EAB Meeting Minutes 2019-07-18EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD
6:00 PM
Ms. Dana Vignale called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm with the following members present:
Tiffany Anderson
Patricia Walker
Leslie Fraser
Dana Vignale
Daniel Jimenez
Absent: Antonio Netto, Sylvie Duerkopf, Douglas Garber
Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk
1. Mrs. Walker moved to approve the June 20, 2019 minutes, Ms. Vignale seconded, and the motion
was approved unanimously.
2. Public Comments: No public comments were offered.
3. Mr. Jimenez shared that he reached out to Ms. Swain, Mr. Diaz, and the PTA board member
responsible for communications to invite them to the meeting. Ms. Swain asked that Mr. Jimenez
share that the school grade has improved to a B, and she is proud of the staff, students, and
parents. The administration has met with the Cambridge team, and the first round of professional
development for the teachers is scheduled for August 8 and 9. On August 16, a walk through has
been scheduled for parents.
4. Mr. Jimenez also shared that the incoming PTA president is eager to work with the EAB.
5. The Board asked Mr. Jimenez to suggest that the school grade and the Cambridge Program be
advertised on the marquee. There was discussion about the advantages of obtaining an electronic
marquee, but the cost is high.
6. Ms. Vignale stated that she met with Mayor Wagar regarding applying for the PASS grant, with
the goal to obtain a matching grant for the $97,000 committed by MSV for this school year. She
explained that the grant team consists of a representative from the District, the principal, and a
business leader, preferably local, who works with the principal in a mentoring role. Mrs. Walker
agreed to ask Mr. Robert Bourne if he would be willing to serve in the business leader capacity,
given his commitment to our community and schools as well as his evident marketing expertise.
7. Ms. Fraser would like to develop a tool to track our actions, and suggested that it may be time to
create a 5-year plan.
8. Ms. Fraser suggested that we reach out to community members to foster community involvement
with the school.
9. Ms. Fraser offered that many children do not have books at home, and suggested we sponsor a
book drive to collect books and give to MSE students.
10. Ms. Anderson will craft a statement about progress at MSE to be sent out via social media as soon
as the ILA has been officially executed.
11. Ms. Vignale suggested that the Board sponsor a lunch for the MSE faculty and staff; board
members agreed to reach out to local restaurants to see if they would donate food for that event.
12. Ms. Anderson moved to adjourn, Ms. Vignale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The
meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.
Next meeting: Thursday, August 29, 2019, at 6:00pm in the Village Hall Conference Room.