PL-09-19-2099 ENGINEER LETTERj& Associates, Inc. Your MEP Company 14448 SW 173 St. Miami, Florida 33177 - C - (305) 951-2080 F — (305) 388-6152 Email — mcid.associates@gmail.com October 21, 2019 Plumbing Department Re: Starfish Residence 9701 N. Miami Ave. MiamtShoms, Florida 33150 Permit Numb e PL-09-19-2099j 1 �2o Use of CPVC Dear Sir: Please accept this letter from me. Manuel A. Cid., the engineer of record for the above referenced project acepting the use of CPVC piping in place of copper. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the undersigned. r ' r - r Manue Cid: T.E. - i:;�lectrical Engineer - 1