2021-03-09 FAC MinutesMinutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on March 9, 2021.
Members present:
Susan Ackley
Beth Boone (Via Telephone)
Tia Bowman
Victor Bruce
Luis Crump
Michael Stock
Members absent:
Jewel Malone
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Superintendent
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Mr. Crump made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2021 meeting.
Motion seconded by Ms. Bowman and unanimously approved.
Discussion turned to the mural wall. It was related that the wall has been prepped for Ms.
Einhorn. Ms. Bruce said that Ms. Einhorn will begin painting within the week and noted that
the artist usually documents her progress on her Instagram page. Ms. Ackley said the
Commission is not planning an unveiling but rather a work in progress video. Mr. Bruce
suggested including Ms. Einhorn’s other art pieces in the video. This would not be a live
event, so there would be no unveiling. Mr. Bruce will speak with Ms. Einhorn about creating a
slide show, which will include her other works. A suggestion was made to do this on April 8 at
7 p.m.
Discussion turned to the ScreenDance Miami virtual program on March 18. It was noted that
the program is approximately 45 minutes long and features six films. There will be a chat back
at the end of the program with the filmmakers. Ms. Boone will continue promoting the event
through Miami Light Project.
It was noted that the virtual program with Leesa Richards in February was well received.
The suggestion was made to table discussion concerning a call to artists until the April
Ms. Dorney related that the cost for a set of bar lights is $250. Ms. Dorney also related that
the cost for a 6 foot recycled plastic bench, which will last longer, is $878. Ms. Dorney added
that the Village is looking to have uniform benches throughout the city. It was noted that a 6
foot bench will work better in the sculpture park.
Mr. Stock made a motion to allocate $1378 from the budget to purchase a 6 foot bench
and two sets of bar lights. Motion seconded by Mr. Bruce and unanimously approved.
Ms. Dorney noted that it may take some time to purchase the bench since the Village is
applying for a grant for benches.
Ms. Boone related that Miami Light Project had a successful in person program at the North
Beach Bandshell recently with 250 in pods and an additional 120 people online. Ms. Boone
proposed that the Commission wait until the April meeting to discuss live in person programs.
Ms. Boone feels that the Commission could confidently work towards an in person event this
fall. Ms. Boone also suggested skipping an event in May and work towards an online concert
in June.
Mr. Stock questioned if the Commission will continue online events after in person events
resume. It was noted that this is a question to table for future discussion. Mr. Bruce said the
Commission could save money by hosting some online events and the extra money could go
towards having a larger event. For example, Mr. Bruce suggested bringing in a salsa band
with multiple instruments for a stage performance.
Discussion turned to the art in public places locations. Mr. Ackley said that the land in front of
St. Martha’s church on Biscayne Boulevard would be an ideal spot for a sculpture. There is
also a triangular piece of land on NE 6th Avenue near Publix. Ms. Ackley added that the first
priority is on NW 2nd Avenue between NW 104-109 Streets for art in public places.
It was noted there is no written contract with Sculpture Garden artist Alberto Cavalieri. The
concern may arise if Mr. Cavalieri chooses to remove the sculptures.
Ms. Ackley noted that she created a 59 second video for the Miami Shores Community
Alliance describing how the Commission used their awarded grant money. Ms. Dorney
explained to the Commission the annual fundraising event hosted by MSCA and how they give
back to the community with the money raised.
The suggestion was made to request $10,000 for the FY 21-22 budget. Ms. Bowman made a
motion for the Commission to request $10,000 for the FY 2022 budget. Motion
seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved.
Ms. Bowman made a motion to reschedule the April Commission meeting to April 6th.
Motion seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.