2021-02-02 MINUTES1 Mayor Crystal Wagar Vice Mayor Alice Burch Vice Mayor Sean Brady Councilman Stephen Loffredo Councilman Jonathan Meltz Tom Benton, Village Manager Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 2021 6:30 PM 9900 NE 2ND AVENUE 1) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wagar called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. 2) MOMENT OF SILENCE / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL Councilman Sean Brady Councilman Jonathan Meltz Councilman Stephen Loffredo Vice Mayor Alice Burch Mayor Crystal Wagar ALSO PRESENT: Village Attorney Richard Sarafan Village Manager Tom Benton Village Clerk Ysabely Rodriguez 3) PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments offered during the meeting and no eComments. 5) APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES 5.A APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 19, 2021 VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. A motion was moved by Councilman Brady and seconded Vice Mayor Burch to approve the January 19, 2021 Village Council Meeting Minutes. The motion passed unanimously. 2 6) RESOLUTION(S) 6.A A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE SELECTION OF THE HIGHEST RANKED PROPOSER (AE ENGINEERING, INC.) FOR RFQ 2020-04-02, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE MULTIMODAL PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER & VILLAGE ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT THEREOF AND ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (STAFF: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR). The Village Clerk read the caption of the resolution into the record. Mr. Benton provided a brief overview of the competitive solicitation process, the proposed project, and turned the item over to Mr. Scott Davis, Public Works Director, who answered questions posed by the Village Council. Mr. Davis indicated the estimated timeline for the project and elaborated on the average width of the sidewalks in relation to the current dimensions. Mr. Davis further spoke about the various intergovernmental regulations and standards, which affect the cost and timeline of the project. Vice Mayor Burch moved to approve the resolution and Councilman Loffredo seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, Mayor Wagar called the question, which carried a 5-0 voice vote. 7) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 7.A DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CHANGING TALLAHASSEE LOBBYIST (STAFF: VILLAGE MANAGER). Mr. Benton introduced the item, indicating Mayor Wagar’s suggestion for staff to investigate the possibility of changing the Village’s legislative lobbyist due to the limited funding the Village has been able to receive in past legislative sessions. Thus, Mr. Benton proposed that the Council consider waiving Village purchasing requirements and approving the lobbyist, Mr. Nelson Diaz, one of the principal owners of the Southern Group, who has proven experience with leveraging dollars for new and ongoing municipal projects, to represent the Village in Tallahassee. Councilman Loffredo moved to waive the Village purchasing requirements and to approve Mr. Nelson Diaz, from the Southern Group, as the Village lobbyist for legislative matters in Tallahassee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brady which carried a 5/0 voice vote. No further action was taken. 8) ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Rodriguez read the announcements. 3 9) VILLAGE COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Brady- Councilman Brady spoke about pandemic fatigue as well as the importance of adhering to COVID-19 health precautions, and encouraged online events in abundance of caution of COVID-19. He further mentioned a motion photography that took place on his block and shared how pleased the vendor was with his experience in the Village. Vice Mayor Burch- Vice Mayor Burch spoke about existing Village code restrictions relative to backyard boat storage dimensions and further mentioned her desire to bring forth an item for Council consideration, asking the Planning and Zoning Board to consider changing the ordinance governing the length of boats that can be stored in backyards from 26’ to 30’. Vice Mayor Burch further thanked Mayor Wagar for fielding 65 and older residents who are interested in the COVID-19 vaccine. Vice Mayor Burch also thanked Jessica Fleitas, Communications Specialist, for working with residents to organize a database for the aging in place population in the Village. Councilman Meltz- No comments. Councilman Loffredo- Councilman Loffredo echoed Councilman Brady's comments regarding existing COVID-19 pandemic safety measures. He further thanked Brockway Memorial Library for helping him stay entertained during the pandemic. Mayor Wagar- Mayor Wagar announced that she was recently appointed to serve on the Biscayne Bay Watershed Committee where she hopes to advance relative issues affecting Miami Shores and gather beneficial information for the Village. 10) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Village Council, the meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.