CEB MINUTES 2019-02-071
Thursday, February 7, 2019
The meeting of the Miami Shores Village Code Enforcement Board was held on Thursday February 7,
2019, at the Miami Shores Village Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. by Vice Chairman,
Rod Buenconsejo.
Roll Call.
Present: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys Coia, Chairman
Rod Buenconsejo.
Mr. Ronnie Guillen came in at 6:10 PM
Will everyone that is going to testify tonight please raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth.
In Attendance
Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney
Lazaro Remond, Code Compliance Director
Michael Orta, Code Compliance Officer
Mariana Gracia, Code Enforcement Clerk
Case # 000226-2019
Theodore, Mariatar
282 NW 111 Terrace
The Code Compliance Director, Lazaro Remond, testified as to the violations considered for this case.
Mr. Daniel Geomatis for Ms. Mariatar Theodore. Staff testified that Mr. Geomatis is the person that he
has been talking. Mr. Geomatis agrees that there are violations. Staff testified as to the things that need
to comply the violations. The Board asked questions. Mr. Geomatis testified that he had been working to
remove the violations. He will do everything possible to comply the violations. Staff went over the
violations and showed pictures of them. Four months to comply is what Mr. Geomatis asked for to
comply, and Staff agrees. The Board asked questions. Staff explained why four months is the time
recommended by Staff. There was a brief explanation of the annexed area by Mr. Sarafan. The Board
asked questions.
Motion by Mr. Huber, with respect to case 000226-2019 I move for finding of fact in conclusion of
law that there exists a violation of the aforementioned sections of the Miami Shores Village Code,
The offending party shall such violations within 120 days and shall immediately notify Code
Enforcement Officer when the property is brought into compliance, if the violation is not brought
into compliance at the time the Code Enforcement Officer may report back to the Board and in
such event a fine is automatically authorized to be assessed cost in the amount of $50.00 is assessed
to recoup the Village’s expense of this violation to date and $50.00 per violation.
Motion: Mr. Patrick Huber, Seconded by Mr. Robert Vickers and the Motion unanimously
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys
Coia, Vice Chairman Rod Buenconsejo.
Case # 000160-2019
Castant, Wentchell J
581 NW 112 Street
Ms. Vierla Castant was present of behalf of Wentchell J. Castant. She states that the property is a duplex
and she lives in one of the duplex. Lazaro Remond testified that he had been in contact with the resident
and read in all the violations for this case. He recommended 120 days for the violator to come into
compliance. Mr. Sarafan asked questions. Ms. Castant agrees that there are violations. She said that the
dirty sidewalk that has already been fixed. She went over the violations that she still needed to fix. She
feels she needs more time because of the parking. Mr. Remond states that this violation requires a permit
that will give them extra time to comply. The Board went over the six violations stated in this case and
asked Ms. Castant if she understands this. Ms. Castant indicates she understands. The Board asked to see
the photos. The Board asked questions. Mr. Sarafan states that under our Code residents are required two
parking spots on their property. The Board asked questions about how Ms. Castant is going to cure some
of the violations. Discussion took place at this time about how much time to allow curing the violations.
The Board asked when the homeowner were aware that they needed a new driveway. The Homeowners
notified a year ago, Staff responded.
Motion with respect to case 000160-2019 I move for a finding of fact in conclusion of law that there
exists a violation of the aforementioned Miami Shores Village Code. The offending party shall
apply for and receive a permit within 45 days and also shall correct all violations within 180 days
and shall immediately notify the Code Enforcement Officer when the property is brought into
compliance. If the violation is not brought into compliance by the time the Code Compliance
Officer may report to the Board and in such event a fine is hereby authorized to be automatically
assessed against the violator in the amount of $50.00 per violation a day thereafter which will
constitute a lien on the property of the violator. Cost in the amount of $50.00 is hereby assessed to
recoup the Villages expenses in prosecuting the violation to date.
Motion by Mr. Patrick Huber, Seconded by Ms. Gladys Coia and the Motion unanimously
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys
Coia, Vice Chairman Rod Buenconsejo.
Paul Tyrone Lewis
11200 NW 5th Avenue
Officer Remond testified to the violations for this case. Sharon Lewis was present to testify on behalf of
her brother Paul Tyrone Lewis who is her brother. They accept that there is a violation. Officer Remond
recommends 120 days to comply. The property currently rented, 30 days to replace the mailbox
recommended by Officer Remond. Ms. Lewis asked questions. Officer Remond states that if there is a
litigation with the Tenants he is willing to give the owner extra time. Ms. Lewis states that the car
violation is a challenge and would like 90 days to comply this violation. Mr. Sarafan asked questions.
Ms. Lewis gave a brief explanation of the situation with the tenant. The owners are currently dealing with
this situation in order to resolve the violations. Ms. Lewis requests more time to comply the violations.
Mr. Sarafan states that the property owner is ultimately the responsible party for the property. Ms. Lewis
requested more time to comply. The Board asked questions. Ms. Lewis responded that the time to
comply would depend on how fast of a response she receives from the Tenant. Staff said they would
assist the owner with the process. The Board asked questions. Ms. Lewis explained the process of the
receipt of the violation. The mailbox, the inoperable vehicle and the rubbish/garbage on the property is
what needs to comply. The Board asked questions to Mr. Sarafan.
Motion with respect to case 000084-2019 I move for finding of fact that there exists a violation of
the aforementioned Code of the Miami Shores the offending party shall correct all violations within
30 days and shall immediately notify the code enforcement officer when the property is brought
into compliance if the violation is not brought into compliance the Code Enforcement Officer may
report back to the Board and in such event a fine is hereby automatically assessed against the
violator in the amount of 50.00 per violation per day a day after which will constitute a lien on the
property of the violator, cost in the amount of 50.00 is hereby assessed to recoup the Village’s
expenses to prosecute the violations to date.
Motion by Mr. Patrick Huber, Seconded by Ms. Darci Cohen and the Motion approved
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys
Coia, Vice Chairman Rod Buenconsejo.
Case #000149-2019
Amalfy Galloso
1090 NE 105 Street
Officer Remond testified that the violation is for Noise and Maintaining a Nuisance. A police report has
been created regarding the Nuisance. Officer Remond read the police report aloud. Amalfy Gayoso was
present and accepts that there is a violation. Ms. Gayoso testified that the Management company they had
had been fired and they have a new company now. The Board asked questions.
Motion with respect to case #000149-2019 I move for finding of fact in conclusion of law that there
exists an irreparable violation of the aforementioned code of the Village of Miami Shores. The
offending party has already corrected the violation. Cost in the amount $50.00 are hereby assessed
to recoup the villages expenses in prosecuting the violation to date.
Motion by Mr. Patrick Huber, Seconded by Ms. Darci Cohen and the Motion unanimously
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys
Coia, Vice Chairman Rod Buenconsejo.
Daniela Apelliccotti
10585 NE 6th Avenue
Ms. Apelliccotti was present to testify. Officer Remond testified that this is a first offense for advertising
the property for short-term rental. She is no longer renting the property. Advertising without a permit.
Ms. Appelliccotti testified that she did not know that she needed a permit. There were no questions from
the Board.
Motion with respect to case #019833-2018 I move for finding of fact in conclusion of law that there
exists an irreparable violation of the aforementioned Miami Shores Code. Cost in the amount of
$50.00 is hereby assessed to recoup the Village’s expenses in prosecuting the violation to date.
Motion by Mr. Patrick Huber, Seconded by Ms. Darci Cohen and the Motion approved
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys
Coia, Vice Chairman Rod Buenconsejo.
Summary Adjudication for 1st Hearings: Case(s): 000159-2019; 000713-2019; 019618-2018; 3-18-
17525; 5-18-17793; 7-18-18105; 8-18-18318; 019505-2018; 019579-2018; 019684-2018; 019803-2018.
The officer, Lazaro Remond, testified that Affidavits of Non-Compliance and evidence of violation exists
in each of the files.
Motion: I move for summary adjudication of all such cases to include a finding of fact and
conclusion of law that a violation exists as charged in the respective notice of violations issued
therein and that, in each such case, the offending party shall correct the violation within time
period specified and immediately notify the Code Enforcement Officer when the property is
brought into compliance. In each such case, if the violation is not brought into compliance within
such time period, the Code Enforcement Officer may report this fact back to the Board in
accordance with the Board’s Rules and Regulations at which time a fine is hereby authorized to be
automatically assessed against the violator. In the respective daily amounts specified in staff’s
recommendations for tonight’s hearing, retroactive to the original compliance deadline. Further,
with respect to each such case, costs in the amounts specified in Staff’s recommendations for
tonight’s hearings are hereby assessed in order to recoup the Village’s expenses in prosecuting the
violations to date.”
Moved by Mr. Patrick Huber, seconded by Darci Cohen
Vote: Motion unanimously approved.
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys
Coia, Vice Chair Rod Buenconsejo.
Case #019628-2018
Eric Afflerbach
146 NE 98 Street
Mr. Afflerbach was present to testify. Officer Orta testified that the case has not been complied. Mr.
Afflerbach would like more time to get the ground cover more uniform looking. He believes that the
ground cover needs more time to grow. He asked the Board for 60 more days. The Board asked questions
about the time Mr. Afflerbach is asking for. Officer Orta testified that the planting is unsightly. Officer
Orta testified that Mr. Afflerbach planted ground cover that was to require less maintenance. The Board
asked questions. Mr. Afflerbach testified that when the ground cover grows it looks uniform. He said, is
not there yet. Officer Orta testified that he met with the landscape architect and found out that the type of
landscape he specializes in requires less maintenance. The Board asked questions. Mr. Sarafan asked
questions. Officer Orta recommended 60 days to comply.
Motion to continue case #019628-2018 for 60 days.
Motion by Mr. Patrick Huber, Seconded by Ms. Darci Cohen and the Motion approved 4-2.
Yes: Mr. Patrick Huber, Mr. Ronnie Guillen, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys Coia
No: Mr. Robert Vickers, Vice Chair Rod Buenconsejo.
Summary Adjudication for Penalty Hearings: Case #’s: 7-17-16677; 019583-2018; 019584-2018;
8-18-18248; 019617-2018.
The officer, Lazaro Remond, testified that Affidavits of Non-Compliance and evidence of violation exists
in each of the files.
Motion: I move that, in each case currently remaining on the penalty docket for tonight’s hearing,
each respective violator be ordered to pay the daily fine previously adjudicated and authorized to
be imposed against them by prior order of the Board, retroactive from the day the violation was to
have been corrected, that upon recording, the Board’s Order in this regard will constitute a lien on
the property of the violator.
Moved by Mr. Patrick Huber, seconded by Mr. Robert Vickers
Motion approved 5-0.
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Mr. Mr. Patrick Huber, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys Coia, Vice Chair
Rod Buenconsejo.
Not present at this time: Mr. Ronnie Guillen
Case: 2-18-17325
Citi Mortgage, Inc.
338 NW 111 Terrace
Jarred Sandell representing Citi Mortgage as an authorized agent. Citi has transferred some homes to a
company called Bella Development is a company that purchases notes and REO properties and then re-
sells them, Mr. Sandell testified. He testified that this company has authorized him to come before the
Board to request relief. Mr. Sarafan spoke about Mr. Sandell having a Power of attorney next time. The
Board asked questions. Mr. Sandell gave a brief explanation as to why the property was assessed a lien.
The Board asked questions.
Motion: That upon receipt of $4,000.00 payable within 30 days that the lien be released.
Moved by Mr. Robert Vickers, seconded by Ms. Gladys Coia
Vote: Motion Passed 4-1
Yes: Mr. Robert Vickers, Ms. Darci Cohen, Ms. Gladys Coia, Vice Chair Rod Buenconsejo
No: Mr. Patrick Huber
Minutes for December 6, 2018
Motion to approve the December 6, 2018 minutes made by Mr. Patrick Huber, seconded by Ms. Darci
Cohen, and the Motion was approved 5-0.
Mr. Sarafan asked for the appointment of a Chairman scheduled for next meeting. The Board asked Mr.
Sarafan for an update to the Motel situation. Mr. Sarafan gave a brief explanation of what is happening
with the Motel. The Board asked staff about the demolition permit. Staff testified that there is no contact
with the Motel owner. Mr. Sarafan added that there were some criminal cases involved in this matter.
The next meeting will be on March 7, 2019
February 7, 2019 Code Board meeting adjourned.
________________________________ _____________________________
Lazaro Remond, Code Compliance Director Rod Buenconsejo, Vice Chairman