RC-04-21-1041 SpecsKnauf Jet Stream° Blow"m rt j; rr Affic Carrd P-Y Batts and Blankets Equipment Required When installed in accordance with the To achieve labeled R-value, this product must be applied with a pneumatic blowing machine and a corrugated hose manufacturer's recommendations, Knauf Batts with a minimum .25" internal corrugation, a minimunT length of 150 fL and a diameter of at least 3". Coils in the hose and blankets will provide the full R-value. should not be less than 36" in diameter, Acceptable material feed rate is 5-35 Ibs.'minute. Recommended feed rate s '15 25 lbs.: minute. To obtain an Installed insulation insulation resis'iance should not be (R-Value) of: less than: R-38HD 10.7.5' R-38 12,00" {-_ R-30HD 8.25" R-30 '10.00" R-26 ...... = 9.00" l R-211ID 5 50" R-19 _ 615 R-15HD 3-50" R-13 3.50" R 1'I 1501..�....� •'R-18 ire 5 5" cav:ly Ccn`orms Io ASTId 0,365 and Federal Specification HH-1-52'F Framing Adjustment To compensate for framing members, the number of bags per 1,000 sq, ft. of area to be insulated should be as shown below. I Bags/MSF Bags/MSF r Joist 16" O.C. 24" O.C. R Value : Dimensions _ Framing Framing 1 2x4 C- -31.2 31 3 R-SD 2x6 �.._....._.,..-.:2x8 30.5 30,8 2x+1 24.8 24.9 R-49 2-W'24.4 24.7 i 2x8----24.1 24.5 2x4 215­1 21.7 R-44 -2x6 - - 21.2 i 21.5 2x4 w_.... _...... 2x8 20.9 7.1.2 _--- R-38 2x6 18.1. 18.4 2x8 17_8 _ 18.2 y 2x4 13.8 14.0 R 30 7_x6 13.5 13.8 2 W 13.3 13_6 2 x 4_ 11.9 12.0 _ A R-26 i 2x6 '11.6 -! 11.8 l 2x8 - ^ 11.3 1.1.6 k • 2x4 9,9 10.1 R-22 2x6 i 9.7 , 9,9 ......... ............... .._ -_...... -- W 9.4 M G R-19 2x5 6.2 8.4 2,1 7.9 8.2 2x4 5.6 5 8 R-13 2x6 f5.4 5.6 j 2x8 -""-•5 1 t R-11 t 2x4 4.6 4.7 - 2x6 _ `4.3 - - 5 M..4...1, l 4.3- Thermal Performance (Attic Application) The stated thermal resislance (R-value) is provided by installing in accordance':vith the manufacturer's instructions, the requited number of bags per 1,000 sq. ft. of net area, at not less than the labeled minimum thickness. Failure to install both the required number of bags and at least the minimum thickness will result in lower insulation R-value. Ht !.:I•: w it ' The number of bags/ The vreichVSF of j To obtain an t,000 SF of not area contents of this bag installed insulation Installed insulation Installed insulation m- sulation resistance should not be sliould not cover should not be should not be should not be (R-Value) of : less than: more [Iran: less Than: less than: less than: ' R-60 # 31.7 ...., ..... ' 31.5 SF- ..: .952 lbs. -" " - "-19.75" � _ -'- 19.75.........- R-49 25.3 39.5 SF 760 )bs- 16.50" '16.50" R�4 1 45.3SF-663lbs. 14.75" 14.75" R-38 19.0 52.7 SF .569 Ibs. 13.00" -13.06" • 14,4 69,7 SF - _43_I Illbs. '10.25" 10.25" R-26 12.4 80.9 SF .371 lbs. 9.00" 9.00" R-22 '10.4 95.8 SF ; 3'131Ins. 7.75" 7 75" _ ....�.... R-19 8.9 1'11.8 3F i .268 lbs. 6.75" 6.75" ...................__........ R-'13 _ 6.1 )64.3SF .183lbs. '175" -r5" _ 5.1 '197.6 SF 1521bs_ 4 00" 1.00" y»_ Bag :Ve: A'eigh: >Icm:nal 30 Ics. A!:i.mu:n 2? Ibc, i Coverage and irs!allnl:;a data rrere d� ermhed-j*r a I: r. -/i n :`ach'nc'•, I"i•d gcc0.-!h "3" gage op,ni'ig. 2•.i ps r Xessu-e aryl 1 15ua: 3"-rlema I x•-ugaloc hcse. 1 Tnis prodccl corrorms to C:e per,•ormence reg:rra-:iecs of AC-Tifl C 7C�, Tppe;, ano ci%,,v ed Fede''a' S;*cc�Gc;:i:ea HH-1-1'J3u6, Type I, C'.ess B. o,ah:es are dete«eired n acc-�&..nca s W.0 C87 a!::i C 5'8, `R" :nea:rs resistarce Ic7cal `c 'ho - ;^er r•e lie greaser ire nr a e:irg co:,e!: Fo got duo r�ar,2:1 R-vah.e- it is essemia: rhai ;its rsiati:r! b:: instal'ed proparly.'f".yca do is 73.das:' get:r5r!.10o!;s a^J `.c.le:v hen! ca c5.11y- lrsl•ucC:rs do art cone ;J0:W;s package. "eased or i h:rd Parly 2-yea, settling s:u# :he ored sled sc-rlemoc: o.o,a 2Q-year pai;Ld auu:c be I ce:cer.: C' less, Tl s amou.nl of sett Ing :s _ -.or, t.a i!",slal ed and sal• od tnicknesses a,e e`.301vc,_a .y khe -ia. V t j4,19( 4h'Iris! anal o:ste ohtmdemark o f Un;.;, d. Builder's Insulation Statement Batts and/or blankets have been installed in conformance with the above recommendations to provide a thermal resistance of... Attic Area Sloped Ceilings Walls Floors (over an unheated cra';dl space) Crawl Space Perimeter Date installed W 2- R-Value _•_•« Thickness P,-' \ at ' Inches R- at Inches R- at Inches R- at Inches R- St Inches Blown insulation has b0011 inSt.111ed in conformance with 'the above recommendations to provide an R-value of: R- using _ bags of this insulation to cover s f area at a minimum thickness Of _ inches, la anon ContranWr (clgnalurR) company r]at Home Builder (signature) company The coverage information on this attic card applies to the entire United States (inducting Minnesota). Mae www.Knauflnsulation.com Knauf Insulation Gmbhi One Knauf Drive, Shelbyville, Ihl 46176 Tel: (800) 825-4434 ext. 8300 FAX: (317) 398-3675 ^c_; 2007 Knauf Insulation GmbH.