HPB Minutes 01-29-20194y�ORus MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE
�n 10050 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, FL 33138
Main Number: 305 - 795 -2207 Fax Number: 305 - 756 -8972
Travis Kendall, Director
Village Hall Conference Room
10050 NE 2 11 Avenue, Miami Shores
January 29, 2019, 6:30 P.M.
Mr. Tieres Tavares called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM in while waiting for Ms.
Nina Korman to come to the meeting.
2) Roll Call
Mr. Tieres Tavares acknowledged the Board members present: Ms. Abeer Jadallah,
Mr. Seth Bramson, Mr. Wesley Castellanos.
Ms. Nina Korman arrived at 7:15 PM
1) Approval of November 29th, 2018 —Moved by the Board to the end of the
meeting waiting for Ms. Nina Korman.
1) None
1) None
D) DISCUSSION This item was moved to be done first on the agenda — Mr.
Tavares asked the Board discuss the items they had been assigned to investigate
at the last meeting on November 29, 2018. Staff answered questions from the
Ms. Abeer Jadallah spoke about the properties that she was assigned to look at
for Historic designation. 357 NE 92 Street and 431 NE 94 Street she did not
see any changes made to the structructure and were beautifully maintained. 431
NE 94 Street there were some changes made but they were properly made. Staff
informed the Board ast to what research he has done for the historic designated
houses. Staff asked the Board to identify the houses that they feel are historic
properties. Staff asked the Board to establish the process by which they are
designating the properties. Ms. Jadallah attests that the properties she looked
at are visually meeting the criteria for historic designation.
Mr. Bramson said that he spoke to Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk and
according to his conversation with her the properties he was assigned are
historically designated. Staff cautioned as to making a statement without
having the Village Clerk, Ysabely present here. Mr. Bramson sayd that visually
these three houses are positively historical properties 262 NE 96 ST and 284
NE 96 St.
Mr. Castellanos spoke about 353 NE 95 ST — He said that this house was built
in 1928, and that based on his drive by he categorizes this house as being a
historical house. He passed around pictures for the Board to look at. About
477 NE 96 ST, he said that based on the property appraiser, the windows were
changed to horizontal vinil. Mr. Castellanos sayd that based on his observation
they meet criteria for historic designation.
Mr. Bramson spoke about 384 NE 94 ST —Mr. Castellanos spoke about the
property owner he had a conversation with in which she said that her son was
not interested in their property being designated historical.
Ms. Jadallah spoke about people's concerns about being historicaly designated.
Mr. Tavares said that this house was listed as historical designated. Mr. Tavares
spoke about 253 NE 99 St- this has the original windows and was built 1926,
yes maintain 121 NE 100 ST house built in 1920, no major alteration. 553 next
to 561 has the original stucco. The porch was enclosed but does not disqualify
it from being historically designated. Last one by Mr. Tavares — 1291 NE 96
Street — Mr. Tavares drove by is definitely a historic house. Then 421 Grand
Concourse, 52 NE 98 St and 10108 NE 1" Avenue which are Ms. Korman.
Staff requested for direction on how to go about designating the properties.
Discussion took place about requesting for people to come and discuss with the
board at our next meeting to discuss further. Mr. Tavares said that the draft of
the letter needs to be approved at our next meeting.
Discussion took place about the draft letter which will be shared with everybody
via the clerk.
Discussion took place about scheduling a meeting for the approval of the draft
letter. Ms. Jadallah spoke about having the public give their input as to how
they feel about the designation of historic houses. Staff recommends that a
meeting be scheduled in Feb or March after the draft letters are sent in to the
residents. Waiting for residents response either for their support or disapproval
of designation. Staff said that we need feedback before the meeting. Mr.
Tavares said that we seed a meeting regardless - Meeting is tentatively
scheduled for Feb 12 or the Feb 26 to meet. Staff will draft the letter for the
Board to review then establish the process by which to - Mr. Castellanos
proposes to review documents by the 12th Mr. Tavares, draft needs to be sent
out before our next meet ng.
Mr. Tavares — opines a-, to the drafting of the letter — Staff spoke about the
letters and designating tie properties. Staff spoke about the process and how
Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation 2
to go about how people f;,-el about the designation and feedback from residents.
Mr. Bramson spoke about deciding what the Board is going to do before Ms.
Korman arrives. The Board is in agreement. Discussion took place about Staff
drafting the letter and what the procees will be as to the approval of the drafting
of the letter. Mr. Tavares spoke about what the draft letter should say. Further
discussion took place about the draft letter and what it should say.
Ms. Korman arrives at 7- PM and asked to be filled in as to the discussion
the Board is having about the letter to go out to the residents. Mr. Tavares
briefly recounted the discussion the Board was having. Ms. Korman agrees with
staff as to the historical designation, yes the board is designating them locally.
Audio for Ms. Korman input she said that she agrees that the houses she visited
were historic designation. Staff spoke about the drafting of the letter. Ms.
Korman requested that the Board look in the library for the evidence before the
drafting of the letter. Ms. Korman and Staff are in agreement with what the
Board should follow to designate these historic properties.
Mr. Bramson moved to have staff draft the letter. Second by Ms Jadallah — with
a caveat that the draft mention the historic designation of the proeprties, and
the vote was unanimous in favor of the Motion.
Each board member will research their assigned addresses at the library and
report their findings at our next Board meeting.
Approval of the minutes by Mr. Seth Bramson, second by Ms. Abeer Jadallah
and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Ms. Korman said that she can make it to the meeting on February 26, 2019 —
Meeting set for February 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM.
Katherine Sallo — non voting member of the Board. The Architech made
comment- She said that 1 he Commission said that as a non voting Architect she
should look into the Historic Board. She expressed that what the Board is doing
is great. It is really very necessary that people will know, but she agrees that
people are very afraid, and in many situations they are more nervous about a
national designation than local, but they don't understand. As an Architect is
one of the things that whenever she gets involved in any residential the
questions they ask: is it designated, how is designated, and what are the rules.
To make it a positive thing, the good things about it the designation of a historic
house. The Board welcomed Ms. Sallo. There was a brief discussion by the
Board about historic designation and how people feel about it.
Motion to adjourn by Mr. Seth Bramson, seconded by Mr. Wesley Castellanos
and the Motion was approved unanimously.
Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation 3
1) TBD by the board.
Miami Shores Village complies with the provisions of the American with Disability
Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance,
including materials in accessible format, a sign language interpreter (5 days' notice
required), or information, please notify the Village Clerk's office of such need at
least 72 hours (3 days) in advance.
Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation 4