R-2020-21RESOLUTiON N_」〇〇〇_ A RESOLU丁!ON OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF肌AMI SHORES VILLAGE’FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGR駈M削T FOR FEDERALLY重FUNDED SUBAWARDS THROUGH THE CORONAVIRUS REしIEF FUND AND TO ADMIN萱STER THE WHEREAS言n Ma「ch 2020’{he Unjted States Congress passed, and President Donald Trump sjgned into law出R. 748’the Coronavirus Aid’Re噂and Economic Security Act que‘`cARES Ac理and WHEREAS’the CARES Act is a $2輔on Federa闇m血s package whjch provided, a $150 b冊on Co「onavjrus Re帽Fund r`CRF,章) for local gover叩entS; and WHER払S言he State of F厨da was attocated $8.328 b冊on from the CRF, Of which Mia面-Dade County received $474 m冊on; and WHEREAS’a COunty receMng CRF payments may transfer CRF funds to smaile「 cities Withjn the county’s bo「ders, prOVided tha上{he transfer「ed funds a「e used by the cities fdr e脚e eXPenditu「es u∩der Section 601{a) of the Socjal Securty Act as申emented in the CRF WHEREAS’2 C・F.R. §200'92 states that a制baward may be provided through any form Of legal Agreement亘cluding an Ag「eement that the Cou=fy considers a contract”; and WH醍AS’at the August 4’2020 Spec子al Meetjng of the Miami-Dade Board of Counfy Commissjoners (the助a「d,出he Board a一一ocated a {ota南noトto-eXCeed $100,000,000 in CARES Act funds to the munjcipa闇es冊e County as剛ous: $75,000,000 for reimbursement Of FEMA tocal match erigible expendjtu「es as we順s CARES Act engible govemme=tal operatjons eXPenditures that a「e not FEMA 「eimbursable, and $25’000’000 fo「 munic画prog「ammatic P「OPOSals s岬ect to approva冊advance by the Boa「d; and WHEREAS誹e V用age Counc冊ds that Miami Sho「es V紺age has taken unprecedented StePS in the best血e「est of the public heaIth’We胎re’and safety of the VIllage residents in reSPOnSe tO the impact of the COV旧-19 pandemic on our community to incfude hostjng various testing and軸ng sites {hat have served 「esidents f「om the CountyJ aS We順s enforcing County WHEREAS’the V川age has experienced u血eseen financia{ needs and risks created by the COVJD-19 pandemic public heaIth emergency; and 42   WHEREASJ the V用age Counc冊ds that it would be in the best fisca冊erest of the 43 Vtlfage to 「ecoverthe unanticipated costs associated with the jmpact of Covid-19 pandemic, NOW, THEREFORE, BE廿DULY RESOLVED BY THE MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE 塾ig聖-1- The V胎ge Manage「 is hereby authorized to take any and al- steps =eCeSSary tO eXeCute the a師Cable lnterlocal Ag「eement fo「 Federally-Funded Subaward th「ough the Co「onavirus Relief Fund in order to facilitate the 「ecove「y of expenses and to admjniste「 said ag「eement. 与O 塾唾型圭 This 「eso冊ion sha旧ake effect immedjatelyupon adoptjon. [771 8〇〇〇1月234738/1〕 Passed and Adopted this lday of_皇迎tembe「, 2Q型. A丁「EST: V用age Cle「k APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard Sarafan Vi“age Atto「ney [77 18-○○1β2…473明 圏囲圏