R-2020-17RESO」UTION NO, 2020。17 A RESOLU丁iON OF THE VILしAGE COUNCIL OF MiAMi SHORES VILしAGE, F」ORIDA; OPPOSING THE COUNTY CODE AMENDMENT PREVENTING MUNiCIPALITIES FROM REQUIRING RIGH丁OF WAYS PERMITS ON COUNTY OWNED ROADS; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF RECITALS; PROVIDING FOR INSTRUCTIONS TO ViLLAGE CLERK ; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, On June 2, 2020, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissione「s heard the first reading of an o「dinance amending Sections 2-1 03.1 and 2-103.4 of Miami-Dade County Code, PrOhibiting municipa=ties什om cha「ging any fees, imposing any requirements inciuding but no川mited to the maintenance of tra冊C 「equirements or requiring that any permit be obtained for any construction, maintenance, O「 improvements done by any person, COrPOration, PartnerShip, aSSOCiation, gOVemmental agency, Or Other IegaI entity on any County-OWned or County-maintained rights of way o「 easements w柵in the municipaIity; and WHEREAS, the proposed o「dinance w川p「Ohibit Miami Shores Vi=age (the V冊age”) f「om 「equiring rights of way permits, and 「educe the VI=age’s ab掴ty to reguIate construction WOrk;and WHEREAS, the VIi!age Counci=inds that the proposed amendments to the Miamj- Dade County Code are oveHy intrusive, enCrOaCh on the V紺age’s home ruIe powers, and impinge on the V川age’s ab冊ty to carry out its municipal functions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO」VED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCl」 OF THE MIAMI SHORES ViLLAGE, FしORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section l, Recitals, The foregoing RecitaIs are t叫e and correct and incorporated herein by this refe「ence. Section 2, ODDOSition to Miami・Dade Countv Amendments to Sections 2・103.1 and 2“103"4 0f the Miami-Dade Countv Code"丁he Vi=age Council hereby opposes PrOPOSed amendments to Sections 2-103.1 and 2-103.4 of the Miami-Dade County Code, aS OVeriy intrusive, enCrOaCh on the Vi=age’s home叫ie powers, and impinge on the VIiiage’s ab掴ty to ca「ry out its municipai functions. Section 3. Instructions to the Vi看iaae Cierk" The V帥age Councii he「eby authorizes the VI=age Clerk to provide a copy of said ResoIution to aII membe「S Of MiamトDade County’s Board of County Commissioners. Sect案on4" E幡c書寡ve Date・ This Resolution sha= take effect immediateIy upon adoption. Passed and adopted this 21th day of_吐血2020. Crystai Wagar M ayor A廿est: Approved as to form and legai su飾ciency: 書冊ÅしVo了と§ Å了ADOp丁!0議書、臆 Co肌c鮎M馴れb顔Se訓B丁如y   近著 Co聞c一冊e叩be「 Stephe直し珊redo 塑茎。 Coun勧請儲職場「 」on創hされ舶由嘘  Yes Viさe・拙ayor相にe軌「仁h      遮登 譲るyα C「y霜劉W喝測      迩婆