2022-04-04 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission meeting held on April 4, 2022.
Members present:
Susan Ackley
Victor Bruce
Luis Crump
Beth Dunlop
Clarissa Rodriguez
Michael Stock
Members absent:
Tia Bowman
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Superintendent
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2022 meeting. Motion
seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved.
Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 29, 2022 meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
The Commission discussed the March concert. It was noted that since the concert was held on the
last day of spring break, this may have affected attendance numbers. There was consensus
among the members that Friday is a better day to hold concerts.
Discussion turned to the upcoming Gallery Night. Mr. Stock suggested using a QR code, instead
of having an informational brochure for the artists. Members discussed the proposed catering
menu for the evening and made revisions. Mr. Stock suggesting consolidating the food to the
Library, with drinks at both locations. It was related that Miami Shores Woman’s Club has made a
donation of $200 to sponsor the food. Ms. Dunlop made a motion to approve an additional
$300 for the proposed catering menu, for a total amount of $500. Motion seconded by Ms.
Rodriguez and unanimously approved. Commission members suggested having background
music for the event. Ms. Dunlop proposed contacting students from New World for the music. Mr.
Stock made a motion to approve $150 for background music for Gallery Night. Motion
seconded by Ms. Rodriguez and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the Art in Public Places practices and procedures. Ms. Dorney said that the
Village Manager reviewed the document and suggested adding information regarding installation
and deinstallation. The Village Manager is also requesting adding a presentation to Council to
approve the artwork. Ms. Ackley said this negates the verbiage in the current procedures. Ms.
Rodriguez said the issue is the override power that Council would be given with the artwork,
adding that the purpose of the Commission is to act on behalf of the Village. Ms. Rodriguez
offered to help create a compromise that is agreeable to both the Commission and the Village.
Continued discussion on Art in Public Places was tabled until the procedures are finalized.
Discussion turned to future concerts. Commission members agreed that an early October concert
would be ideal. Ms. Ackley suggested reaching out to Brothers of Others, whose scheduled
concert was cancelled due to Covid in 2020.
Discussion turned to program recommendations for FY 2023, which includes three art exhibits. Mr.
Stock suggested partnering with other groups, including the library.
Ms. Ackley related that the Commission has previously applied for a grant from the Miami Shores
Community Alliance for concerts as well as art in public places. The Commission is in agreement
to apply for a grant in the amount of $7,500.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.