R-2020-24RESOLUTION NO. 2020“24 A RESOしUTION OF THE Vl」LAGE COUNCl」 OF MIAMI SHORES VlしLAGE, FしORIDA, ADOPTING THE FINAL LEVYING OF AD VALOREM TAXES FOR MIAMI SHORES VILしAGE FOR THE F!SCAL YEAR 2020"2021; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Miami Shores Vi=age Counc= of Miami Shores, FIorida, held a pubIic hea「ing as required by Fiorida Statute 200.065; and, WHEREAS, the Miami Shores V川age CounciI of Miami Sho「es, Fio「ida, On Tuesday, September 15, 2020’adopted Fiscai Year 2020-2021 Finai millage rates fo=owing a public hearing as 「equired by FIorida Statute 200.065; and, WHEREAS, the gross taxable vaiue for operating purposes not exempt from taxation Within Miami-Dade County has been ce輔ied by the county property appraiser to Miami Shores V川age as $1,257,307,461. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I丁RESOLVED by the Miami Shores Vi=age Councii of Miami Shores, Fio「ida, that: Section l. The FiscaI Year 2020-2021 FinaI operating miiiage rate is 7.9 m帥s, Which is g「eater than the ro=ed-back rate of 7.4831 m帥s by 5.57%. Section 2. The voted debt service m用age totals O,3773 (0.1509 m帥s and O.2265 mⅢs forthe Aquatic Cente「 and Charter Schooi respectiveiy), Section 3" This resolution sha= take effect immediately upon its adoption, DULY ADOPTED this 15th day of Septembe「, 2020, ATTE ST : APPROVED AS TO FORM: