2021-01-21 PB MinutesMayor Crystal Wagar
Vice Mayor Alice Burch
Vice Mayor Sean Brady
Councilman Stephen Loffredo
Councilman Jonathan Meltz
Tom Benton, Village Manager
Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney
Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
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DATE: January 21, 2021 TIME: 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Chairman Busta called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Mr. Brady
Mr. Bolton
Ms. Hegedus
Mr. Snow
Chairman Busta
Also, present:
Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney
Travis Kendall, Planning and Zoning Director
Mariana Gracia, Planning and Zoning Clerk
3.A Approval of the Minutes of December 10, 2020
Motion to approve the minutes of December 10, 2020 made by Ms. Hegedus, seconded by Mr. Brady
and the Motion approved unanimously.
Planning and Zoning Minutes 2020_Dec_10.pdf
4.A STPL-000042-2020 1420 NE 101 st Street, (Applicant) Mr. and Mrs. Allen (Agent) Ocean
Consulting LLC; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of
Regulations, Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for a deck and dock.
Motion to un-table the item by Mr. Brady, and the Motion approved unanimously.
Staff presented and item and recommended approval based upon the new design.
The Board had no questions from the Applicant.
Mr. Allen spoke in in favor of his Application.
Motion to approve the Plans of December 23, 2020 with Staff recommendations by Mr. Brady,
seconded by Ms. Hegedus and the vote was approved 4-1 with Mr. Bolton Abstaining from this
STPL-000042-2020 42_Allen_Dock.pdf
Allen Dock & Boat Lift Project.pdf
5.A STPL-000053-2020 1036 NE 96th Street (Applicant) Wendy Gallego (Agent) Jose Sbarro;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
Staff made a small presentation and recommends approval with the conditions attached.
The Board asked questions. The Applicant is to correct plans to reflect windows are consistent with
There was no Public Comments.
Motion to approve subject to Staffs recommendations amended by Mr. Brady with 5'
Arch. Motion by Mr. Snow, seconded by Mr. Brady and the Motion unanimously approved.
1036 NE 96 Street - Application.pdf
5.13 STPL-000054-2020 1097 NE 98th Street (Applicant) Mamope LLC (Agent) Claus Laue;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
Staff made a small presentation and recommends approval with the conditions attached.
Applicant did not wish to present.
The Board asked questions.
There was no Public Comment. There was no discussion.
Motion to approve subject to Staffs recommendation made by Ms. Hegedus, seconded by Mr.
Snow and the Motion unanimously approved.
1097 NE 98 Street - Application.pdf
5.0 STPL-000055-2020 9826 NW 1st Avenue (Applicant) Sloane & Jemel Saunders (Agent) Mark
Capmbell; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of
Regulations, Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
Staff made a small presentation and recommends approval.
Agent made a small presentation.
The Board asked questions.
There was no public comment.
Motion to approve subject to Staffs recommendation made by Ms. Hegedus, seconded by Mr.
Brady and the Motion unanimously approved.
STPL-000055-2020_55_Sanders_Gconversion addition.pdf
9826 NW 1 st Avenue - Application.pdf
9826 NW 1 st Avenue - Drawings.pdf
5.1) STPL-000056-2020 9509 North Miami Avenue (Applicant) Gabriel & Maria Puente (Agent)
Mark Capmbell; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of
Regulations, Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
Staff made a small presentation and recommends approval.
Agent made a small presentation.
There were no questions.
There was no public comment.
Motion to approve subject to Staff s recommendation and amended, Motion made by Mr. Brady,
seconded by Mr. Snow and the Motion unanimously approved.
STPL-000056-2020_56_Bergua_Gconversion addition.pdf
9509 North Miami Avenue - Application.pdf
9509 North Miami Avenue - Plans.pdf
5.E STPL-000057-2020 9801 NE 2nd Avenue, (Applicant) 9801 Park LLC (Agent) Aviva Abrams;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for a sign.
Staff made a small presentation and recommends approval.
There were no questions.
There was no public comment.
Motion to approve subject to Staffs recommendations made by Mr. Brady, seconded by Ms.
Hegedus and the Motion unanimously approved.
STPL-000057-2020_57_Aviva sign.pdf
9801 NE 2 Avenue - Application and Plans.pdf
5.F STPL-000058-2020 1208 NE 99th Street, (Applicant) Daniel & Hara Berger (Agent) Victor
Bruce; Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of
Regulations, Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
Staff made a presentation and recommending approval.
Victor Bruce, Agent had no presentation at this time.
The Board asked questions. Add the Board recommended two windows to the West elevation. There
will be a metal roof to meet the standards of the city's requirements. There is a pool to that is not
part of this application. To be considered by the Building Department at the permitting time.
The Board suggest a Landscape plan added to this application.
There was no public comment.
Motion to approve subject to Staffs recommendations, amended by Mr. Snow with the condition
that two windows added to the West elevation the Motion made and amendment accepted by Ms.
Hegedus, seconded by Mr. Brady and the Motion was approved 4-1 with Mr. Bolton against it.
STPL-00005 8-2020_58_Berger_twostoryAddition.pdf
1208 NE 99 Street - Application.pdf
1208 NE 99 Street - Plans.pdf
5.G STPL-000059-2020 672 NE 98th Street, (Applicant) Santiago Martinez (Agent) Victor Bruce;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
Staff made a presentation and recommended approval.
There was no presentation by Mr. Victor Bruce.
The Board asked questions.
Public Comment:
1. Mr. Michael Weston of 660 NE 98th Street. Asked questions about the West side addition. He asked
how many months to complete the project. The owner responded that it would be between 4 to 6
months to complete.
Public comment closed.
Motion to approve subject to Staffs recommendations and that the mechanical equipment placed with
the required setbacks made by Ms. Hegedus, seconded by Mr. Bolton and the Motion was
unanimously approved.
STPL-00005 9-2020_59_Martinez_Addition.pdf
672 NE 98 Street - Application.pdf
672 NE 98 Street - Plans.pdf
672 NE 98 Street - Survey.pdf
5.1-1 STPL-000060-2020 1249 NE 97th Street, (Applicant) Alex Ochoa (Agent) Wesley Castellanos;
Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI of Appendix A Zoning, Sec. 400 Schedule of Regulations,
Sec. 504. (f), (g) (2) and Sec. 600. Site plan review for an addition.
STPL-000060-2020_60_Ochoa twostoryAddition.pdf
STPL-000060-2020_60_Ochoa twostoryAddition.docx
1249 NE 97 Street - Application.pdf
1249 NE 97 Street - Plans.pdf
5.I Consideration for forwarding a recommendation of Historic Designation for a property located at
230 NE 94th Street Miami Shores Florida 33138
Staff presented the item for the Board's approval.
There was comments by the Village Attorney, Mr. Richard Sarafan.
The Board expressed apprehension about approving the item to go to Council since there was not
enough information provided to the Board.
Mr. Wesley Castellanos presented the item and was in agreement with the Board.
The Board requested the more information provided about the item so that the Board can make a more
informed decision.
Motion to table by Mr. Snow, seconded by Ms. Hegedus and the Motion unanimously approved.
230 NE 94 Street Historic Application df
5.J 2021 Board Meetings Calendar for approval.
The 2021 Board Meetings Calendar was approved with correction of the last date since it falls on a
2021 CALENDAR Planning Board.pdf
There were no Board Member comments at this time.
8) NEXT REGULAR BOARD HEARING - February 25, 2021
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Brady, seconded by Chairman Busta and the Motion unanimously