DS-04-20-725 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY INSPECTIONSOUTH FLORIDA. S.G. & E. ENGINEERING TESTING LABORATORY CERTIFICATE NUMBER 04-0329.02 STRUCTURAL GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIROMENTAL ENGINEERING 8060 West 231d Avenue, suite #7, Hialeah, Florida 33016 Tel: (306) 826-3855, (305) 30"718 Fax: (306) 826-8545 Email: soflaengineering@yahoo.com 05/ 11 /2020 City of Miami Shores Building and Zoning Department 10050 NE 2°d Avenue Miami Shores, Florida33138 Ref: Concrete Driveway Inspection Address: 149 NE 99 Street. Miami Shores Florida 33138 Building Permit # ADS-S !C,,y-2-b - —I 2S To Whom It May Concern: This letter is issued to inform you that a representative of South Florida. S.G. & E. Engineering performed a visual concrete driveway inspection for the above referenced property on 05/11/20. Based on the inspection, the concrete driveway installation was found to be acceptable & was installed as per approval drawings and it is in compliance with the job specifications and Florida Building Code. South Florida. S.G. & E. Engineering appreciates the opportunity to assist you in this project. If there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our office. If I can be of further service, please call at (305) 826-3855, (305)826-8545, (305) 305-0718. Sincerely, SOUTH FLORIDA S.G. & E. ENGINEERING Testing Ignboratory Certific e 4 047 9.02 Ar4ti E Florida Registration Number:38863 Seal: