30 NE 96 St (13)LDING :CTRICAL 1MBING -r of ing MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA PERMIT N° 1140 DATE. Contractor's - �f License No, ! 194 Work to be performed under this Permit— r itect — ractor Wder Lot ` 131. •iption I Subdi- vision ess of - +� Value of 11Amt. of f Project Permit ing This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equ `pment or device described in the ition herefor in strict Compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may >ked at any time of the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsi bil icy for a thorough knowledge of finances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in th a statements or specifications and . assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in complianC.e with all ordinances and regula- Pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employ eg, -� ' I CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER 13Y �( i "fIJTHC7t31TY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA JILDING ❑ DATE .ECTIIICAL ❑ PERMIT N? 5 2 0 8 Contractor's .UMBING License No. )OFING ❑ Work to be performed under this Perna Nner of .ilding chitect tntractor - Builder gal Lot 11 Subdi- .�scription I j Bl. vision idress of ,_ j "�+!; , ,f Value of Amount of -•., [ilding Project $ Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application refor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans swings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any ie if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A lurtlier ropdittan- -upon which this permit is rated is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the respar) ibility for a thorough knowledge pf the ordinances and regulations rtaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings qF in the, s tements or specific atl ns Grad that h assumes responsibility for work ne by his agents, servants or employees. f ` BY: -` } Signed: " -- INSPECTOR r In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereun4& in compliance with all ordinances and regula`tla � rtaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In ac- pting this permit J assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. JILDING ❑ '.ECTRICAL ❑ .UMBING )OFING ❑ vner of MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE— PERMIT IV? 5124 Contractor's License No. Work to be performed under this 195 7 ilding A A"- --hitect ntractor Builder J Jal Lot Subdi- scription B1, vision dress of Value of Amount of 'D Iding Project Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application Dior in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans wings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any ) if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is .,ited is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorouqh�k—nciwledge of the ordinances and regulations :aining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the st tements or specifica 6ns and that he assumes responsibility for work e by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations aining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In ac- in his permit assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA LDING DATE 194 - ECTRICAL PERMIT N° 1134 contractor's License No. � JMBING r` Work to be performed under this Permit er of ling i <•. E rt - �° 4 itect r �! ractor iilder f �,. r I Bl. Subdi- Lot a Vision fllitlOn - L ue o Valf Amt. of L- 'eS5 Of Project ..r }. ling ��✓ 1� + '' Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the ation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance :ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may oked at any rime if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knoxvIctige of dinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the p €aqs or drawings or in the statements or specifications and ,c assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employe". i k % "-- �v B Signed: INSPECTOR y In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunderfin compliance with all ordinances and regula• pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores N. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my Wnt, servant or employee. AUTRORITY CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA JILDING DATE ,ECTRICAL PERMIT N° 6473 Contractor's .UMBING License No._ Work to be performed under this Permit_ xner of tilding chitect )ntractor Builder ;gal - scription Lot Bl. Subdi- vision A 194_ ldress of Value of �� Amt. of ' tilding - - Project Permit + This permit is - granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the appli- :ion herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will lie performed in compliance with any ens, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may lie revoked any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this rmit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances toad xulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assuni �� respon- 8ity for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed a By INSPECTOR " In consideration of the issuance to me of this pen-nit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations rtaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans,' drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores.Village. accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee, CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA IL®ING ECTRICAL PERMIT N° MING Work to be performed under this er of ling ®AT 1232 U..d.,•.:a � 194 Contractor's License No. ractor Iilder ` 'C _ Lot I! 131. Subdi- f ] "iption vision # fr r ,ess of Value of Amt. of lin g Project �- �f Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment of device described in the ttion hercfor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance . ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications thar may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. "Phis Pcrmit may eked at any rime if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition .which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of finances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby .,whether shown on the plans. or,,tlraty ni s or in the statements or specifications ana m ts assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servan or employees. . + _ ; ,�- $igne:d: By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- 5ertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores _. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY M MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA M I N G DATE_ CT R I CA L PERMIT 1r �T ? 1118 Cont ractor's JMBING Licei ise No. Work to be performed under this Permit er of 'r ing ractor Lilder Lot /s '� Y 131. `iption �+ '." Subdi- vision M 194 s ess of "� Value of Amt. of �' .� �► S'4 Project Permit r ing — This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equ pment or device described in the ition herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work tivill be performed in compliance ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper rnun. icipal authorities, This Permit may )kcd at any time if the wort: is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without aurhorization. A further condition vhich this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of finances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plar}a or drawings or in Oie statements or specifications and n assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. w f .riicneri^ R , 1 �' Ft In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- iertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shares In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or empioyttc. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE— 194 AL PERMIT NY 1432 Contractor's License No. 4G Work to be performed under this Permit er of wing -- — tractor iilder j I Lot �l gl �Su bdi- CiptiOn on ,ess of �� Value of I Amt. of ling Project 1+ Permit This permit is-granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the ation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may oked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of dinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether ;shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and e assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: By_ =, INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- �ertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores e. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. CTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY WILDING ❑ MIAMI SHORES VILLAGEy FLORIDA IECTRI CAL ❑ Date ILUMBING Q PERMIT -N? 9710 Contractor's - ZOOFING N License No. Work to be performed under this Permit Iwner of 'wilding rchitect . ! ontractor - Builder egal lescription .ddress of uilding _ , 71, Lot Bl. Subdi- vision Sq. Ft. Value of Project i' / Amount of fa_II Permit $ -- - This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the applica- )n herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any ans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this :rmit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and gulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes respon- bility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed" �: d,. �`�' rr_ r (INSPECTOR) BY In consideration of the issuance to me of this per I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulation, :staining thereto and in strict conformity with the plan, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. t accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER BV ATTTHORTTV UILDING ❑ LECTRICAL ❑ LUMBING ❑ OOFING wner of iilding .1 •chitect )ntractor Builder .gal Lot )scription -- idress of .ilding MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE. FLORIDA PERMIT ® 3322 Work to be performed under this Subdi- vision DATA` 195 Contractor's License No. Value of �� Amount of Project $ f Permit - This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application refor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, swings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any ie if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is anted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations rtaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work :ie by ' his agents, servants or employees. Signed: - BY INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereuHder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations rtaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In ac- Aing thic permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, seryant or employee. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER ��' BY AUTHORITY a i' —� Bl. Subdi- vision DATA` 195 Contractor's License No. Value of �� Amount of Project $ f Permit - This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application refor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, swings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any ie if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is anted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations rtaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work :ie by ' his agents, servants or employees. Signed: - BY INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereuHder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations rtaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In ac- Aing thic permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, seryant or employee. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER ��' BY AUTHORITY a r MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE. FLORIDA JILDING ❑ .ECTRICAL ❑ XMBING ❑ :)OFING Q Arner of Aldine chitect )retractor Builder gal Lot PERMIT" N° 5314 Work to be performed under this Permit L + aA DA'TE, m Contractor's License No. Subdi- 195 ascription Bl. vision 1dress of t+ " � r Value of Amount of ` ilding �-� !`� �'` Project $ / Permit $ This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application 7efor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans swings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any e if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is anted is the understamding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations taining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or n , specificatios and that he assumes responsibility for work ie by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: INSPECTOR , In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations staining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In ac- Ming this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agents servant or employee. r'(ITTTn n ('TnD �n VT TTT n-�n ov n t"Uu aery MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA LDING DATE 194 : CT R I CA L PERMIT N? 3946 Contractor's IMBING License No. Work to be performed under this Permit ,r of ing test ,actor ilder _ Lot ll Bl. iption l Subdi. vision -SS of / .,,._. I� Value of j Amt. of ing I Project l Permit Chis permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the tion herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance by plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have baen submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit nhay ,ked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition ehich this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility For a thorough knowledge of linances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and assumes responsibility for work clone by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: By INSPECTOR :n consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- ertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. Mal `. Y t i :7: ��i t C �S ; i7 7 e I f l i i f s1 r l BY AUTHORITY BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ROOFING "N %4 . i )weer of C. iuilding ❑ MIAMI SNORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA ,,._ ., Date > _ 19. PERMIT N? 9958 Contractor's License No. Work to be performed under this Permit lrchitect , ontractor % r Builder .egal Lot )escription I Bl address of iuilding 1 Subdi- vision Sq. Ft. 5 Value of f,- r Amount of j Project $ F'' II Permit This permit is granted to tite contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the applica- ]n herefor in Strict campliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the %cork will be performed in compliance with anv ans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked any time if the work is not done to compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this .rmit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and gulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes rc4pun- bility for work done by his agents, servants or employees, Signed r:�'s ! £. rrf s.t, -� e (INSPECTOR) BY In consideration of the issuance to the of this pernit I a e to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulatiun- Vaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. i accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. - Lose� x l IJILDING Z LECTRICAL ❑ LUMBING ❑ DOPING ❑ .11 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE. FLORIDA ,-? DATE 195 PERMIT N? 5143 Contractor's License No. ❑ Work to be performed under this Permit wner of lilding 'chitect -T )ntractor Builder �gal Lot Subdi- A'I" _" -7, Jo Dscription B1. vision Jdress of ' r Value of Amount of Lilding Project Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application refor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will he performed In compliance with any plans swings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may he revoked at any to if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is rated is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knoyrIddge of the ordinances and regulations rtaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specificotioy(s grad that lie assumes responsibility for work ne by his agents, servants or employees. If , Signed: INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered heregAder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations rtaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitle - d to the proper authorities of. Miami Shores Village. In ac- pting this permit I assume responsibility for a work done by either, myself, my qgent,pA�rvant or employee. r1n7,T1rM A rT V n0 BTTTT A T Tql Tr U ITV MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA I __>` LDING DATE - CTRICAL PERMIT N° 1100 Contractor's / License No. I JMBING Work to be performed under this Permit er of ling, ✓ _� t W� itect— ractor o xilder Lot rtgtion Ip Subdi- vision Amt. of <�-- Value of �}�` _ 'CSS Of �y / Project rt Permit 7 11 ling -' I This permit is granted ro the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the ation hercfor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance :ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may oked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization, A further condition which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knokdedge of dinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby wvhether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and e assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employegs: Signed:� c r y I By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores e. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. '°' CONTRACTOR iOR '13UILD R BY .ry i AUTHORITY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA JILDING ,ECTRICAL PERMIT N ?,.' 400.6 .UMBING Work to be performed under this Permi ,vner of Lilding chitect _. >ntractor Builder ;gal Lot Bl. ascription Subdi- vision DAT Contractor's License No._. 194— ldress of II Value of II Amt. of Lilding I Project Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the etlui ment or device described in the appli- :ion herefox in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work %vi be performed in compliance witli any ins; drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization, A further conditloh upon which this rnait is granted is-the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and ,Illations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the staternents.or specifications and that he assumes respon- %liky for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations rtaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. .tccelzting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. "W' . CONTRACTOR OR BVILDER BY AUTHORITY