R-2020-131 RESOしuTION NO。 2020-13
: :器品龍器謄芋owDING隅田LS;伽PRov-DING
WHたREAS, A Commu皿y PIanning Technical Assistance g略nt WaS P調両ded through the
FIo問a Depa巾1ent of E∞nomic Opportunfty (DEO) pursuan=o section 163.3168,円orida
Statutes (F.S.), and Specific App「op両tion Chapte「 2019 ・ Laws of Fiorida, to develop a Sewer
Facilfty Pian (PIan) associated with eliminating se帥c tanks and developing i血ast「ucture options
to ∞nneCt the Shores Estates §u関ivision to a pub看ic wastewate「 §ystem fo「 imp「oved public
health and safety; and
WHERたAS章Miami Shores VIl書age’s rVIllage籍) retained the servi∞s Of KimIey-Hom and
Associates, Inc. (一IKim!ey-Hom’) on October 4, 201 9 to p「ovide profes§ional enginee血g services
to the VIIIage pu購uanl∥0 “P○○fessional Enginee血g Servi∞S fo「 a Sewe「 Facilfty Pian fo「 the
Shores Estates Subdivi§ion事RFQ No. 201 9-05巾l”; and
WHEREAS, Kimley-Hom prepared a Sewer Facilfty Plan pe「 Miami-Dade County and the
Fiorida Department of Envi「onmental P「otection喝guiat○○y requirement§, Conducted t面o (2)
Public wo「kshops, deveIoped a proposed comprehensive plan amendme時and addressed DEO
review c○mments to establish the framework and p「OVide suppor[ fo「請e prQject.
COuNClし, as folIowsこ
Se(抽on l.
Section 2,
蝉丁he above Recitals are tれIe and ∞m貼and inco町側ralted herein by this
A臼かroVa腑rdootion of the §ew晦r Fac鞘tv Plan. The Sewer Fac叩y Plan, attached
he陶to as Exhi聞1. is hereby approved.
堅邸 壁fective Da垣≡ ¶Tis Reso山tion sha∥ take effect immediately upon adoption,
Passed and Adopted伽is Jfi day of.山ne. 2020.
Page 2 of2
Septic to Sewer Planning Study
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Subdivision
May 2020
Project Number: 044448010
Prepared for:
Miami Shores Village
Public Works Department
1701 NW 103rd Street
Miami, FL 33147
Prepared By:
Kimley-Horn & Associates
600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450
Plantation, Florida 33324
Septic to Sewer Planning Study
Miami Shores Village
KHA Project Number: 044448010
May 2020
Prepared For:
Miami Shores Village
Public Works Department
1701 NW 103rd Street
Miami, FL 33147
Stefano F. Viola, P.E.
FL P.E. Lic. No. 74655
Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.
CA Number 00000696
600 N. Pine Island Road, Suite 450
Plantation, Florida 33324
(954) 535-5100
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
The purpose of the Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study is to identify projects that will eliminate
on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS), commonly known as septic tanks. The Shores
Estate Subdivision (Subdivision) within Miami Shores Village (Village) was identified in both the Miami-
Dade County Septic Study and the Miami Shores Village Environmental Vulnerability Study as a high
priority for septic to sewer conversion due to current flooding and septic tank failure during high tides. This
septic to sewer conversion effort will meet legislative and regulatory requirements and provide resiliency to
the combined effects of sea level rise, high t ides, storm surge, elevated ground water, and heavy rainfall.
The septic systems in the Subdivision have a high potential for environmental contamination and create a
potential health risk to the public. As a result, eliminating the OSTDS will alleviate the threat to public health
and safety. Additionally, the conversion will provide a significant environmental benefit to our local
waterways, most notably Biscayne Bay (Bay), by reducing Total Nitrogen (TN) from the aquifer.
The Shores Estate neighborhood is currently serviced by the City of North Miami Winson Water Plant for
water supply. Once the Subdivision is converted from individual septic sewer systems to a neighborhood
wide sewer system, it will be owned and maintained by the City of North Miami. The expansion of the City’s
sewer system is consistent with responsible utility growth and will provide necessary infrastructure.
Legislative and Regulatory Background
An estimated 2.3 million OSTDS serve 31% of Florida residents and visitors. These systems discharge over
426 million gallons of treated effluent per day into the subsurface soil environment.
In recent years, many areas in South Florida are experiencing more frequent and more severe coastal
flooding. This flooding will not only cause damage to buildings but may also result in malfunctioning septic
systems and obstructed roads causing extreme hardships to residents. Septic system failures within the
Shores Estate neighborhood represent a potential public health hazard and water quality concern. The
installation of central sewer will help alleviate the threat to public health and pollutant overloading to the
On October 5, 2016, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners passed Resolution No. R-
91 1-16, which directs the Mayor or Mayor's designee,
"to study and assess how sea level rise may affect se ptic systems in Miami-Dade County, and to
prepare a report. The report shall, at a minimum, identify: (I) how septic systems may be affected
by sea level rise; (2) the potential risks involved; (3) areas of the County that could be most
impacted; (4) recommendations on how best to eliminate the vulnerability of septic systems to sea
level rise; and (5) recommendations as to any further legislative or administrative action that may
be necessary to address the vulnerabilities and problems identified, includin g, but not limited to,
seeking funding from the state for purposes of carrying out the objectives of this item."
The Shores Estate neighborhood was identified in both the Miami-Dade County Septic Study and the Miami
Shores Environmental Vulnerability Study as a high priority for septic to sewer conversion due to current
flooding and septic tank failure during high tides. As per 64E-6.006, F.A.C., “the existing lot elevation at the
site of the proposed system installation and any contiguous land referred to in subsection 64E-6.005(4),
F.A.C., shall not be subject to frequent flooding.”
Septic to Sewer Project Description
The residences within the Shores Estate neighborhood rely on septic systems and drain fields for treatment
and disposal of wastewater. Low-lying areas and a high-water table present difficult conditions for efficient
on-site wastewater treatment. Properly functioning septic systems dispose of the treated wastewater
through drain fields located above the groundwater table. Many of the drain fie lds bordering the canal are
lower than the water elevation in the adjacent canal. As the groundwater table rises, the effectiveness of
the drain fields will diminish, and eventually fail.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
The Shores Estate Subdivision includes ninety-eight residential homes, two vacant lots, and approximately
one hundred septic tanks, within 26 acres that are bounded by NE 107th Street to the north, Biscayne Canal
C-8 to the south, US 1 to the east, and Miami Shores Golf Club to the west.
The intent of this project is to replace the existing septic tanks with a wastewater collection system and
associated pump station so that wastewater from the Shores Estates Subdivision will be transmitted to the
City of North Miami’s wastewater system and then pumped to the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer
Department’s North District Wastewater Treatment Plant (NDWWTP) for disposal through the use of deep
injection wells.
Alternative Sewer Analysis
Conventional gravity sewer and vacuum sewer were considered as alternatives for wastewater conveyance
when determining the feasibility of transferring wastewater flows from on-site septic and disposal systems
to the NDWWTP. Both of these alternatives rely on the downstream treatment facility for treatment of all
wastewater collected (i.e. no treatment takes place on site). A “do nothing” alternative was also evaluated.
However, based on the age of the septic tanks in the Subdivision and associated groundwater levels, any
septic tank(s) that does fail will pose a significant threat to the public health and safety of the Subdivision
The alternative analysis consisted of five processes to review, rank, and select the most effective sewer
collection system for the Shores Estate Subdivision. Cost, operation and maintenance feasibility, and
construction feasibility were considered when selecting the sewer collection system.
The first step was to evaluate the existing condition of the Shores Estate neighborhood. The number of
existing septic tanks, type of land uses, condition of roads, and distance of the residences from the road
were considered in this step.
The second step was to determine the available existing sewer connections. This required the compilation
and evaluation of as-builts, GIS data, and staff knowledge to identify the existing sewer throughout the
Village, the City of North Miami (City), and Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD).
Once this was accomplished, optimal points of connection for the proposed sewer collection systems were
The third step was to lay out a proposed sewer for each alternative within the Shores Estate Subdivision.
This was a conceptual plan but was completed to sufficient detail to allow for preliminary opinions of
probable cost to be performed.
The fourth step was to develop preliminary opinions of probable cost for each alternative . The costs are
based on best available data for construction costs. This data was obtained fr om prior construction bids,
vendors, and professional engineering judgment. In addition to construction costs, th e opinions of probable
cost also include design and permitting estimates.
The fifth step was to select the recommended sewer collection system alternative. As mentioned above,
this selection was based on cost, operations and maintenance, and construction f easibility. The
recommended systems and the associated opinion of probable cost are discussed below.
Recommended Sewer Collection System
A conventional gravity sewer system is recommended for the Shores Estate Subdivision. This
alternative is the most cost-effective and feasible as the topography of the region facilitates the use of
gravity sewer piping and a single lift station. The proposed wastewater improvement project includes a
gravity sewer system installed through the Shores Estate Subdivision. That wastewater collection system
would flow to a new submersible wastewater pump station and associated force main for connection to an
existing 12” force main owned by the City of North Miami. Wastewater flows from the City of North Miami’s
system ultimately discharge into the Miami-Dade County NDWWTP. The total preliminary opinion of
probable cost for installing gravity sewer and water service in the Shores Estate Subdivision is
approximately $2 million.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
1. PROJECT PLANNING ........................................................................................................................... 1
2. REGULATIONS AND LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENT S ....................................................................... 8
3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................. 10
4. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION ......................................................... 10
Environmental Effects ....................................................................................................... 10
Environmental Assessment .............................................................................................. 12
5. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 13
Alternatives Considered – Background............................................................................. 13
Design Criteria .................................................................................................................. 14
Net Present Worth Analysis .............................................................................................. 17
6. ALTERNATIVE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 18
Gravity Sewer System....................................................................................................... 18
Vacuum Sewer System ..................................................................................................... 20
Septic Tank Removal ........................................................................................................ 22
Alternative Sewer Analysis ............................................................................................... 22
7. RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................................................... 24
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Figure 1: Shores Estate Subdivision Conventional Gravity Sewer Alternative ........................................... 19
Figure 2: Shores Estate Subdivision Vacuum Sewer Alternative ............................................................... 21
Table 1: Estimated Project Timeline ............................................................................................................. 2
Table 2: Funding and Project Schedule ........................................................................................................ 3
Table 3: Shores Estate Subdivision Land Use............................................................................................ 10
Table 4: Alternative Comparisons ............................................................................................................... 13
Table 5: Gravity Sewer Inventory ................................................................................................................ 18
Table 6: Vacuum Sewer Inventory .............................................................................................................. 20
Table 7: Opinion of Probable Cost and Net Present Worth Summary ....................................................... 23
Table 8: Gravity Sewer Project Cost ........................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX A: Project Location Map
APPENDIX B: Existing Wastewater System Overview
APPENDIX C: Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) Policies
APPENDIX D: FDEP Springs Funding Guidance Document
APPENDIX E: Nutrient Calculations
APPENDIX F: Environmental Considerations
APPENDIX G: Detailed Opinions of Probable Cost
APPENDIX H: Detailed Net Present Worth Calculations
APPENDIX I: Design Considerations – Vacuum Sewer Systems
APPENDIX J: Village Public Meetings
APPENDIX K: MDWASD Donation Form and Donation/Agreement Example
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
The purpose of the Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study is to identify projects that will eliminate
on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS), commonly known as septic tanks. These two
terms are used interchangeably throughout this document. This effort is in compliance with and in support
of the current statutes of the Florida Department of Health (FDOH), Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP), Miami-Dade County Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM),
Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD), Miami Shores Village, Florida – Code of
Ordinances, and City of North Miami, Florida – Code of Ordinances.
The Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study has ninety -eight existing homes where sewer service
could be extended and OSTDSs eliminated. As illustrated in Appendix A, the 42-acre Subdivision consists
of ninety-eight residential homes and two vacant parcels that are bounded by NE 107th Street to the north,
Biscayne Canal C-8 to the south, US 1 to the east, and Miami Shores Golf Club to the west. The Shores
Estate neighborhood was identified in both the Miami -Dade County Septic Study and the Miami Shores
Environmental Vulnerability Study as a high priority for septic to sewer conversion due to current flooding
and septic tank failure during high tides. The Village has requested Kimley -Horn to prepare a planning study
to facilitate the removal of the septic tanks. This Septic to Sewer Planning Study accomplished the following
objectives for the Shores Estate Subdivision:
1. Identified the number of OSTDSs.
2. Identified multi-year phasing/sequencing to support the following:
a. Grant Applications
b. Design and Permitting
c. Construction
3. Identified Existing Infrastructure surrounding the Subdivision.
4. Provided an Alternative Analysis to determine which type of collection system is most feasible
based on project cost, operation and maintenance, and constructability.
5. Estimated the costs to design, permit, and construct the selected sewage collection syst em
needed to eliminate the OSTDSs.
6. Facilitates future grant applications (FDEP Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), etc.)
The number of OSTDSs within the Subdivision was identified using the FDOH records for permitted septic
tanks, which were also field verified utilizing aerial imagery and site visits. The associated septic tanks are
discussed in more detail in Section 4 of this study. The multi-year phasing was necessary to ascertain a
viable timeline for funding, designing, and constructing the sew er expansions. The phasing is intended to
be sequential with design and permitting (year 1) followed by construction (year 2). It is currently pro jected
that OSTDSs will be removed and the new sanitary sewer collection system will be designed, permitted
and constructed by 2023, pending grant funding availability and Village budget priorities. Table 1 below is
an estimated project timeline, including public participation meetings that have occurred to date for the
septic to sewer conversion. The following Table 2 illustrates the Village’s current funding schedule for
design and construction costs.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Table 1: Estimated Project Timeline
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Kick-off Facilities Plan and
initial stakeholder
Develop Facilities Plan and
hold first public meeting with
Village residents (see Public
Advertisement and Resident
Question and Answer
Memorandum in Appendix
Develop Facilities Plan and
hold first public meeting with
Village residents (see Public
Advertisement in Appendix
Village approval of Facilities
Plan. 1
Submit Facilities Plan and
loan application to funding
Funding agency approves
Facilities Plan and design
Develop design plans and
obtain associated permits. 12
Submit plans and
specifications to funding
agency for review and
Submit construction loan
application to funding
Funding agreement
approved and executed. 3
Advertise project for
contractor bids. 2
Award construction contract. 2
Start project construction. 1
Complete construction of the
project. 10
Certify project and close out
project. 2
Begin loan repayment as
needed. 1
Design and Permitting
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Table 2: Funding and Project Schedule
Project Name
Total Project
Cost Funding
2020 2021/2022 2022/2023
SS OSTDS Planning Study $40,000
State $40,000
SS OSTDS Shores Estate
Subdivision $1,970,910
State $131,394 $854,061
Match $131,394 $854,061
$985,455 STATE $40,000 $131,394 $854,061
$985,455 LOCAL - $131,394 $854,061
GRAND TOTAL $1,970,910 $40,000 $262,788 $1,708,122
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
The existing infrastructure, operated and maintained by the City and MDWASD, was identified utilizing as-
built information, geographic information system (GIS) data, available permit information, and coordination
with City and County staff. Within Miami-Dade County, there are approximately 730 facilities with private
pump stations and approximately 1,420 public pump stations currently in operation. The NDWWTP is an
existing 120 mgd annual average daily flow wastewater treatment facility. Additionally, the City currently
operates and maintains numerous pump stations throughout their collection and force main systems that
pump to the Miami-Dade NDWWTP. The existing collection system is depict ed in Appendix B. Both the
City’s and MDWASD’s existing sewer infrastructure systems were evaluated to determine the most
economical and feasible tie-in connection. The City has an existing 12” DIP force main along Biscayne
Boulevard that discharges into MDWASD lift station PS 347. Connecting to the City’s existing force main
with a proposed wastewater collection system in the Shores Estates Subdivision would require
approximately 330 linear feet (LF) of proposed 8” force main. As an alternative, the closest MDWASD force
main to tie-into is a 12” DIP force main located at NE 91st Street and NE 8th Avenue. Connecting to
MDWASD’s force main would require approximately 10,560 LF of proposed 8” force main. System
operating pressures are a factor in determining preferred connection points but based on proximity and
current water service being provided by the City, the City’s existing sewer infrastructure was deemed the
more economical and feasible option.
The collection system alternatives considered in this study are a traditional gravity sewer/local lift station
system, vacuum sewer system, and a “do-nothing” approach. These systems as well as the force main
connection point as discussed above are detailed in Section 4 of this study.
An opinion of probable cost was prepared during the alternative analysis to aid in determining the most
efficient and economical sewer system design. The opinions of probable cost were prepared utilizing cost
information from previous utility construction projects, professional judgment, and vendor supplied costs for
parts, equipment, and materials. However, these costs are preliminary and should only be used for
comparative purposes within this study. Formal opinions of probable costs should be developed at the time
of project design and permitting.
As part of developing this facilities plan to implement a wastewater collection system for the Shores
Estates Subdivision, the intent of the document is to facilitate future grant applications such as FDEP
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The following key elements typically associated with gr ant
and loan funding addressed in this plan include the following:
• Review investigative studies and field work completed to date to determine project improvements that
will improve system performance and address public health risk
• components.
• Establish design parameters for the facilities improvements.
• Identify and evaluate alternatives to satisfy the needs of the project.
• Provide a recommendation to address the facilities improv ements based on a cost effective
• and environmentally sound approach.
• Describe the recommended improvements and their estimated cost.
• Present a schedule of implementation of the recommended facilities.
• Identify any adverse environmental impacts and propose mitigating measures if needed.
• Identify a source of financing.
As the Village moves forward, the following programs are potential funding sources to assist with project
State Revolving Fund
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program provides low-interest loans for planning,
designing and constructing water pollution control facilities under Chapter 62-503, F.A.C. FDEP receives
requests for funding throughout the year for wastewater, stormwater, and certain energy and other types
of projects. The information gathered in the request is used to establish project priorities for listing projects
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
in order of priority for funding at the beginning of each fiscal year and each quarter, thereafter, as funds are
Funds are made available for Planning Loans, Design Loans, and Construction Loans. Small,
disadvantaged communities may also be eligible for grants, which, once qualified, can significantly reduce
the amount owed on a CWSRF loan. The loan terms include a 20-year amortization and low-interest rates.
Financing rates vary based on the median household income, the poverty index, and the une mployment
index, but average less than 50 percent of the market rate.
The Clean Water Program Manual provides all of the application forms needed for the CWSRF Loan and
the Small Community Wastewater Facilities Grants program. It also includes example documents,
guidance, other forms, checklists and standard loan agreements.
The Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants (SCWCG) program assists small communities and
wastewater authorities in planning, designing, and constructing wastewater management facilities under
Chapter 62-505, F.A.C. An eligible small community must be a municipality, county or authority with a total
population of 10,000 or less and have a per capita income (PCI) less than the state of Florida average
PCI. Projects shall compete separately for planning, design, and construction grants.
The highest priority is given to projects that address a public health risk and projects that are included in a
Basin Management Action Plan. The grant percentage is determined by the sponsor’s affordability index
and is 70, 80 or 90 percent of the loan amount up to 25 percent o f the funds available during the fiscal
year. All projects must receive a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to receive th ese grant funds.
On June 10, 2014, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA) was signed into
law. Among its provisions are amendments to Titles I, II, V and VI of the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act (FWPCA). These amendments require FDEP to include Davis-Bacon wage rates and American Iron
and Steel provision in all loan agreements. To offset the additional costs that result from these new
requirements, the base financing rate will be reduced by 1.0 percent in all construction
agreements. Additionally, these amendments will require the development and implementation of a fiscal
sustainability plan for all construction loans. This plan must be accepted and implemented prior to the final
construction loan disbursement.
As of 2017, the CWSRF Program has awarded approximately $1.1 billion in funding for over 120
wastewater and stormwater improvement projects during the past five years, and a total of $4 billion in loan
funds since its inception in 1989. The program is funded by federal grants, state matching funds, loan
repayments and interest earnings.
Nonpoint Source Management Program – 319 Grants
Funding for control of water pollution from nonpoint sources is managed by the Nonpoint
Source Management Program. The program administers both the Federal Clean Water Act Section
319(h) Grants (also known as "319 Grants") and the State Water-quality Assistance Grants (also known as
"SWAG"). The goal of these grants is to reduce nonpoint source pollution from land use activities. Total
funding amounts available each year in these two grant programs depends on Federal and State
appropriations but is usually around $8 - $9 million.
The Nonpoint Source Management Program administers federal and state grant funding for projects that
reduce pollution from nonpoint sources, particularly to address impaired waterbodies and meet restoration
goals related to Total Maximum Day Loading (TMDL’s) and restoration plans. There are no set maximum
or minimum funding request caps per project.
• State funding - approximately $5 million is appropriated annually to FDEP through the Florida legislature
for the State Water-quality Assistance Grant (SWAG). This funding is intended for “shovel ready” capital
improvement construction projects treating waters not attaining standards.
• Federal funding - approximately $6 million is awarded annually to FDEP by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) through section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act. The grant stipulates that a
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
minimum of 50% of the state’s grant funds must go towards projects that implement adopted EPA
Approved nine element Watershed Based Plans (WBPs), e.g., Basin Management Action Plans
(BMAPs) or Reasonable Assurance Plans (RA Plans). The remaining 50% or less of the funding is not
limited to projects that implement the BMAPs but are mostly used by the State administratively to run
the grant program, therefore these funds are more limited for project use.
Examples of fundable projects or programs include, but are not limited to:
• Demonstration and evaluation of Best Management Practices (BMPs);
• Nonpoint source pollution reduction in priority watersheds (i.e., areas with Water Quality Restoration
Plan(s), treatment of impaired waters, etc.);
• Ground water protection from nonpoint sources;
• Public education programs on nonpoint source management (“319 Grant” only); and
• Septic to sewer projects, including (“319 Grant” only):
o Laying the lateral from the residence/business to the sewer main;
o Connection to the sewer line;
o Installing a grinder pump station [if on the resident’s property]; and
o Abandonment of the septic if the remaining septic tank is a continued source of pollution .
The availability of funding depends on whether the project receives state funding through the State Water
Quality Assistance Grant or federal funding through EPA's Section 319(h) Grant.
State-funded Projects:
• State funding is available after July 1, which is the start of the state's fiscal year (FY) after legislative
appropriation. The duration that these funds are available is about three years, commonly referred to
as the "grant period." However, with good reason, this money can be "certified forward" (i.e., extended)
by FDEP at the end of each fiscal year after the original grant period has passed.
Federal-funded Projects:
• Because the state must apply for the federal grant for the following federal fiscal year, there is a longer
lead time before federal funding is available for projects. It generally takes about 1½ years from the
time a project proposal is submitted to FDEP before the money is available. Proposals are usually
submitted in spring, selected by FDEP by the end of summer, submitted to EPA in the fall, and awarded
to FDEP the following summer/fall.
• State fiscal year and federal fiscal year are different. "Federal FY2019" refers to the federal fiscal year
starting October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020. Grant and match-funded work must be
completed by the end of a 3-year grant period that ends on the last day of that federal fiscal year after
three years.
Individual citizens that are having issues with their septic systems are not eligible for nonpoint source grant
funding. The federal Section 319(h) Grant can help fund abandonment of septic tanks and connections to
sewer, but a local government or Water Management District (WMD) would have to apply for the grant.
Homeowners would then get reimbursed through that local government or WMD. This is typically
accomplished on a street or neighborhood scale rather than one homeowner at a time.
Economic Development Administration (EDA)
The Economic Development Administration (EDA) has published the FY 2020 Public Works and Economic
Adjustment Assistance Programs Notice of Funding Opportunity. EDA’s Public Works and Economic
Adjustment Assistance (EAA) programs provide economically distressed communities and regions with
comprehensive and flexible resources to address a wide variety of economic needs. Projects funded by
these programs will support work in “Opportunity Zones” and will support the mission of FDEP by, among
other things, leading to the creation and retention of jobs and increased pr ivate investment, advancing
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
innovation, enhancing the manufacturing capacities of regions, providing workforce development
opportunities, and growing ecosystems that attract foreign direct investment.
Through the PWEAA NOFO, EDA solicits applications from applicants in order to provide investments that
support construction, non-construction, planning, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects
under EDA’s Public Works program and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under
these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of
economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic
prosperity in distressed communities.
There are no submission deadlines under this opportunity. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing
basis until a new PWEAA NOFO is published, the PWEAA NOFO is cancelled, or all funds have been
expended. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires Federal agencies to assess the potential
environmental impacts associated with proposed federal actions, including financial assis tance.
Areas of consideration for projects eligibility include:
Water Resources - Describe surface and underground water resources at or near the project site(s) and
any impacts of the project to these. Explain if there will be discharges to surface water and if the receiving
surface water body is listed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Section 303(d) list of
impaired waters. Indicate if the proposed project is located within an area mapped by the EPA as sole
source aquifer recharge area.
Water Supply and Distribution System - Indicate the source, quality, and supply capacity of local domestic
and industrial/commercial water resources, and the amount of water the specific project facilities and
primary beneficiaries are expected to utilize. Note whether the water that is being supplied is in compliance
with the Safe Drinking Water Act, and if not, what steps are being taken to ensure compliance.
Wastewater Collection and Treatment Facilities - Describe the wastewater treatment facilities available for
processing the additional effluent including usage by the beneficiary(s). Indicate design capacities and
current loading, and adequacy in terms of degree and type of treatment required. Describe all domestic
class or process wastewater or other discharges associated with the project facilities and its primary
beneficiaries, and the expected composition and quantities to be disch arged either to a municipal system
or to the local environment. Indicate all discharges that will require on-site pre-treatment. If local treatment
and sewer systems are or will be inadequate or overloaded, describe the steps being taken for necessary
improvements and their completion dates.
Mitigation - Describe methods to be employed to reduce impacts to any a nd all adverse impacts. List all
mitigation measures that would be implemented to minimize impacts to environmental resources from
project implementation.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
There are approximately 105,000 parcels served by septic tanks in Miami-Dade County, and approximately
100,000 of which are within the Urban Development Boundary (UDB).
As per the Miami Shores Village, Florida – Code of Ordinances, Appendix A – Zoning, Article V –
Supplementary Regulations, Division 11 – Septic Tanks, “Any development requiring a new septic tank or
other on-site sewage disposal facility shall not receive a building permit until the soil suitability for the
proposed system has been approved by Miami-Dade County.”
As per the City of North Miami, Florida – Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19 Utilities, Article V – Sewage
Treatment Plants and Septic Tanks, Sec. 19-215 – Septic Tanks, “When a public sanitary sewage system
becomes available to service any property using a septic tank as provided herein, the p roperty owner shall
have ninety (90) days from receipt of written notice of such availability in which to connect to the public
sewage system and in which to deactivate such septic tank in accordance with the requirements of the
South Florida Building Code.”
As per the Miami-Dade County Septic Study, the Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP)
outlines a number of policies that are relevant to prioritizing the extension of sewer services. These policies
are included in their entirety in Appendix C, but the most relevant policies are summarized here:
1. WS-3A. Public facility improvements will be evaluated for funding in accordance with the
following general criteria:
▪ Improvements necessary to protect the health, safety, and environmental integrity of
the community, consistent with the policies of this Plan and applicable federal, state, and
County regulatory requirements.
▪ Improvements necessary to meet any deficiencies that may exist in capacity or in
performance. These include the retrofit of deteriorating facilities which fail or threaten to fail
to meet health, safety, or environmental standards.
▪ Improvements extending service to previously unserved developed areas within the Urban
Development Boundary.
▪ In providing for improvements to the sanitary sewer collection system, the following
additional criteria shall also be considered:
o Location within a public water supply wellfield protection zone.
o Potential for the disposal of waste other than domestic waste.
o Designation on the Land Use Plan map for a use more intense than estate density
o Location within areas of low land elevation in conjunction with high water table.
o Locations with poor soil conditions.
o Proximity to existing sewer mains
2. WS-4D. Anywhere that the use of existing private wells, int erim wastewater treatment plants,
or septic tanks pose a threat to the public health or the environmental integrity of Miami-
Dade County, the County shall assert its authority to create a Special Taxing District to finance
connections to the public water supply or to the public sewer system.
3. WS-4G. It is the policy of the County to mandate the connection of existing developments to
the regional wastewater system upon extension of the wastewater collection system proximate
to said developments. However, the County shall not require connections to be made in areas
with gravity systems that are surcharged at any time of the day, for more than 30 days per year.
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Connections will not be required if the system is subject to overflows, discharge or exfiltration
of sewage at any time during the year under any storm event of five years or less.
4. WS-4H. Miami-Dade County shall coordinate with municipalities and the State of Florida to
monitor existing septic tanks that are currently at risk of malfunctioning due to high groundwater
levels or flooding and shall develop and implement programs to abandon these systems and/or
connect users to the public sewer system. The County shall also coordinate to identify which
systems will be adversely impacted by projected sea level rise and additional storm surge
associated with climate change and shall plan to target those systems to protect public health,
natural resources, and the region's tourism industry.
Section 381.00655 of Florida Statutes requires that property owners with septic tanks, even if they are
functioning properly, hook up to nearby available sewer lines within a year of being notified by the utility.
As a result of this Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study, the Village’s Comprehensive Plan will
include several amendments to guide future efforts in resolving failing septic system problems in the
identified areas subject to flooding, including Capital Improvements Elements and Infrastructure Elements.
The additional flow from the residents within the Subdivision is anticipated to be 37,543 GPD. The City has
stated that the force main has the capacity to accept the flow from t he Shores Estates Subdivision.
Additionally, MDWASD has indicated that the receiving PS 347 and wastewater treatment plant both have
the capacity to receive the anticipated flows. In coordination with MDWASD, a formal Intermediate
Downstream Collection and Transmission System (IDC&TS) Certification of Adequate Reserve Capacity
(Utility Form) will need to be submitted for approval/signature at the time of design/permitting and prior to
In coordination with the City, the City has indicated that the proposed sewer system would need to be
installed to meet the City’s design standards or MDWASD’s design standards for any items that are not
covered under the City’s design standards. Additionally, the City requires the proposed system be designed
to account for resiliency (i.e. electrical equipment to be installed at FEMA flood elevation plus two feet,
sewer manholes have stormwater inserts installed, wet well access port(s) be installed above the FEMA
flood elevation or have water-tight cover, etc.). Once the system has been constructed, the utilities will need
to be donated to the City. The City does not have a standard donation form and recommended the Village
utilize the MDWASD donation form to prepare a legal donation document.
In coordination with Miami-Dade Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Water &
Wastewater Division, the proposed gravity sewer system, lift station, and force main within the public right-
of-way will require a sewer extension permit through DERM Water & Wastewa ter Division. In order to
decommission/remove the existing septic tanks on each resident’s private property, the homeowners will
need to coordinate with FDOH.
To ultimately address the vulnerability of compromised or failed septic systems, it is necessary to extend
sanitary sewer service to certain areas in order to protect public and environmental health.
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May 2020
The Shores Estate Subdivision includes 100 parcels, and therefore an estimated 100 residential septic
tanks, within 26 acres bound by NE 107th Street to the north, Biscayne Canal C-8 to the south, US 1 to the
east, and Miami Shores Golf Club to the west. Appendix B provides an outline of the Subdivision as well
as the proposed tie-in location to the existing wastewater force main for the expansion recommended in
Section 5. As shown in Appendix B, NE 10th Place is the only ingress/egress point for the neighborhood
and is a priority road for the Village.
The known land use acreage and the associated number of septic tanks per land use are provided in Table
3. The soil within this area consists of Urban Land (0-2% slopes). The Shores Estate Subdivision includes
approximately 0.5 mile of 10 foot-wide, paved alley ways and 1.0 mile of 20 foot-wide, two-lane, paved
residential roadway with swales and driveway connections.
Table 3: Shores Estate Subdivision Land Use
Type Acres No. of Septic Tanks
Residential 25 98
Vacant 1 2
Environmental Effects
Since 1994, sea levels have rose four inches and are expected to increase an additional two to six inches
by 2030. As per the Miami Shores Village Environmental Study, Miami Shores Village is susceptible to
coastal flooding due to extreme high tides, storm surge, rising groundwater table elevations, and heavy
rainfall. Tidal flooding is the temporary inundation of low -lying areas by seawater during high tide eve nts.
The southern neighborhood of Shores Estates Subdivision is highly exposed to tidal flooding. Storm surge
refers to the increased water levels generated by a tropical cyclone due to the strong winds and lower
atmospheric pressure. According to the US National Hurricane Center, the odds of a hurricane coming
within 50 nautical miles of the Shores Estates Subdivision is 12.4% for any given year. As sea level rises,
the depth of storm surge will also increase. Rainfall flooding can occur when precipitation infiltrates into the
ground and causes the water table to rise above normal levels. As sea level rises, heavy rainfall flooding
will become more frequent as the average water table height rises in the limestone bedrock underneath.
Models indicate that the most vulnerable area of Miami Shores is the neighborhood of Shores Estates. NE
10th Place, the only ingress/egress point for the neighborhood, currently experiences tidal flooding on the
southern end and tidal flooding will start to become more prevalent as sea levels rise. Models from the
Miami Shores Environmental Study indicate that approximately 30% of the neighborhood streets currently
experience flooding due to high tides. By 2033, the tidally induced flooding will be present on 50% of the
roadways and adjacent private properties.
A typical septic system consists of a septic tank and a drain field, or soil absorption field. The septic tank
digest organic matter and separates floatable matter (e.g., oils and grease) and solids from the wastewater.
Soil-based systems discharge the liquid (known as effluent) from the septic tank into a series of perforated
pipes buried in a leach field, chambers, or other special units designed to slowly release the effluent into
the soil. Low-lying areas and a high-water table present difficult conditions for efficient on-site wastewater
treatment. As the ground water table rises, the effectiveness of the drain fields will decrease and eventually
fail. Failure symptoms include foul odors around the septic tank and drain field, wastewater backing up into
household drains, bright green, spongy grass on the drain field, and/ or pooling water or muddy soil around
the septic system. Older septic tanks may collapse or move upward, if emptied while under floodwater.
Leaking wastewater may contain disease causin g bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Once the wastewater
discharge contaminates flood waters and/or surface water, it is difficult for residents to avoid contact with
contaminated water. To minimize health risks, private septic systems should be replaced with a centralized
sewer collection system.
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As per the Miami Shores Village Environmental Study, soils in this area have high to moderate percolation
rates and provide nominal biological treatment to the septic tank effluent. The Florida Aquifer Vulnerability
Assessment (FAVA) program shows the Village falls within an area of moderate vulnerability to aquifer
contamination from land-based contamination. Additionally, many of the septic systems in the area were
installed in the 1950’s and are likely past their life span.
Additionally, the septic to sewer conversion will provide a significant environmental benefit to the Village’s
local waterways, most notably Biscayne Bay by reducing total nitrogen in the C-8 Biscayne Canal adjacent
to the southern border of the Subdivision. Failing septic tanks are a large contributor to surface water
nutrient loading/contamination. Septic tank systems can be a major, and potentially underestimated, source
of water pollution. Non-functional septic systems have a high potential for environmental contamination
and, ultimately, a health risk to the public.
To quantify and further support the benefit of removing septic systems, nutrient load reductions associated
with septic tank removal were calculated as recommended by FDEP Springs Funding Guidance Document
(Appendix D). This methodology was used to estimate nitrogen reductions associated with the removal of
septic tanks and subsequent replacement with the recommended sewer collection system. The proposed
sewer collection system will now convey the nutrients associated with the removed septic tanks to the
NDWWTP for wastewater treatment and disposal by a permitted and regulated facility.
Septic Tank Nutrient Load to Groundwater
According to FDEP methodology “a nutrient load to groundwater includes the nitrogen input to the land
surface, an attenuation factor that accounts for removal that occurs in the soil, and a recharge factor that
takes into account the annual rate of recharge to the aquifer.”
Inputs of nitrogen are specific to the pollution sources being addressed. For the scope of this study, the
pollution source is limited to septic tanks. Additionally, attenuation factors vary based on the nitrogen
source. The recharge factors are based on available GIS coverages for the project area. The recharge
factor is applied to the attenuated input.
Assumed input parameters used to calculate the TN load to groundwater from the septic tanks within the
Shores Estates neighborhood include:
1. Septic system attenuation (drainfield + soil) leaching 50%. Multiplier = 0.5
2. Recharge factor equal to 0.9
3. Typical septic system TN input to the environment = 23.7 lbs/yr. This is based on 2.63 persons
per household and 9.012 lbs / year per capita input of TN
The septic system nutrient load to groundwater is determined by multiplying the number of septic systems,
the per-system input, the attenuation factor, and the recharge factor together. This resolves to the equation
𝑅𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑅𝑦𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝐿 𝐿𝑙𝑎𝑎 (𝑙𝑎𝑟
𝑦𝑟)=100 𝐿𝑅𝑅𝐶𝑅 𝑊 23.7 𝑙𝑎𝑟
𝑦𝑟𝑊 0.50 𝑊 0.9
Based on these assumptions and the methodology outlined above, it is estimated that 1,067 lb/yr of TN is
contributed to the groundwater. Appendix E provides complete calculations of the nitrogen loading
associated with the Shores Estate Subdivision.
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May 2020
Environmental Assessment
A list of species potentially occurring within the project vicinity has been compiled using Florida Natural
Areas Inventory (FNAI), Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), and US Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) databases. Based on the findings, a listing of the state and federally listed
species potentially occurring within the immediate vicinity of the project s ite has been compiled. There are
no bald eagle nests or wading bird rookeries within two miles of the project site. However, Florida Bonneted
Bat and West Indian Manatee communities are known to occur in the vicinity of the project area.
Nonetheless, it is not anticipated that any endangered species will be impacted by this project.
Additionally, the project site has the potential for having Florida Burrowing Owls, Rim Rock Crowned
Snakes, American Crocodiles, Gopher Tortoises, Hawksbill Sea Turtles, Giant Orchids, Florida Pinewood
Privets, and Mangrove Gambusia. For a complete list of potentially occurring species, refer to Appendix
Additional data was reviewed through the National Wetland Inventory (NWI), the Miami-Dade County
Environmental Considerations GIS (ECG), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for
potential on-site wetlands, hydrologic conditions, and hydric soil. Most of the soils within the project
boundary are considered urban land, 0 to 2 percent slopes. Based on the NWI, there are no wetlands within
the Shores Estate Subdivision or within the vicinity of the project boundary (Appendix F-2).
The proposed Shores Estates wastewater collection system will be located in previously disturbed and
developed areas such as the Village’s public rights-of way or existing utility easements. Based on the
locations of the proposed project improvements, impacts to environmentally sensitive areas are not
anticipated to occur.
In addition, Biscayne Bay and surrounding canals supports extensive seagrass beds and diverse fisheries
resources and provides habitat for a variety of endangered or threatened species. However, all work
associated with this proposed wastewater collection system is located within urban disturbed uplands and
active roadways and no natural vegetative habitat areas or archeological and/or historical sites will be
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May 2020
Alternatives Considered – Background
When determining the feasibility of transferring wastewater flows from on-site septic and disposal systems
to NDWWTP, conventional gravity sewer and vacuum sewer were considered as alternatives for
wastewater conveyance. Both alternatives rely on the downstream treatment facility for treatment of all
wastewater collected (i.e. no treatment takes place on site).
Gravity Sewer
Conventional gravity sewer has often been the standard for wastewater collection systems due to their low
operation and maintenance cost and proven reliability. These systems require no moving parts to collect
and convey wastewater from residential and commercial properties. Gravity sewer systems are governed
by a series of design standards, listed below, that determine pipe size, slope, depth of bury, number of
manholes, and service lateral connections. For gravity sewer to function properly, the collection system
must be designed to maintain minimum slopes to ensure that minimum flow velocities are achieved when
flowing full or partially full. This requirement, paired with the topography of the land surface governs the
feasibility of gravity sewer. Minimum pipe slope and cover limit the horizontal distance that g ravity sewer
can be installed as construction no longer becomes safe or cost-effective as certain depths are required.
Gravity sewer systems can routinely require in stallation depths from 6 feet to 15 feet. Additionally, gravity
sewer requires the installation of manholes at regular specified intervals, changes in grade, and pipe
intersections. This allows for sufficient access for maintenance and prevents clogging du ring use but adds
considerable cost to the project. Gravity sewers are typically located within the middle of the roadway or as
close to the middle as the design parameters allow.
Lift Stations are required at low points in the design when minimum slopes can no longer be maintained,
depth of bury is not feasible, or where existing infrastructure must be avoided. When lift stations are
required, subsequent force mains will also be needed to convey the collected wastewater to the point of
connection to the existing system or to the NDWWTP.
Vacuum Sewer
In a vacuum sewer system, the wastewater from each residential or commercial property flows into a sump
and valve pit. When the liquid level in the sump reaches a specific level, a vacuum valve in the pit
automatically opens, allowing the discharge of a predefined volume of both wastewater and air i nto the
mainline. The mainline in a vacuum sewer is laid in a saw tooth pattern which is designed to maintain a
downward slope toward the vacuum station. Essentially vacuum systems are vacuum assisted gravity
systems. The sawtooth profile ensures that an open passage of air between the vacuum station and the
interface valves is maintained throughout the piping network. This provides the maximum differential
pressure at the interface valves to ensure self-cleansing of the valves as well as maximum energy input to
the vacuum mains. The vacuum sewer mainline terminates at a central vacuum lift station, which maintains
the vacuum in the system. The wastewater enters the pu mp station and is collected in a holding tank until
it is transferred by a pump through a force main to the NDWWTP.
Table 4 provides an overview comparison of the proposed wastewater conveyance alternatives.
Table 4: Alternative Comparisons
Gravity Sewer Vacuum Sewer
Power Requirements Power is required only at
the Pump Station.
Power is required only at
the Pump Station, but
vacuum and discharge
pumps are both required.
Pump run times can be
less on average for
vacuum systems.
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Connections No restrictions on
connections. Gravity
sewer piping, manholes,
and lateral connections
are upstream of the pump
station. System relies on
gravity flows resulting in
deeper pipe installations.
Usually 2-4 homes are
connected to a single
collection valve pit
requiring multiple valve
pits and collection piping
throughout the area. The
vacuum system allows
shallower collection pipe
Leak Detection /
A broken pipe can go
unnoticed and the depth
of the gravity lines are
more susceptible to
groundwater influence.
Since vacuum is
maintained within the
mains at all times sewage
exfiltration does not
Infiltration Broken pipes allow
infiltration of stormwater
increasing treatment
costs and power use, but
trenchless repair options
are available.
Any leak in a vacuum
main or valve pit will
result in a vacuum drop
which will be registered at
the station immediately
and impact system
performance. Infiltration
will occur until the leak is
located and repaired.
Maintenance and
Pump station requires
below ground wetwell and
valve vault. Gravity sewer
may require occasional
jetting and manhole
Mechanical and electrical
operation and
maintenance required for
submersible pumps and
control panel.
Vacuum system requires
an above ground building
and operating
components throughout
the collection system.
Building, mechanical and
electrical operation and
maintenance required for
vacuum valves, vacuum
pumps, discharge pumps,
and control system.
High scouring velocities in
the system reduce risk of
blockage. Most of the
maintenance occurs at
the vacuum station.
Design Criteria
Gravity Sewer
Gravity sewer systems are designed and administrated utilizing FDEP guidelines and permit application
requirements for constructing a domestic wastewater collection / transmission System. These
administration and design guidelines are found in chapter 62-400.400 of the Florida Administrative Code
and are further detailed in form 62-604.300 (8)(a). Additionally, MDWASD has additional guidelines found
in the Design and Construction Standard Specifications and Details. The basic design process involves the
following steps.
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1. Collect and compile existing data within the project area. This includes as-built information of
existing utilities within the ROW, GIS data, topographic data, soils data, location of dwellings,
water use (if available), and septic tank data.
2. Determine the permitting requirements and design regulations (see below).
3. Begin coordination with other existing utilities within the ROW.
4. Conduct field survey for supplemental topography, soft digs of existing utilities (if needed),
existing dwelling finish floors, septic tank locations, and sewer cleanout locations .
5. Prepare a preliminary layout of the gravity sewer system including minimum slopes and depths
of cover, controlling pipe runs, and manhole locations.
6. Prepare a preliminary layout of the lift station and force main layout including lift station location
and force main route to connect to existing wastewater system.
7. Import preliminary sewer layout into a modeling software capable of gravity and pressure flow
simulations. Model the project area at full buildout and size gravity mains, force mains, and lift
stations accordingly. Comply with local regulations for system function.
8. Prepare final design plans based on the modeled results and engineering evaluations.
9. Submit for permits.
Typical design guidelines for gravity sewer layout include the following:
1. All new gravity sewer mains to be installed within the public right of way shall be 8-inch in
diameter, minimum (Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances Sec. 24-43.4. B).
2. Minimum flow velocity of 2 feet per second (fps) when flowing full (MDWASD UC-250).
3. Minimum slope to maintain minimum flow velocity for 8-inch gravity equal to 0.40 feet per 100
feet (MDWASD UC-250).
4. Minimum cover over gravity sewers shall be no less than 48 inches calculated from the finished
grade without written approval by MDWASD (MDWASD Standard Specification 15060).
5. Manholes shall be installed as follows (MDWASD UC-250):
a. the end of each gravity sewer,
b. all changes in grade, size or alignment,
c. all sewer intersections,
d. at distances not greater than 400 feet (350 feet used as typical minimum design),
e. minimum diameter of 4 feet.
Typical design guidelines for force main and lift station layout include the following:
Lift station guidelines
1. Design capacities are based on peak hourly flow
2. Pumps maintain a minimum velocity of 2 fps in the force mains
3. Wet well volume is based on design average flows and a filling time not to exc eed 30 minutes
4. Wet well floors have a minimum slope of 1 to 1 to the hopper bottom
5. Adequate ventilation and odor control is provided
6. Designed with a fenced enclosure around the pump station
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7. Pumps alternate lead and lag rolls on cycling
8. Designed with high water alarms allowing for sufficient response time of maintenance
personnel to reach the station before a spill
Force main guidelines
1. Designed to maintain, at design pumping rates, a cleansing velocity of at least 2 fps
2. Isolation valves every 750 to 1000 linear feet and where needed to appropriately isolate the
branches and system
3. Air relief valves placed at all high points and at the ends of all directional drills
4. A C-value that does not exceed 120
Vacuum Sewer
Vacuum sewer systems are designed and administered in accordance with the 10 State Standards. FDEP
has adopted a design check list for vacuum sewer design which is found in the Appendix I. Vacuum sewers
are mechanized systems for wastewater transport that utilize differential air pressure and gravity to move
sewage. The basic design processes discussed above for the gravity sewer system such as site due
diligence, survey, preliminary layout, modeling, and permit research are similar for this approach. Vacuum
sewer mains are designed to maintain a generally downward slope toward the vacuum station and are
vacuum-assisted gravity pipe networks. The major vacuum system components are sized according to
peak flow. To facilitate this process, a catalog of land uses and resultant sewage flows should be compiled.
The following are typical design criteria necessary for vacuum sewers:
1. Vacuum sewer systems are sized based on the number of connections and the type of
connections (residential, commercial, etc.).
2. Vacuum pumps are ideally positioned above the vacuum tank to prevent the introduction of
any fluid to the vacuum pumps.
3. The vacuum tank is for full buildout plus any perceived development.
4. The force main pumps are sized to meet traditional flow and total dynamic head characteristics
and to meet the net positive suction head requirements to pull wastewater out of the vacuum
5. Vacuum mains are first sized for adequate sewage flow and then sized to maintain proper
vacuum levels throughout the system.
6. Vacuum mains are laid out in runs; no looping of runs is permitted.
7. Each vacuum main run is hydraulically analyzed to ensure proper flow in the pipe.
8. Minimum vacuum main slope is 0.20%.
9. The minimum slope must be held entering and exiting each lift.
10. Lifts are placed as needed to maintain minimum pipe depth and to facilitate proper function of
the vacuum hydraulics.
11. Flows on a natural downhill grade do not require lifts on slopes less than 2000 linear feet.
12. Hydraulic evaluations consider the diameter of pipe, length of pipe run, number of lifts, number
of valve pit connections, and elevation differences.
13. Valve pits are sized to allow for the service lateral to tie in as needed.
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Net Present Worth Analysis
Section 602(b)(13) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act was amended by the Water Resources
Reform and Development Act in 2014 to require the study and evaluation of the cost and effectiveness of
the process, materials, techniques, and technologies for carrying out the proposed project to be funded
with Clean Water SRF (CWSRF) assistance. The result of this analysis is used to determine the cost
effectiveness of a project during SRF funding review. To support this requirement, the net present worth
(NPW) of each technically feasible alternative has been calculated. The NPW is the sum of the capital
costs plus the uniform series present worth factor (USPWF) multiplied by the annual operation and
maintenance (O&M) costs minus the single payment present worth factor (SPPWF) multiplied by the
salvage value. As this planning document considers a project planning peri od longer than 20 years, it is
also necessary to incorporate replacement costs (R) into the NP W calculation as follows:
𝐿𝐿𝑊=𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑙𝑟𝑟+(𝑅𝑅𝐿𝑊𝐹× 𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐿&𝐿)+(𝑅𝐿𝐿𝑊𝐹× 𝑅)−(𝑅𝐿𝐿𝑊𝐹× 𝑅𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑎)
The annual O&M costs were determined using comparable budgets and costs incurred by local utilities.
These were further supported by vendor literature. The USPWF, used to covert annual O&M costs to
present day dollars is a function of the discount rate and number of years in the planning period, is
calculated as provided below. This master planning document will consider a planning period (n) of 30
years. The discount rate (i) used for this analysis is 0.7%, the “real” discount rate taken from the 2018
Appendix C of the OMB circular A-94. This Appendix is updated annually by the federal government.
𝑅𝑅𝐿𝑊𝐹=(1 +𝑖)𝑛−1
𝑖× (1 +𝑖)𝑛
The salvage value of the constructed project is estimated using the anticipated life expectancy of the
constructed items using straight line depreciation calculated at the end of the planning period and converted
to present day dollars using the SPPWF. The SPPWF is a function of the discount rate (i), described above,
and the year (n) at the end of which salvage value is estimated or a replacement cost is incurred.
𝑅𝐿𝐿𝑊𝐹=(1 +𝑖)−𝑛
The life expectancy, or useful life, of each constructed component is provided in 62-503.200(36), F.A.C. as
• Land = 100 years
• Conveyance pipes = 50 years
• Structures (buildings and tankage) = 30 to 50 years
• Process equipment = 15 to 20 years
• Auxiliary equipment such as generators and controls = 10 to 15 years
A cost effectiveness table will be provided for each alternative in Section 6 of this report, summarizing the
capital costs, annual O&M cost, salvage value, present worth of each of these values, and the NP W.
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Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Gravity Sewer System
Installing conventional gravity sewer to replace the use of septic tanks in the Shores Estate Subdivision will
require 4,545 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer and 14 manholes. These collected flows would be routed
to a single proposed lift station. The lift station would then pump the Subdivision’s flows through 328 linear
feet of 8-inch force main (estimated size) to the City of North Miami’s existing 12-inch force main on
Biscayne Boulevard. Valves would be installed along the force main at 750-foot intervals, requiring a total
of 1 valve. Land acquisition is not required for the single lift station, as the proposed location is within public
right-of-way. The construction of the gravity sewer system will require the re pair of approximately 0.95 miles
of paved road. A summary of the proposed gravity sewer inventory in provided in Table 5. A recommended
schematic of the approximate horizontal locations of the gravity sewer, manholes, lift stations and force
main is provided as Figure 1.
Table 5: Gravity Sewer Inventory
8" Gravity 4,545 LF
Manhole 14 Each
Lift Station 1 Each
8” Force Main 328 LF
Valve (FM) 1 Each
Road Repair 0.95 Mile
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Figure 1: Shores Estate Subdivision Conventional Gravity Sewer Alternative
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May 2020
Vacuum Sewer System
The installation of vacuum sewer in the Shores Estate Subdivision will require 38 valve pits throughout the
Subdivision. These pits will be placed along vacuum mains of various diameter to provide maximum
differential pressure within the network. The required length of vacuum main for Shores Estate Subdivision
is summarized in Table 6, with a complete inventory of all infrastructure required for this alternative. The
vacuum mains will flow to a single vacuum station. Wastewater from the vacuum station will then be pumped
through 328 linear feet of 8-inch force main (estimated size) to the City of North Miami’s existing 12-inch
force main on Biscayne Boulevard. Valves would be installed along the force main at 750-foot intervals,
resulting in a total of 1 valve. Land acquisition is not required for the single vacuum station, as the proposed
location is within public right-of-way. The construction of the vacuum sewer system will require the repair
and/or addition of approximately 0.95 miles of paved road. A recommended schematic of the approximate
horizontal locations of the gravity sewer, manholes, lift stations and force main is provided as Figure 2.
Table 6: Vacuum Sewer Inventory
4" Vacuum Main 8,976 LF
6" Vacuum Main 3,958 LF
Vacuum Station 1 Each
Valve Pit 38 Each
8" Force Main 328 LF
Valve (FM) 1 Each
Road Repair 0.95 Mile
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Figure 2: Shores Estate Subdivision Vacuum Sewer Alternative
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Septic Tank Removal
If the Shores Estate Subdivision decided not to extend sewer service to this subdivision, the residents would
continue to experience more frequent septic system failures. With the continual rise in sea level and water
table elevation, the volume of unsaturated soil available to treat and dispose the wastewater will steadily
decrease. Because much of the treatment of wastewater relies upon the unsaturated soil below the drain
field, treatment and disposal are less effective as more of the soil becomes permanently saturated with
rising groundwater. Reduced treatment can cause contamination, in the form of disease -causing
pathogens, excess nutrients, and chemical contaminants that may pose a potential risk to both human and
environmental health. Because most of the septic systems in the Shores Estate Subdivision were installed
in the 1950’s, many of the tanks are past their useful life and are likely to fail. Assuming all septic tanks will
require replacement in the next 30 years and all vacant parcels of this Subdivision will be developed, the
residents will be responsible for funding the installation of 100 septic systems. Typical septic tank
installation in Miami-Dade County will cost an average of $5,400 per system, ranging in price from $1,340
to $9,437.
Although a “do nothing” alternative is an option, based on the age of the septic tanks in the Subdivision and
associated groundwater levels, any septic tank(s) that does fail will pose a significant threat to the public
health and safety of the Subdivision residents. In addition, a “do nothing” approach does ultimately require
septic system replacement costs. Those costs will be the responsibility of the Shores Estates residents
and new septic system installations will be subject to operational review and project permitting.
An opinion of probable cost (OPC) for each alternative and subsequent net present worth was calculated.
The total capital costs are provided to assist the Village with planning and funding, a detailed OPC can be
found in Appendix G. The net present worth is provided as it will be used to compare alternatives during
the SRF review process (detailed in Appendix H).
Alternative Sewer Analysis
As discussed throughout this document, a conventional gravity sewer and vacuum sewer were considered
as alternatives for wastewater conveyance when determining the feasibility of transferring wastewater flows
from on-site septic and disposal systems to the NDWWTP. Both of these alternatives require collection
systems, pump stations, and rely on the downstream treatment faci lity for treatment of all wastewater
collected. A “do nothing” alternative is an option but based on the age of the septic tanks in the Subdivision
and associated groundwater levels, any septic tank(s) that does fail will pose a significant threat to the
public health and safety of the Subdivision residents. As a result, this is not selected as a recommended
After evaluation of the existing condition of the Shores Estate neighborhood and reviewing alternative
systems based on the residential application, availability of public right-of-way, similar environmental issues
for permitting, and similar construction impacts, the criteria for system selection is primarily based on cost,
operation and maintenance, and coordination with the City of North M iami as the utility likely to acquire and
operate the proposed wastewater system once complete.
Conceptual plans were developed as part of this document for a general description of the mechanical and
electrical components of each system and operational differences between gravity and vacuum systems
were discussed. Preliminary opinions of probable cost were developed for each alternativ e based on the
conceptual designs and those estimates include design, permitting, equipment supply, and construction
estimates. A summary of the OPC’s is provided on the following page in Table 7. Based on those costs
and the simplicity of a gravity sewer system as compared to a vacuum system, the recommended approach
is a conventional gravity sewer system. In addition t o cost, the submersible design of a gravity system
pump station is recommended as compared to an above ground building typically associated with a vacuum
station. Although construction impacts of a gravity sewer system will be greater, there are no appare nt
construction constraints and once installed, the conveyance of wastewater based on gravity is
recommended as compared to vacuum systems. And finally, the City of North Miami’s wastewater system
is comprised of gravity systems with associated submersible pump stations and their Operation and
Maintenance personnel are better suited for the proposed conventional gravity sewer system.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Table 7: Opinion of Probable Cost and Net Present Worth Summary
Sewer Capital Cost
Subtotal $1,313,940 Sewer Capital Cost
Subtotal $1,887,720
30% Contingency $394,182 30% Contingency $566,316
Design, Permitting
and Const. Phase $262,788 Design, Permitting and
Const. Phase $377,544
TOTAL $2,831,580
The Engineer has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or over the Contractor's
methods of determining prices or over competitive bidding or mark et conditions. Opinions of
probable costs provided herein are based on the information known to Engineer at this time and
represent only the Engineer's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction
industry. The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual construction
costs will not vary from its opinions of probable costs.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
It is recommended that the Shores Estate Subdivision install a conventional gravity sewer system. This
alternative is the most cost-effective and feasible as the topography of the region facilitates the use of a
single lift station. The total preliminary opinion of probable cost for installing gravity sewer in this Subdivision
is approximately $2 million, as provided in Table 8.
Table 8: Gravity Sewer Project Cost
Sewer Capital Cost Subtotal $1,313,940
30% Contingency $394,182
Design, Permitting and Const.
Phase $262,788
A recommended schematic of the approximate horizontal locations of the gravity sewer, manholes, lift
stations and force main is provided as Figure 1 above. The proposed initial sizing of this system includes
8-inch gravity sewer, a duplex submersible pump station, an 8-inch force main, and associated roadway
and site restoration. Additional design and modeling will be required to accurately size the force main and
lift station within the Shores Estate Subdivision.
This alternative will require permitting and coordination with FDEP/DERM, FDOT, Miami-Dade County, and
Miami Shores Village. The Village will be required to submit a domestic wastewater collection/transmission
system through the FDEP/DERM. Specific FDEP requirements, including permitting requirements, for
domestic wastewater collection systems and transmission facilities are contained in Chapter 62 -604, Florida
Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The Village will also be required to submit a NPDES permit, as required by
the Clean Water Act. The permit will contain limits on what the Village can discharge, monitoring and
reporting requirements, and other provisions to ensure that the discharge does not impact water quality or
people's health. A permit from Miami-Dade County will be required for all installation of sewer mains in
Miami-Dade County rights-of-way. A permit from Miami Shores Village will be required for all installation of
sewer mains in Village rights-of-way. As will a FDOT permit be required for any activity in State rights-of
way (Biscayne Boulevard). In order to decommission/remove the existing septic tanks on each resident’s
private property, the homeowners will need to coordinate with FDOH.
Once the Subdivision is converted from individual septic sewer systems to a neighborhood -wide gravity
sewer system, it will be owned and maintained by the City of North Miami. The City is the current water
service provider and Miami Shores Village does not own or maintain any water or sewer infrastructure
throughout the Village. In preliminary discussions with the City of North Miami, the Village will need to
prepare a legal document or Water and Sewer Agreement to donate the completed gravity sewer system
to the City of North Miami. The City has indicated that they do not have a standard donation form and
recommended the Village reference MDWASD documents when developing the proposed agreement for
this project. The current MDWASD Water and/or Sewer Application Form and a previously executed Sewer
Agreement between MDWASD and North Bay Village are included in Appendix K for reference.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Project Location Map
N E 10 8T H S T
N E 10 5T H S T
N E 10 7T H ST
NE 10 4T H ST
N E 1 0 9 T H S T
NE 10 3RD ST
0 250 500125
City of Miami Shores, Florida
Miami Shores Estates
Sewer Facilities Plan
MARCH 2020
\\ftlfp01\Data\Project\FTL_Civil\044 Jobs\044448010-Sewer Facilities Plan\GIS\Maps\Exhibits\A_ProjectLocation.mxd
Ü600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450
Plantation, Florida 33324
(954) 535-5100 Phone
(561) 863-8175 Fax
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Existing Wastewater System
"T "T
NE 11Th Ct
NE 109T h St
N E 10 8T h S t
N E 1 0 7 T h S t
N E 1 0 9 T h S t
NE 110T h Ter
N E 11 0T h S t
Biscayne Blvd
NE 11
NE 110T h St
109 CLUB
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GISUser Community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN,GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS User Community
£¤11 2 3
4 5 6 7891011121314151617181920
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172174175176177178179180181182183184
185 186 187188189190 191
0 100 200 300 40050Feet
NOTE:All dimensions and utility locations must be field verified.
"C`Sewer Meter / Miami-Dade Connection
Pump Stations
[Ú North Miami
"T Private
!!2 Manhole
$1 Cleanouts
Pressurized Main
In use
Gravity Main by Diameter:
12" or larger
8" or smaller
Gravity Main Abandoned
SEE PAGE (Out of service area)
Prepared by: Public Works GIS SpecialistDate: April 2019
Page 173 of 191
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2 !!2
NE 108T h St
N E 10 9T h S t
E Dixie Hwy
Biscayne Blvd
NE 10 9T h St
NE Quayside Ter
N E 11 0T h S t
NE 11 0T h Ter NE 11 0T h Ter
N E 11 0T h S t
18_5 8"
8 "
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GISUser Community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN,GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS User Community
£¤11 2 3
4 5 6 7891011121314151617181920
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173175176177178179180181182183184
185 186 187188189190 191
0 100 200 300 40050Feet
NOTE:All dimensions and utility locations must be field verified.
"C`Sewer Meter / Miami-Dade Connection
Pump Stations
[Ú North Miami
"T Private
!!2 Manhole
$1 Cleanouts
Pressurized Main
In use
Gravity Main by Diameter:
12" or larger
8" or smaller
Gravity Main Abandoned
Prepared by: Public Works GIS SpecialistDate: April 2019
Page 174 of 191
!!2 !!2!!2 !!2
NE 10 5T h St
N E 1 0 4 T h S t
Biscayne Blvd
NE 12Th Ave
NE 103Rd St
Towerside Te r
18_424 18_423
8 "8"
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GISUser Community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN,GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS User Community
£¤11 2 3
4 5 6 7891011121314151617181920
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178180181182183184
185 186 187188189190 191
0 100 200 300 40050Feet
NOTE:All dimensions and utility locations must be field verified.
"C`Sewer Meter / Miami-Dade Connection
Pump Stations
[Ú North Miami
"T Private
!!2 Manhole
$1 Cleanouts
Pressurized Main
In use
Gravity Main by Diameter:
12" or larger
8" or smaller
Gravity Main Abandoned
SEE PAGE (Out of service area)
SEE PAGE (Out of service area)
Prepared by: Public Works GIS SpecialistDate: April 2019
Page 179 of 191
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Comprehensive Development
Master Plan (CDMP) Policies
Comprehensive Development Master Plan policies
related to sewer extensions
The following are the most relevant policies in the Comprehensive Development Master Plan
which speak to the County's priorities regarding extending sewer services.
Water, sewer and solid waste element
WS-2E. Miami-Dade County shall continue and expand its current practice of installing oversize
water and sewer mains and associated facilities in anticipation of future needs consistent with
Land Use Element policies which affect the timing, staging, and location of future development,
and shall require developers dedicating such facilities to the County to conform with this policy.
All applications and proposed agreements for water and/or sewer extensions submitted to the
Water and Sewer Department that are inside of and within 330 feet of the Urban Development
Boundary and that may involve the installation of oversized water or sewer mains shall be subject
to additional review by a designated water and sewer review committee. The installation of
oversized water and sewer mains will be consistent with engineering requirements to protect
the public health and safety of the area residents and Land Use Element policies.
WS-3A. Public facility improvements will be evaluated for funding in accordance with the
following general criteria:
1.) Improvements necessary to protect the health, safety, and environmental integrity of the
community, consistent with the policies of this Plan and applicable federal, state, and
County regulatory requirements.
2.) Improvements necessary to meet any deficiencies that may exist in capacity or in
performance. These include the retrofit of deteriorating facilities which fail or threaten
to fail to meet health, safety, or environmental standards.
3.) Improvements extending service to previously unserved developed areas within the
Urban Development Boundary.
4.) Improvements identified in adopted functional plans and addressing system details that
are beyond the scope of the comprehensive plan for wastewater and potable water
facilities, and that are consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the
comprehensive plan.
5.) Cost-effective improvements to expand capacity, maximize operational efficiency, and
increase productivity.
6.) ***
7.) In providing for improvements to the sanitary sewer collection system, the following
additional criteria shall also be considered:
(a) Location within a public water supply wellfield protection zone.
(b) Potential for the disposal of waste other than domestic waste,
(c) Designation on the Land Use Plan map for a use more intense than estate density
(d) Potential for impacts on existing private wells.
(e) Location within areas of low land elevation in conjunction with high water table.
(f) Locations with poor soil conditions.
(g) Proximity to existing sewer mains.
WS-4B. Interim wastewater treatment plants within the Urban Development Boundary shall
continue to be phased out as sewer service becomes available, with highest priority given to
phasing out existing industrial wastewater plants in accord with regulati ons and procedures
established by the Board of County Commissioners. The Division of Environmental Resources
Management shall use its administrative. enforcement, and permitting authority to implement
these regulations.
WS-4D. Anywhere that the use of existing private wells, interim wastewater treatment plants, or
septic tanks pose a threat to the public health or the environmental integrity of Miami -Dade
County, the County shall assert its authority to create a Special Taxing District to finance
connections to the public water supply or to the public sewer system.
WS-4G. It is the policy of the County to mandate the connection of existing developments to the
regional wastewater system upon extension of the wastewater collection system proximate to
said developments. However, the County shall not require connections to be made in areas with
gravity systems that are surcharged at any time of the day, for more than 30 days per year.
Connections will not be required if the system is subject to overflows, discharge or exfiltration of
sewage at any time during the year under any storm event of five years or less.
WS-4H. Miami-Dade County shall coordinate with municipalities and the State of Florida to
monitor existing septic tanks that are currently at risk of malfunctioning due to high groundwater
levels or flooding and shall develop and implement prog rams to abandon these systems and/or
connect users to the public sewer system. The County shall also coordinate to identify which
systems will be adversely impacted by projected sea level rise and additional storm surge
associated with climate change and shall plan to target those systems to protect public health,
natural resources, and the region' s tourism industry.
Land use element
LU-2B. Priority in the provision of services and facilities and the allocation of financial resources
for services and facilities in Miami-Dade County shall be given first to serve the area within the
Urban Infill Area and Transportation Concurrency Exception Areas. Second priority shall be given
to serve the area between the Urban Infill Area and the Urban Development Boundary. And third
priority shall support the staged development of the Urban Expansion Area (UEA). Urban services
and facilities which support or encourage urban development in Agriculture and Open Land areas
shall be avoided, except for those improvements necessary to protect public health and safety
and which service the localized needs of these non-urban areas. Areas designated Environmental
Protection shall be particularly avoided.
LU-2D. Miami-Dade County agencies shall continue and, where possible, improve their efforts to
coordinate projects to construct or repair infrastructure such as roadways and utilities in order
to minimize the disruption and inconvenience caused by such construction activities.
LU-3E. By 2017, Miami-Dade County shall initiate an analysis on climate change and its impacts
on the built environment addressing development standards and regulations related to
investments in infrastructure, development/redevelopment and public facilities in hazard prone
areas. The analysis shall consider and build on pertinent information, analysis and
recommendations of the Regional Climate Change Action Plan for the Southeast Florida Regional
Climate Change Compact Counties, and will include the following elements:
a) an evaluation of property rights issues and municipal jurisdiction associated with the
avoidance of areas at risk for climate hazards including sea level rise;
b) an evaluation of the current land supply-demand methodology to consider and address, as
appropriate, the risk associated with infrastructure investments in flood prone areas; and
c) an evaluation of the CDMP long-term time horizon in relation to addressing projected long-
range climate change impacts.
Recommendations from the analysis shall address appropriate changes to land use designations
and zoning of impacted properties, and development standards, among other relevant
LU-31. Miami-Dade County shall make the practice of adapting the built environment to the
impacts of climate change an integral component of all planning processes, including but not
limited to comprehensive planning, infrastructure planning, building and life safety codes,
emergency management and development regulations, stormwater management, and water
resources management.
LU-10A. Miami-Dade County shall facilitate contiguous urban development, infill, redevelopment
of substandard or underdeveloped urban areas, moderate to high intensity activity centers, mass
transit supportive development, and mixed-use projects to promote energy conservation. To
facilitate and promote such development Miami-Dade County shall orient its public facilities and
infrastructure planning efforts to minimize and reduce deficiencies and establish the service
capacities needed to support such development.
Conservation element
CON-2D. Sewer Improvement Special Taxing Districts shall be established for all industrial and
potentially hazardous commercial areas within the Urban Develop ment Boundary.
Coastal management element
Objective CM-9. Miami-Dade County shall continue to orient its planning, regulatory, and service
programs to direct future population concentrations away from the Coastal High Hazard Area
(CHHA) and FEMA "V" Zone. Infrastructure shall be available to serve the existing development
and redevelopment proposed in the Land Use Element and population in the CHHA, but shall not
be built, expanded, or oversized to promote increased population in the coastal high -risk area.
CM-9F. Public expenditures that subsidize new or expanded infrastructure that would encourage
additional population growth in the Coastal High Hazard Areas shall be prohibited. New public
facilities shall not be built in the Coastal High Hazard Area, unless they are necessary to protect
the health and safety of the existing population or for the following exceptions: public parks,
beach or shoreline access; resource protection or restoration; marinas or Ports; or roadways,
causeways and bridges necessary to maintain or improve hurricane evacuation times. Potable
water and sanitary sewer facilities shall not be oversized to subsidize additional development in
the Coastal High Hazard Area.
CM-9H. Rise in sea level projected by the federal government, and refined by the Southeast
Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, shall be taken into consideration in all future decisions
regarding the design, location, and development of infrastructure and public facilities in the
Economic element
ECO-4C. Miami-Dade County will program infrastructure improvements in municipalities taking
into account their socio-economic development priorities and overall County priorities.
ECO-4D. Infrastructure prioritization should consider needs of existing and target industrie s in
industrial areas that do or can support these industries, especially along trade corridors and
around trade hubs.
Capital improvements element (interpretive text)
Improvements to the water and sewer systems are based on the following general criteria:
1. Improvements, which are necessary to protect the health, safety and environmental
integrity of the community, and meet federal, State, and local regulatory requirements.
2. Improvements, which are necessary to meet existing deficiencies in capacity or in
performance. These include the retrofit of deteriorating facilities, which fail or threaten to
fail to meet health, safety or environmental standards.
3. Improvements which extend service to previously unserved developed areas.
4. Improvements which have been identified in adopted functional plans and address
system details which are beyond the scope of the comprehensive plan for wastewater
facilities and potable water facilities and are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies
of the comprehensive plan.
5. Cost-effective improvements to expand capacity, maximize operational efficiency, and
increase productivity.
In providing for improvements to the sanitary sewer collection system, the following additional
criteria are also taken into account:
1. Location within a public water supply wellfield protection zone.
2. Potential for the disposal of wastes other than domestic waste.
3. Designation on the Future Land Use Plan map for a use more intense than estate density
4. Potential for impacts on existing private wells.
5. Areas with low land elevation in conjunction with high water table.
6. Soil conditions.
7. Proximity to open bodies of water.
8. Proximity to existing sewer mains.
CIE-2A. Public funds will not be used to subsidize increased overall density or inten sity of urban
development in coastal high hazard areas. However, public beach, shoreline access, resource
restoration, port facilities or similar projects may be constructed.
CIE-QB. Replacement of infrastructure in coastal high hazard areas will be at or below
existing service capacity except where such replacement will improve hurricane
evacuation time, mitigate storm damage, or meet regulatory requirements.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
FDEP Springs Funding Guidance
C. Estimating Nitrogen Load Reductions from Springs Restoration Projects
How to Apply Atte_nuation and Recharge Factors
In the Department's nitrogen inventories, a load to groundwater includes the nitrogen input to
land surface, an attenuation factor that accounts for removal that occurs in the soil
(nitrification-denitrification, plant uptake, volatilization, etc.) and a recharge factor that takes
into account the annual rate of recharge to the Upper Floridan aquifer (based on overburden
material thickness and head differences between the surficial aquifer system and the Upper
Floridan aquifer).
Inputs of nitrogen are specific to the sources being addressed and should be reported in
lbs/year (yr.).
Attenuation factors vary based on the nitrogen source category (e.g., septic tank, wastewater
sprayfield, agricultural field with row crops, etc.). Attenuation factors for most of the sources
being addressed in projects and multipliers to use in calculations are shown below.
Source type % Attenuated % Leached Multiplier to use
Wastewater sprayfield 60 40 0.40
Wastewater reuse 75 25 0.25
Wastewater Rapid 25 75 0.75
Infiltration Basin (RIB)
Conventional septic 50 50 0.50
Farm fertilizer 80 20 0.20
Lawn fertilizer 80 20 0.20
Livestock on pasture 90 10 0.10
Note: Septic system values include treatment in both the drainfield (30%) and soil (20%).
Recharge factors are based on available Geographic Information System (GIS) coverages for
most of the state. The recharge factor is applied to the attenuated input. For the area of interest,
use the appropriate recharge coverage in GIS to determine the recharge rate ( or rates, if area of
interest is within more than one recharge regime) and assign the corresponding weighted
factor. The recharge factors are applied as shown below.
Recharge Rate Designation % Recharged Multiplier to use
>= 10in/yr High 90 0.90
3 to 10 in/yr Medium 50 0.50
0 to 3 in/yr Low 10 0.10
Discharge Discharge 0 0
How to Calculate Nitrogen (N) Reduction from Wastewater Projects
These may include wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) upgrades to reduce nitrogen, re-
distributing applied wastewater to other methods or areas.
Springs Funding Guidance As of October 2017 Page 19 of 27
domestic WWTP upgrades from secondary treatment to advanced wastewater treatment to
reduce nitrogen (assuming wastewater application volume and method does not change):
(TN)= (Original annual TN input-Anticipated annual TN input after upgrade) X
effluent treatment application method attenuation factor X effluent application area
recharge factor
projects that involve changing application methods and/ or areas applied. An example would
be if additional reclaimed water lines are extended within the service area so that some of the
wastewater being treated in RIBs (in a high recharge area) would be used for reclaimed water
irrigation instead (in a low recharge area). Using this example, the change in N loading would
be calculated as follows :
o RIB percent leached 75%. Multiplier= 0.75
o Reuse percent leached 25%. Multiple= 0.25
o High recharge weighted factor 90%. Multiplier = 0.90
o Low recharge weighted factor 10%. Multiplier = 0.10
(lbs/yr TN) = ([Current input of N from RIBs X 0.75 X 0.90] + [current input of N to
reclaimed X 0.25 X 0.101) -([Anticipated input of N to RIBs X 0.75 X 0.90] + [anticipated
input of N to reclaimed X 0.25 X 0.101)
([Current input of N to LAM1 X LAM1 Percent leached X Weighted recharge for LAM1
application area]+ [current input of N to LAM2 X LAM2 Percent leached X Weighted
recharge for LAM2 application area])-([Anticipated input of N to LAM1 X LAM1
Percent leached X Weighted recharge for LAM1 application area]+ [Anticipated input of
N to LAM2 X LAM2 Percent leached X Weighted recharge for LAM2 application area])
Where LAM= Land Application Method (RIBs, sprayfield, or reclaimed)
How to Calculate Septic Tank Load Reductions to Groundwater
SEPTIC SYSTEM LOAD TO GROUNDWATER. If a project involves reducing septic tank
loads by sewering or replacing septic tanks with nitrogen reducing systems, it is first necessary
to calculate the initial load that will be reduced.
Assume the following:
o Typical septic system TN input to the environment= 23.7 lbs/yr
o Based on 2.63 persons per household2 and 9.012 lbs/year per capita input of TN3
2 Florida statewide census (2011-2015) https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/FL
3 EPA estimate based on average value from several references.
Springs Funding Guidance October 2017 Page 20 of 27
o Septic system attenuation (drainfield + soil) leaching 50%. Multiplier= 0.50
• SEPTIC SYSTEM LOAD TO GROUNDWATER (lbs/yr TN)= Number of septic
systems X per-system input X 0.50 X Recharge Factor
LOAD REDUCTIONS FROM SEPTIC TO SEWER. To estimate N load reductions by
sewering, it is necessary to consider the load being reduced by removing the septic systems as
well as the load increase from additional wastewater that would be treated at the plant and
septic systems to be connected X 0.50 X Recharge Factor for septic tank area) -(Input
from septic systems to be connected X %N remaining after treatment at the wastewater
plant X Attenuation Factor of wastewater application method X Recharge Factor for
wastewater treatment area)
Note: If the wastewater application area is outside of the spring contributing area, the load
reduction= total of septic systems' load to groundwater.
Estimating N load reductions by converting septic systems to nitrogen reducing systems
requires some assumptions about the types of nitrogen reducing systems anticipated to be
installed. These are the types of systems that are available, or are being studied, and their
associated nitrogen removal benefits.4
Type system Overall treatment effectiveness
(% N removed)
Conventional septic system 30%
Aerobic treatment unit + drainfield 51%
Current nitrogen reducing performance based treatment 65%
Recirculating media filter 65%
Lined media treatment 65%
Passive nitrogen removal system in tank 93%
Converting to a system that reduces nitrogen by 65% may be a conservative estimate. This will
provide a 35 % reduction over conventional systems and is easily calculated. There may be a better
estimate of the increase in treatment.
o Attenuation by drainfield and soil (conventional systems), leaching 50% =
Multiplier= 0.50
4 From Department of Health, Cost Comparisons of Various Onsite Sewage Treatment System Nitrogen Reducing
Technologies 0uly 21, 2016 draft).
Springs Funding Guidance October 2017 Page 21 of 27
o Net N removed by nitrogen reducing system, assumed= 65%, 35% leached.
Multiplier= 0.35
o N removed by soil treatment below the drainfield = 20%, 80% leached. Multiplier=
([Input from septic systems to be converted X 0.50] -[Input from septic systems to be
converted X 0.35 X 0 .80]) X Recharge Factor for septic tank area
How to calculate TN load reductions from agricultural activities that reduce nitrogen loads
Agricultural activities (such as fertilizer applications on cropland, pastures, sod; animal farming
operations; nurseries) are complex and variable and the actions to reduce nitrogen loads are
often innovative and typically related to research projects. For that reason, justifications for the
anticipated TN load reductions should be provided on a case by case basis. However, they must
still be expressed as lbs/yr reductions in load to groundwater and use existing attenuation and
recharge factors that are consistent with the Department's Nitrogen Source Inventory and
Loading Tool (NSILT) methodology. Contact the Department's Division of Environmental
Assessment and Restoration if there are questions.
Springs Funding Guidance October 2017 Page 22 of 27
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Nutrient Calculations
Shores Estate Subdivision
100Septic Tanks
23.7lbs of TN/year/septic tank
0.5Attenuation Multiplier
0.9Recharge Factor
Total1067lbs of TN/year to ground water
Septic Tank TN Load to
Ground Water
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Environmental Considerations
3/12/2020 FNAI Biodiversity Matrix
https://data.labins.org/mapping/FNAI_BioMatrix/GridSearch.cfm?sel_id=68482&extent=781734.3908,212370.6318,783343.7338,213979.9768 1/3
NOTE: The Biodiversity Matrix includes only rare species and natural communities tracked by FNAI.
Report for 1 Matrix Unit: 68482
DOCUMENTED - There is a documented occurrence in the
FNAI database of the species or community within this Matrix
DOCUMENTED-HISTORIC - There is a documented
occurrence in the FNAI database of the species or community
within this Matrix Unit; however the occurrence has not been
observed/reported within the last twenty years.
LIKELY - The species or community is known to occur in this
vicinity, and is considered likely within this Matrix Unit
1.documented occurrence overlaps this and adjacent
Matrix Units, but the documentation isn’t precise
enough to indicate which of those Units the species or
community is actually located in; or
2.there is a documented occurrence in the vicinity and
there is suitable habitat for that species or community
within this Matrix Unit.
POTENTIAL - This Matrix Unit lies within the known or
predicted range of the species or community based on expert
knowledge and environmental variables such as climate,
soils, topography, and landcover.
Matrix Unit ID: 68482
0 Documented Elements Found
0 Documented-Historic Elements Found
2 Likely Elements Found
Scientific and Common Names Global
Eumops floridanus
Florida bonneted bat G1 S1 LE FE
Trichechus manatus
West Indian Manatee G2 S2 LE FE
Matrix Unit ID: 68482
26 Potential Elements for Matrix Unit 68482
Scientific and Common Names Global State Federal State
1018 Thomasville Road
Suite 200-C
Tallahassee, FL 32303
850-681-9364 fax
Florida Natural Areas Inventory
Biodiversity Matrix Query Results
Created 3/12/2020
(Contact the FNAI Data Services Coordinator at 850.224.8207 or
kbrinegar@fnai.fsu.edu for information on an official Standard Data Report)
3/12/2020 FNAI Biodiversity Matrix
https://data.labins.org/mapping/FNAI_BioMatrix/GridSearch.cfm?sel_id=68482&extent=781734.3908,212370.6318,783343.7338,213979.9768 2/3
Rank Rank Status Listing
Athene cunicularia floridana
Florida Burrowing Owl G4T3 S3 N SSC
Bolbocerosoma hamatum
Bicolored Burrowing Scarab Beetle G3G4 S3 N N
Chamaesyce porteriana
Porter's Broad-leaved Spurge G2 S2 N E
Conradina grandiflora
Large-flowered Rosemary G3 S3 N T
Crocodylus acutus
American Crocodile G2 S2 LT FT
Ctenogobius stigmaturus
Spottail Goby G2 S2 N N
Elytraria caroliniensis var. angustifolia
Narrow-leaved Carolina Scalystem G4T2 S2 N N
Encyclia cochleata var. triandra
Clamshell Orchid G4G5T2 S2 N E
Eretmochelys imbricata
Hawksbill Sea Turtle G3 S1 LE FE
Forestiera segregata var. pinetorum
Florida Pinewood Privet G4T2 S2 N N
Gambusia rhizophorae
Mangrove Gambusia G3 S3 N N
Glandularia maritima
Coastal Vervain G3 S3 N E
Gopherus polyphemus
Gopher Tortoise G3 S3 C ST
Halophila johnsonii
Johnson's Seagrass G2 S2 LT E
Jacquemontia curtissii
Pineland Jacquemontia G2 S2 N T
Phyllanthus pentaphyllus var. floridanus
Florida Five-petaled Leaf-flower G4T2 S2 N N
Pteroglossaspis ecristata
Giant Orchid G2G3 S2 N T
Rallus longirostris scottii
Florida Clapper Rail G5T3? S3? N N
Rivulus marmoratus
Mangrove Rivulus G4G5 S3 SC SSC
Roystonea elata
Florida Royal Palm G2G3 S2 N E
Sachsia polycephala
Bahama Sachsia G2 S2 N T
Setophaga discolor paludicola
Florida Prairie Warbler G5T3 S3 N N
Swietenia mahagoni
West Indies Mahogany G3G4 S3 N T
Tantilla oolitica
Rim Rock Crowned Snake G1G2 S1S2 N ST
Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum
Florida Filmy Fern G4G5T1 S1 E E
Zephyranthes simpsonii
Redmargin Zephyrlily G2G3 S2S3 N T
The data maintained by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory represent the single most comprehensive source of information
available on the locations of rare species and other significant ecological resources statewide. However, the data are not always
based on comprehensive or site-specific field surveys. Therefore, this information should not be regarded as a final statement on
the biological resources of the site being considered, nor should it be substituted for on-site surveys. FNAI shall not be held liable
for the accuracy and completeness of these data, or opinions or conclusions drawn from these data. FNAI is not inviting reliance
on these data. Inventory data are designed for the purposes of conservation planning and scientific research and are not
intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions.
3/12/2020 FNAI Biodiversity Matrix
https://data.labins.org/mapping/FNAI_BioMatrix/GridSearch.cfm?sel_id=68482&extent=781734.3908,212370.6318,783343.7338,213979.9768 3/3
Unofficial Report
These results are considered unofficial. FNAI offers a Standard Data Request option for those needing certifiable data.
National Wetlands Inventory Map
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Standards and Support Team,wetlands_team@fws.gov
Estuarine and Marine Deepwater
Estuarine and Marine Wetland
Freshwater Emergent Wetland
Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
Freshwater Pond
March 4, 2020
0 0.25 0.50.125 mi
0 0.35 0.70.175 km
1:1 4,435
This page was produced by the NWI mapperNational Wetlands Inventory (NWI)
This map is for general reference only. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is not responsible for the accuracy or currentness of the base data shown on this map. All wetlands related data should be used in accordance with the layer metadata found on the Wetlands Mapper web site.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Detailed Opinions of Probable
Mobilization1 Each$20,000$20,000Mobilization1 Each$30,000$30,000
8" Gravity4,545 LF$100.00$454,5004" Vac Main8,976 LF$50.00$448,800
Manhole14 Each$5,000$70,0006" Vac Main3,958 LF$60.00$237,480
Lift Station1 Each$250,000$250,000Vac Station1 Each$500,000$500,000
8" Force Main328 LF$130.00$42,640Valve Pit38 Each$4,000$152,000
Valve (FM)1 Each$1,800$1,8008" Force Main328 LF$130.00$42,640
Road Repair0.95 Mile$500,000$475,000Valve (FM)1 Each$1,800$1,800
Road Repair0.95Mile$500,000$475,000
Sewer Capital Cost Subtotal
30% Contingency
Design, Permitting and Const. Phase
Vacuum Sewer Capital Costs
Sewer Subtotal
30% Contingency
Design, Permitting and Const. Phase
Gravity Sewer Project Costs
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Detailed Net Present Worth
Mobilization1 Each$20,000$20,00026.97$20,000
8" Gravity4,545 LF$100.00$454,5000.71$181,800.00$326,231
Manhole14 Each$5,000$70,00026.970.71$28,000.00$50,245
Lift Station1 Each$250,000$250,00026.970.87$54,000.00$125,000.00$902.50$212,590
Valve (FM)1 Each$1,800$1,80026.970.71$720.00$1,292
Road Repair0.95 Mile$500,000$475,00026.97$475,000
$1,085,358Sewer Net Present Worth
Gravity Sewer Net Present Worth
Mobilization1 Each$30,000$30,000.0026.97$30,000
4" Vac Main8,976 LF$50.00$448,800.0026.970.71$179,520.00$322,140
6" Vac Main3,958 LF$60.00$237,480.0026.970.71$166,236.00$120,193
Vac Station1 Each$500,000$500,000.0026.970.87$19,266.67$250,000.00$12,950.00$648,634
Valve Pit38 Each$4,000$152,000.0026.970.90$411.67$0.00$152,371
8" Force Main328 LF$130.00$42,640.0026.970.71$59,696.00$522
Valve (FM)1 Each$1,800$1,800.0026.970.71$720.00$1,292
Road Repair0.95Mile$500,000$475,000.0026.97$475,000
$1,750,151Sewer Net Present Worth
Vacuum Sewer Net Present Worth
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Design Considerations – Vacuum
Sewer Systems
Design Considerations-Vacuum Sewer Systems
If any of the following standards or criteria do not apply to a project or if the project has not been designed
to comply with the following standards or criteria, please provide an explanation.
An application for an individual permit is required for construction of a vacuum sewer system.
[62-604.600(7)(a), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)]
___ 1. The project is designed based on an average daily flow of 100 gallons per capita plus wastewater flow
from industrial plants and major institutional and commercial facilities unless water use data or other
justification is used to better estimate the flow. [RSWF 11.243]
___ 2. The design includes an appropriate peaking factor (minimum ratio of 3 for peak hour/design average
flow). [RSWF 11.243]
___ 3. Procedures are specified for operation of the existing collection/transmission system during
construction. [RSWF 20.15]
___ 4. Except for on-lot facilities, the project is designed to be located on public right-of-ways, land owned
by the permittee, or easements. [62-604.400(1)(b), F.A.C.]
___ 5. A central management entity, be it public or private, is responsible for operation and maintenance of
the on-lot facilities. [62-604.400(4), F.A.C.]
___ 6. The project is designed to be located no closer than 100 feet from a public drinking water supply well
and no closer than 75 feet from a private drinking water supply well; or documentation is provided
showing that another alternative will result in an equivalent level of reliability and public health
protection. [62-604.400(1)(c), F.A.C.]
___ 7. The project is designed with no physical connections between a public or private potable water supply
system. [RSWF 38.1 and 48.5]
___ 8. The project is designed to preclude the deliberate introduction of storm water, surface water,
groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, swimming pool drainage, air conditioning system
condensate water, non-contact cooling water and sources of uncontaminated wastewater.
[62-604.400(1)(d), F.A.C.]
___ 9. At the completion of each days work, testing on vacuum mains and vacuum service pit connections
laid that day is specified requiring; 1) the completed portion of the system be plugged and subjected to
a vacuum of 22 inches Hg and then allowed to stabilize for 15 minutes prior to monitoring; and 2) a
vacuum loss of less than l % per hour during the minimum testing period of 2 hours.
[MOPFD-12 #1 Page 205]
___ 10. Final testing on completed vacuum mains and vacuum service pit connections is specified requiring:
1) the completed portion of the system be plugged and subjected to a vacuum of 22 inches Hg and
then allowed to stabilize for 15 minutes prior to monitoring; and 2) a vacuum loss of less than l % per
hour during the minimum testing period of 4 hours. [MOPFD-12 #2 Page 205]
Vacuum Collection System
___ 11. The entire piping network is designed to keep the bore of the entire pipeline open; sections of pipeline
are not purposely sealed. [MOPFD-12 #2 Page 200]
___ 12. The vacuum sewer system is designed with a minimum air-to-liquid ratio of two parts air to one part
liquid. [MOPFD-12 #5 Page 200]
___ 13. The vacuum sewer system is designed with a maximum static loss of 13 feet and a maximum friction
loss of 5 feet in any single flow path. [MOPFD-12 #6 and #7 Page 200]
___ 14. The project is designed with no vacuum sewer mains less than 4 inches in diameter.
[MOPFD-12 #2 Page 201]
15. Pipe and fittings for vacuum sewer pipe is SDR 21 pressure rated PVC pipe with double-lipped, push-
on gasketed joints. [MOPFD-12 #13 Page 202 and Page 129]
___ 16. General design configuration for uphill transport is based on a saw tooth pipeline profile; or
documentation is provided showing other vertical profiles are justified by appropriate engineering
data. [MOPFD-12 #1 Page 201]
___ 17. When vacuum sewer mains or branches must ascend a hill, multiple lifts are designed at a minimum
distance of 20 feet apart. Between each lift, vacuum lines are installed with a uniform slope, so that
minimum fall of 0.25 feet is achieved between these lifts. [MOPFD-12 #10 Pages 201 and 202]
___ 18. The project is designed with no single lift of vacuum sewer main exceeding 3 feet in height.
[MOPFD-12 #6 Page 201]
___ 19. The project is designed with 5 maximum lifts in a series. A series of 5 lifts is designed to be separated
by at least 100 feet of vacuum mains from the next lift or series of lifts, at least one energy input is
designed in the zone of separation. [62-4.070(3), F.A.C.]
___ 20. If not uphill transport, vacuum sewer mains are designed with a minimum slope of 0.20%. For profile
changes less than 125 feet apart, the minimum fall between profile changes is 0.25 feet.
[MOPFD-12 #3 Page 201]
___ 21. If directional drilling, installation tolerances for vacuum sewer main slope are specified the same as
those required for open trenching. [62-4.070(3), F.A.C.]
___ 22. The maximum design flows (i.e., peak flows) for vacuum sewer main sizing is designed as follows:
4-inch pipe/38 gallons per minute (gallons per minute (gpm)); 6-inch pipe/105 gpm; 8-inch pipe/210
gpm; and 10-inch pipe/375 gpm. For vacuum mains larger than 10-inches, flow data supports the peak
design flow capacity of that pipe size. [MOPFD-12 #4 Page 201]
___ 23. The project is designed with 2000 feet maximum length for any one run of 4-inch diameter vacuum
sewer main. [MOPFD-12 #5 Page 201]
___ 24. For changes in horizontal alignment, two 45-degree bends connected by a short section of piping are
designed, rather than one 90-degree bend. [MOPFD-12 #8 Page 201]
___ 25. The project is designed with isolation valves at every branch connection and at intervals no greater
than 1500 feet on vacuum sewer mains. Resilient coated wedge gate valves and a valve box or other
approved apparatus, to facilitate proper use of the valve, are specified. [MOPFD-12 #9 Page 201]
___ 26. The vacuum sewer system is designed to prevent damage from superimposed loads. [RSWF 33.7]
___ 27. The vacuum sewer system is designed to meet the “Stream Crossings” portion (Items 27-33) of the
Collection/Transmission System Design Information beginning on page 4 of DEP Form 62-
604.300(8)(a), Notification/Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater
Collection/Transmission System. [62-604.300(8)(a), F.A.C.]
___ 28. New or relocated vacuum sewers are located to provide horizontal distance of at least three feet, and
preferably ten feet, between the outside of the vacuum sewer and any existing or proposed water main;
or documentation is provided showing technical or economic justification for each exemption and
providing alternative construction features that offer a similar level of reliability and public health
protection. [62-604.400(3) and 62-555.314(1)(b) and (5), F.A.C.]
___ 29. New or relocated vacuum sewers crossing any existing or proposed water main are located so the
outside of the water main is at least six inches, and preferably 12 inches, above or at least 12 inches
below the outside of the vacuum sewer; or documentation is provided showing technical or economic
justification for each exemption and providing alternative construction features that offer a similar
level of reliability and public health protection. [62-604.400(3) and 62-555.314(2)(a) and (5), F.A.C.]
___ 30. At the vacuum sewer and water main crossings described in Item 29 above, one full length of vacuum
sewer pipe is centered above or below the water main so that the vacuum sewer joints are as far as
possible from the water main, or alternatively, the vacuum sewer and water pipes are arranged so that
vacuum sewer joints are at least three feet from all water main joints; or documentation is provided
showing technical or economic justification for each exemption and providing alternative construction
features that offer a similar level of reliability and public health protection.
[62-604.400(3) and 62-555.314(2)(c) and (5), F.A.C.]
___ 31. New or relocated vacuum sewers are located to provide horizontal distance of at least three feet, and
preferably ten feet, from the drains of any existing or proposed fire hydrants with underground drains.
[62-604.400(3) and 62-555.314(4), F.A.C.]
___ 32. New or relocated vacuum sewers are located to provide the same horizontal, vertical and joint distance
for any existing or proposed reclaimed water main as specified in Items 28, 29 and 30 above for a
water main; or documentation is provided showing technical or economic justification for each
exemption and providing alternative construction features that offer a similar level of reliability and
public health protection. [62-4.070(3), F.A.C.]
Vacuum Valves
___ 33. Vacuum valves with the ability to pass a 3-inch spherical solid are specified.
[MOPFD-12 #1 Page 204]
___ 34. Valves that are vacuum-operated on opening and spring-assisted on closing are specified.
[MOPFD-12 #2 Page 204]
___ 35. Valve configuration is designed so that the collection system vacuum ensures positive valve seating.
Valve plunger and shaft is designed to be completely out of the flow path when valve is in the open
position. [MOPFD-12 #3 Page 204]
___ 36. The valve is designed to be equipped with a sensor-controller that relies on atmospheric air and
vacuum pressure from the downstream side of the valve for its operation, thereby requiring no other
power source. The controller is designed to be capable of maintaining the valve fully open for a fixed
period of time and be field-adjustable over a range of 3 to 10 seconds. [MOPFD-12 #4 Page 204]
___ 37. With the exception of the gravity lateral line air-intake, no other external sources of air are designed as
a part of the valve assembly. [MOPFD-12 #5 Page 204]
___ 38. An internal sump breather unit arrangement is designed to connect the valve controller to its air source
and provide a means of ensuring that no liquid can enter the controller during system shutdowns and
restarts. It shall also be designed to prevent sump pressure from forcing the valve open during low-
vacuum conditions and provide positive sump venting, regardless of traps in the home gravity service
line. [MOPFD-12 #6 Page 204]
Valve Pits
___ 39. Peak flow to any vacuum valve pit is designed to a maximum of 3 gallons per minute.
[MOPFD-12 #3 Page 202]
___ 40. When specific valve service lines having suction lifts in excess of 5.5 feet are designed, the static
losses added to the losses for that main do not exceed 13 feet. [MOPFD-12 #6 Page 200]
___ 41. Suction lifts from the bottom of the holding sump to the valve centerline do not exceed 8 feet.
[MOPFD-12 #6 Page 200]
___ 42. A single valve pit is designed to serve a maximum of four separate building sewers, but no more than
3 gallons per minute. [MOPFD-12 #1 Page 202]
43. On a system-wide design basis, the overall separate building sewer to valve pit ratio does not exceed
2.5: l. [MOPFD-12 #1 Page 202]
___ 44. No single property or parcel is designed to be served by more than one valve pit, unless justification is
provided to support multiple valve pits. [MOPFD-12 #2 Page 202]
___ 45. Valve pits installed within a road right-of-way or other area subject to vehicular traffic shall be
designed and installed to withstand appropriate traffic loads. [MOPFD-12 #4 Page 202]
___ 46. Valve pits are designed to have a receiving sump with a minimum of 50 gallons of storage.
[MOPFD-12 #5 Page 202]
___ 47. Valve pits are designed to prevent entrance of water in the sump and for the vacuum valve to remain
fully operational if submerged. [MOPFD-12 #6 Page 203]
___ 48. Valve pit locations are designed to be easily accessible, so that valves may be easily removed and
replaced. [MOPFD-12 #7 Page 203]
___ 49. Valve pits are designed to include a 3” flexible PVC connector connected directly to the valve pit
between the valve pit and vacuum sewer main. [MOPFD-12 Page 162]
___ 50. Valve pits are designed to include gravity service connection stub-outs piping to which the sewer
customer will ultimately connect. Customer connections are designed via gravity flow to the vacuum
pit location. [MOPFD-12 #9 Page 203 and #1 Page 209]
Buffer Tanks
___ 51. Buffer tanks are designed instead of single valve pits if there are nonresidential/commercial or high
flow inputs greater than 3-gpm peak flow or if there is no other practical method of serving the
property by additional vacuum mains and valve pits. [MOPFD-12 #1 Page 203]
___ 52. Buffer tanks are designed to have an operating sump of no less than 10 gallons at a wastewater depth
of 10 to 14 inches. [MOPFD-12 #3 Page 203]
___ 53. No more than 25% of the total peak design flow on a system-wide basis is designed to enter through
buffer tanks, unless justification is provided depending on static and friction loss and buffer tank
location. [MOPFD-12 #4 Page 203]
___ 54. No more than 50% of the total peak design flow is designed to enter a single vacuum main through
buffer tanks, unless justification is provided depending on static and friction loss and buffer tank
location. [MOPFD-12 #5 Page 203]
___ 55. One 3-inch vacuum valve is designed to be used for every 15 gpm at peak wastewater flow. For higher
flows, the wastewater is designed to be admitted to a splitter manhole which will evenly split and
divert the flow to multiple valve buffer tank units. [MOPFD-12 #6 Page 203]
___ 56. When specific buffer tank valve pits having suction lifts in excess of 5.5 feet are designed, the static
losses added to the losses for that main do not exceed 13 feet. [MOPFD-12 #6 Page 200]
___ 57. Suction lifts from the bottom of the holding sump to the valve centerline do not exceed 8 feet.
[MOPFD-12 #6 Page 200]
___ 58. Dual buffer tanks are designed to be connected to a 6-inch or larger vacuum main; where three or
more valves are used, an 8-inch vacuum main or larger is specified. [MOPFD-12 #7 Page 204]
___ 59. The design requires: 1) buffer tanks be constructed of minimum 4-feet internal diameter precast
concrete manhole sections; and 2) all joints and connections on the buffer tank must be water-tight.
Above ground venting of the vacuum valve must be installed, to ensure proper venting, in the event
that the buffer tank becomes filled with wastewater. [MOPFD-12 #8 Page 204]
___ 60. Provisions are included with the buffer tank design to allow for separation of the valve access area
from the sanitary wastewater storage area. [MOPFD-12 #9 Page 204]
___ 61. Provisions are included with the buffer tank design for maintenance personnel access.
[MOPFD-12 #9 Page 204]
Individual Gravity Laterals
___ 62. Inspection and approval of individual gravity laterals are specified before final connection and
vacuum valve installation requiring: 1) laterals be no less than 4 inches in diameter; and 2) laterals be
schedule 40 PVC or pressure-rated PVC (SDR 21 or SDR 26) or similar.
[MOPFD-12 #2 and #5 Page 210]
___ 63. Air-intakes for each individual gravity lateral are specified requiring that: 1) air-intake piping and
fittings be the same diameter as the lateral; 2) air-intakes extend a minimum of 2 feet above ground
level with a gooseneck to protect against flooding; 3) air-intakes contain a stainless-steel screen to
prevent the entry of rodents, insects, and debris; and 4) air-intakes be located to prevent damage to the
piping. As an alternative to air-intakes, 6-inch Dedicated Air Terminals are specified.
[MOPFD-12 #8 Page 203 and #4 Page 210]
Vacuum/Pump Stations
___ 64. In areas with high water tables, stations are designed to withstand flotation forces when empty. When
siting the station, the design considers the potential for damage or interruption of operation because of
flooding. Station structures and electrical and mechanical equipment are designed to be protected from
physical damage by the 100-year flood. Stations are designed to remain fully operational and
accessible during the 25-year flood unless lesser flood levels are appropriate based on local
considerations, but not less than the 10-year flood. [62-604.400(2)(e), F.A.C.]
___ 65. Stations are designed to be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles during all weather conditions.
[RSWF 41.2]
___ 66. The total volume of the vacuum collection tank is designed to be three times the collection tank
operating volume, plus 400 gal, with a minimum size of 1000 gallons. [MOPFD-12 #3 Page 207]
___ 67. Necessary pipe, fittings, and valves are specified to allow for emergency pumping out of the vacuum
collection tank. [MOPFD-12 #9 Page 206]
___ 68. A minimum of two pumping units are specified for both the vacuum pumps and the wastewater
pumps, with each being capable of handling peak flow conditions with the other out of service.
[MOPFD-12 #3 Page 206]
___ 69. The design includes provisions to automatically alternate the pumps in use. [RSWF 42.4]
___ 70. Vacuum pumps are designed for both peak flow from the vacuum valves adjusted to a 2:1 air-liquid
inlet time ratio and for a system pump down time between 1 and 3 minutes with one pump not in
service. [MOPFD-12 #2 Page 207 and 208]
___ 71. Wastewater discharge pumps are designed using an appropriate peaking factor.
[MOPFD-12 #2 Page 206 and 207]
___ 72. Pumps handling raw wastewater are designed to pass spheres of at least 3 inches in diameter. Pump
suction and discharge openings are designed to be at least 4 inches in diameter. [RSWF 42.33]
___ 73. The design requires pumps be placed such that under normal operating conditions they will operate
under a positive suction head. [RSWF 42.34]
___ 74. Wastewater discharge pumps are adequate to maintain a minimum velocity of 2 feet per second in the
force main. [RSWF 42.38]
___ 75. Certification is specified from the pump manufacturer stating that wastewater discharge pumps are
suitable for use in a vacuum sewer installation. [MOPFD-12 #5 Page 206]
___ 76. The design requires: 1) suitable shutoff valves (plug valves or resilient coated wedge gate valves) be
placed on the suction line of wastewater discharge pumps; 2) suitable shutoff and check valves be
placed on the discharge line of each wastewater discharge pump; 3) a check valve be located between
the shutoff valve and the wastewater discharge pump; 4) check valves be suitable for the material
being handled; 5) check valves be placed on the horizontal portion of discharge piping (except for ball
checks, which may be placed in the vertical run); 6) all valves be capable of withstanding normal
pressure and water hammer; and 7) all shutoff and check valves be operable from the floor level and
accessible for maintenance. [MOPFD-12 #6 and #8 Page 206 ands RSWF 42.5]
___ 77. Isolation valves are specified between the vacuum collection tank, vacuum pump(s), influent line, and
raw wastewater discharge pipe. [MOPFD-12 #7 Page 206]
___ 78. Vacuum station piping and fittings 4 inches and larger are specified to be 150 #ANSI flanged ductile
iron. Piping and fittings less than 4 inches are specified to be schedule 80 PVC with solvent-welded
joints. [MOPFD-12 #10 Page 206]
___ 79. Station testing requirements are specified in accordance with the vacuum system manufacturer's
standard. [MOPFD-12 #12 Page 206]
___ 80. Instrumentation and control systems to provide operational functionality are specified to
manufacturer’s standard. Provisions for automatic pump alternation are included in the
instrumentation and control system. The instrumentation and control system to bear the UL label, per
the requirements of UL 508 and UL 508A. [MOPFD-12 #1 and #2 Page 208]
___ 81. The design requires: 1) stations be protected from lightning and transient voltage surges; and 2)
stations be equipped with lighting arrestors, surge capacitors, or other similar protection devices and
phase protection. [62-604.400(2)(b), F.A.C.]
___ 82. The design provides for adequate ventilation in accordance with RSWF 42.7.
[MOPFD-12 Page 208 and RSWF 42.7]
___ 83. Electrical equipment and installation are designed to meet the requirements of the National Electrical
Code. [MOPFD-12 #2 Page 208]
___ 84. Adequate temperature control is designed for the main electrical equipment and primary power
distribution. [MOPFD-12 #5 Page 209]
___ 85. Potable water, power, and telephone service is specified to be provided to the vacuum/pump station.
[MOPFD-12 #6 Page 209]
___ 86. Outdoor lighting for security is specified. [MOPFD-12 #9 Page 209]
___ 87. Stations are designed and located on the site to minimize adverse effects from odors, noise, and
lighting. [62-604.400(2)(c), F.A.C.]
___ 88. The design requires stations be enclosed with a fence or otherwise designed with appropriate features
to discourage the entry of animals and unauthorized persons. Posting of an unobstructed sign made of
durable weather resistant material at a location visible to the public with a telephone number for a
point of contact in case of emergency is specified. [62-604.400(2)(d), F.A.C.]
___ 89. The design provides for suitable and safe means of access in accordance with RSWF 42.23.
[RSWF 42.23]
___ 90. Specified construction materials are appropriate under conditions of exposure to hydrogen sulfide and
other corrosive gases, greases, oils, and other constituents frequently present in wastewater. The
ferrous metal components of the vacuum pump station are specified to be protectively coated to
prevent corrosion. [MOPFD-12 #11 Page 206 and RSWF 42.25]
___ 91. The design includes provisions to facilitate removing pumps, motors, and other mechanical and
electrical equipment. [RSWF 42.22]
___ 92. The design requires suitable devices for measuring wastewater flow at all pump stations. Indicating,
totalizing, and recording flow measurement are specified for stations with a 1200 gpm or greater
design peak flow. [RSWF 42.8]
___ 93. The station is designed with no physical connections with any potable water supplies. If a potable
water supply is brought to a station, reduced-pressure principle backflow-prevention assemblies are
specified. [RSWF 42.9 and 62-555.360(4), F.A.C.]
Emergency Operations for Vacuum/Pump Stations
___ 94. Stations are designed with an alarm system which activates in cases of power failure, pump failure,
unauthorized entry, or any cause of pump station malfunction. Station alarms are designed to be
telemetered to a facility that is manned 24 hours a day. If such a facility is not available, the alarm is
designed to be telemetered to utility offices during normal working hours and to the home of the
responsible person(s) in charge of the lift station during off-duty hours. Note, if an audio-visual alarm
system with a self-contained power supply is provided in lieu of a telemetered system, documentation
is provided showing an equivalent level of reliability and public health protection. [RSWF 45]
___ 95. The design requires emergency pumping capability be provided for all stations. For stations
discharging through pipes 12 inches or larger, the design requires uninterrupted pumping capability be
provided, including an in-place emergency generator. Where portable pumping and/or generating
equipment or manual transfer is used, the design includes sufficient storage capacity with an alarm
system to allow time for detection of station failure and transportation and connection of emergency
[62-604.400(2)(a)1. and 2., F.A.C., MOPFD-12 #4 Page 209 and RSWF 46.423 and 46.433]
___ 96. The design requires: 1) emergency standby systems to have sufficient capacity to start up and maintain
the total rated running capacity of the station, including lighting, ventilation, and other auxiliary
equipment necessary for safety and proper operation; 2) special sequencing controls be provided to
start pump motors unless the generating equipment has capacity to start all pumps simultaneously with
auxiliary equipment operating; 3) a riser from the force main with rapid connection capabilities and
appropriate valving be provided for all stations to hook up portable pumps; and 4) all station reliability
design features be compatible with the available temporary service power generating and pumping
equipment of the authority responsible for operation and maintenance of the collection/transmission
system. [62-604.400(2)(a)3., F.A.C. and RSWF 46.431]
___ 97. The design provides for emergency equipment to be protected from operation conditions that would
result in damage to the equipment and from damage at the restoration of regular electrical power.
[RSWF 46.411, 46.417, and 46.432]
___ 98. For permanently-installed internal combustion engines, underground fuel storage and piping facilities
are designed in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations; and the design requires
engines to be located above grade with adequate ventilation of fuel vapors and exhaust gases.
[RSWF 46.414 and 46.415]
___ 99. For permanently-installed or portable engine-driven pumps are used, the design includes provisions
for manual start-up. [RSWF 46.422]
___ 100. Where independent substations are used for emergency power, each separate substation and its
associated transmission lines is designed to be capable of starting and operating the pump station at its
rated capacity. [RSWF 46.44]
Conventional Force Mains, Pump Stations, Gravity Sewers and Manholes
___ 101. For conventional force mains, pump stations, gravity sewers and manholes used after leaving the
vacuum/pump station, the project design meets the “General Requirements” and applicable portions of
the Collection/Transmission System Design Information beginning on page 2 of DEP Form 62-
604.300(8)(a), Notification/Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater
Collection/Transmission System. [62-604.300(8)(a), F.A.C.]
(RSWF) “Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities”; Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State
Public Health and Environmental Managers; 1997 (Adopted by Rule 62-604, 300(5)(g), F.A.C.).
(MOPFD-12) “Alternative Sewer Systems, Manual of Practice No. FD-12”; Water Environment Federation; 2008
(Note, since this is an updated version of manual adopted by Rule 62-604.300(5)(c), F.A.C., use for guidance only).
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
Village Public Meetings
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
To: Distribution
From: Stefano Viola
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Shores Estates Septic to Sewer Conversion Facilities Plan Public Workshop #1
Miami Shores Village
On Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM a public workshop was held at 9900 NE 2nd Avenue,
Miami Shores Village, FL 33138 for the above referenced project.
The following people were in attendance:
Scott Davis Miami Shores Village (Village) davis@msvfl.gov
Gary Ratay Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc. (KHA) gary.ratay@kimley-horn.com
Stefano Viola Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc. stefano.viola@kimley-horn.com
Marissa Maring Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc. marissa.maring@kimley-horn.com
Mary Maganno Village Resident marymagui3@aol.com
Robert Menge Village Resident offshoremarlin@gmail.com
Janet Goodman Village Resident janetgoodman@bellsouth.net
Carol Eannace Village Resident collaboration1@bellsouth.net
Sonia Zepede Village Resident socongo@hotmail.com
Meike Espuiora Village Resident lfparolo@hotmail.com
Alayna Yeash Village Resident alaynayeash@gmail.com
Brett Firestone Village Resident brett@floridacapitalrealty.com
Art Salow Village Resident artsalow@yahoo.com
Veronique Lestrade Village Resident vlestrade@mac.com
Veronique Jean Marie Village Resident N/A
Naomi Ayuso Village Resident afayuso@yahoo.com
Agustin Ayuso Village Resident afayuso@yahoo.com
Alison Sprout Village Resident asprout29@gmail.com
Arturo Rodriguez Village Resident arturo954@aol.com
Shellace Calhoun Village Resident shellycalhoun1@bellsouth.net
The meeting began with an introduction by Scott Davis, Miami Shores Village Director of Public
Works. Stefano Viola and Gary Ratay presented on the project and provided a PowerPoint presentation
that entailed the following:
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 2
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
• Project Overview
• Vulnerability Study Results
• Current and Proposed Utility provider
• Proposed Septic to Sewer Design
• Homeowner Septic Tank Location
• Homeowner Septic Tank Location Assistance
• Summary/Next Steps
The intent of the meeting was to inform the Miami Shores Estate subdivision residents of the upcoming
Miami Shores Village Sewer Facilities Plan.
The following questions and answers were discussed during the meeting:
1. When would construction start? How much would it cost?
RESPONSE: A construction start date has not yet been determined. However, the
Feasibility Study is scheduled to be complete in May 2020. The conceptual cost of the
overall project will be evaluated in the Feasibility Study.
2. Is the proposed lift station located on the motel property?
RESPONSE: The proposed lift station is on the east side of the wall in public right-of-
3. Are you going to raise the streets? Will there be drainage improvements? Residents currently
have drainage/flooding issues.
RESPONSE: If the roadway is raised, there will be drainage improvements using
stormwater pipes, swales, catch basins, stormwater pump stations, etc.
4. Will streets be raised two feet?
RESPONSE: Should the roadway raising project occur, the roadways may be raised two
5. Are you taking into account stormwater infiltration from the canal? Salinity structure effects
due to rising water? Backflow preventers?
RESPONSE: This project is solely focused on the septic to sewer conversion. However,
elements of the sewer system design will take into account the projected sea level rise.
6. Is there a cost analysis for tying into the force main?
RESPONSE: There will be cost analyses performed for three different septic to sewer
design alternatives.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 3
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
7. Cost to raise septic systems two feet?
RESPONSE: Raising the septic systems on private property is not part of the Feasibility
Study and will not be included as one of the septic to sewer design alternatives.
8. What about an alternate connection to MDWASD pump station on Biscayne Boulevard or NE
6th Avenue?
RESPONSE: This alternative will be analyzed in the Feasibility Study.
9. Will this affect the sprinkler system?
RESPONSE: No, this project will have no impact on the irrigation system.
10. If the roadway raising project were to occur, will this affect the sewer system design?
RESPONSE: The roadway raising project will have no impact on the sewer system
11. Will the proposed gravity sewer lines running north-south to 105th street be installed in the
roads or alleys?
RESPONSE: The proposed gravity sewer lines will be constructed along the centerlines
of the roadways (within the public right-of-way). North Miami requires the sewer laterals
to be installed within the roadway.
12. Will North Miami charge an additional “out-of-area” fee (Miami Shores Tax) for sewer
services, as is done with the water fee charges?
RESPONSE: To be determined.
13. Will the damaged water mains be upgraded at the same time?
RESPONSE: Per Miami Shores Village, the water mains will be upgraded to current
design standards.
14. Should North Miami have a break in their downstream sewer system, how will this impact the
Shores Estate sanitary sewer system?
RESPONSE: The installation of a check valve will prevent North Miami Shores’ back-
ups or breaks from impacting the newly constructed sanitary sewer system.
15. What if we eliminate the stormwater/flooding issues, won’t that eliminate the sewer system
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 4
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
RESPONSE: Sea level rise and groundwater table rise are inevitable in Miami Shores
Village; constructing stormwater infrastructure improvements will only prolong the
inevitable failure of the septic tanks.
16. How many homes will be affected by the sea level rise?
RESPONSE: The Feasibility Study scope does not include this analysis.
17. In case of power outage, what happens to the pump station?
RESPONSE: The pump station will be installed with a back-up generator. The pump
station, generator, and electrical control panels will be designed above the 100-year flood
18. How long will the generator last?
RESPONSE: The generator would last the entire power outage, as the City of North
Miami would be responsible for re-filling the generator.
19. Will this system require individual pump stations for each resident’s house?
RESPONSE: No, one lift station will be required for the project.
20. Are any other neighborhoods being looked at?
RESPONSE: All Miami Shores Village neighborhoods have been evaluated in the
Vulnerability Study, but only the Shores Estate Subdivision was determined to require
the Feasibility Study through grant funding.
21. How will the residents access our driveways if the roadway were to be raised two feet?
RESPONSE: There would be a smooth transition between the raised roadways and the
driveways; an engineered solution will be incorporated into the design. However, this
aspect of the design is not part of the Feasibility Study.
22. Would the Shores Estate Subdivision become a special taxing district if the roads were to be
RESPONSE: That is the Village’s intent.
23. Who is paying for the sanitary sewer conversion?
REPONSE: The Village (the residents through taxes).
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 5
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
24. Who will be the utility provider?
RESPONSE: The City of North Miami.
25. Will a cost be determined for the public system?
RESPONSE: Yes, a cost analysis will be provided in the Feasibility Study for three
different septic to sewer conversion alternatives.
26. Will other avenues be evaluated to receive grant funding?
RESPONSE: Absolutely.
27. Why did the Shores Estate Subdivision receive a grant?
RESPONSE: The Village had a Vulnerability Study completed that identified the Shores
Estate Subdivision as a high-risk area prone to septic failures due to sea level rise.
28. What else is at risk other than the septic systems?
RESPONSE: Separate from the septic system, the Village is also proposing to do a study
on how to alleviate flooding and address stormwater management. Village has already
installed some stormwater infrastructure (backflow preventers, valves, etc.) to alleviate
this issue.
29. Are the valves manual or automatic?
RESPONSE: The valves that have already been installed and are automatic.
30. What about stormwater abatement programs?
RESPONSE: Both the roadway raising project and the septic to sewer conversion
projects would be constructed at the same time (pending available funding). The projects
would be paid for through grants and/or Village taxes.
31. Where does the grant come from?
RESPONSE: Grant funding can come from the Federal government, the State, the
County, or other grant-funding sources.
32. Would the whole Village pay, or just Shores Estate?
RESPONSE: Funding would be paid for by the Shores Estates Subdivision residents.
33. Who has the final decision on whether the septic to sewer conversion will occur?
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 6
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
RESPONSE: The final decision will be made by the Village Council.
34. Something has to happen to address this septic issue, correct?
RESPONSE: Yes, that is correct.
35. Have you done other projects similar to this? What is the cost of those systems?
RESPONSE: Yes, price varies for each project depending on the required design
36. Would the Village pay the difference in the project cost once all grants have been received?
37. Why isn’t the cost spread out over everyone’s tax bill?
RESPONSE: To be determined by the Village Council.
38. What can we do to help get this funding? Move this project along faster?
RESPONSE: Once the Feasibility Study is done, the Village can pursue grant funding.
39. What can we do as residents to help move the project along?
RESPONSE: Talk to your Village Council members about how enthusiastic you are
about this project.
40. How long will the whole process take?
RESPONSE: It could take up to three years to complete the project; from funding, design,
permitting, and construction.
41. Will it just be one connection point from each home? Even if there are two structures requiring
sanitary sewer service connections per property?
RESPONSE: There will be one sanitary sewer service connection per property.
42. How long will the residents have to decommission their septic tank and connect to the sewer
RESPONSE: The mandated timeline for residents to connect to the sewer system will be
determined by the Village.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 7
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
43. If there are two septic tanks, will that overload the proposed sanitary sewer system?
RESPONSE: No, the proposed system will be able to treat/transport the additional flows.
44. Will residents be responsible for decommissioning the septic tanks?
RESPONSE: Yes, residents are responsible for abandoning their septic tanks.
45. Will our driveways be impacted by this septic to sewer conversion?
RESPONSE: Driveways may be impacted by the septic to sewer conversion. However,
the driveways will be restored.
46. How big is the lateral?
RESPONSE: To be determined, but 6” lateral pipe is typical for this design.
47. If the septic system is in the back of the house, will the lateral connection go under or around
the house?
RESPONSE: Around the house.
48. Who is responsible for connecting the sewer system to the house on private property?
RESPONSE: The resident is responsible for connecting the sewer system to the house
49. Who does the connection for the residents?
RESPONSE: Residents must hire a plumber to connect the lateral to the house
50. What about the impact on trees?
RESPONSE: Determined by plumber and resident.
51. How will we know the next meeting is occurring?
RESPONSE: An advertisement will be sent out, and residents will be ma de aware of the
next meeting through flyers.
The above statements and information represent Kimley-Horn and Associates’ understanding
of the issues discussed in the above-referenced meeting. If Kimley-Horn and Associates has
misrepresented any statements made by any of the attendees, please notify us immediately so
that we may revise and redistribute the meeting minutes. If no response is received within five
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #1
Meeting Minutes December 12, 2019, Page 8
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
business days, all of the information contained in this document will be considered true and
Sent via E-Mail December 13, 2019.
Copies to all attendees, File
K:\FTL_Civil\044 Jobs\044448010-Sewer Facilities Plan\Deliverables\Deliverable #1\5. Minutes of the Public Workshop\12-12-19
Meeting Minutes.docx
April 20, 2020
Re: Public Workshop #2
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
Dear Miami Shores Resident:
The Village has received funding via the DEO to conduct a Septic to Sewer Feasibility Study for
the Shores Estate Neighborhood. As such the Village will be conducting the second public
workshop to provide an update on the status of the study and to answer questions associated with
the study. Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic the meeting will be virtual and available to
the residents via Zoom at the link shown below. The meeting will be led by our Public Works
Director (Scott Davis) and our Consultant (Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.)
We will be conducting the Public Workshop meeting:
May 6th at 7:00 p.m.
A virtual meeting will be held to discuss the Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Feasibility Study. If
you would like to submit questions prior to the meeting, please feel free to email them to Scott
Davis at DavisS@msvfl.gov and they will be addressed during the presentation. Additionally,
you will be able to ask questions via messaging in the Zoom platform during the presentation that
will be addressed upon completion of the presentation in the order they are received.
If you cannot attend the Public Workshop and would still like to voice your opinion you can call
my office. You can speak to myself or Maggie in my office. Please do not hesitate to contact us
at 305-795-2210 should you have any questions concerning this meeting.
Scott W. Davis
Public Works Director
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
To: Distribution
From: Stefano Viola
Date: May 7, 2020
Subject: Miami Shores Estates Septic to Sewer Conversion Facilities Plan Public Workshop #2
Virtual Zoom® Meeting
Miami Shores Village
On Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM a public workshop was held via a virtual Zoom® meeting for
the above referenced project.
The following people were in attendance on the call:
Scott Davis Miami Shores Village (Village) davis@msvfl.gov
Tom Benton Miami Shores Village benton@msvfl.gov
Gary Ratay Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc. (KHA) gary.ratay@kimley-horn.com
Stefano Viola Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc. stefano.viola@kimley-horn.com
Marissa Maring Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc. marissa.maring@kimley-horn.com
Anthony Brooks Village Resident N/A
Brett Firestone Village Resident brett@floridacapitalrealty.com
Carol Respondek Village Resident N/A
Catherine Salow Village Resident N/A
Catie Salow Village Resident N/A
Enrique Tome Village Resident N/A
Janet Goodman Village Resident janetgoodman@bellsouth.net
Jenna Rassif Village Resident N/A
Jo Ellen Albert Village Resident N/A
Matthew Kolokoff Village Resident N/A
Nina Birnbach Village Resident N/A
Pablo Village Resident N/A
Shellace Calhoun Village Resident shellycalhoun1@bellsouth.net
1 (305) 778-9835 Village Resident N/A
1 (305) 937-8593 Village Resident N/A
1 (513) 578-7171 Village Resident N/A
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 2
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
The meeting began with an introduction by Scott Davis, Miami Shores Village Director of Public
Works. Stefano Viola and Gary Ratay presented on the project and provided a PowerPoint presentation
that included the following:
• Project Overview
• Resident Comments from First Public Workshop
• Proposed Septic to Sewer Design Solutions
• Estimated Design and Construction Costs
• Potential Funding Sources
• Summary/Next Steps
The intent of the meeting was to provide an update regarding the Miami Shores Village Sewer Facilities
Plan to the Miami Shores Estate subdivision residents.
The following questions and answers were discussed during the meeting:
1. With each option gravity and vacuum has the cost of dewatering been factored into overall
cost of construction?
Response: The cost of dewatering has been factored into the overall cost of construction
for both gravity sewer and vacuum sewer. Vacuum sewer is a shallow system, and most
likely wouldn’t require dewatering.
2. When would we be required to hook up to the sewer system?
Response: Per Florida Statutes, residents are required to connect to a public sanitary
sewer system, if available, within one year. Per City of North Miami Code of Ordinances,
residents are required to connect to a public sanitary sewer system, if available, within 90
3. What happens if your septic tank is not located neatly to the side of your house as shown in
the example? How will it connect to the sewer in the right of way if it’s not a straight line?
Response: The proposed lateral can be connected to the clean out nearest to the
resident’s home. The connection does not need to be one straight line from the house to
the public system in the right-of-way.
4. Would a vacuum sewer be more feasible?
Response: There are pros and cons to both systems. The vacuum sewer would be
shallower and require less excavation; however, since the vacuum sewer is pressurized
and includes an additional set of pumps, this system would be costlier to install up front
and be more expensive to operate and maintain. Vacuum systems are looked at when the
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 3
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
existing elevations would not be feasible for gravity systems. Gravity systems use gravity
to allow for the transport of sewage, in lieu of the additional set of pumps.
5. Are the residents to pay to connect to the system?
Response: If grant funding is not received for the work to be constructed on private
property, it would be the responsibility of the homeowner to pay for the connection from
the home to the public system.
6. Is the “do nothing” option under consideration? It seems that “option” would destroy our
property values.
Response: The “do nothing” option is still under consideration, as the Septic to Sewer
Facilities Plan (Facilities Plan) needs to be adopted by the Village Council and funding
still needs to be determined.
7. What is the timeline to completion?
Response: The draft Septic to Sewer Facilities Plan will be submitted to Florida DEO on
May 7, 2020. Once the DEO and the Village review the Facilities Plan and provide
comments, the final Facilities Plan will be resubmitted to the DEO at the end of May.
The Facilities Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changes will be reviewed
at the Village Council Meeting in June for hearing. The date of this Village Council
June meeting is still to be determined (and subject to change due to COVID-19
Pandemic). Funding applications, design, and construction of the septic to sewer
conversion will then take place following the adoption of the Facilities Plan and the
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changes.
8. Is there a minimum elevation of your existing septic tank that would exclude you from
Response: If there is a public sanitary sewer system, there would not be an existing
septic tank elevation that would exclude a homeowner from having to connect to the
public system.
9. Is there a slide that shows pros and cons of the three options?
Response: There is not a slide that shows the pros and cons of the three options;
however, the pros and cons of each option is discussed heavily in the Facilities Plan.
10. The cost is stretched out over how many years?
Response: This is yet to be determined. If grant or loan funding is received, this will
impact the cost timeline to construct the sanitary sewer system.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 4
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
11. I am assuming either of these plans will require the roads to be repaved?
Response: Per the Village’s Code of Ordinances, the roads will be required to be
repaved from edge to edge upon complete installation of the utility pipes/trenches.
12. Who will be deciding whether it will be a gravity system or vacuum system?
Response: As the utility provider, the City of North Miami will have to approve the
proposed sanitary sewer system.
13. Would we have to remove the existing septic tanks after we connect to the sewer system?
Response: Homeowners will be required to obtain a Septic Tank Abandonment Permit
from the Florida Department of Health (FDOH). The septic tank does not have to
physically be removed, but it must be abandoned through legal and approved methods
within 90 days of connecting to the public sewer system.
14. What other areas are going through this same process – any other in Miami Shores-Biscayne
Park area?
Response: The abandonment of septic tanks and the conversion to public sanitary sewer
systems has been an ongoing State-wide initiative. The Village is also identifying other
neighborhoods that are susceptible to sea level rise to make the septic to sewer conversion.
15. Does the homeowner front the cost upfront?
Response: It is not the Village’s intent to have the homeowner front the costs of the public
sanitary sewer system construction. However, the homeowner will be required to pay for
the connection from the home to the public system in the right-of-way.
16. What happens if there is a hurricane and the Village is without electricity for a long period of
Response: The pump station will be installed with a back-up generator. The pump station,
generator, and electrical control panels will be designed above the 100-year flood event.
17. This will increase property values? Yes?
Response: A direct correlation between property value and sanitary sewer system
collection has not been determined. However, per the Village, if sea level rise becomes a
major problem and a sewer system is available, it will be a major factor in being able to
sell a home.
18. What about an on-site treatment plant?
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 5
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
Response: On-site treatment plants still have a drain field that is typically smaller than
those of septic tanks; however, the drain field would still be impacted by sea level rise
and the rising groundwater table as septic tank drain fields would be. Furthermore, on-
site treatment plants require additional electrical/mechanical components that would be
an additional cost burden to the homeowners.
19. What are some typical reasons that the plan would not go through?
Response: As the utility provider/owner, the City of North Miami must approve the
design of the proposed sanitary sewer system. Additionally, available funding could
impact whether the design would move forward.
20. Does abandoning a septic system for a community wide sewer result to higher home values in
the area?
Response: A direct correlation between property value and sanitary sewer system
collection has not been determined. However, per the Village, if sea level rise becomes a
major problem and a sewer system is available, it will be a major factor in being able to
sell a home.
21. How will the installation of the sanitary sewer system affect property value?
Response: A direct correlation between property value and sanitary sewer system
collection has not been determined. However, per the Village, if sea level rise becomes a
major problem and a sewer system is available, it will be a major factor in being able to
sell a home.
22. Would construction occur during hurricane season?
Response: The construction of a sanitary sewer system of this magnitude would typically
take approximately 9 months and could possibly overlap with South Florida’s hurricane
season. However, contractors are required to have emergency preparations in place
should a hurricane hit South Florida.
23. Is there any history in South Florida of sewers backing up impacting the home owners’
Response: There is a history in South Florida of septic tanks backing up and impacting
the home owners’ properties. Regarding gravity sewer systems, design measures and
alarms are implemented within each component of the system to prevent sanitary sewer
back back-ups.
24. How will Miami Shores Village handle plumbing permitting and costs?
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 6
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
Response: Plumbing permitting and the associated costs will be the responsibility of the
25. Cost per month for use?
Response: This additional cost per month for public sanitary sewer has yet to be
determined. This additional cost per month needs to be coordinated and confirmed with
the City of North Miami.
26. North Miami is on board. So funding could be the obstacle. What steps have been taken to
secure funding, grants, and are there comparables, in regard to being able to through with the
project in other communities in South Florida that have done it? In other words what is the
percentage of chance that this change will all work out soon. I am for it. I am probably
looking at a new drain field in a year.
Response: The State Revolving Fund (SRF) is a viable option that the Village can seek.
Of course, grant funding is preferred to lessen the burden of the costs on the Village and
the residents. However, the Facilities Plan needs to be finalized and approved before
applying for grants and/or loans.
27. What is the estimated cost to connect to the system?
Response: The estimated cost for the resident to connect to the system is $10,000 per
28. This is a question for Mr. Benton. How will this affect our real estate taxes?
Response: As far as real estate taxes go, if your property is appraised higher because you
have access to a public sewer system, then your property may be reassessed, and you may
see a slight increase in your property tax bill. This impact still needs to be determined.
29. Would we be permitting with North Miami? What about DERM would we need to get a
permit from them?
Response: Design of the public system will require a permit through FDEP/DERM. The
City of North Miami is required to review and approve the design of the public sanitary
sewer system. Additionally, coordination is required with MDWASD as the receiving
treatment plant. Lastly, septic system abandonment is the responsibility of the
homeowner and must be obtained from the FDOH.
30. What about when the residents connect to the public system for permitting?
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 7
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
Response: When the residents connect to the public system, permitting will be required
through the City of North Miami.
31. What is the average increase cost per resident per property in similar South Florida regions? I
imagine it would be spread out over a number of years. Historically, how much do the grants
usually cover per resident property? This is not something new. It has been done in many
communities and it is being driven by the need to do it for the environment.
Response: Based on historic information, it is an estimate that it would cost the
homeowner $20,000 to assist with the construction of the public sanitary sewer system
and $10,000 for the resident to abandon the existing septic tank and connect their home
to the public sanitary sewer system in the right-of-way. SRF is a payment plan that is
spread out over a 20-year payback period, which can be used to fund the public sanitary
sewer system.
32. So what are the next steps and what is the overall timeline?
Response: The draft Septic to Sewer Facilities Plan is being submitted to Florida DEO on
May 7, 2020. Once the DEO and the Village review the Facilities Plan and provide
comments, the final Facilities Plan will be resubmitted to the DEO at the end of May. The
Facilities Plan and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changes will be reviewed at the
Village Council Meeting in June for hearing. The date of this Village Council June
meeting is still to be determined (and subject to change due to COVID-19 Pandemic).
Once the Facilities Plan is adopted, applications for multiple funding sources will begin.
The amount of funding received will ultimately be the driver as to when design and
construction can begin.
33. Is it a total of $10,000 plus $20,000?
Response: Based on historic information, it is an estimate that it would cost the
homeowner $20,000 to assist with the construction of the public sanitary sewer system
and $10,000 for the resident to abandon the existing septic tank and connect their home
to the public sanitary sewer system in the right-of-way.
34. Do you have a website we can visit the timeline and updates on the project?
Response: Currently, there is not a website that residents can visit for project timeline
and updates. However, the Village can upload the Facilities Plan as public record once it
is approved by the Village Council.
35. Approximately how long do you anticipate until the project starts?
Response: Project start date is still to be determined, as it relies heavily upon Village
Council approval and available funding.
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estates Neighborhood Septic to Sewer Public Workshop #2
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2020, Page 8
kimley-horn.com 600 North Pine Island Road, Suite 450, Plantation, FL 33324 954 535 5100
36. When is the public hearing or the final decision?
Response: It is anticipated that the Facilitates Plan and the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment Changes will be on the agenda for the first Village Council meeting in June
(subject change due to COVID-19 pandemic).
37. What is the average cost of removing a septic tank?
Response: The estimated average cost of removing a septic tank is approximately $10,000.
38. When is the next update to the residents?
Response: The public Village Council meeting in June (subject to change due to COVID-
19 pandemic).
39. I thought I saw a reporting that septic systems in our area are expected to fail starting 2023-
24, it seems imperative that this project be approved and funded. Wat happens regarding the
viability of our groundwater if the project is not approved or is delayed.
Response: There are statistics that show the groundwater/sea level is rising and that septic
tanks are likely to fail. As such, the Village is progressing as quickly as possible to move
forward with the septic to sewer conversion.
The above statements and information represent Kimley-Horn and Associates’ understanding
of the issues discussed in the above-referenced meeting. If Kimley-Horn and Associates has
misrepresented any statements made by any of the attendees, please notify us immediately so
that we may revise and redistribute the meeting minutes. If no response is received within five
business days, all of the information contained in this document will be considered true and
Sent via E-Mail May 7, 2020.
Copies to all attendees, File
https://kimleyhorn.sharepoint.com/sites/FL-FTLFP01-FTL_Civil_01/Shared Documents/FTL_Civil/044 jobs/044448010-Sewer Facilities
Plan/Meetings/2nd Public Meeting/2020.05.06_Meeting Minutes.docx
Miami Shores Village
Shores Estate Septic to Sewer Planning Study
May 2020
MDWASD Water/Sewer
Application Form and
Sample Sewer Agreement
Water and/or Sewer Development Information Application Form for Water
and/or Sewer Blanket/Agreement
Instructions: The Property Owner, Authorized Representative, Contractor or Engineer must fill out this form, along
with the checklist. All the information must be received prior to the acceptance of this form. Additional information may be required based on
the project location and size of the water and sewer facilities to be installed and will require a water and/or sewer agreement.
Project Name:
Proposed Project Address:
Property Owner’s Name:
Type of Entity:
Property Owner’s Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Property Owner’s E-mail Address: Daytime Phone Number(s):
(1) (2)
UReason for Connection Information (check all/any that apply):U
New Construction Demolition Remodeling Detached Addition Attached Addition
DERM Notice Fire Protection Required First Time Connection Other
UIs this a “green” and/or LEED building?U Yes No
Type of Units to be Constructed (please refer to Exhibit “B” Attached)
# of Units and/or Square Feet: Type of Unit: (You may attach an
additional list if necessary)
Construction Schedule: (# of units
completed per calendar year)
Proposed GPD:
UNote:U Any points of connection (POC) information that is provided is general and subject to prevailing rules, regulations,
standards and regulatory requirements at the time of request for service.
DAYTIME PHONE #: (if different from above) E-MAIL ADDRESS: (if different from above)
For Off icial Use Only
Plans Reviewer Approval and Date: Water Requirement: Agreement Blanket
Sewer Requirement: Agreement Blanket
Water and/or Sewer Development Information Application Form for Water
and/or Sewer Blanket/Agreement
Please include a check payable to Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department with the
applicable fee:
Water and/or Sewer Blanket/Agreement fees:
Water Service Area Only (If the Project is in a water service area only) $100.00
Sewer Service Area Only (If the Project is in a sewer service area only) $100.00
Water and Sewer Service Area (If the Project is in a water and sewer service area) $200.00
Entity: UTypeU URequired InformationU
Corporation State of Incorporation
Partnership Partnership Information
Limited Liability Corporation Managing Member
One (1) signed and sealed original boundary survey or tentative plat identified as “boundary survey” of the
property, including location sketch (not older than two years).
One (1) copy of site plan and/or tentative plat showing layout of buildings and ro ads.
Proposed plan (or concept) of water and/or sewer connection and layout.
Current property zoning designation (or submitted re-zoning application). UNote:U Zoning must allow
proposed development.
Copy of Recorded Warranty Deed (if different owner from PTXA)
Proof of any existing or previously connected structure, and the type or usage/occupancy of said structure.
DERM and/or DOH approval regarding sewage disposal (if available).
One (1) copy of Fire Department requirements (if available).
UACKNOWLEDGMENTU: Please be advised that mixed use development (commercial/residential properties)
connected to the same meter may not receive the minimum per unit life line
discounted rate and will be billed at the Non -Residential rate.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts
stated in it are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department -New Business Section
P.O. Box 330316 -Miami, Florida 33233-0316
786.268.5209 P
P 3575 S. LeJeune Road, Room 114
Water Supply Certification Letter (if the project is only a water service area) $90.00