O-2020-051                    ORDINANCE NO: 2020-05 2   AN ORDiNANCE OF THE V-LLAGE COUNC-L OF M1AMi SHORES VIL」AGE, 3   FしORIDA AMENDING THE IV11AIV11 SHORES VILLAGE CODE, CHAPTER 2’ ARTICLE Vl, BY REVISING ViLしAGE CODE SECTiON 2-90 PROVIDING FOR THE 4    MIAMI FOUNDATION AS THE DESIGNATING ENTITY FOR TWO SEATS ON THE CHARTER SCHOOし AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS, BY REViSiNG Vl」しAGE CODE SECTION 2-95, PROVIDING FOR B看ANNUAL REPORTS TO THE 6    V看LLAGE COUNC看」, AND PROV!DING FOR AN EFFECTiVE DATE, 7 WHEREAS, Miami Shores V川age (“Vi=age”) estab=shed a Charter SchooI Autho「ity in the V帥age, 8 which sha= be govemed bya boa「d of 13 djrectors; and 9 WHEREAS, The Vi=age Council wishes to amend the name of one of the board member lO designating entities to the Miami Foundation in lieu of the North Dade MedicaI Foundation ll (NDMF), Which ceased to function in 2007; and 1之 13 14 1与 16 17 WHEREAS’The V掴age CounciI desires to amend the frequency of the Charter SchooI Autho「ity board reports to the V帥age CounciI from quarterly to biamua=y, WHEREAS, the V川age Counci=inds that this O「dinance is necessary to reflect current designating entities and 「eporting f「equency, 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE i丁ENACTED BY THE VILしAGE COUNC!L OF MiAMI SHORES 19 V看しLAGE, FLORiDA, that: 20 21 22 之3 24 2与 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3与 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Section l〃 Recitals AdoDted〃 That each of the above stated recitals is hereby adopted and confirmed, Section 2. Amendment to Sec, 2-90. The fdiIowing provisions ofSec 2-90 0fthe Miami Shores ViIlage Code of Ordinances sha= be amended as fo=ows: (a) There is estab=shed a charter schooi au肌o亜y in the湘Iage, Which sha= be govemed by a board of di「ectors, SeVen Of whom shaIl be chosen by the v“Iage counciI, Two directors sha= be designated by resolution ofthe Board of Directors of Ba「ry Unive「sity, Inc・, tWO di「ecto「s shail be designated by the Boa巾of Di「ectors of the Nc悪覚de Me割c割The: Miami Foundation, One director shali be designated by肌e board of directors of an o冊Cia=y sanctioned pa「ent teacher association recognized by the Vi=age and representing the parents of middIe schooi students at the charter schoo看 fac冊y, and one director sha= be designated by the board of directors of an officia=y SanCtioned parent teacher association recognized by肌e v紺age and representing the ParentS Of high schooI s山dents at the charter schooI fac帥ty. Appointees sha= not be required to meet the 「esidency c航eria stipulated in section l-2.1 ofthis Code. (b) AII such directors sha= hoid their o冊ce for a term oftwo years,什om the冊st day of July fo=owing their appointment, Each di「ecto「 sha= hold office until his or her SuCceSSO「 has been duiy appointed, eX∞Pt When removed by the湘iage ∞unCil or the board of directors of such entfty appointing that director, and any director may be removed at any time by a four-冊hs vote of the viIlage counciI. 1n cases of vacancies by resignation, remOVaI, Or Otherwise, the designating entrty who origina=y appointed the director hoiding that seat (Whe仙e「 such entity be the v川age counciI o「 the Boards Of Di「ectors of Ba「ry Unive「sity, the N餅船-関de Medi鋸! The Miami Foundafron o「 e軸e「 of the two pa「ent teacher associations) may剛such vacancy fo「 the unexpi「ed tem. (C〉 A" designating entities (主e・, the vi=age council and the Boards of Directors of Bany Unive「sity, Nc藍一曲de Me軸ca! The Miami Foundation and皿e two pa「ent teadle「 associations) shall evidence their decisions regarding appointments to the boa「d ofthe Chaれer schooi autho面y’aS We= as any actions 「egarding removai of any of their designated board membe「S, by means of p「oviding a ∞Py Of a duly executed w皿en resolution confiming such action to the vi=age clerk. In the event, for any reason, any designating entity faiIs to so designate one or mo「e appointments to the charter school authority board of directo「S in accordance with the provisions he「eof, SuCh that any CO汀eSPOnding seat on the board of di「ectors 「emains vacant for a period in excess of th「ee consecutive calendar months, the v帥age council sha= have the authorty to appoint an interim directo「 to such seat(S) on the boa「d untiI such time as said designating entity exercises its appointmen川ght as provided he「ein. Section 3.    Amendment to Sec, 2-95. The fo=owing provisjons of Sec 2-95 of the Miami Shores Viiiage Code of Ordinances sha= be amended as fo=ows: The charter school au帥ority board sha=, at Ieast q坤bialm旧制v, tranSmit repo巾S to the vi=age ∞unC= of the condition of the authorfty and the charter middle佃gh SChoo口ncIuding fuI川nanciaI repo面ng, SuCh 「eports as may be deemed app「opriate COnCerning student 「egistration, attendance, and achievements and such add抽onal Statistics言nformation and suggestions as the board may deem of generai interest o「 as the vi=age counciI or湘Iage manage「 may require. Section 4.    Con珊ctinq P「OVisions. Any provisions of the Code of O「dinances Of Miami Shores V冊age, FIorida in con軸ct with the provjsions of皿S Ordinance a「e hereby 「epeaied, but only to肌e extent of such con印ct, Section 5"     Severabiiity. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be SeVerabIe, and if any sentence, SeCtion, CIause or phrase of肌S Ordinance shaIl, for any reason, be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, SuCh decision sha= not affect the vaiidity Ofthe remainlng SentenCeS, SeCtions, CIauses o「 phrases of the Ordinance, but they sha= remain in effect it being the legislative intent that 皿S Ordinance sha= stand notwithstanding the inva=dfty of any part. Section 6"     Codification. 1t is the intention of the Miami Shores V冊age CounciI that the provisions of this Ordinance sha= become and be made part of the Code of Ordinances of the Miami Shores V紺age, Fiorida, that sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-Iette「ed to accomp=sh such intentions, and tha=he word “Ordinance" Sha= be changed to “Section” or other appro函ate word. Section 7"    Effective Date. This Ordinance sha旧ake effect immediateIy upon adoption on second reading. PASSED and ENACTED this 21 day ofJuIy, 2020, First Reading: Juiy 7, 2020. Second Reading: JuIy 21, 2020, ATTES丁: APPROVED AS TO FORM: C「ystai Wagar, Mayor