CHANGE OF ARCHITECT - h _����,_����,����-�� ! 1 � I�� � .^ � �� _: � - 4. ��� r u 1� l � � ��:; ..-��.,.. :�.,. .�.,�. 1Q05f�M1t.E.2nd Avenuex tYliami S�or�s, FIr�r6da 33238 „� ��t.(�o����s-22���ax: (�o�}���-s�72 ��s��cc�o�«r����c����u�t���:f���}��2--��as A �� � � �s�er P�rr�i# (U�. ����� '' ��� �,��`� � � � St�b ��r�it No. �u������ ❑ ���c-���c ❑ �c������ � � �x-E-��srca� �����wa� � ��Lur�a��� [� ��c�,���c�� [�����ic wo��s ������ c�� ❑ c��vc�L�aT�c�� � s�c�P - �� ��aw���s � - _,� _ �o�������s: ��c!�? �t.� �� ��` � ��� � Cifiy� Miami Shc�res Caunt�: Mi�mi C3ade Zip, FoEio/P�re�l##: �������°'���"���td� Is the�uildir�g Mis�csrically D�si�n�ted:Yes tUQ .� Occupancy Type: �� load. Canstructior�Type: ��� Fload Zone: � BFE: P'��� FFE: ��.��f � {}kAf�lEi2.i�a�rre (Fee Simpl�Titleholder) �p��� ' ���,����1�?� t ��}��E��,{��.,�'�1� PhQne#: �� �����'-`���ei �ddress: ���� �G�,; �� �.� City: �F���� ��.�._ �...�. State: �� Zip: ����'"� Tenant/Les�ee Nam�: � r�� � Phone#: ��� Email: � �d�"� � � �����. � �ta'�� c�����c�-o�.c��,���,����,�: �t�t��.L�:G ��R�i��.�� �'�E�� �.�C" pn��,��. ��� ���C ��,� [� �aa���s: �3�`� � �c.t���� ���F� ���� - �C`tI'� ��� L���: _��� ���� �����: F c� � z;�: �3��3� Qu�ii�ier N�me: ��.��'� ���,�'����� Phone#: ���" ��� � ���� State Certification or Re�istration#: � �. ��� � ��� Certificat�of Competency#: DESftak�E�t.Architect/En�ineer: C`��+,��€ ���-����T 4"�ai� �L��� Phc�ne#: ��:; t � ��'�'"`�`��i� ^-' 1 � �dd��ss: �s���: �.�� �� �,°� Ci�y: '��f�G`€� State; �� Z,p `'��� �aEue of 1Alo�rk fc�r t�is Permit:$ Square/Gin��r Fc+ot��e of Worbc: Type�of Work: ❑ Addition � Alterafiior� [� New � Repair/Repiace ❑ D�rr�alition Descriptior��fiWork: � "�.� �: ° �i�� � ,�.%e:,�'U�?t"tc:��: ����v�,"� �� ,��'���� Sp�ci col�r�f eol�r t�ru fiil�e Submit4al Fee$ Peemif F��$ �CF$ CC}/CC$ scannin�F��$ Rad�n F��$ D�PR$ Nt�t�ry 5 Techne�(ogy Fee$ T�ainin�f Edueatior� F��$ �aubl�Fe�$ StructuraE RevEews$ �ond$ TC3TAL FEE Nt�W E�U�$ � � � ` (Rev��eao2�zn/zosa) �ondin�Com�any's Name{if�pplicable} Bc�nding Cornpany's Address City 5tate Zip Martgage�ender's Name{if applicable) f�artgage�ender's Address City State �Ep Application is hereby m�de to c�btaen a percnit to do the wcsrk and installations as indicated. � ceetify that no work c�r ie�staklation has eommenced prior to the i�suance o€ � permit and th�t a!S work wilE be per�carmed to meet �he st�r�dards of afl laws reg�I�Cir�� cc�r�struetion in this jurisdietion. 1 ur�derstand th�t a separate permit must be secured f�r ��EC�"RfC, PCUP�iiB(NG, SlGNS, PQCILS, FURNACES, �OILERS, NE�TERS,TANKS,AIR CCaf�DfTIC}�#ERS, ETC..... 4��IUER'S AFF{€�Aitt1': I cer[ifiyy �ha2 a61 the f�regoin� in�arm�tion is aceurat� and �hat af! work �nrilf be don� in compiiance with a!I applicabl�laws re�ulatin�construc�t9on and zoning. �f �R���� T o ���: Yau� ����uR� � ��ee� A ��r�e� o� �� ��c� � �r �v ��su�T � ��u� ��:�� � �c� � � � � c�u� � -rs T � �� �� P�� . �� � � � �� Tt� ��1'�41N FI�A �1 G, C 1�1SUlT' [�'N YC��! k.E L}E� +� RNEY �EF�RE RE� 1�1� 1( UR T'ICE �F C E CE ENT.•, Notic� to Apptiec�nt.• As Q c�nditr`c�n ta the issuc�nce o�`cr buildir����rnrrt wlth an estlr�rate�vc�(ue exceeding��SG�(?, fh�a�plicant rr�ust prurrafse in c�ood f�ri�h th�rt a c�py of the not�iee crf cc�rnrraerrcerr�er�t and con�tructr�n liera f��vv brvchure �vi1(be dgFivered tc� the peesc�n whose property is subject ta attaehrnent. Also,cr eertifr�d cv�y af t�he recorded notice af eorr�rrrencerraent must be�aosted at the jc�b site �or the frrst inspecticrn whrch crccurs seven (7) days c�ft�r th� burfding p�rmit is issued. ln th� absenc� r�f suc� peasted rrc�tice, th� inspeccion wr`N nat be apprpued crnd a.r�tnsp�etion�`ee witl be charged. � . ��.'`. � ,` ,,��. .?` , �,,_.' �' Signature �.- `` � , �.�-� � Signa�ure �� ' ��.. ,..�` �'� F ' f '"YV tk��Q{�t^iVLiV�i� . �,`�� f�.tJiY!1"tKt..I l..Ff\ _...._...... . l The�oregoin�instrument was acknowl�dg�d kref4re me tFris Tt�e foregoing instrum�nT was acknowEedged befc�re me[his c�- d�y o� '��� � ,�o .;�U ,�� ,� ��y o� �� �� z� �� ,�v �-�.,�� 1;�.c��'4�C���� �'��'�`" ,who is personally kne�wn to _���-��.wtie� pe��:f n�wn � � � �.�_�____, wha is k -� me or who has praduced ��� ���'`�'%�1 ���s me or who has prc�duced as identifieation and who did take an oath. identifieation ar�d v�ho clid�ak�an aath. � �.. Nt)TARY Pt1BLIG: t�QT,4RY PUBLIC: f. � �� � f ��r� � i ,, `` ..---'�--�" SJgt1: �- ' ` � G- Sign: ��-`-` PrinY:��'� r� � �'.�€ � Prir�t: ,s����, � rv,��a � ;�� � � � � ;�� fY vbli€ 5 ��c 'r, ic, $2c`3�: � �JE'd�; � ,=�vt, � ` C�rtt*t?55isn tCs„ ;6ir. ��`'�"'� Notary�ut�1,c State of�har[da x,?�t'" M4=Cpmm.Ex�,res Au; 9,��,, �' J2Su5(�1 Cattll�Rr�t@ -�' r, +: 4 My Ca nrssron L'>G 7�57t3 '���,o`� �x���ts ,s,za�a *�#�*��*������� ;w � �x�,�,�..���W/:��*� ���*�a�m��x:�*�*����������a��:�x��xm�**:k���:�*��*�a��m���x�a���������� � ����'�> . APPRQVED BY � �� �� �_ Rlans Examiner � Zonin� � Structural Review Clerk 4ft�wr��daz/z�12a��� 8 � , ������ � t1�C.H431 IaP�ll �c�rf=S �II��� ���M �rt���� . �' �t�11�C�lfl� ������"1�C°�� ��'�^� � �r►��'�� I�QS� N.�.2�d �v�nu� ���i�tt Mi�mi �hcares, FPc�r�ida 3363� T�1: (305) 7RS.22C�4 F � (305) 756.�9�2 � �...�..w.�..� A .+t'"a � T ? � � 1°T"� T ,�� ����a��� P"�Ylttit Id.RC-�9-19-2249 �Wnei`'S �1at�te {Fe�Sirnple TiLle Flt�ld�r};PERCY MAIPARTiDRI JENNIFER CUDRIS Phc�ne�:561-236-9970 C?WC��t`'S �ddt'ess: 8046 S�22 GT �icy: aav�� Stat� : Ft_ �ip ��d�:��s2a �ob �ddress (C�f wher�wc�rk is b�irag don�}:19C1 fvW 97 ST �ity: l�4�� i 5h�re� St�te.�Flari�� �€p ��d�:33��0 COtltraCtCtr'� CC9tTtp,any N�me: �UILDING SERVICE TEKS Lt�C Phcstl�#:305-9�6-2217 �c�dCess: 5323 MII�.ENIA LAKES BLVD-SU1TE 3Q0 �i�y. oF2L�1Nt�Ca St�te;��- �ip �ead�:32839 C�ual�fi�r's PJa��� : ��sus n���u�c c����rvar� L.6c. Number: c�c �sz�2�s �rchiteetl �ngin r c�f Re�ord �+lame. JUAN VIZC�t�S2A Ph����;3Q5-972•8675 �ddress: 10936 S1N 137 PL City. r�1��C Sce�t�; ��- �ip �od�: ���es E)�SCrib� oYk: KiTCHEN AND�A,TNROOMS RENC?VAT(ON 1 h+�r+�by c+�rti th�� the �r�C h�.� �en abar�dan� �.n f�r th� ��ntra�+����la.re it�et i� un�, le �►r� ur� illir� ta c� let+� �he � r�t��.+c�. 1 �1 t � uit in ��i�.l an t e °�"��������.r `�i k� +�s h�.r� �+��� c�f a�ll 1� � al ir�vol�re �r�t. � , � � ,. ,� ,; Signat�re �: � ��` Si�r�a�tc�r� ,`�°�C7rYr�t"ar Agenc ` Contractar or Archicect � :�r� The fore��g rnstr�cl�e�utias aknoyv�e��d b�for�me `f'he foregoing instrumer�c was aknowled��d b�fc�re me thas r£"�d�y c���`��_'� � ,2Q�?�;y ` �"��,`` �� ����',� this day of ,2� by �IVf�is perscanally k�c�wn ca m�t��who has p�aduced who ls persor�ally lenown to �e car wha has procEuced �`±�,��"�`' ��"�- ���` ��` ���.p ��s dr�der�'tifl��ti�n. as ind�ntifi�atE�n, t -: No�ar�r F'�blie; ,a � {d�tary P"ublic: Sign. � �� „� �'^$ S3gn; S�al. a._ __�� Seal: �,��,SiYP{n., F�Cl�iY6f�k`�4,611�0.+W�)f1�61'C\k471i� ,;��� ; �i�l..+iYFivil�Wl���Ut3 L.����57 ,,�.�' EXF'IRES:Juiy 2,2Q22 �''��5;?",;;"�' B�mc�etS Thru NoBary Public Unde 'tcts m t�1 t.�.T 1 L L < ��46�W 22nd CT, €?AVIE, FL 3332� ��� � �' �-� � �� PH: 561-236-9970 � �� � � � � �� Email: p�mn21@gmail.corr� �HANGE OF ENGEN�ER LE ER June 04f�, 2020 Tc�: Juan Vizcarra R�f: Transfer of Respansibility as En�ineer�f Recard for: "Proposed int�ri�r rerr�adeling" at: 19�t NW 97 St, Miam� Shores, FI, 33150 �ear IVIr. Vizcarra, Pursuant t� Florida Administrative Code, Rules Chapter 61G15-27, Proeed�ares f�r the adopfiion of Anc�ther`s work; I Percy IVlalpartida Nunez (PE 77935) assume the respc�nsibility �s new del��ated Engineer of r�cord far the referenced proj�ct. Ir� adoptin�, reer�ating, modifying or updatin�wc�rk or��inally perfarmed by you, p�r the requir�ments of 62t�15-27, E th�n, b�cc�me the En�in��r of reeord fc�r th� r�fereneed proj�ct Sinc�relY, ��������tt��1 C��,�,������ � ��� �� �"a �'t, ����1���+,"�" �°`"�°� � �'� � � ° � � 45" •k � -�: tk ' � ° , >,. ,x � .,� � � �� �� � � , �' �� �`� gF�� �"��"'�,�� '���t��``g�'���� ���,�������������, �l1�� P�rcy Malpartida, P.E. FI Re� Nc�. 77935 rl �` � � tJ ` IP��# � ��t-� First-�1���t�it , � P��t�g��F��s�'�!d . � .. . ;3 .a . . . . ('�.��i V��.i?^�F� !J F{I �"PLd� � #�tJ ULt`4� "P 3� ! 4.1� I�Illfi�d������ "�ender.Pl�as�pr�r�t ycaur n�me,�ddr�s�,�nd�1��4�ir�thi�bc�x• P�st�1 S��llc� � � �'���� ��C�������°�„� , �, � ��:��-t G�a ��t��.' ��.�'. � `�����, � � ��� �'�� fl��F����l���ilt��}l�kF�t�����fl�l��t�#��l��F,)�#5����������if���i � _ _ _. � . � � . . � « ,, . +� - �, �i�nature .' � C�mpt����m�'�,2.���3. I�Agent � Pr�t1t y�aur n�m�and addYes�ar�th�rea��rSe � � ���� � � �A�dr���e sca th�t w�can r�turn th�card fca y�au. g. Receiv�d by(Prinfed tvam�+) G [�a a,� liv�ry � �t�ach Yt�is eard�c�th�back caf the m�i(pie��, � ;� ,' crr san�h�front if�pace p�rmit�. __� � --- 1. Ar4ic�e l�ddr�ssed to: � _ C�. {s delivery address difier�snt frram item 1? Y s !� Vf YE�,enter d�liv�ry�ddr�s�belc�wr: (�Nc� ��,'��,� ��ZM�,���.�e�� 4 � "�1 ��,���,�> ���; � � � � �. ������c , ��— `�� ����� � ( 3. S�rvice Typ� C!Prlority Mati Express� �� �� �� ��� ��� ���������� �� �������,� �� �At4ult 5ignsture Re�tricted G�allv�ry C!Re�ist�rmcl t�ai}TRa�trictacl artt`ft�!Mal#� ���� J�9C��4C3� 533t�QC�4��4��9 Q� c� e��r�ea e��i����zr�c��t�eE�v�ry c���cvr�,�e����t�o� Merchandis� C�Cc�k;ect on E1elseec}+ �g� n�t�re Conf§nrsailonT� �£:at���n Dei�v�ry Resf€iated D�6ivesy � 2. Aaticl�E�umb�t�C�r�nst�e fiz�rrl��rsEice/�b�f) �sig�a�ura Cca�strma�c�n al Restrict�d De4�tiery _ __ `�9 9� ��4��§ ;�����flot�a�ekiv��y ?Cl 1�9 �,6�4 R C1 C1 C�1� r��Y��c�� � _.. .,._,. ._ Damestic Return Rc���ip� F���irrri;�i'T"t.;1t:aiy 20�5���v���o-o�-o��-so�� � .. , � � C�AUIE __ _�__ _ .__ 3�50 S �J�IEr�R�Zi� p� D°VIE, �=L ;33'��,�'i-���8 �13(��6-C��7� {8Qt�)275-�777 �6,�'Q�f2C12t� t��;3� E�M __ ._ _. _ �'rc�dExct �tv Ur��t �Pr�ice Pric� _ _ __ _ ___ ` �'�1 1-�a�� 1 $7.7�i $7.75 F 1 a C Rate Fr�v CDc�mest i c7 tMIA�II, �L �i�l�E� {F1a�t Rate> �t�x��ct�� C��i t�,�r�y D;�v} riday C��.='i��i2t�2�?} Cer�tifi�d $?,55 {USPS Cer,ttf��cl Mai 1 #i �„{7C�131 E��Eilt`�i�Ew�1:�t�i��1�I�+? 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