2019-04-08 FAC Minutes
Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on April 8, 2019.
Members present:
Susan Ackley
David Baker
Victor Bruce
Joe Clark
Carol Hoffman
Myriad Rojas
Michael Stock
Also present:
Angela Dorney, Recreation Director
Jacqueline Villagran, Community Center/Special Events
Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant
The meeting was called to order at 5:55 pm.
Ms. Hoffman made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2019 meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Clark and unanimously approved.
Add $175 to the financial report for fee for photographer for Commission events for the year,
leaving a balance of $1355 which, Ms. Ackley said, could be used for the expenses for the
October library exhibit. Mr. Bruce suggested that this money could be used as payment for
architectural fees for the next art in public places project. Other suggestions included lighting
for the sculpture park or an additional bench at the park. Ms. Rojas suggested that the extra
funds be used for Egret ads. Mr. Stock made a motion to use the remainder of the
Commission’s FY 2019 budget as a deposit on Egret ads. Motion seconded by Mr.
Bruce and unanimously approved.
Discussion moved to the budget request for FY 2020. A suggestion was made to look into the
rental of a showmobile for the concert series. It was noted that the Village’s portable stage is
not ADA compliant.
Mr. Baker said there is a program called Random Acts of Culture in which performers go
around to locations such as Publix or Starbucks and have pop up performances of 15-20
minutes to audiences of 75-100 people. The cost would be approximately $350 for the
performers. Ms. Ackley suggested having these performances three times during the year
and advertising would not be needed.
Discussion turned to changing the Commission’s meeting time in the future. Mr. Stock
suggested a temporary trial time change for the start of meetings to 5:45 pm for the remainder
of this fiscal year. Commission members agreed to this change.
Discussion turned to the Miami Shores Community Alliance Grant. Last year the Commission
received $4500 for the concert series. Ms. Ackley suggested asking for $4500 again this year.
Ms. Rojas suggested adding additional money for a showmobile. Ms. Rojas said the
estimated rental cost of a showmobile is $1600/day. Ms. Dorney noted that fire permits cost
$350 and a portable lift was put into capital for next year which cost $20,000. Ms. Rojas
made a motion to request $5500 from MSCA, which includes $4500 for the concerts and
$1000 for fire permits. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved.
Pictures for the proposed utility boxes from artist Courtney Einhorn were shown to the
Commission. The Commission would like to see additional options from Ms. Einhorn due to
the similarity in color palettes in the options provided. If no other options are available,
members suggested placing the similar options in opposite areas of the Village. The original
samples that the artist provided were thematic of various animals.
Mr. Clark presented a proposal of $4700 from Brothers of Light to paint the mural wall in front
of Village Hall. Mr. Clark can also present other local artists to paint the mural. One
recommended artist is Jona Cerwinske. Mr. Clark will bring samples and cost estimate on the
mural wall from Mr. Cerwinske to the May meeting.
It was noted there were many empty seats at the Dance Now performance even though it was
sold out.
It was noted that the Commission’s annual report to Council is on May 21.
It was noted that Mr. Bruce has offered to help with the graphic design of the Commission’s
flyers with the existing files from Ms. Rojas’.
It was related that the Commission has been admonished of Sunshine Law violations and
needs to be careful of discussions in the future.
Discussion turned to changing the Commission’s name to Miami Shores Arts Commission.
Ms. Rojas, Mr. Baker, Mr. Bruce and Ms. Ackley voted to change the name; Mr. Stock and Mr.
Clark voted to keep the existing name.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.