20-2372 WIND RETROFITa0 -Z31 Z 'VP '4 cg� off� TARIO ENGINEERING CORPORATION CA09550 140 Buttonwood Dr., Key Biscayne, FI. 33149 Phone: 305-772-7599, tnvw.ta�iioe{}gi{�ee{ino.net March 03, 2021 Mr. Rolando Bazail 1222 NE 99 st Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Ref: FEMA WIND RETROFIT FOR WOOD ]GISTS Mr. Bazail, At the contractor's request to inspect and revise the proposed retrofit anchors as required by FEMA publication P-804 (December 2010) entitled "WIND RETROFIT GUIDE FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDIGNS", please consider the following comments: 1. Proposed improvements are as delineated by FEMA P-804 4.1.2 as improvements without roof covering replacement. 2. In early years, it was customary to strap one every other joist. 3. The proposed retrofit plate, Simpson LGT-2 retrofit plate, as installed, meets and exceeds the FEMA P- 804 requirements fiDr saddle type connectors. It is my professional opinion that the Simpson LGT-2 connectors were installed as per manufacturer's recommendations, and those connectors will add resistance to uplift forces in the event of a storm. Connector installation as installed, meets the minimum requirements of FBC 2017, the valid code at the time the building permits were obtained for improvements delineated by SALTO ARCHITECTURE dated 10-14-20 and with latest revision on 1-29-21. Should you need any further information, or if further clarifications on these issues are still required, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully, TABIO ENGINEERING CORP. Digitally signed by Carlos Mauricio Salazar Carlos Mauricio DN:c=tl5,st=Fiorida,I=Key8iscayne, n=Carlos MauricioSal azar, cn=Carlos Salazar Mauricio Salazar, email=msalazar@tabioengineering.net Date. 2021.03.03155532 -05'00' Mauricio Salazar, P.E. Florida License #55757