2022-03-07 RAC Minutes
Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on March 7, 2022.
Members present:
Jennifer Baumann
Silvia Clarke
Christian Dunham
John Ise
Gayle Mercado
Sheryl Piper
Jens Schwarte
Natasha White
Members absent:
Sandra Carro
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Jacquelyn Villagran, Recreation Superintendent
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
Esmond Scott, Village Manger
Tanya Wilson, Assistant Village Manager
Crystal Wagar, Councilwoman
Kate Mason, Resident
Amalie Ise, Resident
Deidre Dunham, Resident
Yacel Munez, ULI
Jhanelle Campbell, ULI
Jorge Ovalle, ULI
Lisa Neumayer, ULI
Darin Engelby, ULI
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.
Ms. Baumann made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2022. Motion
seconded by Ms. Mercado and unanimously approved.
At this time Ms. Dorney said that members of the ULI (Urban Leadership Institute), comprised
of a team of professionals, are in attendance to receive input from Committee on the best use
of space and will send a recomm endation based on their findings. The ULI have already
toured the Recreation Department, including the tot lot, basketball, tennis, pickleball courts,
field space and will develop a plan to optimize space. A detailed cost estimate will also be
presented. The ULI is also looking at parking space.
Mr. Ise related that the prior bond initiative was voted down dramatically. Mr. Ise suggested
basing usage on popular programming such as summer camp and pickleball. Ms. Clarke said
the biggest objection was cost; there needs to be a balance between a state of the art facility
and keeping a small town atmosphere. Commission members agreed that the parking
situation will be challenging. Mr. Dunham said one of the biggest things missing is a
gymnasium as well as dedicated pickleball courts; the current courts are reducing play for
tennis. Ms. Baumann suggested looking into adding a second floor to the building. ULI
members said that if more than 50% of the building is upgraded then the entire building will
need to be upgraded.
Mr. Ise added that Constitution Park is an underutilized space. Ms. Piper said that it is critical
to get input from residents since this is a community effort. Mr. Schwarte suggested utilizing
Memorial Park. Ms. Dorney noted that Memorial Park is a passive park. The ULI suggested
having a dedicated area at Memorial Park for children. Mr. Ise suggested creating a survey to
gather community input. The ULI suggested seeing what people will be willing to tolerate in
terms of choice and will create a master plan with choices.
Ms. Dorney noted that aftercare has no space and that field space is shrinking. Ms. Dorney
added that over the years, there has been a lot of turnover in Miami Shores with more younger
families moving into the area. ULI will also create funding options in addition to a bond
Kate Mason, a Miami Shores resident, suggested creating green spaces and pocket parks.
Ms. Mason said that art themed functional art could be created at Memorial Park and that a
marketing plan will be essential for success. Ms. Mason felt that residents would be open to a
prefab structure at Memorial Park.
Deidre Dunham, a Miami Shores resident, suggested that the Village only put forth options that
everyone would want to see.
Crystal Wagar suggested looking into funding options. Many younger children expect certain
amenities and said that a community center reflecting 2022 is needed. All possible scenarios
should be examined.
At this time Village Manager Esmond Scott and Asst. Village Manager Tanya Wilson
introduced themselves to the Committee.
At this time Amalie Ise from Girl Scout 1305 introduced herself to the Committee. Ms. Ise is
seeking a Gold Star project through a flag box retirement collection program. This prog ram
would allow people to drop off tattered/ripped flags that need to be retired respectfully. The
boxes would be ADA compliant and contain informational QR codes . Ms. Ise said that the Girl
Scouts have partnered with the Rotary Club who will take over the program when Ms. Ise
graduates high school. Ms. Ise would like to have flag boxes located at the Miami Shores
Community Center, in El Portal and in Biscayne Park. Ms. Piper made a motion to support
Amalie Ise’s flag retirement box project. Motion seconded by Mr. Schwarte and
unanimously approved.
Ms. Dorney related that the Marshmallow Drop will be back on April 16 th. It was noted that
Wild Waters will be open during spring break.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.