2022-01-11 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on January 11, 2022.
Members present:
Susan Ackley
Tia Bowman (Via Phone)
Victor Bruce
Luis Crump
Clarissa Rodriguez
Michael Stock
Members absent:
Beth Dunlop
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Superintendent
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2021 meeting. Motion
seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved.
Introduction of new Commission member Clarissa Rodriguez.
Discussion turned to the Sculpture Park and Mr. Prypchan’s proposed sculpture at the location.
Commission members viewed the sculpture on their own prior to the meeting. Mr. Crump liked the
piece and felt it would work at the park; Mr. Stock is also in favor of the sculpture; Ms. Bowman is
impressed and noted it is not as obtrusive as she imagained. Ms. Dunlop, through an email, felt
the piece was too big and poses a danger to the park. Mr. Bruce and Ms. Ackley are both in favor
of the sculpture. Mr. Stock made a motion that the Fine Arts Commission accepts Mr.
Prypchan’s mountain sculpture under the condition that the finances can be obtained for
the installation of the sculpture. Motion seconded by Ms. Rod riguez and unanimously
approved. At this time Ms. Bowman left the meeting.
Discussion turned to the NW 2nd Avenue art in public places. The project was explained to Ms.
Rodriguez, noting there is a $5,000 commission to the selected artist; the Commission received a
grant of $3,500 from the Miami Shores Community Alliance for this art in public places project. It
was noted that site specific proposals from the three finalists is due on January 15th. There will be
a special Fine Arts meeting on January 25th for each artist to present their proposal to the
Discussion turned to NE 2nd Avenue and the concept of concrete pillars with tree names located in
various areas that have a QR code to scan and people can learn about the tree history. Mr. Stock
does not see a vision of this in Miami Shores; Mr. Crump is not in favor of this project; Mr. Bruce
feels the architectural design concept is great but is not certain about the interactive aspect of the
project; Ms. Ackley likes the concept. Ms. Rodriguez suggested tweaking the design and finding
an interactive space. Mr. Bruce suggested changing the image to something that involves the
entire Village; having a QR code that is directional to a website. Further discussion on NE 2 nd
Avenue was tabled.
Discussion turned to the Brockway art exhibit for Gallery Night. Submissions were distributed to
the Commission. It was noted that Magnus Sodamin’s works are too large for Brockway Library. It
was suggested contacting Mr. Sodamin to see if he has smaller pieces. It was noted that there is
not enough wall space for two artists to exhibit simultaneously. It was noted that the Fine Arts
Commission likes Maria Barbist and Magnus Sodamin and both artists will be contacted to see if
their pieces will work with Brockway Library’s space. The date of April 28th was suggested for
Gallery Night.
It was noted that the January 14th concert featuring Sol and The Tribu was postponed due to the
rise in Covid numbers. Sol and The Tribu can perform at the March spring conc ert but their only
available date is March 27th. It was related that sound will cost an additional $100 for this concert.
Mr. Stock made a motion to approve an additional $100 for sound at the March spring
concert. Motion seconded by Ms. Rodriguez and unanimously approved. The Chamber has
offered to rerun the concert ad at a discounted rate once a new date is confirmed.
Ms. Ackey suggested having Carla Peters at the Chamber of Commerce create the graphic design
for the Egret and Village newsletter at a cost of $200 per event. Mr. Stock made a motion to
approve $200 for Carla Peters to create the graphic design for the French Horn Collective’s
February concert for the Egret. Motion seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved.
Ms. Ackley related that the updated cost for an Egret ad is now $597, an increase of $78. Mr.
Stock made a motion to approve an additional $78 for the Egret ad. Motion seconded by
Ms. Rodriguez and unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.