c�n2)- l4(90.3 czn�) squ�re incl� adl��siv� contac��Wit�l the uric�erside of th�tile. (Itzst��u�tii��s ear�tiraz��d�ar���xt��age) i�tArtt=�[�������v t�`f��No.a 17�0322.Q3 ',,� R E�pir;�tic�ea�ate: t�`I14/22 ��a�ros�ai I3�te: 0�(27/17 Fu�e 7 c�f°11 , � .t�I��I�SI�'� �L���:�1��IV`T �;T`�I�,#2 ���i�'`1`II���1}� ���[�����n�t�����-�� �Ia 1�l��•t��ale!S��g ���'�arz °TAIe� l�atcr�e�a(r�d� .�'��i�g f����h�TiI�3 � � � �� � E �,����,���� ''�' � � i I, Stactzn�at the�a��course,a�ply a n�ir�in7�t�n 2"(50.� � �� � � �'� ��� �-� �nr��} x 1Q" (?S4 mm} x I"(�5.4 mm}foanl��dcly � � �.. � �� �k<���� :� ,;"��� �, ont�the underlay��l�nt pc�sit�vt��d as si�c�wn L�tlder t�a� '�, '�.� pan portion of th�til�cic�sest to t�ze c�v�rlock c�fth� � � �`�,�... �;��. �� � ��-�`� � tit��ern�s��. Insure a�p€oxi�n��e�y �7 (1 Q9.7 c�x��}— �.... �� �� � =` 23 (14�.4 e1�12} square inch a���e�i+��cc�nt�et w�th t��� .«t... 8�ec�n���rkissa�I �.'� 't UYIC��I�Sit��Cl�t�le�t��. ��s� : •*�• 'a ���, ' r s '• •rs•as sr•• ! � :� -��..""� + •sf•re �� ����� at� `� = 2. At t���see�nc��ourse, a�p1y '�?�ih�r�ur��2"(St+Rl.�n���} • • "� �e������^— �-,� °6��x�" �" � i� s+r���• ��� ,���.��- -����� x T'(177.� rrlm}x I"(25_4 r�ana�}���a�t����c��or�to the� • '�� ��_���"`` �' ' 4�'�� hc:� •f�• s s• ss��• �,�� � �4� � u�zde��layn���1t posztioned�s s�,F���,�.��nd�.r�he��n • . Y��`� 2� . �`� '�'4 C�r�c���s� ��v�� ����i s a��• �`� ,�� ''� '� 3�rf�t er�� ]JOI`�lf)Il Of�}1��il�C�C?SE:S��(l �"(QC�C t1 ��� ���,e s E �}�iT1�S��. ���s�s � � • � w • • • • •• s essso• �_ C�rztin�le in same r��anne��. It}sure�t��r�xifn�t�F�'17" � , •OslRi (I C19.7 cr��'-�� 19 (I 22.6 em�) �iarC inch�Z�i����ve • • cozltact wi�h th���z�c��rsid�of thc tile. • � , R�C)�,i��.: I7-0�22,(}3 �E�,t��•e�����c�t�ta� °.�� ► � �� kix�ir�kic�e�I3�te� OSlit�l22 M�.pprt����Ll��e: 0412'7/�7 k�����of 11 . �. . . A���s��r� I�l,ttic��:���.r��r r��r��z,#3 ai t��pt���c e.���rc � l��a�erc I��P ,� 3�dc�r Eb�tva+� Ci��l �� �" � I. C�z1 tlae�ave c aurs�c�laiy, apPt�r a z��ini�-nu���2'° (50.� ����o����,.�°�"`�.-°" ( r��n�} x 10" (254 n��s�} x 1" {��.� n�m) fo��n p�ddy � ���r���������� or��o t(�e i�zlderlayrz�et�t positiQk-�ed as sh�aw�a, �z��d�r , ��� � , � � ���€��s ' � ����;� pd';: �: ;� ��Ze stren�t���z��n�rib�c���f�a�tii� c�r���der�he paza � �� .�,,��`'k� partior� c�f�he tile tor 1��or higl�prc�"t�eti��clase.S�.... � ���f�=�- ��` � '� ,.-�.� .�a�°'�-k to tl�e�verEoek of th�ti1�,�tr��s�t. L� �. .' � �a���r�x � "•�`��wb . a,� ���?�OXI221r`1�@�Y�° ��{)1.�►���ii�) �I"t?T�1:�li��f?�1%f� •����• s'��r�����. r ��, � ed�� fre� af'fo�r�� to pre�+a��t� expandee�adhesiv� a�a�er�a f .�r`` . � xx�t�r. • ••.... '� � -^`�.�"..' �I'02�2�}�OC�CIII ��1�l�t��� � • • • • . ^r"'� ,,� � ^'`�';��„� ��' � .��tlSti�'Pi • • ,�-�` * �, ;�``�- �.� ap�ra�i�natel,� 17-23 i�7'(�p�'7-148.�c�Y?"�of ••�•"� toi�.� �TM'�� .�' �-��,�'�` ae�l��siv�cor�ta�;E«ith th�'!Q�'tPL�sid�a`f tY�€'��e ••••• ., ,�" �`,.� �-- '�`�""�2 in....--" �'_„"" ' .�„ �a�ci� •• •s •�s• •���•R ��..`'�,.• � .�-�„-°',,,�� r •��s�• • • ,..�""`�'�5�'.a,�" .--'��'"`Ea�e:3osaer� • • • � � � �.�,�.� �. ��„� 2. I���pl}�a�" (IOi.6 �2211}y�4r� (�f}1.6 I2��)���" (25.�es��� m��)faatn�addy Qnto�h'��ttd�l�yzl��r�t,just�elo3f••••• �������r����T[�� the seconcl co��-se l�tl��c�sitione� fc�ai�ri p�c�e�y • t��,���, u��dec tl�t�str��l�th�z�ilxg ri�a ��aF�flat tiie, or uzlcter the �������� s��'������y"�`��c�� ��an portion of tile tile, �los�st ta t(��.underlock foz- ������� �.� �`� t���t� ���E�� tl�e s�cond ca��rse ti]e to��i��st�lied. In�ur� ��"" �'' � a��az�o�irnat�iy 8-� in' (�1.6wS8.1 cn��) of adt�esiv� ���� ,� f'����������c���€ ���*�� "' ``������ "€ eontact with the t�zad�rside of tl��tite. + ' . }� �t�� Pf �TMj�,� � �-��,���.��� ? - 9' �� (Irzstr-�tetzc�r�s corzti�zu�d orz n�xt �er e s:aP#�� , y � - � c�a'! � ���#�e�< � ' , �� Si� l�p�c(d��nn � 2as4ln w� ' `*y� a���e�a t,�— �,� � �����. � T` u �,,,�� ��� a��.}� �,� a�n���; �.� `f��?'''��`�`��� E,� �l �€r� E � �-�` ���C �:��*-���rr F� 'a f��- 9 c��+�r�ti#�TiB� Pfi��kC�� �Ge3E�h� � :�(�r1 i�Ip.; 1E7-0322,03 ,.�� " ka��is�a�i��i)�t�: 05fI0f22 �ppcaos=�I���t�: (}�d1�7(t 7 E'�gc 9 c�d'11 , �, , • �����������������;��� ��r:��za�3 ����T����c��� f�a�[��Fa�ra�ae��i�s€i��� Si�tt��p�d�iy ac�€d�f Sat� d�9��r�ir�d� � �'" �...� 3. Also�pply a 2" �50.8 r��7n}x�" (101.�i n�m}x;'4„ ���������� °��`"� �' (19 �nm}p�ddy c�n tap of�1ie c:�v� c.c�urse�ile �t��� � �, '' f�� �urf �c' � f � �� ���,�„�,c,��� �ce as sha���n, o��to�of th�strezlgtl����in�rib �,�� � � �`',��° Ptar fla�tile or on�op c�f the pan�ac�r#idz3 t�f�]�e ti1e, � �p��� � � �� ��"� r�� � clos�st t�tl��t�racferlock�f tl���rst�cc�t�rse a�tiie. ••"��• dac@�t�tt[�[la�� k • • •a��, • �-� ��� �, �� I��st�ll s�cox�td ec���rse�t t�'�e. Iz��l�re ap�ro��rn�t�Ey • b���4�ef. (`� � z�e��• •• •����• `�t`��°, z ,��-:.� �{5�.� exn�) - �1 (71crr��).���€�-� i���h ad�tesive . . �� 2x�3�. ..<"� �`s �"'� ,+� „�� COI2tc`�C�L�f1��7��1-Cl Lllltt'GLStC� •�e�• �� �" �1��}2€'.��1�,�t th�Overla�"d • � � �'� ' , `�-�, �" c2i]€�7 ��?.� CTiI�� -��J���s�tY3C�SC�lI�I� I�2��1� •f��• t�sp� �e--- � � � �-„� • • � �` ':.,,c"`" �"�' �„ c3C��1�S1V4�t;£}T2$c3C�4Vf��1 ��1k:d�i 'SIC��t3�$ F�G 3� •e:a• �'t c� f''� • • e • • �. � '� , � � ,.��f ���`'�, t� th�h��d of t11e til�. Cc+r��i��.le+in sal�-�e t�t�er. •••••• � � �� E�e�etaurs�-� •. �; � �`.� -� �,� ' ,"`' F�Sc�� •�s��• • •• • • s � `'' J �►'�ptacti� s • •• • s����a ��� � ,�"��" sr�"'"�� • m s td?dh4. 21CM. . ;�' E �� �@9tdF@ • • • •• • • �' �'� x �"�x.�" LB�i �at • • • s t r w e• • �' F-. � g+� e• e • • w • •a�see �[g h�r��E�°�EF� � �MI� �E�C��t�1`t� Nt��S�o,: 17-0322,03 :.,� ' � �:��aa�-a�ic�� I9a�t�e ��11 t1122 ��p�oval R?ate:04f�711'7 �'��e 10 c��'11 � R , ��������� ��.������:�� �1����, `T'W� �I��� �I�RC�1, Ta�o�iee���z-a���(C�`a�a��d P��} '�`il� 1. St�rtiza�at ti�e ea���co�rse,�p�1�=�l��izaimuzr� 2>, 13 R(�ee ee�ou�h adk�es[ve e�a�cFsieae C�5 to 79 s�,in, SY���a pMt�h���r(ieatl�e�s i�eea�tact uuith the pan tile fwhess re�uir�d} �S�.� Tf1TI�} X �����?��Tk�tI1� �1>����J+�r�f�11�4}�Oc1T11s e t��• 31�urn�ou�rsupst�#edo+un.F�l�e��dh�stvetn �?c�C�C�}'ffI1�Q t��E Ut1t��i'��?�"f�1�tl��QSI[IOI1���sc�S •' eeatin.EramQucxfd����eofcrev�r�ii�. S�IC)WFl L1tIC�C:S tW0 s�C�J�C�sT,��c��1�C,5.`:�j j7�'��'r1V� • T`hees 3r�stte##Bhe tid�.Ensure 2�i� � ��e a s 29�q.i�.contaeR�rca. „^�a td��S �I'{)TTl C(3C�Clt1�Ll]7�I�si��1�L1�� �1dS s�C�c�T1Cf; �C7 � • •4•sr• lirtct�riaym�nt � Gt1I�. •�o e •� • • i . � * y p Q R M Y W a •�s• a s• r�::• �t ('� f-�� • 4 �,.3 � t �� l.,Q�I���2U�.�.� �4't4���.'���t'����������T `b.���G�� tbRlR � �� ~' a CC}Lii`S�S Ll�?�t74VaS'tj��"1�E��(�°�y��TiSUt.� s•a a ••�s!s f , ,N ' � ` {-�-'�,�-� ���rtaxi�nat�ly 65 (419.�ci��:—70(45I�� cin'} '. � ,�' �� ,�- � ° ,, . .. .. .�.... ;���� � , square i�ch ac�lesi��cont��t�urth th�u��c�`e�sicte . . a;',,- , ',, f,, . m a Q���1�;�Ic�[I�I��:. • • • s�s��e G ���-." ,-`" Sta�s4hi�rc� •s • s • s • Eau�ci�sure •s a a s• t��c�fsn�,�nk 3. Turn eovers upsidc d�wn ex�osii��the undersi�[e '���R�'��� ���g,��,�,� c�f the tile. Ap�i}�a�ninim��zn I"(2:i.4 anr��} x I Q" {254 mzn} i�ead af ac�ilesive dir�c�ly c�n the inner R�mc�ve ta�a portion a�ehc eave e�e�rs�egiu�r elie.Abui e�s�e�nd courxe c�f �C��� OF�$C� SiC��;(}k�t�1C:(;4V�I"�l l�. ���1V� ���r tile�r Ensue�e�v��nd esE p�n and eo��r cil�s are�tu�h ae e�v�Idn�. a�pr�xir�atel���l4"(19 Txlrr�)to I"(25.4 mr�l} T`�ro F�i�����rr�l a F�ig�Pr�fi���"�1� frc�z��the putside ed���f th�tile, il�warc�, fi�e:e af fa��n to a�1ow=��'or e��a��sioz�. 4. `T`urz� cov�r ti1�over aft�r foam is ap�alied and placr;antca pan til�cc�ucse. Insure a n�inimuxn c�f 20{129 c�r�'} �2� (16I.3 czi7�} sc�u�re inch contaet ar��can�ack�szd�of tl�e c�v�r t��e t�tl�e pan tile. C'a��tix�t�e i�same�n�nner. Trin�a���a}� �in}7 eured expc�seci 1"c��t�� adhesive. �'�ainti�l�c�� �c�zl�ituc�inal �dges c�t the eo�rur�il�s�r� eoz�sid�reei o�tional. S, �fhen additi�n�1 nailiii�is rec�uired,2"(50.8 mt��)x 4" (10�.6 n�z��} t1ail�z-s c�r th�tie w�ir� syst�;m uszn��alvanized, stail�l��s st�el,or eopper wir��nd cot����atible naiis rtia��be us�d. �1�I� t��' `I��IIS r�C'��'��'�I`<�I�C:'� ,, �c���v�.: �7Qa�zz.o3 r�c���������c���� � � ,�.,e �� �x�ii•��ia�� I�ate: t�5l10122 :�ppro�=��L��te: Q4127117 �a�e 11 af 1l